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securimage's Issues

Can't load image

Hello @dapphp !

At first, thank you for amazing and hard work!
I beg for help. I lose so much time to figure out a problem.
I've used your product for my project. It worked everything perfect at localhost. But when i publish it to a server (nginx), i can't even get loaded image. Sound loads well, but image won't display, and refresh button does not work.

There is errors

  • Console:
    screenshot from 2017-09-26 17 30 44

  • Network tab:
    screenshot from 2017-09-27 10 26 06

  • Error log on server:
    screenshot from 2017-09-27 10 26 21

This is how it's looks like in form:
screenshot from 2017-09-27 10 34 17

  • Inspect element:
    screenshot from 2017-09-26 17 30 30

Thank you for you time!

Support HTTP range request for audio captcha


  1. Audio captcha does not support iOS devices.
  2. Safari of iOS initiates numerous HTTP range requests of audio file and server must return partial content to make the audio playable.
  3. Audio captcha must return exactly the same generated wav file within the same session so that the return of range request can be combined correctly on Safari.

The following quick and dirty proof of concept has been made for a workable demonstration:-

Not working in MSIE 8

This works fine in FF so I'm pretty sure it is all setup correctly. But in MSIE 8 it is not working. the session info is not being saved correctly or is getting overwritten. I did notice that if I refresh the image before submitting that it will work. If you do not refresh the value that it is comparing is not the value that was in the image. Instead of really debugging, I wrote some JS to reload the image after the page load to get it to work.

Audio is not working on iOS / Safari (with no mp3 support)

I'm trying to make the audio work on my iPad / iPhone (with Safari), but it doesn't. The audio button renders the "loading" image after clicking it, but it stays in this state and no audio is played. The HTTP request is well processed (I checked in the Apache's log), and no error is triggered in the outputAudioFile() method either. I also tested using the "captcha.html" file provided with the package, and it doesn't work too (whereas everything works well on my computer, using Chrome, Firefox or MSIE). I've tested the demo on the site, and I have no issue with my iPad. The only difference between your site and my server seems to be that Lame is not enabled on my side, so only wave audio is supported. Is that the point? Are iOS devices only supporting MP3 audio files?
Could you please check out that the audio works for you on iOS if the MP3 / Lame support is not available?
Thanks a lot for your help.

Speed decrease since 3.0.1


Just a quick heads-up.

For the SWF changes I updated the securimage code to the latest sources from gihub. In 3.0.1 the audio gets cut off sometimes.

Audio generation is stable now compared to 3.0.1, but the generation speed has decreased significantly. While audio does not get cut off any more, it takes considerably longer before the audio generation is finished.

Clash with Mod_Security - Causing HTTP Response Splitting Attack

I have implemented this solution for a client and we started to see the following errors come through on Mod_Security.

[Thu Oct 18 15:10:14 2012] [error] [client] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 400 (phase 2). Pattern match "%0[ad]" at REQUEST_URI. [file "/etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_40_generic_attacks.conf"] [line "211"] [id "950910"] [msg "HTTP Response Splitting Attack"] [data "%0d"] [severity "ALERT"] [hostname ""] [uri "/rs/quote-submit/"] [unique_id "UIBUFkWgOwcAABbhfmMAAABM"]

external icon for audio btn

please remove default sound icon form audio btn, when external icon is set, otherwise default icon is visible until external is loaded

Custom items and Blocks not having their textures

My custom items aren't displaying their texture, the URL is valid, it still says their custom item name, and still works like that item. it just doesn't have the texture. My block issue is that i can't destroy them once they are placed. But they do have the right texture on the ground but not in my hand. Spout Build: 545. Thats the latest for bukkit 1492.

DB storage with load balancer

I got some problems get securimage working in combination with a load balancer. Normal session validation only works by writing them to database. And $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], which is used as identifier in db also doesn't return the endusers ip, but one of the loadbalancing server. So, captcha code validates only each x times, hitting the right server..
Quick and easy solution for me was to enable db storage, disable session storage, but do an initial session_start() and then replace each $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] with session_id() in securimage.php

Captcha not worked in PHP 7.3.0

Validation stopped working after version upgrade! It used to be php 7.0.
The new php issued a warning and I had to add such a line before session_start:
session_save_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tmp'); And now checking captcha: if(!(new Securimage())->check($_POST['code']))`
not worked. In folder tmp create's file sess_10053rpm3n10dsa19392nlh9et

insert code cyhm8sc and not worked

bots defeating securimage

I have securimage on dozens of websites, which has worked well for a long time, but in the past week, many are getting tons of spam. I have tried increasing the number of lines, upped the perturbation, switched a couple to use the math problem, but the spam continues.

Any suggestions on other tweaks to stymie the bots?

Setting font ratio does not work

$img->font_ratio = 0.7; just sets default value 0.4 does not set to 0.7;

Line = 1409: $ratio = ($this->font_ratio) ? $this->font_ratio : 0.4;
Quick fix:
Changed to $ratio = ($this->font_ratio !=null) ? $this->font_ratio : 0.4;
and worked;

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect

Warning: is_executable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/bin/lame) is not within the allowed path(s): (/:/) in /***/vendor/dapphp/securimage/securimage.php on line 1361

securimage 3.6.5

workaround: option 'show_audio_button' => false for getCaptchaHtml

Background color for flash button

Flash button is capable of loading custom images with a transparent BG, but flash itself will not be transparent through to the browser background.

Need to add the ability to pass a background color via the URL to flash to set the background color of the stage so the transparent images shows through to the set background.

Multiple forms validate randomly with setNamespace

I have multiple forms on a page which seem to validate strangely or randomly.

  1. If I enter the first code correctly, the same form will validate correctly every time until the code is entered incorrectly. After this validation always fails until I click on the image to reload it, then it all starts fine.
  2. Regardless of the 1st form processed, any other form fails validation until the image is clicked to reload. Then it start passing as in point 1.

Namespaces don't seem to help.

This is the view.php:

echo '<div class="form-group">';
    echo $form->text('code'.$bUID, $code);
echo '</div>';

This is the controller.php:

if (!$captcha->check('code')) {
    array_push($this->form_errors, $this->error_code);

The $bUID is a unique form block number, that is each form field is unique.

Looks like even though each form is unique, the Securimage image is created one for all, not as one for each form. And the namespaces don't help for some reason.

Is there any way to create a captcha image with a unique code and path for each unique form?

JS: copyElement() method doesn't exist

When I try to use the 3.6 version of Securimage on IE11, I've got the following JS error: copyElement() method doesn't exist. Indeed, I look into the securimage.js file, and the method is used but is not implemented. Maybe this is a JS core method, but it seems not to be understood my MSIE.
Could you please look into this?
Thanks a lot for your work.

first captcha code always wrong

I have this snippet in a form

<div class="col-md-6 form-group" style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 2em;">
                <a href="#" class="pull-right captcha-link" onclick="document.getElementById('captcha').src = '/assets/securimage/securimage_show.php?' + Math.random(); return false"><img src="/assets/securimage/images/refresh.png" style="width: 30px;"></a>
                  <img id="captcha" src="/assets/securimage/securimage_show.php" alt="CAPTCHA Image">
                  <input type="text" id="captcha_code" class="form-control required" size="10" maxlength="6">

Once the user enteres the characters there is an ajax triggered to a file containing
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/assets/securimage/securimage.php");

$securimage = new Securimage();
$result = array();

if($securimage->check($_POST["captcha_code"]) == false){
  // the code was incorrect
	$result["succcess"] = false;
	$result["error"] = $_POST["captcha_code"];
	echo json_encode($result);
	$result["succcess"] = true;
	$result['data'] = '<input type="hidden" name="cap" value="approved">';
	echo json_encode($result);


yet every initial time this event is triggered, even if the code is correct I get a return as false.
If I refresh the captcha, then enter the code it works just fine
If I do a js to trigger a click() on the a tag holding the captcha, again it works fine
But that first time on page load, never, even works the first time.

What could I be doing wrong? I have tried putting session_start() at begining on file and this does nothing.

Remove Flash fallback and come up with workaround for wav only in IE

The upcoming 4.0 release is removing Flash audio fallback. Since no present versions of Internet Explorer support WAV in HTML5 audio and most people probably won't have LAME installed or know how to set it up, it's probably necessary to come up with an alternative for IE.

One possibility is to use the existing IE detection in securimage.js to go old school and drop an tag in the DOM for IE to play when the button is pressed.

Security of generated codes

In Securimage::generateCode you generate random strings with php rand function which is not cryptographically secure.

As stated in

This function does not generate cryptographically secure values, and should not be used for cryptographic purposes. If you need a cryptographically secure value, consider using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() instead.

The problem with string not being cryptographically secure is that you can predict next values if you gather enough data. See here.

Here user proposes mt_rand secure replacement which uses openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function. I will the paste code here:

function crypto_rand_secure($min, $max) {
        $range = $max - $min;
        if ($range == 0) return $min; // not so random...
        $log = log($range, 2);
        $bytes = (int) ($log / 8) + 1; // length in bytes
        $bits = (int) $log + 1; // length in bits
        $filter = (int) (1 << $bits) - 1; // set all lower bits to 1
        do {
            $rnd = hexdec(bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($bytes, $s)));
            $rnd = $rnd & $filter; // discard irrelevant bits
        } while ($rnd >= $range);
        return $min + $rnd;

crypto_rand_secure generates decimal random number between $min and $max decimal values.

I would like you to consider using this function instead of rand function. Of course Securimage would then be dependent on OpenSSL but then you could make fallback with:

if(! function_exists("openssl_random_pseudo_bytes"))
    // use rand
    // use openssl_random_pseudo_bytes

I could make pull request if you want (and if you agree with this whole argument ;) ).

Issue with github repository

I'm experiencing some trouble with your github repository.

When I try to add it as submodule to my project, I get the following error:

git submodule add modules/captcha/vendor/securimage

Cloning into modules/captcha/vendor/securimage...
remote: Counting objects: 271, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (219/219), done.
remote: Total 271 (delta 74), reused 244 (delta 47)
Receiving objects: 100% (271/271), 2.05 MiB | 1.03 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (74/74), done.
error: refs/remotes/origin/master does not point to a valid object!
error: Trying to write ref refs/heads/master with nonexistant object 1471a71
fatal: Cannot update the ref 'HEAD'.
Clone of '' into submodule path 'modules/captcha/vendor/securimage' failed

Is there anything you or me can do about that?

Thanks for your help

Pull test script into repository

On the Website, you make a test script available so prospective users can check that securimage will work in their environment. Unfortunately, it does not appear to be anywhere in this repository! This makes it somewhat difficult to offer enhancements.

example php's email validation bug


I've implemented a contact form with the example at the root folder but it doesn't take email with '-' in it. [email protected] say "email invalid".

maybe use a simpler regex or a comment as reminder that regex aren't valuable solution to email validation...

origin/master does not point to valid object

i recently tried to clone your repo and encountered an error:

$ git clone 'git://'
Cloning into securimage...
remote: Counting objects: 587, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (373/373), done.
remote: Total 587 (delta 252), reused 539 (delta 205)
Receiving objects: 100% (587/587), 10.20 MiB | 1.01 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (252/252), done.
error: refs/remotes/origin/master does not point to a valid object!
error: Trying to write ref refs/heads/master with nonexistant object b3e4d81a88549b3acb035d7e7846eda96f1cd72a
fatal: Cannot update the ref 'HEAD'.

just wanted to let you know about this issue (might run git remote prune origin according to google)

securimage audio

Hello Drew,
Securimage audio button not show up in html code. When open URL in separate window it play audio. How to troubleshoot it ?


How to change audio file

Hi there, I'd like to know how to change default audio files :
This does not work

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/dapphp/securimage/securimage.php';
echo Securimage::getCaptchaHtml([
	'audio_path' => __DIR__ . '/php/secureimage/audio/en/'

When I read docs :

$img = new Securimage();
$img->audio_path = $img->securimage_path . '/audio/de/'; // switch to German

but how do I then call a static method with an instanciated class ?

Thanks for your lights !

Session management

It should have ability to manage the session object in some cases. e.g

$secureImage = new Securimage(array('session_object' => $sessionObject));

if the session_object is not provided then it will use $_SESSION.

By doing this way it's easier to mock that object for testing also.

To ensure the passed session object (or storage object) is valid, you can write an interface for it :)

Excise GPL-licensed dependencies

It appears that securimage is intended to be mostly unrestricted in its use, considering the use of the BSD 2-Clause license in LICENSE.txt, and on the use of "BSD" in the license key of composer.json.

Unfortunately, the PopForge flash library on which it depends is licensed under GPLv3. The icons from the Humility pack are also licensed under (some version of) GPL. The GPL is, by design, viral; since securimage uses these components, the entire work is must be treated as effectively licensed under the GPL.

This is not immediately obvious, and does not seem desirable in a work nominally released under a permissive license like BSD 2. Finding more compatibly-licensed components seems desirable.

I am not a lawyer, etc.

Securimage uses inline CSS and JavaScript and therefore needs unsafe Content Security Policy

Securimage currently uses inline CSS and JavaScript in several situations, especially for reloading the captcha image and playing audio. Therefore it is necessary to allow inline scripts and styles in the Content Security Policy HTTP headers which is a potential security issue. Would it be possible to completely separate HTML, CSS and JavaScript using id and class attributes for CSS and JavaScript hook-ins?

si_captcha_mathmatic and getCaptchaHtml() not working

I would expect the following code to generate a math captcha, but it keeps generating an alphanumeric captcha.

    $securimage = new Securimage([
    echo $securimage->getCaptchaHtml();

Optional path and filename for si.error_log

Please add options to change the path and filename for errorlog file. I build a plugin for CMS CONTENIDO 4.9 and this cms has its own path for all logs. So i wanna save logs of securimage there, because the user can view all logs in backend of cms.

regards from germany

passing $_POST['code'] to check() is not always a string

So either please change the documentation/examples how to use the check() function or do a test within the check function if the parameter is really a string before passing it to validate().

If someone changes in a form input-tag from name="code" to name="code[blabla]", $_POST['code'] is passed as an array by PHP.

And then you get

Warning: strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /***/dapphp/securimage/securimage.php on line 2358

(securimage 3.6.5)

Cannot set session name in secureimage_show.php

Cannot set session name within secureimage_show.php
$img->session_name = "MYSESSION";
constructor sets the session for the default php session value;

but it works if I change the session_name in securimage.php;

I think before the session start in constructor session name should be passed.

Feature-Request: configurable letter-spacing

Hey Drew,

while experimenting with different Fonts I noticed that it would be very handy to be able to configure letter-spacing for the Captcha - as some Fonts tend to be very tight together (unreadable) and others tend to be too wide ...
Maybe it would make sense to add this as an Option? ;-)

Andreas Schnederle-Wagner

btw) my current config/font (at Site bottom) - guess that should be bot-proof again ;-):

Playing audio captcha with keyboard (accessibility and keyboard navigation)

Hi drew !
Would you know if it’s possible to start playing the audible captcha through javascript ?
Indeed, it would make the captcha more accessible for visually disabled people who can’t view the captcha on the page or use the keyboard navigation.
I managed to refresh the picture successfully by adding a link and a onclick event… but I can’t read the captcha (I can give the focus to the object through a link but don’t know what to put in the onclick event to actually read the captcha).
Thanks for your help,
Alexboss 8)

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