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TRIPLE training session : The ORE platform

Title of the resource

The ORE platform

Resource type

Captured Event

Authors, editors and contributors

Francesca Di Donato,Emma Lazzeri, Ilaria Fava

Topics (keywords)

Open Science, Open Research Europe platform, publishing platforms, Horizon Europe, Scientific Communication, Open Peer Review

Learning outcomes

The new platform will make it easy for Horizon 2020 beneficiaries to comply with the EU Open Access terms of funding at no cost to them. It offers to the researchers a free publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open and constructive research discussions. Even if the EU-funded project has ended, publications stemming from the project can be submitted. Each publication must have at least one author who has been, or still is, a recipient of an EU grant.


🏠 Venue: Virtual event via Zoom
📋 Slides: []
📽 Recording:[]

A webinar about the new Open Access Publishing Platform Open Research Europe (ORE) – what it is and how it works.

On the Horizon 2020 website of the EU the service is described as follows: “ORE is a new, free, open access, peer-review publishing platform for the publication of results stemming from EU-funded research. It publishes articles categorised in six subject areas: Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. For each of the six categories, there are different kind of types of publications, ranging from research articles, to brief reports, essays, data, method articles, etc.

The ORE website currently contains all necessary guidance (policies, publishing process, Scientific Advisory Board and FAQ) as well as information and instructions for the submission workflow. The platform is now open for submissions but the full range of functionalities (search, grouping per areas and thematic gateways) will become active only at the time of the formal launch, in March 2021.”

Preview issues with yarn install and yarn develop

Hi Stefan,

Sorry to bother you, but I have been having some real problems with getting a preview of the DARIAH-Campus site on my Macbook. Both Toma and I have been trying to fix this over the past week, and while he is able to run it without any problems on his Macbook, I am continuing to get the same errors. Toma has tried his best to fix this, but he is unable to reproduce the errors I am getting. I am working in the main DARIAH-Campus repository, in the Master branch.

The steps taken today that have resulted in the same issue are:

Cloned DARIAH-Campus main repository to my Macbook hard drive
Ran 'brew install' and then 'brew upgrade' in Terminal.
Ran 'yarn install' in the DARIAH-Campus folder
Ran 'yarn develop'
cleared the cache on my browser
once 'yarn develop' finished running, pasted the link into the browser.

While the home page for DARIAH-Campus is previewing without issue, the 'Resources' page keeps showing errors.

I attach screengrabs of the 'Resources' page, and the full output of yarn install and yarn develop from the terminal.

Terminal Yarn install yarn develop issues 23 Mar 2020.pdf
Screenshot 2020-03-23 at 15 00 16

If you have any suggestions for how we can fix this, that would be really helpful. If you need more info, do let me know.



[new resource]: DARIAH-DE Publikator Video Tutorial

Title of the resource

DARIAH-DE Publikator: Video Tutorial

Resource type

External Resource

Authors, editors and contributors


Topics (keywords)

repository, publication, FAIR, data management

Learning outcomes

Learners will:

  • get to know the DARIAH-DE Repository and its publication tool, the DARIAH-DE Publikator;
  • receive a step-by-step guide on how to upload data(-sets) into the Repository and how to index them with meta data;
  • be encourage to use the tool for their own data management and publication.


The video tutorial, which is embedded into the DHd / TextGrid Youtube channel, provides a step-by-step guide through the DARIAH-DE Publiaktor, a tool that enables its users to upload data(-sets) into the DARIAH-DE Reposiotry and index them with meta data. The tool is part of the larger DARIAH-DE Data Federation Architecture, aiming to support the FAIRification of research data with regards to the research data life cycle.

The video provides both information about DARIAH-DE and an easy to follow guide through the tool. It is about 20 mins long.
The language is German.

lightbox on images

Hi @stefanprobst ,

can we use images in a lightbox, i.e. click on the image to display a bigger overlay of the same image? If yes, can you show me an example?

All best,

Further improvements to Cite As needed

With the DARIAH-DE resource in preparation #69, we don't have a citeable remote host, because this resource is currently categorized as "dariah".

If we introduce a new category dariah-de, which we should, we should still, be able to use both cateogries. and Cite As should pick as the remote host platform the info from dariah-de, not dariah...

OR, more likely,

explicitly set a remoteHost field which can override the info which comes from categories...

How to add links to Event Sessions

Dear @VickyGarnett,

you asked me yesterday how to add links to full papers for the Swiss event you're working on.

Right above <Speakers>, you should do:

<Link link="">Get full paper</Link>

to get this:

Скриншот 2020-04-30 11 59 37

If you use only <Link link=""/>, the user will see "" as the link to click on.

Two caveats:

  • on your fork, make sure you fetch and merge from upstream first, to get my latest commit, which allows us to control the text displayed to the user as part of the link
  • if I remember correctly, the Swiss use two different repositories to store their papers, so I would recommend that you indicate that in the text: "Get full paper from HAL" and "Get full paper from Zenodo" or whatever repository they use.

Let me know if you have any questions. If this works for you, you can close this issue.

Google Analytics

  • we need to install a Google Anayltics plugin for Gatsby
  • i'll get the credentials

Social media buttons do not include the url

The twitter and facebook buttons at the end of each resource do not work as intended. Each should — in addition to the title of the resource also include the url. On twitter we also add via @dariah-eu, which should stay as is.

styling headings

3rd and 4th-level headings are not distinguishable in terms of styling:

Скриншот 2019-11-04 10 48 13

I would like 2nd, 3rd and 4th-level headings to have distinguishable styles.

also, what did we end up saying about first-level heading? i.e. if the markdown file head (in addition to the metadata field title) a title as # Title — will we suppress it? I think we should, but I'm not sure we do.

I think our argument was as follows: authors may choose to use the first-level, i.e. title headings in their local environments for previewing etc. but we should ignore those and use the title from the metadata.

running DC without Algolia credentials

Hi Stefan.

Currently, we have to have ALGOLIA API keys etc. in order to run D-C locally. I've shared the keys with my DARIAH colleagues, but I think we need a different approach for external contributors to D-C who want to run the server locally while working on their training materials.

I was wondering if we could do something about it. Could we for instance refactor the code to NOT use Algolia if there are no Algolia credentials on the systems and in those cases reuse our old JS code for search, i.e. essentially avoiding Algolia altogether?

Or is .env.production something we can and should share with everybody?

I'm open to other suggestions of course.

All best,

Panel component throws error and prevents build without an empty line

If we have a panel component and then markdown content inside, without an empty line, gatsby will throw errors and not rebuild that page. This is what doesn't work:

**Title:** Title of the resource.<br/> **Date:** Date of publication.<br/>
**Teaser description (<100 words):** A short description of the resource in
fewer than 100 words.<br/> **Detailed description (<300 words):** A description
of the resource in fewer than 300 words.<br/> **Author:** The author(s) of the
resource.<br/> **Contributors:** Any other contributors to the resource.<br/>
**Editors:** Any editors (if required)<br/> **Lead project / Lead institution:**
The name of the project or lead institution that created the resource.<br/>
**Keywords:** As many keywords as are relevant for the resource.<br/>
**Domain:** A field of science or expertise covered by the resource.<br/>
**Competence level:** Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.

And this works:


**Title:** Title of the resource.<br/> **Date:** Date of publication.<br/>
**Teaser description (<100 words):** A short description of the resource in
fewer than 100 words.<br/> **Detailed description (<300 words):** A description
of the resource in fewer than 300 words.<br/> **Author:** The author(s) of the
resource.<br/> **Contributors:** Any other contributors to the resource.<br/>
**Editors:** Any editors (if required)<br/> **Lead project / Lead institution:**
The name of the project or lead institution that created the resource.<br/>
**Keywords:** As many keywords as are relevant for the resource.<br/>
**Domain:** A field of science or expertise covered by the resource.<br/>
**Competence level:** Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.


Can this be fixed?

Add Orcid to list of social media fields for people

Hi Stefan.

We would like to add Orcid to the list of available social media options in people.yaml and then have it displayed in the events template, if available

- name: DARIAH Campus
  slug: dariah
  title: Editor
  avatar: ../images/authors/dariah.png

I don't know if we have an Orcid icon in our font file, but if we don't (it looks like "id" in a green circle), we'll probably have to create our own, or, indeed, use an image.

Let me know if this makes sense.

All best,

videos and starting time parameter

Dear @stefanprobst,

@VickyGarnett discovered that some videos stopped working yesterday. It turns out it was those videos which as part of their id also had a starting time parameter.

I pushed e28bfa4 to remove starting times as a temporary fix.

I'm not really sure these videos needed the starting time parameter, but it's a very useful feature to have if we are including a longer youtube video, but want the user to start playing the video from a particular point.

This is not urgent so we can leave it for later.

navbar dropshadow on scroll

This is one bit of the original design we never ported.

The navbar header should have a box shadow when the user scrolls down, and the shadow should disappear when the user scrolls all the way back to the top.

In Header.module.css I created a class .shadowed. This class should be added to the navbar on scroll, and removed when we're back at the top of the page. (or whichever way you think is the way to go).

All best,

RSETraining2019: Problems with preview and pull requests

The new version of the Events template does not require closing tags at the end of the list of speakers in Sessions, and, indeed, I cannot commit to master (my own branch) if I have those. So I deleted all the closing tags and managed to push origin (please see

At the same time, I see that the other two events currently on GitHub (the sample one and the winter school 2019) do have those closing tags.

Now, hen I try to create a pull request to merge with the main branch, I get failure to deploy messages that I cannot decode (e.g. error "gatsby-plugin-mdx" threw an error while running the onCreateNode lifecycle).

I have been playing with pulling requests to try to understand what I may have done wrong with the encoding but unfortunately got nowhere so far.

When, on the other hand, I am trying to preview the site locally, the compiler requires me to have those closing tags, which I dutifully put back in, after which it reports that the site has been compiled successfully - but, unfortunately, it is not rendered in the browser. The same thing happened when I was using npm as per old instructions (for preview on Windows) and is happening now that I am using yarn (as per new instructions on Campus).

If you have any ideas as to what I may be doing wrong, I'd be most grateful!
You can see the files that I added onto my branch at


events template

Events template should include:

  • about.mdx
  • prep.mdx

You can create both of these based on the existing ones in winterschool2016.

We've created prep.mdx to be used for those events that will have an event page created before the event, so that it contains the instructions...

Once you create prep.mdx in the events template (and make sure it works), you should actually delete the prep.mdx from winterschool2016 because it doesn't play any role there.

Also, I think it would be a good idea to include an images folder, with a background image from winterschool2016, in the events template, and explain in the template's index.mdx file what images/background.jpg refers to, i.e. to explicitly say that images is a folder inside the given event's folder

Further issues with preview

Hi Stefan,

I'm sorry to come to you with this again. I'm once again having problems with the preview, but this time it's in my own fork, not the main DARIAH repository.

I've been creating a new event, and all has been going well. The preview has crashed a few times, but is always because I've found a small error in the markdown that has been easily fixed, and the preview has returned.

However, this morning while creating the penultimate session (mdx file) for the event, the preview crashed, and I cannot find the reason why. All the tags are correct, all the slugs are correct, and there isn't a problem with any of the images or their pathways.

The only odd thing I can find is that the text in the description of the person is both green and white. However, even when this text is removed, the preview is still crashing. I've also tried deleting the event session file that I think is causing the problems, but that also doesn't have any effect.

I attach a screengrab of the terminal, which does give some warnings but no errors. I hope that helps in some way! Any suggestions or advice you can give would be helpful. If you think I need to run through the steps you gave me last time, let me know.


Screenshot 2020-04-29 at 12 38 00 (2)
Screenshot 2020-04-29 at 12 38 43

change the behavior of curriculum overview

Bug report

At the moment, clicking on a resource in "this curriculum contains" overview ( takes us directly to the resource in question. I would like to change this:

  • please rename "This curriculum contains" to "Curriculum overview"
  • make the overview stick with the text (at the moment if you scroll down to the last resource on the overview page, you will lose the overview links)
  • have each link scroll to the resource title on overview page (instead of opening the resource page directly).

If possible, it would also be nice to highlight the links in the overview as the users scrolls down the page and reaches individual titles and abstracts — to mimic the behavior of the table of contents.

Citation for DRI resources missing remote publisher

Dear @VickyGarnett,

make sure to always check the citation widget after publication to see if it's correct. The DRI resources look like this:

Снимок экрана 2021-06-11 в 15 52 37

When you see something like this, it means that a piece of metadata is missing, in this particular case: remotePublisher which should be Digital Repository of Ireland. Also, since we should include DRI as a remote publisher, we shouldn't really include it as the first author. But, perhaps, that's a temporary solution until we get the Curricula implemented.

@mashalahmad Vicky's away next week — would you be able to submit a pull request with the DRI resources adding the remote publisher metadata field as explained here:

— also, I would remove DRI as the author... but perhaps you decided to have it like that on purpose... so we can revisit that question when Vicky comes back.

All best,

Metadata fields changed?

Bug report

Hi Stefan,

I need to update an existing resource, but the metadata fields seems to have changed, and now I can't see which if these is the field to show which organisation the item was published by.

Also - if these metadata fields have changed, we're going to have to update all the documentation for the GitHub Workflow, including creating new screengrabs. This could take quite a lot of time. Is there anyway we can change it back to the original field names?



graphQL question: how to get all the speakers in an event

The following query gives us titles of "events" on D-C:

query myquery {
  allMdx(filter: {frontmatter: {categories: {elemMatch: {slug: {eq: "events"}}}}}) {
    nodes {
      frontmatter {

How can we query all the speakers in a given event? Speakers are listed in individual sessions, not the index.mdx.

Many thanks in advance.

[new resource]:

Title of the resource

testing proposing blah

Resource type

Hosted Resource

Authors, editors and contributors

kylie minogue

Topics (keywords)

someor thaödkj

Learning outcomes

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...


this is the abstract

Metadata presentation

Bug report

Hi Stefan,

I've noticed the metadata for resources is showing probably more information than is needed in the 'Published' field.

I've attached a screengrab. Ideally I think we only need the YYYY-MM-DD info.



Screenshot 2021-08-23 at 15 40 01

Building DC on an M1 Mac

Hi Stefan.

I have a new shiny laptop which has Apple's M1 processor. yarn install fails with the following message:

error /Users/ttasovac/Development/DARIAH/dariah-campus/node_modules/sharp: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: (node install/libvips && node install/dll-copy && prebuild-install) || (node-gyp rebuild && node install/dll-copy)
Directory: /Users/ttasovac/Development/DARIAH/dariah-campus/node_modules/sharp
info sharp Downloading
ERR! sharp Prebuilt libvips binaries are not yet available for darwin-arm64v8
info sharp Attempting to build from source via node-gyp but this may fail due to the above error
info sharp Please see for required dependencies

The full log is here

Now based on lovell/sharp#2614, the latest version of Gatsby is using the latest version of sharp so I'm hoping that that would solve my M1-related problems. I don't dare mess around with dependencies though on my own because I don't want to screw things up.

When you have a moment, could you please try to update our gatsby package so that I can test to see whether that resolves my issues on the M1 Mac.

Many thanks in advance.

All best,

TOC is no longer on the side in Firefox and Chrome

Hm.. I just discovered that Firefox and Chrome display our TOC differently than Safari. Something's not right with when the stacking happens...

In Safari, on my laptop, at full screen:

Снимок экрана 2019-12-10 в 07 36 40

In Firefox, on my laptop, at full screen:

Снимок экрана 2019-12-10 в 07 36 13

Chrome does the same thing as Firefox.

This doesn't make sense. @stefanprobst could you please take a look into this?

check if client uses correct urls

the client used on the events page is not well suited to work with SPAs.

  • once loaded there is no programmatic way to fully remove the client from the page on route change. currently, we manually force-destroy the client
  • it does not seem to work with browsers' history api, which client-side apps use for routing. that's why we need to destroy+re-initialize on route changes

=> can someone with account check that the client picks up the correct url when annotating?

Netlify checks ok, but the preview link still doesn't work properly

Dear Stefan,

as you can see in #43, I closed the missing tags, previewed the site locally and pushed the changes to Natasha's pull request. We passed all the checks and Netlify generated a preview link: but when you click on the link the site flashes for a second and is then replaced by a blank page.

I haven't had this problem before and I really don't know what to do about it. We're not ready yet to merge this into the master, but when we do, we have to make sure that it will work.

Could you please look into this?

All best,

Font-size issues

I made the -- container-small slightly narrower. I would also like to increase the font size — only in the main column for resources, but not in headings, or TOC or the metadata etc...

So I wanted to change

body {
  font-family: Roboto, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto,
    Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
  font-size: var(--font-size-medium);
  line-height: var(--line-height-medium);
  min-width: 32rem;
  overflow-x: hidden;


body {
  font-family: Roboto, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto,
    Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
  font-size: var(--font-size-large);
  line-height: var(--line-height-large);
  min-width: 32rem;
  overflow-x: hidden;

in global.css, just to see the effect, but for some reason that didn't do anything to the font size. Can you look into why and let me know how to do it correctly.

sticky toc

Hi @stefanprobst ,

I implemented the tables yesterday, that was very easy. But the sticky TOC is a little more difficult for me to get exactly right, so it would be great if you could do it.

Just as a reminder:

  • we want the toc to be sticky, i.e. stuck to the top of the page on scroll down on wide screens
  • we want it to stay where it is now (after the metadata) on mobile and tablets.

Similar to this

I hope Berlin is treating you well. Say hi to the other SSHOCers.

All best,

Separating documentation TOC and overview

We need to separate the TOC for individual documentation files from the overview of the titles of the documentation files. The TOC will go in the right margin, as usual, and the overview on the left.

adjust `@type` on resource pages

Bug report

we currently add metadata to resource pages with @type: LearningResource. however, judging by this list (and the results here) this is a type which is not recognized by google search. we might want to pick one from the list above.

env file

I'm getting errors on deploy to netlify because:

5:53:06 PM: AlgoliaSearchError: Please provide an application ID. Usage: algoliasearch(app licationID, apiKey, opts)

Could you please email me our env file?

Addition of new event

a few comments, when starting the project I couldn't run it and got stuck at the yarn develop with an error. To make it past it I had to do:

npm install gatsby@latest react@latest react-dom@latest
rm -rf node_modules
npm install

And then yarn developworked as expected.

Then when I wanted to create a new event, we copy-pasted the template event into the content/events directory (by the way the documentation says it needs to go to the resources directory but I suppose this is a mistake in the doc). We replaced the title and the slug, could see the event on the event page: http://localhost:8000/source/events but when clicking on it we end up in an error page stating that

There's not a page yet at /resource/ws2019nfdjksfdsjkbfdskjnfsdnkjfnsdkj

Create a React.js component in your site directory at src/pages/resource/ws2019nfdjksfdsjkbfdskjnfsdnkjfnsdkj.js and this page will automatically refresh to show the new page component you created.

(Sorry about the page slug but ws2019 somehow was not even working)
Do we need to do some other step to be able to see the page itself?

Adding captions to images

Another thing that comes from Ksenia's It would be nice if we could add captions to images so that in:

![image with description](path-to-image.jpg)

"image with description" becomes the caption, which is displayed in smaller muted (i.e. grayish) text below the image

This way we would avoid a situation like this:

Picture 1. Visualization of IAD Thesaurus [^13]

![Picture 1. Visualization of IAD thesaurus](images/iad_thesaurus_visualization.PNG)

where we have to use plain text above the image as the caption.

If we use the image component directly, we should be able to differentiate between altText and figure caption; but if we use markdown, the "image with description" bit from above should be used for both altText and the caption.

[new resource]: Unwaged labor - Work Life balance and Information Management during COVID-19

Title of the resource

Unwaged labor - Work Life balance and Information Management during COVID-19

Resource type

External Resource

Authors, editors and contributors

Kristen Schuster

Topics (keywords)

feminism, scholarly-practice


Dr. Kristen Schuster presents her current work around unwaged labour and gender biases in the Information Management sector during the Covid-19 Pandemic. In this, she discusses Critical Feminist Theory, Personal Information Spaces (PSIs) and mixed method approaches to research.

set the min-height of the course registry iFrame

I changed the iFrame link to the Course Registry when they switched to the new design and that's fine. The problem is that the iFrame now doesn't show enough content. For instance:

Снимок экрана 2019-12-10 в 16 32 24

This is on my laptop, after clicking on the "Filter" button. We don't see all the filters.

I tried the obvious — setting min-height on iFrame etc., but that's not enough, I assume, because of the flex layout or something like that.

We need to make this iFrame by default bigger, i.e. taller, so that it pushes the footer beyond the viewport in order to allow for more of its content to be shown...

autolink headers don't get offset [was: parsing markdown footnotes]

Dear Stefan,

recently we published a resource with a bunch of footnotes: They seem ok, but we're missing a couple of features:

  • clicking on the footnote number should take us to the content of the footnote
  • at the end of each footnote content, we should have a backlink ↩ to the footnote number in the text
  • it would be nice if we could, in addition, display the content of the footnote in a tool tip when hovering over the footnote number
  • it would be nice if there was no extra space separating the text and the footnote number

When you have a moment, could you look into this?

Many thanks in advance.

All best,

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