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color's Introduction

CoLoR, a Coq library on rewriting theory and termination

CoLoR is a library of formal mathematical definitions and proofs of theorems on rewriting theory, λ-calculus and termination whose correctness has been mechanically checked by the Coq proof assistant. See this paper for some presentation. More papers are provided at the end of this file.

Some developments using CoLoR: Rainbow, HA-Spiral, Spi, ATBR, CPV.


Installation with opam:

opam repo add coq-released
opam update
opam install --jobs=$n coq-color

You can browse the definitions and statements by doing in the source directory make doc and read doc/index.html in your browser.


CoLoR provides also useful scripts for doing statistics:

  • do make time to record the compilation time of each file (then time_coqc is used instead of coqc)
  • do ./stat_time to get statistics on compilation time
  • ./stat_coq [<directory>] (default is .) provides the number of definitions, lemmas, etc.
  • ./stat_color provides the number of Coq lines (including newlines and comments) for the various kinds of formalizations (mathematical structures, data structures, etc.)

Library contents:

  • Logic: libraries providing basic meta-theorems and tactics (e.g. irreflexivity) on propositions and equality, both for intuitionistic and classical logic, the statement of the axiom of dependent choice, etc.

  • Mathematical structures:

    • finite and infinite sets: cardinal of a finite set, infinite pigeon-hole principle, infinite Ramsey theorem
    • infinite relations/graphs: an extensive library of definitions and theorems on relations including basic operations like union/intersection/composition/iteration or reflexive/transitive/symmetric closure, their relations, the notions of finite path, cycle, strongly connected component, infinite path/rewrite sequence, etc.
    • finite relations/graphs: adjacency matrix, computation and topological sorting of strongly connected components, etc.
    • (quasi) orderings: linear extension of a finite acyclic relation, Tarski's fixpoint theorem (in a complete lattice, any monotone function has a least/greatest fixpoint), etc.
    • well-founded relations: preservation of termination for commuting relations, maximal reduction length of an element wrt a well-founded finitely branching relation, relation between the classical notion of termination (absence of infinite paths) and the intuitionistic one (inductive accessibility), etc.
    • (ordered) semi-rings: a library on semi-rings and ordered semi-rings, and its instantiation on various number data structures (natural numbers, integers, arctic/tropical numbers, etc.)
  • Data structures:

    • libraries extending the Coq standard library on various data structures: booleans, natural numbers, integers, pairs, lists, vectors, finite sets, finite maps, sets, relations, etc.
    • natural numbers: list of natural numbers smaller than some bound, least natural number satisfying some property, logarithmic to base 2, decidability of equality on bigN, maximum/minimum of a list of natural numbers, etc.
    • lists: an extensive library extending the Coq standard library on lists including many functions and theorems on lists including for instance the number of occurrences of an element, lists with no duplicated elements, a constructive proof of the pigeon-hole principle, lemmas on the permutation of elements, etc.
    • vectors: an extensive library on vectors including many basic functions and theorems on vector manipulation, vector product/lexicographic ordering, vector arithmetic, vector components filtering and permutation
    • matrices: a library on matrices including basic functions and theorems on matrix arithmetic
    • finite multisets: a library on finite multisets including a proof that the multiset extension of a well-founded relation is well-founded
    • polynomials with multiple variables: a library on integer polynomials with multiple variables including basic functions and theorems on polynomial arithmetic, positivity and monotony
    • finite graphs: a library on finite graphs including a certified algorithm for computing its transitive closure (using a successor function representation) or its strongly connected components (using the adjacency matrix representation)
  • Term structures:

    • strings/words: definition of basic notions like context and rewriting
    • varyadic terms (first-order terms with function symbols taking an arbitrary number of arguments): definition of basic notions like substitution, context, rewriting on varyadic terms
    • algebraic terms with function symbols of fixed arity: this is the most developed library on terms including many definitions and theorems on terms and term rewrite relations like the basic notions of substitution, context, subterm, position, cap and aliens, dependency pair, etc.; the notion of model/interpretation (universal algebra); a certified algorithm for matching; a certified algorithm for unification; etc.
    • simply typed λ-terms with de Bruijn indices
    • pure and simply typed λ-terms with named variables and explicit α-equivalence: definitions and properties of the basic notions of (higher-order) substitution, α-equivalence, β-reduction, etc.; the equivalence of various definitions of α-equivalence (Curry-Feys, Church, Krivine, Gabbay-Pitts); Girard computability predicates; computability closure; strong normalization of β-reduction and higher-order rewrite systems (e.g. Gödel' system T)
  • Transformation techniques:

    • conversion string → algebraic term → varyadic term (CoLoR provides in particular a translation from CoLoR algebraic terms to Coccinelle terms to allow the reusability of Coccinelle results in CoLoR)
    • reversal of SRSs and unary TRSs
    • arguments filtering
    • dependancy pairs transformation
    • dependency graph decomposition
    • semantic labeling
    • flat context closure
  • (Non-)Termination criteria:

    • first and higher order recursive path ordering (RPO and HORPO)
    • integer polynomial interpretations
    • integer/arctic/tropical matrix interpretations
    • computability closure for higher-order rewrite systems
    • loops (a decision procedure for verifying that a given rewrite sequence is a loop)

The directory Coccinelle is not part of CoLoR. It contains an adaptation of the Coccinelle library which is used in Conversion/Coccinelle.v. See Coccinelle/README for more information.


Maintainer: Frédéric Blanqui (INRIA, France)

Contributors: Kim-Quyen Ly (INRIA), Sidi Ould-Biha (INRIA, France), Adam Koprowski (Radboud University, The Netherlands), Johannes Waldmann (Leipzig HTWK, Germany), Sorin Stratulat (Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, France), Julien Bureaux (ENS Paris, France), Pierre-Yves Strub (INRIA, France), Wang Qian (Tsinghua University, China), Zhang Lianyi (Tsinghua University, China), Hans Zantema (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), Jörg Endrullis (Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands), Stéphane Le Roux (ENS Lyon, France), Léo Ducas (ENS Paris, France), Solange Coupet-Grimal (Université de Provence Aix-Marseille I, France), William Delobel (Université de Provence Aix-Marseille I, France), Sébastien Hinderer (LORIA, France), Frédéric Blanqui (INRIA, France)


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color's Issues

`fix` tactic without a name is deprecated.

The tactic form fix N where N is a number is deprecated as it depends on the name of the current lemma.

See coq/coq#7196.

The backwards compatible fix is to use fix name_of_the_fixpoint N.

Affected lines in color:

Coccinelle/basis/decidable_set.v:68:fix 1; intros [ | n1] [ | n2]; simpl; try reflexivity; try discriminate.
Coccinelle/basis/ordered_set.v:109:fix 1.
Coccinelle/basis/ordered_set.v:127:unfold o; fix 1.
Coccinelle/examples/cime_trace/equational_extension.v:147:  fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/dickson.v:556:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/dickson.v:1006:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_permut.v:1093:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_permut.v:1223:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_permut.v:1248:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_permut.v:1393:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:84:unfold without_red; fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:101:unfold without_red; fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:118:unfold without_red; fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:139:unfold without_red; fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:173:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:185:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:200:unfold without_red; fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:311:unfold without_red; fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:427:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:444:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:492:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:641:revert l1 l2; fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:899:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:943:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_set.v:997:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/list_sort.v:367:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:176:fix 4.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:209:intros A B f; fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:371:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:386:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:427:fix 1; intro l1; case l1; clear l1; [idtac | intros a1 l1]; (intro l2; case l2; clear l2; [idtac | intros a2 l2]).
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:453:intros E a a'; fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:466:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:488:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:504:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:518:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:638:  fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:668:fix 4.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:693:fix 5.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:708:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:743:fix 5.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:760:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:777:fix 5.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:829:intros eq_proof RB; fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:954:intros eq_proof RB; fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1006:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1018:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1030:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1044:fix 2.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1143:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1727:intros A B eq_bool eq_bool_ok P f; fix 1; intro l; case l; clear l; simpl.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1759:intros A B eq_bool eq_bool_ok P f; fix 1; intro l; case l; clear l; simpl.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1832:intros A B eq_bool eq_bool_ok P f; fix 1; intro l; case l; clear l.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/more_list.v:1880:intros A B eq_bool eq_bool_ok P f; fix 1; intro l; case l; clear l.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/weaved_relation.v:31:fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/weaved_relation.v:42:intros A R; fix 1.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/weaved_relation.v:69:fix 3.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/weaved_relation.v:91:fix 4.
Coccinelle/list_extensions/weaved_relation.v:124:fix 3.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/equational_theory.v:1085:    fix 2.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/equational_theory.v:1104:    fix 2.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/equational_theory.v:1141:      fix 5.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:98:revert l; fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:153:fix 1; intros l1 l2; case l1; clear l1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:160:fix 1; intro l; case l; clear l.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:170:fix 1; intro l; case l; clear l.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:235:revert t1 l; clear f; fix 2.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:285:fix 1; intros l1 l2; case l1; clear l1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:292:fix 1; intro l; case l; clear l.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:313:fix 2.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:327:simpl; revert l s_in_l; fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:358:fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:492:fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:713:fix 2.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:978:fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:1010:revert l IH; fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:1161:fix 4.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:1244:fix 2; intros t p; case p; clear p.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:1537:fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:1658:fix 2.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:1679:fix 2.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:1698:fix 2.
Coccinelle/term_algebra/term.v:1715:fix 2; intros vars sigma; case sigma; clear sigma.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/interp.v:81:     fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/interp.v:151:     fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/interp.v:280:     fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/isubterm_dp.v:139:revert p k; fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:137:    fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:169:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:243:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:275:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:293:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:312:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:345:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:363:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:381:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:399:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:424:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:454:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:478:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:499:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:530:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:585:    fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:615:    revert dim. fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:698:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:732:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:753:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:774:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:814:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:834:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:854:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:874:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:899:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:934:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:961:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:987:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1008:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1028:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1063:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1095:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1122:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1155:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1184:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1219:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1246:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1271:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1300:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1330:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1371:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1404:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1443:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1494:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1541:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1578:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1615:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1681:  fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1695:  fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1736:  fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:1755:  fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:2709:    fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:2830:    fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:2840:    fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:2996:    fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/matrix.v:3008:    fix 1;intros [|dim].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/rpo.v:562:clear f f_stat prec_eq_f_g; revert l1 l2 L E; fix 1; intro l1; case l1; clear l1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/subterm_dp.v:138:revert p k; fix 1.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/term_o.v:238:fix 1; intro l1; case l1; clear l1; [idtac | intros a1 l1].
Coccinelle/term_orderings/term_o.v:266:fix 1; intro l; case l; clear l.
Coccinelle/term_orderings/term_o.v:311:fix 1; intro l1; case l1; clear l1.
Coccinelle/unification/free_unif.v:773:fix 1.
Coccinelle/unification/free_unif.v:824:clear p1_diff_q1; revert p1 q1 p1_le_q1 Abs ; fix 1. 
Coccinelle/unification/free_unif.v:848:revert p1 q1 p1_le_q1 p1_diff_q1 ; fix 1. 
Coccinelle/unification/free_unif.v:1503:generalize ( (domain_of_subst sigma)); fix 1.

Coq 8.8 support

The coq-released OPAM repository contains the version of coq-color incompatible with the latest Coq release (Coq-8.8):

$ opam install coq-color
The following dependencies couldn't be met:
  - coq-color -> coq-bignums < 8.8~

Build problem with Coq 8.8

#=== ERROR while installing coq-color.1.4.0 ===================================#
# opam-version 1.2.2
# os           linux
# command      make -j4
# path         /home/vadim/.opam/4.06.1/build/coq-color.1.4.0
# compiler     4.06.1
# exit-code    2
# env-file     /home/vadim/.opam/4.06.1/build/coq-color.1.4.0/coq-color-25182-58c514.env
# stdout-file  /home/vadim/.opam/4.06.1/build/coq-color.1.4.0/coq-color-25182-58c514.out
# stderr-file  /home/vadim/.opam/4.06.1/build/coq-color.1.4.0/coq-color-25182-58c514.err
### stdout ###
# [...]
# COQC Util/FGraph/TransClos.v
# COQC Util/Relation/RedLength.v
# COQC Util/Set/InfSet.v
# COQC Term/WithArity/ARelation.v
# COQC Util/Vector/VecOrd.v
# COQC Term/String/Srs.v
# Makefile.coq:656: recipe for target 'Term/String/Srs.vo' failed
# Makefile.coq:317: recipe for target 'all' failed
# make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/vadim/.opam/4.06.1/build/coq-color.1.4.0'
# Makefile:17: recipe for target 'default' failed
### stderr ###
# Error: Cannot guess decreasing argument of fix.
# [...]
# make[2]: *** [Term/String/Srs.vo] Error 1
# make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
# File "./Util/Vector/VecOrd.v", line 195, characters 2-31:
# Warning: Use of “Require” inside a section is deprecated.
# [require-in-section,deprecated]
# File "./Util/FGraph/TransClos.v", line 305, characters 2-18:
# Warning: Notation _ [=] _ was already used. [notation-overridden,parsing]
# make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
# make: *** [default] Error 2


I am porting some old proofs for 8.9 to 8.10.2 and immediately stumbled upon a problem. Consider this lemma:

Require Import CoLoR.Util.Vector.VecUtil.
Import VectorNotations.
Open Scope vector_scope.
Lemma Vbuild_1 B gen:
  @Vbuild B 1 gen = [gen 0 (Arith.Lt.lt_0_Sn 0)].
  unfold Vbuild.
  apply Vcons_eq.
  - apply f_equal, Peano_dec.le_unique.
  - reflexivity.

After cbn step in Coq-8.9 the goal looks like:

[gen 0 (VecUtil.Vbuild_spec_obligation_4 gen eq_refl)] = [gen 0 (PeanoNat.Nat.lt_0_succ 0)]

However, with Coq 8.10.2 I get:

eq_rect 1 (fun H : nat => vector B H)
[gen 0 (VecUtil.Vbuild_spec_obligation_4 eq_refl)] 1
(VecUtil.Vbuild_spec_obligation_5 eq_refl) = [gen 0 (PeanoNat.Nat.lt_0_succ 0)]

The problem traced back (with help from @zoickx) to the following changeset:

It looks like the following workaround helps:

Lemma Vbuild_1 B gen:
  @Vbuild B 1 gen = [gen 0 (Arith.Lt.lt_0_Sn 0)].
  unfold Vbuild.

  assert (h : VecUtil.Vbuild_spec_obligation_5 (eq_refl 1) = eq_refl 1).
  apply eq_unique.
  rewrite h. cbn.

  apply Vcons_eq.
  - apply f_equal, Peano_dec.le_unique.
  - reflexivity.

But it is frankly a bit ugly. Specifically, because it depends on the auto-generated lemma name.
In my project, I use Vbuild a lot and this workaround have to be used a lot. Perhaps there is a better way?

opam v2. sandboxing

Current package install procedure is incompatible with opam2 sandboxing and it could not be installed unless sandboxing is disabled:

# path        ~/.opam/4.07.0/.opam-switch/build/coq-color.1.5.0                              
# command     ~/.opam/opam-init/hooks/ build make -f Makefile.coq install          
# exit-code   2
# env-file    ~/.opam/log/coq-color-62270-a71bb4.env                                         
# output-file ~/.opam/log/coq-color-62270-a71bb4.out                                         
### output ###
# [...]
# install: mkdir /Users/lord/.opam/4.07.0/lib/coq/user-contrib/CoLoR: Operation not permitted
# install: mkdir /Users/lord/.opam/4.07.0/lib/coq/user-contrib/CoLoR: Operation not permitted

I think the problem is that it attempts to create destination directory, while under sandboxing this directory is already created and the sandbox extends to its content only.

coq-8.12 support

The current OPAM version (1.7.0) of coq-color does not support Coq-8.12.
Please consider adding support for 8.12. Thanks!

new release for Coq-8.9

Current OPAM release is coq-color-1.5.0 which does not work with Coq-8.9. It is not just OPAM package version check. The source code in release tarball does not compile with Coq-8.9.

However, the current state of this git repository compiles under Coq-8.9 without any changes.

It would be great to make a new release based on the current git master and push it into OPAM. My project depends on coq-color and I could not upgrade to Coq-8.9 because of this problem. I will be glad to help with the release if needed.

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