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stm's Issues

Extended Timer API. Feedback requested on a proposal.

The stm package has the rather nice registerDelay API.

registerDelay :: Int -> IO (TVar Bool)

Set the value of returned TVar to True after a given number of microseconds. The caveats associated with threadDelay also apply.

This is nice, but we could provide a more extensive timer API, based on the underlying GHC timer API. The really nice thing about registerDelay is that being based on STM it is composable. We just need a bit more for use cases like network protocols where you need to be able to push back a timeout. Cancelling is also useful. The GHC timer API can do all these things.

I would like to suggest and get feedback on the following API and implementation. If we go for it, it might be best to add to a new module Control.Concurrent.STM.Timer. I can make a PR based on feedback.


data TimerState = TimerPending | TimerFired | TimerCancelled

data Timer

type Microseconds = Int

-- | Create a new timer which will fire at the given time duration in
-- the future.
-- The timer will start in the 'TimerPending' state and either
-- fire at or after the given time leaving it in the 'TimerFired' state,
-- or it may be cancelled with 'cancelTimer', leaving it in the
-- 'TimerCancelled' state.
-- Timers /cannot/ be reset to the pending state once fired or cancelled
-- (as this would be very racy). You should create a new timer if you need
-- this functionality.
newTimer :: Microseconds -> IO Timer

-- | Read the current state of a timer. This does not block, but returns
-- the current state. It is your responsibility to use 'retry' to wait.
-- Alternatively you may wish to use the convenience utility 'awaitTimer'
-- to wait for just the fired or cancelled outcomes.
-- You should consider the cancelled state if you plan to use 'cancelTimer'.
readTimer :: Timer -> STM TimerState

-- Adjust when this timer will fire, to the given duration into the future.
-- It is safe to race this concurrently against the timer firing. It will
-- have no effect if the timer fires first.
-- The new time can be before or after the original expiry time, though
-- arguably it is an application design flaw to move timers sooner.
updateTimer :: Timer -> Microseconds -> STM ()

-- | Cancel a timer (unless it has already fired), putting it into the
-- 'TimerCancelled' state. Code reading and acting on the timer state
-- need to handle such cancellation appropriately.
-- It is safe to race this concurrently against the timer firing. It will
-- have no effect if the timer fires first.
cancelTimer  :: Timer -> m ()

And implementation in terms of the GHC timeout manager (which is what registerDelay uses)

data Timer = Timer !(STM.TVar TimerState) !GHC.TimerKey

readTimer (Timer var _key) = STM.readTVar var

newTimer = \usec -> do
    var <- STM.newTVarIO TimerPending
    mgr <- GHC.getSystemTimerManager
    key <- GHC.registerTimeout mgr usec (STM.atomically (timerAction var))
    return (Timer var key)
    timerAction var = do
      x <- STM.readTVar var
      case x of
        TimerPending   -> STM.writeTVar var TimerFired
        TimerFired     -> error "MonadTimer(IO): invariant violation"
        TimerCancelled -> return ()

-- In GHC's TimerManager this has no effect if the timer already fired.
-- It is safe to race against the timer firing.
updateTimer (Timer _var key) usec = do
    mgr <- GHC.getSystemTimerManager
    GHC.updateTimer mgr key usec

cancelTimer (Timer var key) = do
    STM.atomically $ do
      x <- STM.readTVar var
      case x of
        TimerPending   -> STM.writeTVar var TimerCancelled
        TimerFired     -> return ()
        TimerCancelled -> return ()
    mgr <- GHC.getSystemTimerManager
    GHC.unregisterTimeout mgr key

Plus one handy derived utility

-- | Returns @True@ when the timer is fired, or @False@ if it is cancelled.
awaitTimer   :: Timer -> STM Bool
awaitTimer t = do
    s <- readTimer t
    case s of
      TimerPending   -> retry
      TimerFired     -> return True
      TimerCancelled -> return False

TBQueue of size 0 doesn't work as expected

If you have a TBQueue of size 2, you can put 3 times on it, then the 3rd call will block until you read from the queue (from another thread).

If you have a TBQueue of size 1, you can put 2 times on it, then the 2nd call will block until you read from the queue (from another thread):

Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue> q <- newTBQueueIO 1 :: IO (TBQueue ())
Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue> a <- async $ (atomically $ writeTBQueue q ()) >> print "wrote"
Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue> a <- async $ (atomically $ writeTBQueue q ()) >> print "wrote"
Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue> atomically $ readTBQueue q

Therefore, if you have a TBQueue of size 0, you'd expect that you can put 1 time on it, then the 1st call will block until you read from the queue (from another thread). However this doesn't work:

Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue> q <- newTBQueueIO 0 :: IO (TBQueue ())
Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue> a <- async $ (atomically $ writeTBQueue q ()) >> print "wrote"
Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue> atomically $ readTBQueue q
--- hangs forever

stateTVar isn't strict

From Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar:

stateTVar :: TVar s -> (s -> (a, s)) -> STM a
stateTVar var f = do
   s <- readTVar var
   let (a, s') = f s -- since we destructure this, we are strict in f
   writeTVar var s'
   return a

The comment is incorrect, since let-bindings pattern-match lazily. In order to make this strict, a bang pattern is needed:

let !(a, s') = f s -- since we destructure this, we are strict in f

Nonexhaustive pattern in `TBQueue`

The GHC build, which builds with -Werror, fails after bumping to due to:

libraries/stm/Control/Concurrent/STM/TBQueue.hs:133:15: error: [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns, -Werror=incomplete-uni-patterns]
    Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
    In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[a]’ not matched: []
133 |           let (z:zs) = reverse ys -- NB. lazy: we want the transaction to be
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

libraries/stm/Control/Concurrent/STM/TBQueue.hs:173:15: error: [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns, -Werror=incomplete-uni-patterns]
    Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
    In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[a]’ not matched: []
173 |           let (z:zs) = reverse ys -- NB. lazy: we want the transaction to be
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

CPP macro usage in TArray relies on undefined behavior

According to clang, the CPP guards in #66 rely on undefined behavior:

/private/var/lib/gitlab-runner/builds/7KQsmDei/0/ghc/ghc/libraries/stm/Control/Concurrent/STM/TArray.hs:9:5: error:
     error: macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior [-Werror,-Wexpansion-to-defined]
  |     ^
/private/var/lib/gitlab-runner/builds/7KQsmDei/0/ghc/ghc/libraries/stm/Control/Concurrent/STM/TArray.hs:7:28: error:
     note: expanded from macro 'HAS_UNLIFTED_ARRAY'
7 | #define HAS_UNLIFTED_ARRAY defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 904
  |                            ^

Why isn't `TBQueue` backed by an array?

I expected TBQueue to be backed by an array, instead of a pair of lists. This would get rid of the amortization and should cause less allocations. Have there been any benchmarks showing that the current version is faster?

MonadFail instance (feature request)

It would be very handy to have a MonadFail instance that retrys. As a minimal motivating example, consider:

pop :: TVar [a] -> STM a
pop v = do
    a:as <- readTVar v
    writeTVar v as
    return a

With a MonadFail instance, this is a very convenient way of writing a transaction that waits until there's a value available in the stack.

More generally, such an instance would allow one to write a transaction as if all your favorite patterns matched, and the transaction would then efficiently block until it's so.

Support `lengthTBQueue` by storing the initial capacity

It would be helpful to get the current number of elements written to a TBQueue.

lengthTBQueue :: TBQueue a -> STM Int

I looked at the source; this isn't possible in O(1) - it's length readEnd ++ length writeEnd.

However, if we store the initial capacity, then it's just cap - r - w:

data TBQueue a
  = TBQueue (TVar Int) -- Read capacity
            (TVar [a]) -- Read end
            (TVar Int) -- Write capacity
            (TVar [a]) -- Write end
            Int -- Initial capacity

lengthTBQueue :: TBQueue a -> STM Int
lengthTBQueue (TBQueue rsize _ wsize _ cap) = do
  r <- readTVar rsize
  w <- readTVar wsize
  return (cap - r - w)

documentation for "thread blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction"?

I wonder if something could be done to improve understanding of

Prelude Control.Concurrent.STM> atomically $ do v <- newEmptyTMVar; takeTMVar v
*** Exception: thread blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction

How can I

This is not about changing the semantics, just documentation.

A link to would help?

registerDelay not implemented on the non-threaded runtime

Even if the non-threaded runtime doesn't provide tools to implement it as efficiently, it's still possible to implement registerDelay with correct semantics. That would be a lot more pleasant to work with than an exception at run time.

On a side note, that current behavior isn't even mentioned in the haddocks, which makes it even more surprising.

Please ensure no warnings for incomplete-uni-patterns

As per this accepted GHC proposal, GHC will add incomplete-uni-patterns and incomplete-record-updates to -Wall. Could you please ensure that the following files do not give any warnings for incomplete-uni-patterns, perhaps by setting the pragma below? (A clean compile of stm is needed to build GHC.)

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}

  • Control/Concurrent/STM/TBQueue.hs
  • Control/Concurrent/STM/TQueue.hs

Revert the reimplementation of TBQueue

I've managed to reproduce one issue in #76 and provide a fix for it in #77. However I'm experiencing other race conditions on, which were not present on It's hard to reproduce though.

Any way, it means that there is at least two bugs in the reimplementation and it has no test coverage. So there may be more.

Until the new implementation is covered with exhaustive tests and is fixed I suggest to roll back and deprecate the and releases.

Regarding an exhaustive test model for the new implementation I've made a suggestion here: #76 (comment).

Use `Int` for capacity in `TBQueue` interface again?

In #17 / 2221948, the type for the capacity of TBQueues was changed from Int to Natural, to avoid negative capacities. With #70, the capacity is now internally stored as an Int (since array lengths are Ints), so IMO it would make sense to change the public API back to Ints. Moreover, we need to check that the capacity is greater than 0 anyway and currently we additionally have to check that the capacity is not greater than maxBound :: Word. This would also avoid potentially having to unbox/box Naturals.


Could this MonadSTM type class be adopted by the stm package?

It would be useful for certain abstractions such as the "console region" defined in concurrent-output, which currently defines its own equivalent type class.

My use case involves a monad transformer atop such a thing; I want to write a type signature like:

(MonadReader Env m, MonadSTM m) => m ()

Huge dependency footprint due to `hashable-` (via `nats`)

stm is a basic library that used to have a tiny dependency footprint. However, with hashable- this changed considerably. Some of the dependencies I'm less than exited about are:


I'm not sure for what reason hashable has to depend on those, but it can lead to all kinds of build issues that are hard to diagnose (depending on the install plan you end up with). In my specific case, I have code that works on CI (with --enable-tests) but fails for older compilers when installed from Hackage.

Is there a chance that we can address this, either in stm, nats or hashable.

newBroadcastTChan question

Documentation about newBroadcastTChan function says that the only way to read channel is to duplicate it with dupTChan. In my case I would prefer to use cloneTChan instead, to get the complete content, but I am not sure if it is safe to do so?

This repo is broken on case-insensitive systems

$ git clone [email protected]:haskell/stm.git 
Cloning into 'stm'...
warning: the following paths have collided (e.g. case-sensitive paths
on a case-insensitive filesystem) and only one from the same
colliding group is in the working tree:


Any Linux-capable maintainer, please fix this to include contributors from other cultural contexts.
ATTN: @bgamari

flushTBQueue is broken since

It acts weirdly. Causes random halts and etc.

One issue that is easily reproducible is that the following test fails:

    describe "TBQueue" do
      describe "flushTBQueue" do
        it "Affects the length" do
          queue <- newTBQueueIO 100
          length <- atomically $ do
            writeTBQueue queue 1
            writeTBQueue queue 2
            flushTBQueue queue
            lengthTBQueue queue
          shouldBe length 0

Replacing the implementation with the following suboptimal one can serve as a quick fix for the time being:

flushTBQueue :: TBQueue a -> STM [a]
flushTBQueue queue =
  go []
    go !acc = do
      element <- tryReadTBQueue queue
      case element of
        Just element -> go $ element : acc
        Nothing -> return $ reverse acc

I guess the bug was introduced in #70. So @konsumlamm please take a look.

@bgamari @simonmar @hvr

We need stricter quality assurance standards for this package. Bugs in packages as central as this can have very dire impact on the stability of the whole ecosystem and the reputation of the language. There's 13496 indirect dependencies just on Hackage, meaning that virtually any application can get affected by bugs in this package. Another issue is that people don't expect bugs from such central packages, e.g., I've lost quite some time debugging this simply because I could not believe that the bug would come from "stm".

I suggest that rewrites should be done with extreme caution and should be exhaustively covered with tests. As I see #70 came with 0 tests.

Unbox TArray

Currently, a TArray is a boxed Array of TVars. This seems kind of silly. If TArray is used at all, the array should surely be unboxed to reduce indirection. Nowadays, that means futzing with ArrayArray#, but we'll soon have UnliftedArray#.

Why is it blocked?

I run the following code,but it didn't print "end".

  (getFrame,cleanup)<- imageReaderTime (File "bunny.mp4"):: IO (IO (Maybe (Image PixelRGB8,Double)),IO() )
  queue<- atomically $ newTQueue
  forkIO $ do
      fra<- getFrame 
      atomically $ writeTQueue queue 1
      putStrLn "end "  

Is it because of running out of memory?

When I comment out fra<-getFrame, It runs well.When I comment out atomically $ writeTQueue queue 1 ,it also runs well.

Support size for TBQueue

Currently it is not possible to determine TBQueue capacity, it has to be stored outside.

Can we add sizeTBQueue to return the max number of the elements that it can hold?

The implementation is trivial, given that it is fixed it doesn't even need to be in STM monad unless I am missing something:

sizeTBQueue :: TBQueue a -> Natural
sizeTBQueue (TBQueue _ _ _ _ size) = size

add method to snapshot TBQueue without flushing

Currently there is no way to efficiently snapshot the state of TBQueue without flushing it and rewriting (and neither there is a way to efficiently create TBQueue from the list). What is required to do to a snapshot now:

snapshotTBQueue :: TBQueue a -> STM [a]
snapshotTBQueue q = do
  xs <- flushTBQueue q
  mapM_ (writeTBQueue q) xs
  pure xs

But snapshot is a part of flushTBQueue, and if TBQueue constructor was exported it could have been implemented outside in this way:

snapshotTBQueue :: TBQueue a -> STM [a]
snapshotTBQueue (TBQueue _ read _ write _) = do
  xs <- readTVar read
  ys <- readTVar write
  return $ if null xs && null is then [] else xs ++ reverse ys

The use case for snapshot is dumping a state of the queue(s) to the hard-drive, so it can be efficiently snapshotted before dump starts (so that the state is consistent).

Could we add snapshot to STM? Alternatively, could we export TBQueue constructor?

Add `waitTSemN`

Control.Concurrent.STM.TSem provides signalTSemN to release multiple units, but no waitTSemN to acquire multiple units. It would try to acquire all units at once (like waitQSemN).

`catchSTM` does not rollback `newTVar`

It appears that catchSTM does not rollback newTVar when it encounters an exception. In the following code snippet, the transaction is only partially rolled back.

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception

data Error = Error (TVar String)
instance Show Error where
    show (Error t) = "Error"
instance Exception Error

act = catchSTM (do
        t <- newTVar "Hello"
        writeTVar t "Hi"
        throwSTM $ Error t)
    (\(Error t) -> readTVar t)

main = atomically act >>= putStrLn

This outputs Hello.

This appears to violate atomicity.

Dependency bounds on Hackage are wrong?

Question or bug report, I'm not sure which. On Hackage, stm- has the bound base (>=4.3 && <4.14). But I'm using the stm package in a project that builds with base-4.15. How does this work? Is it because there is a more up-to-date version of stm bundled with GHC? Can/should Hackage be updated to reflect the latest knowledge?

Add MArray instance for TArray in IO

It's trivial to write

instance MArray TArray e IO

just like the instance for STM. Creation and reading operations can use the IO variants of TVar operations, and writes can use atomically.

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