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csp's Issues

Publish to NPM

We'll do this after helmet-crossdomain has been in the wild for awhile. We'll likely change a few things here and there before we're ready to publish the rest of the middlewares.

report-to should be optional

it throws an error on console at the moment.
Some like to keep the console less noisy and clean so that any exception csp or otherwise is made obvious.

helmet blocks external links


Thank you for this wonderful project.

I got one problem that I can't figure out. External links (<a href=" target="_blank">Google</a>) doesn't work with Chrome and Safari, but works on Firefox. What have I done wrong in my config?

    defaultSrc: ["'self'"],
    scriptSrc: ["'self'"],
    styleSrc: ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],
    imgSrc: ["'self'"],
    connectSrc: ["'self'"],
    fontSrc: ["'self'"],
    sandbox: ['allow-forms', 'allow-scripts', 'allow-same-origin'],
    // reportUri: '/report-violation',
    reportOnly: false, // set to true if you only want to report errors
    setAllHeaders: false, // set to true if you want to set all headers
    disableAndroid: false, // set to true if you want to disable Android (browsers can vary and be buggy)
    safari5: false // set to true if you want to force buggy CSP in Safari 5

upgrade-insecure-requests directive is always set for falsey config values

We have a config for production that turns on upgrade-insecure-requests, however for the development conf (which overrides the prod config) we want to turn off upgrade-insecure-requests since the local dev is running on http. Unfortunately if the upgrade-insecure-requests key is there with any falsey value the header is still sent.

Here's a basic test-case:

const csp = require('helmet-csp');
const Express = require('express');
var request = require('supertest');

const app = new Express();

  directives: {
    // header is still sent with undefined / false etc.
    upgradeInsecureRequests: undefined,

app.use(function (req, res) {
  res.end('Hello world!')

  .expect(function(res) {
  .end(function(err, res) {
    if (err) throw err;

The output is:

{ 'x-powered-by': 'Express',
  'content-security-policy': 'upgrade-insecure-requests',
  'x-content-security-policy': 'upgrade-insecure-requests',
  'x-webkit-csp': 'upgrade-insecure-requests',
  date: 'Wed, 11 May 2016 17:27:21 GMT',
  connection: 'close',
  'content-length': '12' }

I'd expect a falsey value to result in the directive not being included in the CSP headers.

iOS chrome vs Other Chrome (transformDirectivesForBrowser)

I noticed that only in iOS Chrome, handler is truthy in the transformDirectivesForBrowser.js while mac, windows, and android returns false.

the truthy handler sets the connectSrc:["'self'"] for iOS Chrome if the directive.connectSrc is falsy or appends "'self'" if the the directives.connectSrc doesn't contain "'self'".

I was hoping that the defaultSrc would be the policy string, however in iOS Chrome, adding explicit connect-src to self is causing the web sockets domains to be ignored.

I understand that I can just add each wss domain manually, however, would this be something to address or is this a non issue?


Add option to disable non-standard CSP headers

We're currently running with setAllHeaders: true because we'd like to cache the responses, which you can't do if we're dynamically setting headers based on user agent.

Since the nonstandard versions of the CSP header are supported by browsers that are falling out of use, it would be awesome to provide an option to disable dynamic headers completely, and just use the standard one.

[ HTTPS 443 ]: Application error message

Hi added the CSP Module on my ExpressJS application and a security scan found this:
I do not know, it depends on csp ?

This page contains an error/warning message that may disclose sensitive information.The message can also contain the location of the file that produced the unhandled exception.
HTTP Header input Host was set to 12345&#x27;"\&#x27;\");|]*%00{%0d%0a<%00>%bf%27&#x27;💩
 Pattern found: Internal Server Error
JSON input csp-report.blocked-uri was set to
 Pattern found: SyntaxError: Unexpected token
JSON input csp-report.document-uri was set to
 Pattern found: SyntaxError: Unexpected token
JSON input csp-report.original-policy was set to
 Pattern found: SyntaxError: Unexpected token
JSON input csp-report.referrer was set to
 Pattern found: SyntaxError: Unexpected token
JSON input csp-report.violated-directive was set to
 Pattern found: SyntaxError: Unexpected token
JSON input csp-report.line-number was set to
 Pattern found: SyntaxError: Unexpected token
JSON input csp-report.source-file was set to
 Pattern found: SyntaxError: Unexpected token

Make `report-uri` optional

I made report-uri required if you're using a report-only policy.

But, to quote @mfinifter:

I believe there is value in allowing a report-only policy with no report-uri. For example, imagine I don't yet have a reporting endpoint set up, but I want to get started on CSP as soon as possible. I put a report-only policy on the application, and ask the web developers to report any CSP errors they notice in the console during development. I can't do this with helmet today.

I think this is a legitimate use case, but I want to protect developers from accidentally doing the wrong thing. You could also do this by setting any report-uri and watching things 404, though that's an imperfect workaround.

This would be a breaking change.

What do people think?

frame-src being seen as invalid

The upgrade to 3 is breaking our tests because frame-src is seen as invalid.

Would it be possible to relax this to a warning so that frame-src continues to work, or only flag it as invalid if a child-src directive isn't configured? Or another option?

Ideally we don't want to use loose: true.

We still specific frame-src since child-src was only implemented in FF45 [1] , we supply both frame-src and child-src to provide maximum compatibility.


Example in README is not working.

I am running an express app with following dependencies:

  "dependencies": {
    "body-parser": "~1.12.0",
    "cookie-parser": "~1.3.4",
    "debug": "~2.1.1",
    "express": "~4.12.2",
    "helmet": "^0.15.0",
    "helmet-csp": "^0.3.0",
    "jade": "~1.9.2",
    "morgan": "~1.5.1",
    "serve-favicon": "~2.2.0"

Was the example "Handling CSP violations" running on older versions of Express and/or body-parser, because it is not working for me? bodyParser does not recognize application/csp-report as valid Content-Type for bodyParser.json(). I had to add the following to make it work:

  type: ['json', 'application/csp-report']

Thanks to @oroce for that Gist:

Add some CSP pre-configured options

Something like this might be cool:


I'd love some way to add these to policies, rather than overwrite them. Ideas?

Add a changelog or upgrade guide.

It would be great to know exactly what API changes were made from 0.3 to 1.0.1. I wasn't able to deduce that from a general glance at the API.

What does helmet actually send to the reportUri route?

I know it posts. I have it setup as follows:

reportUri: '/csp',

handle it:

// Report csp violations'/csp', bodyParser.json(), bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }), function (req, res) {
  // Just log it to see if this is working
  if (req.body) {
    debug('CSP Violation: ' + JSON.stringify(req.body));
    debug('CSP Violation: ' + req.body);
  } else {
    debug('CSP: testing only!');
  my:app CSP: {} +4s
  my:app CSP: [object Object] +0ms

I can't figure out why I can't get some type of message or route from the post. Help?


EDIT: I have tried both:

  • bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })
  • bodyParser.json()

Issues with single and double quotes

For ease of reuse, I'd like to define my csp options in a JSON config file and import them in when the application starts, but this is throwing csp violations:

var csp = require('helmet-csp');
app.use(csp({ defaultSrc: config.csp.defaultSrc });

I believe the issue lies in

 >var test = { key: ["'value1'", "value1"] };
 { key: [ '\'value1\'', 'value1' ] }

I'm not sure if I'm missing something simple or not, but I can't seem to find away around this.

TypeError if user agent is missing

The transformDirectivesForBrowser method accesses which in turn is read from the user-agent request header. If that header is missing (as it was in my end-to-end tests), CSP crashes with TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined.

External links doesn't work when running CSP

up vote
down vote
I meet a surprising problem. If i don't enable my CSP config, no problem, everything works fine. But when I activate CSP, internal links work normally, but external not. On my website, (for example here, I have links to amazon, zanox and other similar. These links doesn't work when using CSP.

What is for you my mistake in this config ?

"defaultSrc": [
"scriptSrc": [
"styleSrc": [
"fontSrc": [
"imgSrc": [
"sandbox": ["allow-forms", "allow-scripts", "allow-same-origin", "allow-top-navigation"],
"reportUri": "/report-violation",
"objectSrc": []

I have tried with adding amazon, zanox and the others but no changes, it doesn't work.

Thanks in advance !

-Report-Only header broken - Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only-Report-Only-Report-Only

Hi, I've encountered a strange issue with reportOnly enabled - over time the headers have multiple "-Report-Only"s appended to the end - to the point where the header name can be thousands of Kb in length (causing other problems). Instead of Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only I'm getting Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only-Report-Only-Report-Only-Report-Only-Report-Only-Report-Only-Report-Only-Report-Only-Report-Only...

Update - this only occurs if shouldBrowserSniff is false, although may also occur if setAllHeaders is enabled

workerSrc is not working

my configuration:

    workerSrc: [

getting error:

Refused to create a worker from 'blob:' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Note that 'worker-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.

helmet 3.6.0
helmet-csp 2.4.0

How to do per-request nonces or hashes?

I have some content that's dynamic (server-side values that are unique per request, like geoIP's country code). I am currently using unsafe-inline in helmet, but how can I specify a per-request nonce or hash?

All the docs I've read on helmet so far use a static policy, which won't work with nonce's and won't for hashes of dynamic content.

Duplicate keys should error

This should be invalid:

  directives: {
    'script-src': [''],
    scriptSrc: ['']

This is a breaking change, so we'll need to do it in Helmet 4.

Style and script directives not applied

Hello. I read from Gitter that it'd be better if I opened up an issue on Github, so here I go.
The way I've set up helmet/csp currently:

import csp from 'helmet-csp';

  directives: {
    defaultSrc: [`'self'`],
    scriptSrc: [`'self'`, `'unsafe-inline'`, `*`],
    styleSrc: [`'self'`, `'unsafe-inline'`],
    frameSrc: [`'self'`, `*`, `*`],
    childSrc: [`'self'`, `*`, `*`],
    objectSrc: [`'self'`, `*`, `*`],
    imgSrc: [`*`, `data:`, `'self'`],
    connectSrc: [`'self'`],
    upgradeInsecureRequests: true

And then the errors I get with it lead me to believe most of these directives haven't registered properly:

Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-S87yxoMcr9T7U+ZcUvvvkw7U6Ja2xsYbceNLyApPIr0='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. Note also that 'style-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.
Refused to load the image 'http://localhost:8080/favicon.ico' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src data:".
Refused to load the script 'https://localhost:8080/dist/build.js' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Note that 'script-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.

'unsafe-inline' and 'unsafe-eval' on Firefox 20 for Mac

Hey guys, awesome lib. Love it!

I heavily rely on 'unsafe-inline' and 'unsafe-eval'. For Firefox 4 to 22 you replace those with 'inline-script' and 'eval-script'. I tested that on Firefox 20 for Mac and found out that you must not replace those strings in this version. Only the original ones work in this browser.

It even states:

CSP WARN:  Failed to parse unrecognized source 'inline-script'
CSP WARN:  Failed to parse unrecognized source 'eval-script'

How did you test which strings to use in which browser? Did you perhaps test Firefox on Windows which behaves differently? A test on all browsers with SauceLabs would be ideal. I could help if you want.

Reading JSON config without extension

This module is reading the config.json file without its extension, which means in some module bundlers it will break.

Since this is a widely used module, I feel we should be explicit about requiring a file that's not JavaScript, to avoid any bundling errors.

This means changing the require for the config to require('./lib/config.json').


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