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mcl-wasm's Introduction

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A portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library for Node.js by WebAssembly


see mcl


  • 2023/Sep/08 improve the performance a little
  • 2023/Aug/17 improve the invMod performance
  • 2023/Jun/10 add share/recover functions of Fr, G1, G2 for secret sharing.
  • 2022/May/08 fix get{X,Y,Z} and get_{a,b}.
  • 2021/Dec/15 rewritten by TypeScript (Thanks to asa-taka)
  • 2021/Nov/11 unify index.js of Node.js and browser (Thanks to Futa HIRAKOBA)
  • 2021/Aug/28 improve performance of {G1,G2}::isValidOrder()
  • 2021/Jun/22 add index.d.ts
  • 2021/Mar/02 improve performance
  • 2020/Nov/10 setup function has changed.
  • add mulVec(xVec, yVec) where xVec is an array of G1 or G2 and yVec is an array of Fr, which returns sum of xVec[i] yVec[i].
  • G1.setHashOf is compatible with hash-to-curve-09 BLS12381G1_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_
  • support only BN254, ZKSNARK, BLS12-381 to remove mcl_c512.js
  • add mcl.precomputedMillerLoop2 and mcl.precomputedMillerLoop2mixed

How to use

The version v0.6.0 breaks backward compatibility of the entry point.

  • Node.js : const mcl = require('mcl-wasm')
  • React : const mcl = require('mcl-wasm')
  • HTML : <script src=""></script>

for Node.js

node test/test.js

browser demo

ID-based encryption



// Ethereum 2.0 spec mode
  .then(() => {
    mcl.setETHserialization(true) // Ethereum serialization
    mcl.setMapToMode(mcl.IRTF) // for G2.setHashOf(msg)

string conversion

a = new mcl.Fr()
a.setStr('255') // set 255
a.setStr('0xff') // set 0xff = 255
a.setStr('ff', 16) // set ff as hex-string

a.getStr() // '255'
a.getStr(16) // 'ff'


// byte array serialization
b.deserialize(a.serialize()) // b.isEqualTo(a)
// hex string of serialization()
// serialization like Ethereum 2.0 only for BLS12-381


  it is big cost to to verify the order
  call once after init() if you want to disable it
  cf. sub group problem

see test.js

Secret Sharing

shareFr = (cVec: Fr[], id: Fr): Fr
shareG1 = (cVec: G1[], id: Fr): G1
shareG2 = (cVec: G2[], id: Fr): G2

Evaluate the value of the polynomial f(x) whose coefficients cVec[] are vec with x=id. Return f(id).

recoverFr = (idVec: Fr[], yVec: Fr[]): Fr
recoverG1 = (idVec: Fr[], yVec: G1[]): G1
recoverG2 = (idVec: Fr[], yVec: G2[]): G2

Recover the polynomial f(x) through the point (idVec[0], yVec[0]), (idVec[1], yVec[1]), ... and return f(0). Note that the order of arguments is reversed from that of the recover function in bls-eth-wasm.


modified new BSD License


2019/Jan/31 add Fp.mapToG1


MITSUNARI Shigeo([email protected])

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mcl-wasm's Issues

run `mcl-wasm` inside SES

hello @herumi, thank you for the incredible work. i wanted to cross-post this issue, as I may believe it may be a mcl-wasm issue.


the issue is that when mcl-wasm runs inside the SES environment, I get the following error:

 YN0000: [snap]: SES_UNHANDLED_REJECTION: [TypeError <Object <Object <[Object: null prototype] {}>>>: scriptDirectory.indexOf is not a function
 YN0000: [snap]:   at eval (eval at <anonymous> (eval at makeEvaluateFactory (/Users/firnprotocol/snap/node_modules/ses/dist/ses.cjs:1427:10)), <anonymous>:53750:37)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at eval (eval at <anonymous> (eval at makeEvaluateFactory (/Users/firnprotocol/snap/node_modules/ses/dist/ses.cjs:1427:10)), <anonymous>:53598:29)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at (<anonymous>)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at eval (eval at <anonymous> (eval at makeEvaluateFactory (/Users/firnprotocol/snap/node_modules/ses/dist/ses.cjs:1427:10)), <anonymous>:53381:73)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at new Promise (<anonymous>)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at __awaiter (eval at <anonymous> (eval at makeEvaluateFactory (/Users/firnprotocol/snap/node_modules/ses/dist/ses.cjs:1427:10)), <anonymous>:53360:16)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at Object.initializeMcl (eval at <anonymous> (eval at makeEvaluateFactory (/Users/firnprotocol/snap/node_modules/ses/dist/ses.cjs:1427:10)), <anonymous>:53597:74)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at 324.ethers (eval at <anonymous> (eval at makeEvaluateFactory (/Users/firnprotocol/snap/node_modules/ses/dist/ses.cjs:1427:10)), <anonymous>:59973:27)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at o (eval at <anonymous> (eval at makeEvaluateFactory (/Users/firnprotocol/snap/node_modules/ses/dist/ses.cjs:1427:10)), <anonymous>:38:19)
➤ YN0000: [snap]:   at eval (eval at <anonymous> (eval at makeEvaluateFactory (/Users/firnprotocol/snap/node_modules/ses/dist/ses.cjs:1427:10)), <anonymous>:40:20)]

an MWE is given in firnprotocol-snap-mcl-wasm-mwe.

to reproduce:

  1. clone my MWE
  2. run yarn start
  3. navigate to localhost:8000 in a browser tab with Flask enabled (i needed to install it in a separate chrome profile from the one with regular metamask).
  4. click "connect" and "send message".

huge thanks in advance for your attention.

Beautify mcl_c.js and mcl_c512.js to reduce error size

When a function of this package throws, these mcl_c.js or mcl_c512.js seem to throw aswell. Since these scripts do not seem to be beautified, they throw a gigantic error string. Is it possible to "beautify" (i.e. add newlines) these scripts, so the error size reduces?

Expose G1.mapTo and G2.mapTo

Hi, I've tried to add the code changes to expose G1.mapTo and G2.mapTo but I can't get it to work.

Would it be possible to see those methods exposed?


getStr() incorrect result

Hi, it seems getStr() does not return a correct result in this case:

import * as mcl from "mcl-wasm";

async function main() {
    await mcl.init(mcl.BN_SNARK1);
    const x0 = new mcl.Fp();
    const x1 = new mcl.Fp();
    const y0 = new mcl.Fp();
    const y1 = new mcl.Fp();
    const z0 = new mcl.Fp();
    const z1 = new mcl.Fp();


    const x = new mcl.Fp2();
    const y = new mcl.Fp2();
    const z = new mcl.Fp2();


    const P = new mcl.G2();

    console.log(P.getStr()); // prints 1 2 3 4 5 [correct]

    console.log(P.getX().isEqual(P.getY())); // prints false [correct]
    console.log(P.getX().get_a().getStr()); // prints 2 [correct]
    console.log(P.getX().get_b().getStr()); // prints 3 [correct]
    console.log(P.getY().get_a().getStr()); // prints 2 [incorrect, expected 4]
    console.log(P.getY().get_b().getStr()); // prints 3 [incorrect, expected 5]
    console.log(P.getZ().get_a().getStr()); // prints 2 [incorrect, expected 1]
    console.log(P.getZ().get_b().getStr()); // prints 3 [incorrect, expected 0]


Use with webpack?

This is a great library, but I struggle to make it work with webpack 4. This is the rule I'm applying:

    test: /\.wasm$/,
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    type: 'webassembly/experimental',

(Even if I don't think it's necessary as per their official example)

When I try to use the generated bundle in a nodejs project, I get the following error when using the development build:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/mcl_c.wasm'

And this error when using the production build:

On the web, we need the wasm binary to be preloaded and set on Module['wasmBinary']. will do that for you when generating HTML (but not JS)

I tried to put that file in the same folder as the bundle, in my nodejs projects, literally everywhere, but nothing worked. Is it that some specific configuration of this library makes it impossible to use it with webpack?

Potentially related: webpack/webpack#7352

How to set the vaule of G?

hi, I'm trying to use mcl-wasm to implement a nizk.
in this picture, Enc is ElGamal Encryption, I want to encrypt "1" of G.


however, this way is not work , means that i can't get "1"of G. How can i solve it?

thanks a lot

Checking if a value is on curve?

We are implementing the BLS12-381 precompile curves for Ethereum at EthereumJS-VM. One of the error cases of these precompiles is if the point is not on the curve.

Is it possible to check this with mcl? I can create a new let p = new mcl.G1() point and then p.setStr(pointStr). Sometimes, this function throws, but it is unclear to me if this is due to the point not being on the curve or some other problem.

Is it possible to explicitly check if a point is on the curve? (Both for G1 and G2 points?)

`ReferenceError: window is not defined` upon import

In a react application using webpack 5.61.0, the import statement

import mcl from "mcl-wasm/browser";


ReferenceError: window is not defined

i am happy to provide further diagnostic information, but i am not sure how to attain it because the stack trace is not really decipherable. thanks.

Node.js crypto module dependency breaks browser bundling

Hi @herumi,
Holger from EthereumJS here again (just re-discovered that I opened a PR here alread couple of years ago #17). 👋

I was just playing with some bundler for the web (esbuild) to test browser compatibility for our libraries, especially VM/EVM and realized that there is a dependency (aka: usage) of the native Node.js crypto module in the getRandomValues.ts file which breaks browser bundling:


(so there I trie to create a bundle from our @ethereumjs/vm code)

Is this getRandomValues.ts file even necessary/used or did this just "sneak into the build/release"?

If possible to remove and this could get a small fix (can also submit a PR if this eases things) and bugfix release that would be great! 🙂 This would improve browser UX for several of our libraries a lot!

Intermittent issue with GT.setStr()

I am using another library to generate a vector in Fp12 using pairing using the BLS12-381 curve. I have verified that the prime number used in MCL and the other library is the same: "1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab"

Sometimes I can import the generated vector into MCL but sometimes I can't.

let T_mcl = new mcl.GT();
T_mcl.setStr("aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll", 16);

When it generates an error, I get the following error:

Error: err _wrapInput 024aafb1494c5705191048d6a5a5dbd15c53cefc309b116c18f5249d3d6e7a5adf63f5e4671b9ece8de85fa3e52772fe 08bec5faf7102c80d41a2ecbaed227c66cdc71a280923d10e54e1655861dfacf82195ac85f0b14991f539b7af42ed1fd 1126a2a76e9d0640d1ec7435403f1852ba9ba586c0fbc077ad933f83366a37e0ded6de746476c472037159a05ede4194 0f03d764b62f9fbe5b615ec06c14f85b9cf3757e854ad6bca0d05b2b71aa5568a3f19067a7213665e02c6eaadca65187 13e78998946a4ace985a4af55ad5da899fa6b68d193b05651be4fac94faf9b9225f126bfcbf4d57321b108c5ce162f7c 0d129457d425ecc1974e52d88993f2cc4518e5872dfe450b4741f018e17393cbd84af8fac20aad3d67d35533df5d8f83 1473537ed46ab451960ef0e847c731cdca709ff07f618fe3f2cb34376aa041337648cf503b2e54c82f82e3827c0230a2 095d1ca249729d03f91efeef1d50f0c13bc741c757f1047b5b02518f9a9a39ee2ed070b09005e0fdb821983f90effcaa 1743618588e05954c5dedc20de67c0f0ecb5219b7c8dd5bdb9d0c56cc4d3aa6398ebd7de4b3bf3381c1b1be42d59543a 0bcc1edcfcf91cd4a2ee7b4c3c598c5eff370c403906e4c49fc955cf06a0e5c40f07533b8897c3996b421ed77a88f34b 0feeda626ac7d5d4053ffe3a234937d63e20f62565d5e841131138c8854af6e81ae6cbd4e1d5e7a33f401f32226d223a 09fdb778bbcec71c1d02102e4d9d580e488911a6f3bf7dd6da3b2e0ada58057a1d657052b9696ae18286c0c251f321b0
    at mycode.js:14416
    at e.value (mycode.js:14530)
    at e.value (mycode.js:14918)
    at mycode_wasm.js:formatted:14174
    at a (mycode_wasm.js:formatted:14185)
    at s (mycode_a.js:1)

Here are some examples that work and some that don't. I can't see any pattern. Can you tell me why MCL would accept some of them and not others?

MCL Fp12: (fail)



MCL Fp12: (success)


Can't resolve 'perf_hooks'

getting Module not found: Can't resolve 'perf_hooks' error inside ./node_modules/mcl-wasm/test.js while trying to use the package. Any fix?

Export generator for G1

There is no generator point exported for G1 or G2, if there was it would be simpler to perform scalar base multiplications. Please consider adding it!

Cannot import scalar values from BLS12-381 Ethereum test suite

Hi there. At EthereumJS-VM we are using this library in order to get the EIP 2537 in the VM (the BLS12-381 EIP).

Currently, I am struggling importing the first test case of this EIP. The input value has 128 bytes of G1 point data (i.e. the coordinates, first 64 bytes and second 64 bytes are the coordinate x,y-values) and the final 32 bytes are the scalar value we want to multiply with.

Here is the code:

const mcl = require('mcl-wasm')
mcl.init(mcl.BLS12_381).then(function() {
  const x_1 = "12196c5a43d69224d8713389285f26b98f86ee910ab3dd668e413738282003cc5b7357af9a7af54bb713d62255e80f56"
  const y_1 = "06ba8102bfbeea4416b710c73e8cce3032c31c6269c44906f8ac4f7874ce99fb17559992486528963884ce429a992fee"
  const scalar =   "b3c940fe79b6966489b527955de7599194a9ac69a6ff58b8d99e7b1084f0464e"
  //let scalar2 =  "351376bf068f448c76382a97c33a68f81021f6eff4af9e52080ecee12e5ddccf" // this was generated from setCSPRNG()

  const mcl_str = "1 " + x_1 + " " + y_1

  const point = new mcl.G1()
  point.setStr(mcl_str, 16)

  const r = new mcl.Fr()
  r.setStr(scalar, 16)

  result = mcl.mul(point, r)


Problem: this throws:

Error: err _wrapInput b3c940fe79b6966489b527955de7599194a9ac69a6ff58b8d99e7b1084f0464e

According to the test, this value should be correct. If I try the scalar2 value, which was generated by setCSPRNG then it runs fine.

BLS Fr setHashOf

Hi there. I am working on a BLS12-381 scheme which requires hashing a message to the Fr scalar field.

In some cases the message/pre-image is given (hence setHashOf(preimage) can be used) but in other cases the SHA256 hash is given - which needs to be mapped to Fr by other means. I was relying on the assumption that it was sufficient to call setLittleEndianMod(hash) to obtain the same result produced by setHashOf(preimage). This works in some cases but not in others so I digged up the mcl code to figure out what happens under the hood.

A small test case to illustrate the situation:

   // Helper functions
    const fromHashOf = (m: string) => {
      const fr = new mcl.Fr();
      return fr;
    const fromSha256 = (sha: Uint8Array) => {
      const fr = new mcl.Fr();
      return fr;

     // This works
      const message_0 = "message-0";
      const sha = sha256(message_0); // ce78e7c740f40722f11a530ebf14d260a9bb51effced715addf98c5a3ecfc23c
      const h1 = fromSha256(sha); // 3cc2cf3e5a8cf9dd5a71edfcef51bba960d214bf0e531af12207f440c7e778ce
      const h2 = fromHashOf(message_0); // 3cc2cf3e5a8cf9dd5a71edfcef51bba960d214bf0e531af12207f440c7e778ce
      expect(h1.isEqual(h2)).toBe(true); // OK!

     // This doesn't
      const message_1 = "message-1";
      const sha = sha256(message_1); // 9deb880b43bdf6f465a0afb130aed71b31cf219626f3637f577d4167cd80e5f2
      const h1 = fromSha256(sha); // 0b0a3227140682c718f0431682de1f26745c662ab1b2e867f4f6bd450b88eb9b
      const h2 = fromHashOf(message_1); // 72e580cd67417d577f63f3269621cf311bd7ae30b1afa065f4f6bd430b88eb9d
      expect(h1.isEqual(h2)).toBe(true); // KO!

Why fr.setLittleEndianMod(hash); does not always behave like fr.setHashOf(preimage)?

As usual, thank you so much for your time and for this great library!!

Possible to mod order?

In ECDSA, it requires x coordinate to mod order (r = x1 mod n). Is it possible to achieve here? It seems setStr in Fr is not working when the argument is larger than the order.

Thanks a lot!

Pairing: check if G1/G2 not in expected subgroup

Hey @herumi! We need to check if G1/G2 points are in the correct subgroup (the actual implementation does not matter at this point).

It seems that this functionality is there, by setting verifyOrderG1 and verifyOrderG2 to 1. In that case, if you import one of the EIPs negative test cases, trying to create such G1/G2 number throws. However, we'd like to explicitly check if they are in the correct subgroup.

Sorry for my ignorance, but is it right that we can use isValidOrder for this? Thanks a lot! 😄

EDIT: actually seems that if we disable verifyOrderG1 and verifyOrderG2 (i.e. don't call them, use the default value) and use isValidOrder() this returns true even if they should not be in the right subgroup (maybe I'm mixing terms here and order/subgroup is not the same?).

Seems like isValidOrder only returns false if above setting is set to 1.

Format for deserializeHexStr

I am attempting to do let s = mcl.deserializeHexStrToFr('263dbd792f5b1be47ed85f8938c0f29586af0d3ac7b977f21c278fe1462040e3') but I get the error:

Error: err _wrapDeserialize
      at /home/elizabeth/bls-js/node_modules/mcl-wasm/mcl.js:111:28

The hex string appears to be of the correct length (64 chars) so I'm not sure what is going wrong. Similarly, what is the correct format for deserializeHexStrToG1 and deserializeHexStrToG2?

err _wrapInput when trying to invoke setStr

I have some code like the following for the bn254 curve:

var X=new mcl.Fp();

where value is (for example):

These strings are computed by other libraries (the noble crypto library so they are valid x points for which there exists a y that satisfies the bn254 equation) so they should be correct. And indeed that number in decimal is 20652302713412539842691404244404811285268574088401948238856379421925240059974 and I verified that is less than the bn254's parameter p=21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583.
However, I get the following error:
err _wrapInput

I do not get this error when the hex strings start with 1. Did I miss something?

Multiply point with scalar value

I'm currently trying to multiply a G2() point with a scalar value but I'm not sure if i do this correct.

const g2 = new mcl.G2();
 g2.setStr( "1 0x1800deef121f1e76426a00665e5c4479674322d4f75edadd46debd5cd992f6ed 0x198e9393920d483a7260bfb731fb5d25f1aa493335a9e71297e485b7aef312c2 0x12c85ea5db8c6deb4aab71808dcb408fe3d1e7690c43d37b4ce6cc0166fa7daa 0x090689d0585ff075ec9e99ad690c3395bc4b313370b38ef355acdadcd122975b"

let privkey = new mcl.Fr();


let generateV = mcl.mul(g2, privkey);

I always receive the following error:

What am I doing wrong here?

TypeError: invalid_argument

TypeError: invalid_argument sometime occurs while initializing this library.

Since this error came from _wrapInput, I added the logging function:

console.debug(`buf = ${buf}, buf.length = ${buf.length}`)

after L119 of mcl.js and got the output:

console.debug ../../node_modules/mcl-wasm/mcl.js:120
buf = 8762084894755259, buf.length = undefined

console.debug ../../node_modules/mcl-wasm/mcl.js:120
buf = 215,238,14,19,59,68,221,151,138,149,14,154,104,149,241,57,75,99,68,244,112,22,61,137,86,127,251,44,228,93,38,170, buf.length = 32

TypeError: invalid_argument
at Int8Array.set (native)
at ../../node_modules/mcl-wasm/mcl.js:129:21
at exports.G1._setter (../../node_modules/mcl-wasm/mcl.js:227:19)
at exports.G1.setHashOf (../../node_modules/mcl-wasm/mcl.js:360:14)
at Object.exports.hashAndMapToG1.s [as hashAndMapToG1] (../../node_modules/mcl-wasm/mcl.js:588:9)

It seems buf is expected to be an array but sometimes it has a number, and hence Int8Array.set is crashed.

mulVec is not exposed

At EthereumJS-VM we are using this library in order to get the BLS12-381 EIP in our library.

This EIP also needs access to multi scalar multiplication, i.e. the mclBnG1_mulVec and mclBnG2_mulVec functions from mcl. They do not seem to be (directly (?)) exposed. Can this function be exposed?

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