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nave's Introduction


Virtual Environments for Node.

Switch out your node version and global npm install space in one command. Supports named environments. Uses subshells by default so that you can ^D or exit out of an environment quickly.

No need to edit .bashrc or .profile, just install and go.


If you want a global nave command, you could install this thing with npm. But that's not really necessary. You can run the shell script from here, or symlink it wherever you want, or even just download the script and just put it where you want it.

curl > /usr/local/bin/nave
chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/nave

with npm

If you have npm, presumably you already have Node, so it's a tiny bit silly, but maybe you like installing the top-level Node some other way, and install your subshell version switcher with npm. Why is a bash program in npm anyway? It's fine. Bits don't judge.

npm install -g nave


To use a version of node, you do this:

nave use <some version>

If you want to name a virtual env, you can do this:

nave use <some name>

If that virtual env doesn't already exist, it'll prompt you to choose a version.

Both of these commands drop you into a subshell. Exit the shell with exit or ^D to go back from whence you came.

Here's the full usage statement:

Usage: nave <cmd>


  install <version>     Install the version specified (ex: 12.8.0)
  install <name> <ver>  Install the version as a named env
  use <version>         Enter a subshell where <version> is being used
  use <ver> <program>   Enter a subshell, and run "<program>", then exit
  use <name> <ver>      Create a named env, using the specified version.
                        If the name already exists, but the version differs,
                        then it will update the link.
  usemain <version>     Install in /usr/local/bin (ie, use as your main nodejs)
  clean <version>       Delete the source code for <version>
  uninstall <version>   Delete the install for <version>
  ls                    List versions currently installed
  ls-remote             List remote node versions
  ls-all                List remote and local node versions
  latest                Show the most recent dist version
  cache                 Clear or view the cache
  help                  Output help information
  auto                  Find a .naverc and then be in that env
                        If no .naverc is found, then alias for 'nave exit'
  auto <dir>            cd into <dir>, then find a .naverc, and be in that env
                        If no .naverc is found, then alias for 'nave exit' in
                        the specified directory.
  auto <dir> <cmd>      cd into <dir>, then find a .naverc, and run a command
                        in that env
                        If no .naverc is found, then alias for 'nave exit <cmd>'
                        in the specified directory.
  should-auto           Exits with 1 if the nave auto env already
                        matches the config, or 0 if a change should
                        be made (ie, by calling 'nave auto')
                        An explicit call to 'nave use' or 'nave exit' will
                        tell nave that it should NOT auto.
  get <variable>        Print out various nave config values.
  exit                  Unset all the NAVE environs (use with 'exec')
  exit <cmd>            Run the specified command in a nave-free environment
                        (Note that nave will still set NAVE_EXIT=1 in order to
                        prevent 'nave should-auto' from evaluating true.)


  Any command that calls for a version can be provided any of the
  following "version-ish" identifies:

  - x.y.z       A specific SemVer tuple
  - x.y         Major and minor version number
  - x           Just a major version number
  - lts         The most recent LTS (long-term support) node version
  - lts/<name>  The latest in a named LTS set. (argon, boron, etc.)
  - lts/*       Same as just "lts"
  - latest      The most recent (non-LTS) version
  - stable      Backwards-compatible alias for "lts".

  To exit a nave subshell, type 'exit' or press ^D.
  To run nave *without* a subshell, do 'exec nave use <version>'.
  To clear the settings from a nave env, use 'exec nave exit'


  The following environment variables can be set to change nave's behavior.

  NAVE_DIR        Root directory for nave to operate in.  Defaults to
                  $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nave if set (eg, ~/.config/nave), or
                  ~/.nave otherwise.
  NAVE_NPX        Set this to '1' to add node_modules/.bin to the PATH
  NAVE_DEBUG      Set this to '1' to run in debug mode.
  NAVE_CACHE_DUR  Duration in seconds to cache version information (86400)
  NAVEUA          User-agent header to send when fetching version information
  NAVE_SRC_ONLY   Set to '1' to *only* build node from source, and never use
                  binary distributions.  (This is much slower!)
  NAVE_JOBS       Set to the number of JOBS to use when building node.
                  Defaults to the number of CPUs on the system.
  NODEDIST        The distribution server to fetch node from.  Defaults to
  NAVE_CONFIG     Arguments to pass to ./configure when building from source.

  Nave sets the following environment variables when in use:

  NAVE            A descriptive string of the nave setting in use.
  NAVENAME        The name, in named subshells, otherwise $NAVEVERSION
  NAVEVERSION     The version of node in use.
  NAVELVL         The number of subshells currently in use (like bash $SHLVL)
  NAVE_LOGIN      '1' in interactive nave subshells, '0' otherwise.
  NAVE_ROOT       Location of nave installed environments
  NAVE_SRC        Location of downloaded Node.js source
  NAVE_AUTO_RC    The .naverc file used by 'nave auto'
  NAVE_AUTO_CFG   The contents of the .naverc file used by 'nave auto'


  Nave subshells will source the same .bashrc, .bash_profile, .zprofile, etc.
  configuration files as normal shells, based on whether it is being run as a
  login shell, or to run a specific command.

  In addition, the following files are sourced in all nave subshells if found,
  after the normal shell profile files, in the following order, based on the
  resulting environment variables described above. When run in a subdirectory,
  nave will walk up the directory tree looking for any of these that it finds,
  but will not walk up further than any folder containing a '.git' entry.

    .nave_profile_${NAVENAME}, if a named environment
    .nave_profile_${NAVEVERSION}, eg .nave_profile_16.19.0
    .nave_profile_${NAVEVERSION major.minor}, eg .nave_profile_16.19
    .nave_profile_${NAVEVERSION major}, eg .nave_profile_16

  Finally, it will always source ${NAVEDIR}/../.naverc if present.
  (eg, ~/.config/.naverc)

  These may be used to set project-specific confirations, env variables, or
  other behavior based on the Nave environment in use, without the use of
  configuration files in the home directory.

  The 'nave auto' command will walk up the directory tree looking for a
  '.naverc' or '.nvmrc' file, and use the contents as arguments to 'nave use'.

Subshell-free operation

If you prefer to not enter a subshell, just run nave with exec

exec nave use lts/argon

You could even add something like this to your .bashrc file to save on typing:

n () {
  exec nave "$@"

Running shell script with specific version of Node.js

If there is need to run a shell script with version of node.js provided by nave following snippet can be inserted into script:

[ "${IN_SUBSHELL}" != "$0" ] && exec env IN_SUBSHELL="$0" nave use 5.0.0 bash "$0" "$@" || :


You can put a .naverc file in the root of your project (or anywhere). This file should contain the version that you want to use. It can be something like lts/boron or 16 or latest

echo lts/boron > ~/projects/my-project/.naverc

Then you can run nave auto to load the appropriate environment.


If you want to get even more absurd/automated, put this in your bash settings (like ~/.bashrc or whatever)

alias cd='exec nave auto'

and then every time you cd into a different folder, it'll automatically load the correct nave settings, or exit nave-land if no automatic stuff could be found.

Note that doing this will also cause it to exit the nave environment when you cd to a directory that doesn't have a nave setting, so it can interfere with "normal" nave operation.

Also, aliasing cd is a very all-consuming type of change to make to one's system. You might wish to give it some other name, so that you can switch directories without affecting environment variables as a potentially surprising side effect, or even just run exec nave auto as an explicit action whenever you want this behavior to happen.

Bottom line, it's your shell, and I hope that this helps you enjoy it more :)


Ok, put this snippet in a PROMPT_COMMAND export in your bash profile (.bashrc or .bash_profile or whatever you use for that).

export PROMPT_COMMAND='nave should-auto && exec nave auto'

Now you'll always be in the configured nave environment in any project with a .naverc (or .nvmrc), and always not in a nave environment in your main shell in any folder that isn't set up for nave auto.

This has no effect on the normal nave subshells you get from nave use.

The output of your PROMPT_COMMAND is used for the main bash prompt, so you can also do some fancy stuff like this:

__prompt () {
  if nave should-auto; then
    exec nave auto
  # Show the nave version in white-on-blue, but the "normal" node
  # version in green
  if [ "$NAVE" != "" ]; then
    echo -ne " \033[44;37mnode@$NAVE\033[0m"
    echo -ne " \033[32mnode@$(node -p 'process.version.slice(1)' 2>/dev/null)\033[0m"
PS1="\\$ "
export PROMPT_COMMAND='__prompt'

env vars

  • $NAVE The current shell. Either a version, or a name and version.
  • $NAVE_NPX Set to "1" to add node_modules/.bin to the $PATH in all nave shells (including the main shell when exec nave auto is used).
  • $NAVE_AUTO_RC The .naverc file found by nave auto.
  • $NAVE_AUTO_CFG The contents of the .naverc file that was read when entering the nave auto environment.
  • $NAVENAME The name of the current shell. Equal to $NAVEVERSION in unnammed environments.
  • $NAVEVERSION The version of node that the current shell is pointing to. (This should comply with node -v.)
  • $NAVELVL The level of nesting in the subshell.
  • $NAVE_DEBUG Set to 1 to run nave in bash -x style.
  • $NAVE_DIR Set to the location where you'd like nave to do its business. Defaults to ~/.nave.
  • $NAVE_CONFIG Set this to an array of arguments to pass to ./configure. Defaults to ("--debug"). (Note that parens are required to supply multiple arguments. I use ("--debug" "--without-npm") on my own system, since I'm usually using nave to test npm, so installing it in the subshell doesn't help much.) This can be set in the ~/.naverc file, or in your normal ~/.bash{rc,_profile} files.
  • $NAVE_JOBS If set, this will be the number of jobs to run when building node. If this isn't set, it'll use the $JOBS env, then try to guess a reasonable value based on the number of CPUs, then fall back on 2 if sysctl -n hw.ncpu fails.
  • $NAVE_SRC_ONLY Set to "1" to only build from source, rather than fetching binaries.


Patches welcome! Before spending too much time on a patch or feature request, please post an issue to see if it's something that's going to be accepted or have unforeseen consequences.

Patches will usually not be accepted if they break tests or cause coverage to drop below 100%. You can run tests with:

npm test
# or...
bash test/

And you can check coverage with:

npm run cov
# or...
COV=1 bash test/ && open coverage-all/kcov-merged/*.html

The latest coverage report can be found at


Nave is a bash program. It can still do most of its functionality if you use zsh or fish as your shell, as long as you have bash somewhere, but some of the magical stuff won't work (since obviously that has to run inline in your shell with exec).

Nave requires bash. It will probably never work on Windows, or other systems lack a native Bourne Again Shell. Sorry. (Patches welcome if you can get it to work properly on Windows that do have bash, like WSL and Cygwin.)

Nave logins work with any shell, but executing a command in the nave environment (ie, nave use 12 node program.js) requires that your shell support the -c argument. (Bash, sh, zsh, and fish all work fine.)


Nave will source ~/.naverc on initialization of a new subshell, if it exists and is readable.

You may control the place where nave puts things by setting the NAVE_DIR environment variable. However, note that this must be set somewhere other than ~/.naverc, since it needs to be set in the parent shell where the nave command is invoked.

By default, nave puts its stuff in ~/.nave/. If this directory does not exist and cannot be created, then it will attempt to use the location of the bash script itself. If it cannot write to this location, then it will exit with an error.


nave borrows concepts, inspiration, and code from Tim Caswell's "nvm" and Kris Kowal's "sea" programs.

Sea is really nice, but is very tied to Narwhal. Also, it's a require.paths manager, which nave is not.

Nvm is also really nice, but has to be sourced rather than being run, and thus is a little bit wonky for some use cases. But it doesn't involve subshells, which makes it better for some others.

nave's People


astampoulis avatar edef1c avatar em- avatar feldgendler avatar hyperupcall avatar iggyzap avatar isaacs avatar jlowe000 avatar joeybaker avatar kaichen avatar l0b0 avatar linuxbasic avatar maael avatar michaeljones avatar microadam avatar mzyy94 avatar niccolli avatar polotek avatar rulatir avatar santigimeno avatar sapics avatar staypirate avatar taynelson avatar tj avatar welwood08 avatar


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nave's Issues

Subshell problems

I'm trying to install coffee-script from a makefile, something like this:

./ use 0.6.5 && npm install coffee-script

That doesn't work, because nave creates a subshell; moreover, if I install the package from inside het nave-environment, and exit the subshell, this doesn't work (which is a problem for the web framework I use --- Django):

env: node: No such file or directory

In virtualenv, the following (imaginary) would work:


Is there a reason or a cause that this is not supported by nave (or is it supported, but can't I find it)? Or should we actually try and solve this?

Uninstall nave

How could I uninstall nave and restore all environtment variables?

I would like to try installing nodejs from deb package.

usemain does not install?

$ nave usemain stable

leads to:

$ nave ls



How come it doesn't appear as installed?

nave for fish shell

Would like to start a discussion on the possibility of porting this to fish.
I've been using nvm-fish just fine but it doesn't have iojs.

Just started using this nvm-fish-wrapper but am having issues with it.

Not yet a master bash or fish shell scripter yet.

Is repo still maintained?

Hello, I have lot of patches (and even more in future) for cygwin support & general improvements, like removing global installation, installing modules from list (to make deploy process simpler, I guess, it is not what you personally needed from nave). Is it better to fork to separate project, or will you sort out patches?

$PATH not updated with the "nave use" command

At the beginning, there was nothing. I wanted to install Node with Nave (cloned into: /home/jdoes/.nave/).

The following command was successfull:

% nave install latest # today, latest == 0.5.0

Now, come the troubles… Look at these command lines:

% nave ls


% nave use 0.5.0
Already installed: 0.5.0
using 0.5.0
% echo "$NAVE - $NAVELVL"
0.5.0 - 1
%  echo $PATH
% node -v
Command not found blabla…
% PATH=/home/jdoes/.nave/installed/0.5.0/bin:$PATH && node -v
% exit && echo $PATH

I don't understand what's going on. Why PATH have to be updated twice? Any idea?


npm installs to ./node_modules

installed nave, then node, then npm:

which npm


npm install easyrss will create node_modules in current folder

'npm bin' will also return ./node_modules/bin

The documentation...

Not really an issue, but more of a newbie request...

If you find time, I'd love to see a bit more verbose installation documentation; Examples, examples, examples =)

I'm green, no doubts, so I didn't even know if I was supposed to symlink to the url of or not, since installing it didn't actually work out of the box (then I read the readme on my disk, and went "aaah!"). Once I figured out that "./" worked, and symlinked to that, I am now stuck at "bin/nave use 0.3.4"; cause in the shell, typing "node" doesn't make anything happen:: "The program 'node' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install node".

However, it seems is happening in the shell when I try to run "node" from it's location:
$> nave use 0.3.4
Already installed: 0.3.4
using 0.3.4
$> node
$> exit
failed somehow

-This "failed somehow" doesn't show up if I start and exit the shell w/o trying to run node...

Yup, a lot of whining about very basic stuff, but just wanna deploy my nodjs stuff easily, not learn unix (ok, I wanna learn unix, but not right now). Guessing perhaps there are a few unix-illiterate js-programmers heading over to nodejs these days, so, with npm and nave crystalising out of the modulejungle, it'd perhaps be an idea to be a little less brief in documenting the very basic stuff that actually gets nodejs servers into production the fastest...

Cheers for the excellent software and ideas.

nave adds itself too late in the path chain

When I do a nave use 0.8.25, I get this PATH:


The problem is that /usr/local/bin (where my OS-level installation of Node.js is) appears before /Users/mikl/.nave/installed/0.8.25/bin, so nave does nothing. It could appear that nave does it work before my .zshrc is run. Any idea of how one could work around that?

double `exec nave use ...` quits shell

I prefer replacing the shell with the 'naved' shell through exec over creating a subshell. But when I do that inside an already 'naved' shell, it exits.

Not working on SmartOS

$ sdc-createmachine --dataset sdc:sdc:nodejs:1.4.0 --name node-dev-01 -p 'Extra Small 512 MB'

$ ssh admin@{IP}

$ nave use stable
installed from binary
using 0.8.14
[admin@node-dev-01 ~]$ node -v node: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

nave install 0.6.3 fails on .configure

d4:~/Sync/Code/Sandbox/Node/nave (master) $ nave install 0.6.3
already fetched 0.6.3
/Users/bdefore/Sync/Code/Sandbox/Node/nave/ line 185: ./configure: No such file or directory
Failed to configure 0.6.3

Nave breaks with nodejs 0.6.0

$ nave install 0.6.0
######################################################################## 100.0%
tar: Unrecognized archive format
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
######################################################################## 100.0%
tar: Unrecognized archive format
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
######################################################################## 100.0%
tar: Unrecognized archive format
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
Couldn't fetch 0.6.0

Install problem

Tried to install v0.2.6 - bugged out

Linode / Ubuntu 10.10

$ nave usemain v0.2.6

################################################################## 100.0%

Checking for program g++ or c++ : /usr/bin/g++
Checking for program cpp : /usr/bin/cpp
Checking for program ar : /usr/bin/ar
Checking for program ranlib : /usr/bin/ranlib
Checking for g++ : ok
Checking for program gcc or cc : /usr/bin/gcc
Checking for gcc : ok
Checking for library dl : yes
Checking for openssl : not found
Checking for function SSL_library_init : yes
Checking for header openssl/crypto.h : yes
Checking for library rt : yes
--- libeio ---
Checking for library pthread : yes
Checking for function pthread_create : yes
Checking for function pthread_atfork : yes
Checking for futimes(2) : yes
Checking for readahead(2) : yes
Checking for fdatasync(2) : yes
Checking for pread(2) and pwrite(2) : yes
Checking for sendfile(2) : yes
Checking for sync_file_range(2) : yes
--- libev ---
Checking for header sys/inotify.h : yes
Checking for function inotify_init : yes
Checking for header sys/epoll.h : yes
Checking for function epoll_ctl : yes
Checking for header port.h : not found
Checking for header poll.h : yes
Checking for function poll : yes
Checking for header sys/event.h : not found
Checking for header sys/queue.h : yes
Checking for function kqueue : not found
Checking for header sys/select.h : yes
Checking for function select : yes
Checking for header sys/eventfd.h : yes
Checking for function eventfd : yes
Checking for SYS_clock_gettime : yes
Checking for library rt : yes
Checking for function clock_gettime : yes
Checking for function nanosleep : yes
Checking for function ceil : yes
Checking for fdatasync(2) with c++ : yes
'configure' finished successfully (3.069s)
Waf: Entering directory `/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/build'
DEST_OS: linux
DEST_CPU: x86_64
Parallel Jobs: 8
[ 1/138] cc: deps/libeio/eio.c -> build/default/deps/libeio/eio_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/libeio -I../deps/libeio -Idefault -I.. ../deps/libeio/eio.c -c -o default/deps/libeio/eio_1.o
[ 2/138] cc: deps/libeio/eio.c -> build/debug/deps/libeio/eio_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O0 -Wall -Wextra -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DDEBUG -Idebug/deps/libeio -I../deps/libeio -Idebug -I.. ../deps/libeio/eio.c -c -o debug/deps/libeio/eio_1.o
../deps/libeio/eio.c:259: warning: missing initializer
../deps/libeio/eio.c:259: warning: (near initialization for ‘wrk_first.req’)
../deps/libeio/eio.c: In function ‘etp_start_thread’:
../deps/libeio/eio.c:451: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libeio/eio.c: In function ‘etp_poll’:
../deps/libeio/eio.c:557: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
../deps/libeio/eio.c: In function ‘grp_try_feed’:
../deps/libeio/eio.c:651: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
../deps/libeio/eio.c: In function ‘eio_dent_radix_sort’:
../deps/libeio/eio.c:1075: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
../deps/libeio/eio.c:1080: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
[ 3/138] cc: deps/libev/ev.c -> build/default/deps/libev/ev_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/libev -I../deps/libev -Idefault -I.. ../deps/libev/ev.c -c -o default/deps/libev/ev_1.o
../deps/libeio/eio.c: In function ‘eio__scandir’:
../deps/libeio/eio.c:1248: warning: suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous ‘else’
../deps/libeio/eio.c: In function ‘eio__mtouch’:
../deps/libeio/eio.c:1443: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
../deps/libeio/eio.c:1445: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
../deps/libeio/eio.c:1441: warning: suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous ‘else’
../deps/libeio/eio.c: In function ‘eio_execute’:
../deps/libeio/eio.c:1628: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘rename’
../deps/libeio/eio.c: In function ‘eio_grp_add’:
../deps/libeio/eio.c:1951: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
[ 4/138] cc: deps/libev/ev.c -> build/debug/deps/libev/ev_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O0 -Wall -Wextra -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DDEBUG -Idebug/deps/libev -I../deps/libev -Idebug -I.. ../deps/libev/ev.c -c -o debug/deps/libev/ev_1.o
[ 5/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_strcasecmp.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_strcasecmp_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_strcasecmp.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_strcasecmp_1.o
[ 6/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_free_string.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_free_string_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_free_string.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_free_string_1.o
[ 7/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_options.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_options_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_options.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_options_1.o
[ 8/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_send.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_send_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_send.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_send_1.o
[ 9/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_txt_reply.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_txt_reply_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_parse_txt_reply.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_txt_reply_1.o
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘array_nextsize’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:767: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘pendingcb’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:814: warning: unused parameter ‘w’
../deps/libev/ev.c:814: warning: unused parameter ‘revents’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_feed_event’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:829: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘feed_reverse’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:838: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘fd_change’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:946: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘pipecb’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:1249: warning: unused parameter ‘iow’
../deps/libev/ev.c:1249: warning: unused parameter ‘revents’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘childcb’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:1389: warning: unused parameter ‘revents’
In file included from ../deps/libev/ev.c:1420:
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c: At top level:
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c:185: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c:185: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c: In function ‘epoll_init’:
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c:186: warning: unused parameter ‘flags’
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c: At top level:
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c:210: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c:210: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c:216: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_epoll.c:216: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
In file included from ../deps/libev/ev.c:1423:
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c:42: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c:42: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c: In function ‘poll_modify’:
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c:66: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c: At top level:
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c:125: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c:125: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c: In function ‘poll_init’:
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c:126: warning: unused parameter ‘flags’
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c: At top level:
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c:138: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_poll.c:138: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
In file included from ../deps/libev/ev.c:1426:
../deps/libev/ev_select.c:267: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_select.c:267: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_select.c: In function ‘select_init’:
../deps/libev/ev_select.c:268: warning: unused parameter ‘flags’
../deps/libev/ev_select.c: At top level:
../deps/libev/ev_select.c:296: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev_select.c:296: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev.c:1442: warning: ‘static’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev.c:1442: warning: ‘inline’ is not at beginning of declaration
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘verify_watcher’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:1805: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:1808: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘verify_heap’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:1818: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:1819: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:1820: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘array_verify’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:1831: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_loop_verify’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:1849: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:1856: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:1857: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘timers_reify’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2048: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘periodics_reify’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2087: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:2074: warning: unused variable ‘feed_count’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_loop’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2236: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_io_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2505: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:2506: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:2514: warning: suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of ‘|’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_io_stop’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2527: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_timer_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2547: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:2553: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_timer_stop’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2575: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_periodic_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2635: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c:2646: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_periodic_stop’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2668: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_signal_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2703: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘infy_cb’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:2974: warning: unused parameter ‘w’
../deps/libev/ev.c:2974: warning: unused parameter ‘revents’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘stat_timer_cb’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:3105: warning: unused parameter ‘revents’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_idle_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:3217: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘evpipe_write’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:1236: warning: ignoring return value of ‘write’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
../deps/libev/ev.c:1240: warning: ignoring return value of ‘write’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘pipecb’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:1257: warning: ignoring return value of ‘read’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
../deps/libev/ev.c:1263: warning: ignoring return value of ‘read’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_prepare_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:3256: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_check_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:3292: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_fork_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:3436: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c: In function ‘ev_async_start’:
../deps/libev/ev.c:3476: warning: unused variable ‘ocur_’
../deps/libev/ev.c:3682:27: warning: "/" within comment
../deps/libev/ev.c:3683:27: warning: "/
" within comment
[ 10/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ptr_reply.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ptr_reply_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ptr_reply.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ptr_reply_1.o
[ 11/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_nowarn.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_nowarn_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_nowarn.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_nowarn_1.o
[ 12/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_search.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_search_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_search.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_search_1.o
[ 13/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyname.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyname_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyname.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyname_1.o
[ 14/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_getsock.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_getsock_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_getsock.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_getsock_1.o
[ 15/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares__timeval.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares__timeval_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares__timeval.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares__timeval_1.o
[ 16/138] cc: deps/c-ares/inet_ntop.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/inet_ntop_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/inet_ntop.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/inet_ntop_1.o
[ 17/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_a_reply.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_a_reply_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_parse_a_reply.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_a_reply_1.o
[ 18/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_getopt.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_getopt_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_getopt.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_getopt_1.o
[ 19/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares__close_sockets.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares__close_sockets_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares__close_sockets.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares__close_sockets_1.o
[ 20/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_expand_string.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_expand_string_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_expand_string.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_expand_string_1.o
[ 21/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_destroy.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_destroy_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_destroy.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_destroy_1.o
[ 22/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_cancel.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_cancel_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_cancel.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_cancel_1.o
[ 23/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_aaaa_reply.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_aaaa_reply_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_parse_aaaa_reply.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_aaaa_reply_1.o
[ 24/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ns_reply.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ns_reply_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ns_reply.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ns_reply_1.o
[ 25/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_version.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_version_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_version.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_version_1.o
[ 26/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares__get_hostent.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares__get_hostent_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares__get_hostent.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares__get_hostent_1.o
[ 27/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_writev.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_writev_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idefault/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_writev.c -c -o default/deps/c-ares/ares_writev_1.o
[ 28/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_expand_name.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_expand_name_1.o
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[ 29/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_free_hostent.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_free_hostent_1.o
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[ 30/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_mx_reply.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_mx_reply_1.o
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[ 31/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyaddr.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyaddr_1.o
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[ 32/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_query.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_query_1.o
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[ 33/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_data.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_data_1.o
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[ 34/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_init.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_init_1.o
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[ 35/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_fds.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_fds_1.o
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[ 36/138] cc: deps/c-ares/inet_net_pton.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/inet_net_pton_1.o
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[ 37/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_strerror.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_strerror_1.o
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[ 38/138] cc: deps/c-ares/bitncmp.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/bitncmp_1.o
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[ 39/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_getnameinfo.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_getnameinfo_1.o
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[ 40/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_library_init.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_library_init_1.o
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[ 41/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_mkquery.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_mkquery_1.o
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[ 42/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_process.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_process_1.o
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[ 43/138] cc: deps/c-ares/windows_port.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/windows_port_1.o
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[ 44/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_srv_reply.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_srv_reply_1.o
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[ 45/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_llist.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_llist_1.o
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[ 46/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_timeout.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_timeout_1.o
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[ 47/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares__read_line.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares__read_line_1.o
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[ 48/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_strdup.c -> build/default/deps/c-ares/ares_strdup_1.o
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[ 49/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_strcasecmp.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_strcasecmp_1.o
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[ 50/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_free_string.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_free_string_1.o
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[ 51/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_options.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_options_1.o
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[ 52/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_send.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_send_1.o
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[ 53/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_txt_reply.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_txt_reply_1.o
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[ 54/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ptr_reply.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ptr_reply_1.o
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[ 55/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_nowarn.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_nowarn_1.o
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[ 56/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_search.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_search_1.o
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[ 57/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyname.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyname_1.o
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[ 58/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_getsock.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_getsock_1.o
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[ 59/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares__timeval.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares__timeval_1.o
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[ 60/138] cc: deps/c-ares/inet_ntop.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/inet_ntop_1.o
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[ 61/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_a_reply.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_a_reply_1.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O0 -Wall -Wextra -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DDEBUG -Idebug/deps/c-ares -I../deps/c-ares -Idebug/deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 -I../deps/c-ares/linux-x86_64 ../deps/c-ares/ares_parse_a_reply.c -c -o debug/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_a_reply_1.o
[ 62/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_getopt.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_getopt_1.o
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[ 63/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares__close_sockets.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares__close_sockets_1.o
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[ 64/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_expand_string.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_expand_string_1.o
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[ 65/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_destroy.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_destroy_1.o
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[ 66/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_cancel.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_cancel_1.o
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[ 67/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_aaaa_reply.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_aaaa_reply_1.o
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[ 68/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ns_reply.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_ns_reply_1.o
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[ 69/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_version.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_version_1.o
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[ 70/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares__get_hostent.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares__get_hostent_1.o
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[ 71/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_writev.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_writev_1.o
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[ 72/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_expand_name.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_expand_name_1.o
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[ 73/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_free_hostent.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_free_hostent_1.o
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[ 74/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_mx_reply.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_mx_reply_1.o
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[ 75/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyaddr.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_gethostbyaddr_1.o
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[ 76/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_query.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_query_1.o
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[ 77/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_data.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_data_1.o
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[ 78/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_init.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_init_1.o
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[ 79/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_fds.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_fds_1.o
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[ 80/138] cc: deps/c-ares/inet_net_pton.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/inet_net_pton_1.o
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[ 81/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_strerror.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_strerror_1.o
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[ 82/138] cc: deps/c-ares/bitncmp.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/bitncmp_1.o
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[ 83/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_getnameinfo.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_getnameinfo_1.o
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[ 84/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_library_init.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_library_init_1.o
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[ 85/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_mkquery.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_mkquery_1.o
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[ 86/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_process.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_process_1.o
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[ 87/138] cc: deps/c-ares/windows_port.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/windows_port_1.o
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[ 88/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_parse_srv_reply.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_parse_srv_reply_1.o
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[ 89/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_llist.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_llist_1.o
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[ 90/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_timeout.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_timeout_1.o
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[ 91/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares__read_line.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares__read_line_1.o
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[ 92/138] cc: deps/c-ares/ares_strdup.c -> build/debug/deps/c-ares/ares_strdup_1.o
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[ 93/138] cc: deps/http_parser/http_parser.c -> build/default/deps/http_parser/http_parser_3.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/http_parser -I../deps/http_parser ../deps/http_parser/http_parser.c -c -o default/deps/http_parser/http_parser_3.o
[ 94/138] cc: deps/http_parser/http_parser.c -> build/debug/deps/http_parser/http_parser_3.o
/usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O0 -Wall -Wextra -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 -DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=1 -DPLATFORM="linux" -DDEBUG -Idebug/deps/http_parser -I../deps/http_parser ../deps/http_parser/http_parser.c -c -o debug/deps/http_parser/http_parser_3.o
[ 95/138] src/node_natives.h: src/node.js lib/dgram.js lib/buffer.js lib/querystring.js lib/utils.js lib/http.js lib/net.js lib/events.js lib/assert.js lib/fs.js lib/readline.js lib/url.js lib/crypto.js lib/sys.js lib/freelist.js lib/dns.js lib/tcp.js lib/posix.js lib/file.js lib/child_process.js lib/repl.js lib/path.js lib/string_decoder.js -> build/default/src/node_natives.h
[ 97/138] copy: src/ -> build/default/src/node_config.h
[ 96/138] src/node_natives.h: src/node.js lib/dgram.js lib/buffer.js lib/querystring.js lib/utils.js lib/http.js lib/net.js lib/events.js lib/assert.js lib/fs.js lib/readline.js lib/url.js lib/crypto.js lib/sys.js lib/freelist.js lib/dns.js lib/tcp.js lib/posix.js lib/file.js lib/child_process.js lib/repl.js lib/path.js lib/string_decoder.js -> build/debug/src/node_natives.h
[ 98/138] copy: src/ -> build/debug/src/node_config.h
[ 99/138] libv8.a: deps/v8/SConstruct -> build/default/libv8.a
[100/138] libv8_g.a: deps/v8/SConstruct -> build/debug/libv8_g.a
python "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/tools/scons/" -j 8 -C "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/build/default/" -Y "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8" visibility=default mode=release arch=x64 library=static snapshot=on
python "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/tools/scons/" -j 8 -C "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/build/debug/" -Y "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8" visibility=default mode=debug arch=x64 library=static snapshot=on
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: Reading SConscript files ...

scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript 'obj/test/debug/SConscript'
File "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/SConstruct", line 1097, in BuildSpecific
scons: done reading SConscript files.

scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript 'obj/test/release/SConscript'
File "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/SConstruct", line 1097, in BuildSpecific
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: Building targets ...
gcc -o obj/release/dtoa-config.o -c -Werror -Wno-uninitialized -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/dtoa-config.c
gcc -o obj/debug/dtoa-config.o -c -Werror -Wno-uninitialized -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_DISASSEMBLER -DDEBUG -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DV8_ENABLE_CHECKS -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/dtoa-config.c
g++ -o obj/release/accessors.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/
g++ -o obj/release/allocation.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/
g++ -o obj/debug/accessors.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_DISASSEMBLER -DDEBUG -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DV8_ENABLE_CHECKS -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/
g++ -o obj/debug/allocation.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_DISASSEMBLER -DDEBUG -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DV8_ENABLE_CHECKS -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/
g++ -o obj/release/api.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/
g++ -o obj/release/assembler.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/
g++ -o obj/debug/api.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_DISASSEMBLER -DDEBUG -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DV8_ENABLE_CHECKS -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/
g++ -o obj/release/ast.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/deps/v8/src/
g++ -o obj/debug/assembler.o -c -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -m64 -g -O0 -ansi -DV8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -DENABLE_DISASSEMBLER -DDEBUG -DENABLE_VMSTATE_TRACKING -DENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING -DV8_ENABLE_CHECKS -DENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.6/dep

Getting `mkdir: : No such file or directory` on any nave 0.5.2 invocation

(on Mac OS X 10.11, Node v4.1.1)

Here's the debug output:

$ NAVE_DEBUG=true nave
+ '[' -z /bin/bash ']'
++ basename /usr/local/bin/bash
+ shell=bash
+ case "$shell" in
+ shopt -s extglob
++ uname -a
+ uname='Darwin ReBuke-Pro.local 15.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Wed Aug 26 16:57:32 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.1.106~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64'
+ os=
+ arch=
+ case "$uname" in
+ os=darwin
+ case "$uname" in
+ arch=x64
+ tar=tar
+ main
+ SELF_PATH=/usr/local/bin/nave
+ '[' / '!=' . ']'
+ '[' / '!=' / ']'
+++ dirname -- /usr/local/bin/nave
++ cd -P -- /usr/local/bin
++ pwd -P
+ SELF_PATH=/usr/local/bin
++ basename -- /usr/local/bin/nave
+ SELF_PATH=/usr/local/bin/nave
+ '[' -h /usr/local/bin/nave ']'
++ dirname -- /usr/local/bin/nave
+ DIR=/usr/local/bin
++ readlink -- /usr/local/bin/nave
+ SYM=../lib/node_modules/nave/
++ cd -- /usr/local/bin
+++ dirname -- ../lib/node_modules/nave/
++ cd -- ../lib/node_modules/nave
++ pwd
++ basename -- ../lib/node_modules/nave/
+ SELF_PATH=/usr/local/lib/node_modules/nave/
+ '[' -h /usr/local/lib/node_modules/nave/ ']'
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ '[' -d '' ']'
+ mkdir -p -- ''
mkdir: : No such file or directory

nave use stable fails when is down

I'd love an option to nave that would fall back to the last stable version if nodejs was unavailable instead of prompting for which version to use (automated systems can't respond to a prompt) instead of failing. Our continuous integration process has been failing a lot today because of issues. We've had to change all our calls to use nave use 0.12.7 instead.

"nave use" screws up all currently installed node versions.

Running just "nave use", with no further arguments not only results in an error message, but screws around with the currently installed versions of node. It leaves the previously installed versions unusable, necessitating re-installation of node versions, and npm and all npm-managed modules in all nave-managed node versions.

I'd recreate the issue again, and reported the error message that resulted from "nave use", but I've just got back to the environment that I had before the fateful command.

nave version : 0.1.2

Wrong symbolic link with nave use <name> <ver>

When you create a named env with:

nave use <name> <ver>

some links inside ~/.nave/installed/dev/bin are wrong, the node-waf and npm links to the wrong places:

node-waf -> ~/.nave/installed/<ver>/bin/node-waf
npm      -> ~/.nave/installed/<ver>/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js

but the correct link for npm is:

npm -> ~/.nave/installed/<ver>/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js

or directly to the npm link to ~/.nave/installed/<ver>/bin/npm

Not sure if node-waf is used in recent node.js version (I can't see any binary with that name).

ls command path bug

I installed under ~/bin, and used it to install 0.2.4 and 0.30, but still could not list installed node version. I tested in zsh and bash.

 ~ $ which nave
 ~ $ nave ls
ls: src: No such file or directory
ls: installed: No such file or directory

 ~ $ ls ~/bin/src
0.2.4  0.3.0
 ~ $ ls ~/bin/installed
0.2.4  0.3.0

And I hacked the code, remove the basename invoke in path variables. It got correct result:

 ~ $ nave ls
0.2.4   0.3.0   

0.2.4   0.3.0

I can't understand why you use basename here.

add environment/configuration variable to control usemain destination

/usr/local/ is great, but it might be nice to point usemain somewhere else. I personally like installing stuff in separate /opt sub-directories to keep things nicely partitioned and easily uninstalled.

Please add such a configuration variable so that the default /usr/local/ behaviour can be changed. Cheers!

Working with io.js

I have built and installed the node.js fork, io.js. Since it's compiled as 0.11.15-pre I have simply copied it to installed. However, it's wrongly listed as 0.11.15 with nave ls and it does not work either way. This is rather an enhancement request, I guess, could nave include also this fork for building and deal with it properly?

nave unable to build node on Ubuntu 10.04 - g++ dies

This was originally posted to the nodejs google group here:!topic/nodejs/Ik2vNJM9bWs

Short summary:

When I run: nave use 0.4.3

Then I get a compile error. It looks like we're tickling a bug in g++. Ryan suggested it had to do with compiling with DEBUG on.

I can build node 0.4.3 fine on this machine if I download the tarball.

Here's my g++ version:

james@ubuntu:/usr/local/src/node-v0.4.3$ g++ -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5' --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4/README.Bugs --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --enable-multiarch --enable-linker-build-id --with-system-zlib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.4 --program-suffix=-4.4 --enable-nls --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-plugin --enable-objc-gc --disable-werror --with-arch-32=i486 --with-tune=generic --enable-checking=release --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5)

Is "linking" possible?

I'm sure this is working as-expected, but I'm going to throw my issue out there just in case.

When I "create a named env, using the specified version" via nave use <name> <ver>, it creates a copy instead of a link. What that means is that any time I npm install -g or npm update -g in the named env, those changes aren't propagated to the version-based env.

$ nave install stable
######################################################################## 100.0%
installed from binary

$ nave use default stable
Creating new env named 'default' using node 0.10.33
Already installed: 0.10.33

$ npm install -g linken
/home/cowboy/.nave/installed/default/bin/linken -> /home/cowboy/.nave/installed/default/lib/node_modules/linken/bin/linken
[email protected] /home/cowboy/.nave/installed/default/lib/node_modules/linken
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected] ([email protected])
└── [email protected] ([email protected])

$ which linken

$ exit

$ nave use default which linken

$ nave use stable which linken
Already installed: 0.10.33
using 0.10.33
failed with code=1

Is there any way to create a named env that is a link to a specified version? Right now I have a bash function that creates a symlink, which I add into my PATH to facilitate always have the latest stable version available by default.

# Set a specific version of node as the "default" for "nave use default"
function nave_default() {
  local version
  local default=${NAVE_DIR:-$HOME/.nave}/installed/default
  [[ "$1" == "stable" ]] && version=$(nave stable) || version=${1#v}
  rm "$default" 2>/dev/null
  ln -s $version "$default"
  echo "Nave default set to $version"

# Put the "default" nodejs install bin directory in the PATH

# Install stable and make it the "default"
nave install stable
nave_default stable

Is the "link" idea useful enough to add into nave itself?

JOBS=8 kills my linode shell

Nave uses JOBS=8 to build node. This pegs the CPU on my linode slice hard enough that linode shuts down my shell. Using JOBS=1 works fine. Is there any chance this could be configured through an environment variable or command-line option?

nave use x.x.x fails

% nave use 0.6.18
Already installed: 0.6.18
using 0.6.18
/bin/zsh: no such option: rcfile

Don't know when I'm in a subshell

There's currently no feedback to determine what subshell I'm in, if at all.

Changing the prompt to mention the (named) version or offer a nave whoami command would be great:

[jbull@home ~]$ nave use my-app
(my-app)[jbull@home ~]$ # ...

[jbull@home ~]$ nave use 0.11.13
(0.11.13)[jbull@home ~]$ # ...


$ nave whoami
my-app: 0.11.13

# and if there's no subshell
$ nave whoami
Not currently in an environment! Type `nave help` for more info.

Default to nave use IFF version of node is already installed.


I'm having a problem on my CI.

Default to nave use IFF (if and only if) version of node is already installed. Is there a reason why this isn't the default behaviour?

As my CI will need to do:

console input: nave install 0.10
output: "Already installed: 0.10.39"
console input: nave use 0.10

to ensure the version I want is in use i have to use 2 commands not one :( I'm probably missing something..

nave not switching version when usemain used

I'm not 100% sure this is a bug or a screw up in how I'm using nave, but:

I've used nave usemain latest (which puts me on 0.6.0). When I run nave use 0.4.12 it fires up a new shell, but when I run node -v it returns 0.6.0.

I expected that when I switch to the shell, I could enter a node repl and it would be under 0.4.12 (in this example).

Like I said, I suspect I'm doing something wrong, so please do set me on my way!


How to invoke NPM from Nave.

I package all of my NodeJS code, and execute them with "npm start" in Upstart jobs (Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04).

Does Nave support executing NPM commands under a particular version of NodeJS?

Broken on Windows with no bash

C:\Users\tanepiper>npm install -g nave
c:\bin\nave -> c:\bin\node_modules\nave\
[email protected] c:\bin\node_modules\nave

'/bin/bash' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

`nave install` fails on Arch Linux

It would be nice to have a way of overriding Python interpreter, because waf fails to install node, thanks to Python3k being default in Arch repos (thus #!/usr/bin/env python points to python3.1 instead of python2.X).

$ nave install 0.2.6
######################################################################## 100,0%
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bobry/.node_libraries/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.5/tools/waf-light", line 157, in <module>
    import Scripting
  File "/home/bobry/.node_libraries/.npm/nave/0.1.3/package/src/0.2.5/tools/wafadmin/", line 146
    except Utils.WafError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Failed to configure 0.2.5

nave install could be smarter

I just tried to nave install stable and it blew up with three 404 errors. Now nave ls says that 0.8.3 is src / installed even though it isn't. FWIW, I already had 0.8.2 installed.

$ nave install stable

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
Couldn't fetch 0.8.3

$ nave ls
0.8.2   0.8.3   

0.8.2   0.8.3   

default: 0.8.2

$ ls -al ~/.nave/src/
total 22912
drwxr-xr-x   5 cowboy  staff       170 Jul 18 22:03 .
drwxr-xr-x   5 cowboy  staff       170 Jul 15 22:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x  27 cowboy  staff       918 Jul 15 22:49 0.8.2
-rw-r--r--   1 cowboy  staff  11727164 Jul 15 22:47 0.8.2.tgz
-rw-r--r--   1 cowboy  staff         0 Jul 18 22:03 0.8.3.tgz

$ ls -al ~/.nave/installed/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  5 cowboy  staff  170 Jul 18 22:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 cowboy  staff  170 Jul 15 22:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x  6 cowboy  staff  204 Jul 15 22:49 0.8.2
drwxr-xr-x  2 cowboy  staff   68 Jul 18 22:03 0.8.3
drwxr-xr-x  5 cowboy  staff  170 Jul 15 22:49 default

$ ls -al ~/.nave/installed/0.8.3/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 cowboy  staff   68 Jul 18 22:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 cowboy  staff  170 Jul 18 22:03 ..

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