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django-angular's Issues

Support for hidden inputs

This has turned out to be more involved than I thought it would be.

Issue #59 addressed a problem with initial data.

I am now struggling with django-angular attempting to add the hidden html for errors. The problem comes from the fact that django puts errors from hidden fields at the top of the form, along with non_field_errors.

So using form.as_ul we get:
<ul class="errorlist"><li>(Hidden field hide_me) This field is required.</li></ul>

The top_errors are generated in BaseForm._html_output, as an ErrorList, where each item is a string. The string for a hidden field error looks like: (Hidden field hide_me) error_message. Using TupleErrorList replaces error_message with a tuple, but since it is unside we end up with a string like: u"(Hidden field hide_me) ('RHVtbXlGb3Jt.hide_me', 'djng-field-errors', '$pristine', '$pristine', 'invalid', u'This field is required.')".

TupleErrorList is then expecting a tuple, but gets a string, so we end up with a rendered li element like below:

<li ng-show="(.d" class="d">e</li>

This error occurs even when there are no errors, since django-angular is generating the hidden error text for client-side validation.

Please test RC for 0.7.1

New features in 0.7.1 are:

  • For remote method invocation, replace keyword action against a private HTTP-header
    DjNg-Remote-Method. Added template tags djng_all_rmi and djng_current_rmi which
    return a list of methods to be used for remote invocation.
  • Experimental support for Python-3.3.

NgFormValidationMixin seems to break POST requests

Without the NgFormValidationMixin the post works fine, with it I get:
{"requests": {"content": "djangular.forms.angular_validation.KeyErrorList object at 0x1070b4510", "deadline": "djangular.forms.angular_validation.KeyErrorList object at 0x1070b4550", "email": "djangular.forms.angular_validation.KeyErrorList object at 0x1070b43d0", .....

A workaround I've found is to subclass the Form adding the validation just when used in the view. see here:

Feature request: Support for custom directive form fields

I am new to django-angular, and would like to use it with a form field in which the ng-model is attached to a custom directive (not an input or select element). In this case I am using a modified version of

I will probably use a modified version of django-angular which will look for that specific directive. I have not yet started those changes, so I am opening this issue for discussion and suggestions, in the interest of making those changes worthy of a pull-request.

ng-django-forms.js form directive should not match generic 'FORM'

I've been using this directive, from the examples - however because our page has one form handled by django-angular and another one made by the django debug toolbar, it breaks when it finds these.

To make it work I changed it to look for a "djng-form" attribute - not sure if this is the best solution.

djng_forms_module.directive('djng-form', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: 'isolate',

Using {{ field.errors }} in a template does not return a safe string

I'm looping through fields in a template to render a form, but have noticed that {{ field.errors }} gets rendered as a string. I can get it to work by using the 'safe' filter, so it appears that it's not being marked safe for rendering. I attempted to fix this on TupleErrorList and NgBoundField but have had no luck

{% for field in form %}
<div class='has-feedback form-group'>
    {{ field.label_tag }}
    <div class='col-md-4'>
        {{ field }}
        {{ field.errors }}
{% endfor %}

Python 3 Compatibility

Will it be a big rework to support python 3? pip-3.3 gives me the following error: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.3/dist-packages/djangular/core/", line 48
except KeyError, key:

I may be able to find the time to fork and work on it myself.

djangoForm service - no easy way to clear errors.

djng_forms_module.factory('djangoForm', function() ...

Long version
In my app I've used the djangoForm service and pass it my own 'errors' which come back from the server after I have posted the data via ajax (which I do on each keypress, for a sort of ghetto instant apply).

This works, although there is no easy way to clear the data, so I cheat .. by passing setErrors an object containing all the field names and an empty array:

field_name: [ "" ],

This is pretty dirty but works, the problem is that I get a tick after modifying a field, then when the server responds it disapears.

Please can we have 'clearErrors'.

Checkbox label field not being rendered

I'm using the Bootstrap3Mixin and am rendering a form that contains a checkbox. The template for the form uses field.label_tag to render the label

{% for field in form %}
<div class='has-feedback form-group'>
    {{ field.label_tag }}
    <div class='col-md-4'>
        {{ field }}
        {{ field.errors }}
{% endfor %}

but this is the output

<label class="checkbox-inline">
    <input id="id_signin.remember" class="ng-pristine ng-valid" type="checkbox" ng-model="signin.remember" name="signin.remember">
    <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ 0x10de41a10="" at="" object=""></django.utils.functional.__proxy__>

Not getting validation when using self.helper.layout in crispy forms

I am losing the validation getting passed to angular when I use helper.layout in crispy forms. When I remove this snippet:

self.helper.layout = Layout(
    Fieldset('Configure System Settings', 'expire_session_on_browser_close',
             'idle_timeout_minutes', 'default_image_display')

Everything works fine and all of the validation gets passed through. But with it none of the ul or li tags with the validations are getting through.
Any suggestions on how to fix this? - which -s illegal option

When I try to install it I meet the following error :

(soca) foxmask@foxmask:~/.pyenv/versions/soca$ pip install django-angular
Downloading/unpacking django-angular
  Downloading django-angular-0.7.0.tar.gz
  Running (path:/home/foxmask/.pyenv/versions/soca/build/django-angular/ egg_info for package django-angular
    Illegal option -s

Installing collected packages: django-angular
  Running install for django-angular
    Illegal option -s

Successfully installed django-angular
Cleaning up...

this error occurs from the function read()

I use python 3.4.0

$ python  --version
Python 3.4.0

but the issue come from which - which does not have a -s option

$ which -s
Illegal option -s
Usage: /usr/bin/which [-a] args

system info about my OS & shell :

$ uname -a
Linux foxmask 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.54-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ cat /etc/debian_version 


SELECT widget sets data to undefined, even though ng-model contained data already

I've got a choicefield with ng-model="group.selectedMessage.fields.sponsor".

That ng-model has a value of "AA", which is one of the options in the SELECT.

On loading, the model gets set back to undefined.

As a test, I tried changing the widget to a TextInput, if i did this then it didn't reset the value. Something about the SELECT is resetting the value.

How would you deal with a unique requirement?

I have the list of possible values client side, but I need to actually check that the new entry isn't a duplicate of another entry. I can do it outside the form framework, but it seems like I should be able to do this within the form.....

NgModelFormMixin dislikes MultiWidget

When using NgModelFormMixin on a form with field with a MultiWidget, all widgets within that MultiWidget get the same ng-model attribute, and so in angular all widgets(from that MultiWidget) are bound to the same variable.

Change __repr__ method of TupleErrorList to be more informative

The python docs for repr state:

For many types, this function makes an attempt to return a string that would yield an object with the same value when passed to eval(), otherwise the representation is a string enclosed in angle brackets that contains the name of the type of the object together with additional information often including the name and address of the object

In the case of TupleErrorList only a single element is returned, which is not intuitive. The Django class ErrorList uses this:

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr([force_text(e) for e in self])

While it doesn't strictly follow the python documentation (since running eval() on the rendered string would create a python List object) it is much more intuitive, which really helps when debugging.

I came across this while trying to deal with some hidden fields, which render errors in the same place as non_field_errors. I will open a separate issue to discuss hidden fields.

django-angular doesn't play well with bootstrap formatting

I'm trying to use Bootstrap with django-angular, and I'm having problems with spurious errors being displayed. When I load the form for the first time, every field has an error set (in the django template variable {{ field.errors }}). This leads to incorrect formatting in templates that render the errors, which is standard behaviour for django forms.

I've tracked it down to the NgModelFormMixin.get_field_errors method, which is adding the following tuple to field.errors: ('', '$pristine', '$message', 'invalid', '$message').

This is obviously being set for a reason, but I can't spot why. What's the intended usage for field.errors in django-angular? And, is it possible to work around this incompatibility to get field.errors to not contain these spurious error messages?

Please test RC for 0.7.3

For those of you, who used Crispy-Forms, please test the next upcoming release: 0.7.3.

It finally will be possible to style Forms rendered by django-angular in a way similar to Crispy-Forms. Currently the default Boostrap form styling is implemented, but it is quite easy to adopt django-angular to other styles in a pluggable way.

Please check the demo
All code is available in the examples directory.

Add bower support

Please, register django-angular into bower, so django-angular.js can be installed with bower. For example, look into django.js bower.json
I don't have any staticfiles inside my main django projects, and I don't serve staticfiles from same server where django running. With bower will be easier to include django-angular into any front-end project which is being developed separate from backend django project.

NgFormValidationMixin doesn't work with Django==1.5.1

The angular attributes come over, but the <ul> for each error in the field field only contains one <li>, the one for min_value's. The required <ul>, however, seems to show up/work (which seems to be present whether or not the form required=True is passed as a param or not). EmailField doesn't seem to work with angular in the example even though the <ul> is in the DOM.

After updating to 1.6.2, all of the expected <li>'s came with it (min_length, etc), and EmailField works.

However, my team isn't ready for 1.6 yet... :(

1.5.5 doesn't work.
1.6 does.

form validation

Need add generating code for client-side validation from django models

Three way binding - clients overwriting

First of all I want to say that djangular + django-websocket-redis looks great. Really looking forward to get started using it.

I cloned django-angular, and set up a virtualenv with these packages:


When opening multiple browser windows (Both Chrome and Firefox, or a combination of both), in some cases, the clients start overwriting each other. I'm not sure why, but it seems to happen when I type too quickly into the form. Try hammering the number keys in the Phone-field.

The result is that CPU usage goes to 100%, as the clients are sending changes all the time. One client adds a character, and the other one removes it.

I realize the three way binding is a new addition to the library, and the fact that I'm running both the server and clients locally, may all play a role here. Still, I thought it'd be worth an issue.

Has anyone else experienced this?


Simple CRUD query to get all objects returns HTML page instead of object, generating the following error

Error: [$resource:badcfg] Error in resource configuration. Expected response to contain an array but got an object



I am getting this error "'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf3' in position 22: ordinal not in range(128)" when using Spanish language and there is an EmailField in the form. It looks like the validation text; u'Introduzca una direcci\xf3n de correo electr\xf3nico v\xe1lida.' (Introduce a valid email address) is not ready for encoding. The last 2 files in the traceback are (in order of appearance):

1: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_angular-0.7.3-py2.7.egg/djangular/forms/ in as_ul
at line 54:dirty_list_items.append(format_html(li_format, *err_tuple))

2: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/ in format_html
at line 82:return mark_safe(format_string.format(_args_safe, *_kwargs_safe))

Thank you very much,

Pandoc shouldn't be causing installation errors

Currently does a popen('pandoc') which when not installed causes an error.

Maybe the error could be handled and a meaningful error displayed around why you might want to install pandoc, or maybe silently ignore the missing program and just not print an error.

Survey about naming conventions - please participate!

I noticed, that the current naming conventions are not very consistent.

Django-Angular's Javascript code, Directives start with djng-..., which is in my opinion is a good choice.

Django-Angular modules start with ng.django.... , which is distracting. In my opinion, a better prefix would be to also use djng....

Django-Angular Providers start with django, for instance djangoForm, djangoRMI and djangoWebsocket. This in my opinion is somehow acceptable, since they already are part of a Django-Angular namespace.

In Django-Angular's Python code, Mixins are Prefixed with Ng.... For consistency, shouldn't they rather be renamed to say DjNg... or djng?

Please participate and point my on conventions used in similar third party modules.

How can you add directives to widgets?

Trying to use a focus-on directive. If I add it to the widget attributes it has to have a value. Seems like there should be some way to have it put the attribute in without the ="something" part.

Angular number validation broken

For number fields there is no error message for field.$error.number. You can see this problem in the demo if you input non-number characters into a number field. Instead of displaying a message about being an invalid number it says "This field is required". If you have a number field that is not required, it will display no error message(but still highlights the field in red).

Returning GeometryField values (coordinates) in NgCRUDView

When subclassing NgCRUDView and trying to return Django GeometryField coordinates from MySQL db like that: {{ object.coordinates }}, Django-angular returns POINT (25.1806640625000000 54.5975278521138989). The Model's field looks like that:

from django.contrib.gis.db import models as gis_models
coordinates = gis_models.PointField()

{{ object.coordinates.x }} or {{ object.coordinates.y }} does not work at all.

If you want to get exact object coordinates, you must write your own serializer. Here's the code to make it work (ignore the comments) :

serializers.register_serializer('python_json', 'realestate.serializers')

class NgCRUDGeoView(NgCRUDView):
json_content_type = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'

def serialize_queryset(self, queryset):
    Return serialized queryset or single object as python dictionary
    serialize() only works on iterables, so to serialize a single object we put it in a list
    object_data = []
    is_queryset = False
    query_fields = self.get_fields()
        is_queryset = True

        raw_data = serializers.serialize('python_json', queryset, fields=query_fields,
    except TypeError:  # Not iterable
        raw_data = serializers.serialize('python_json', [queryset, ], fields=query_fields,

    for obj in raw_data:  # Add pk to fields
        obj['fields']['pk'] = obj['pk']

    if is_queryset:
        return object_data
    return object_data[0] 

# my main view:
class PropertyMapView(NgCRUDGeoView):
    model = Property
    fields = ['name', 'coordinates', ]

from django.core.serializers.python import Serializer as OverloadedSerializer
from django.utils import simplejson
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import GeometryField
from django.contrib.gis.geos.geometry import GEOSGeometry
from django.utils import simplejson as json

class Serializer(OverloadedSerializer):
    def handle_field(self, obj, field):
        If field is of GeometryField than encode otherwise call parent's method
        value = field._get_val_from_obj(obj)
    if isinstance(field, GeometryField):
        self._current[] = value.coords
        super(Serializer, self).handle_field(obj, field)

Now when querying:

it returns:

{"pk":1,"name":"Pastatas A","coordinates":[24.43359375,54.661123722066399]}

instead of:

POINT (25.1806640625000000 54.5975278521138989)

MultipleChoiceField with CheckboxSelectMultiple widget not handled correctly?

Hi, I am trying to use your library to generate a form with checkboxes. The following field definition:

x = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=(('a', 'A'), ('b', 'B')), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple)

generates the following html code:

<li><label for="id_x_0"><input id="id_x_0" name="x" ng-model="my_model.x" ng-required="true" type="checkbox" value="a" /> A</label></li>
<li><label for="id_x_1"><input id="id_x_1" name="x" ng-model="my_model.x" ng-required="true" type="checkbox" value="b" /> B</label></li>

which results in an unusable form (i.e. either both checkboxes are checked or none of them are checked).

Packaging in Ubuntu / Fedora


I'm contributing to OpenStack project and I would like to integrate django-angular on it. The problem is that it is needed that django-angular be packaged in Ubuntu/Fedora.
Are you planning to do it? Can I help in some way?

Best Regards,
Verónica Musso

SELECTs change id - X as Y

In the non django-angular part of my app I use the 'AS' part of selects, to do something like this:

<select ng-options="proposition as for proposition in strategy_propositions">

Is there a way I can tell a django-angular SELECT to do do this ? I guess ideally I could pass this as an option to the widget or field somehow ?

Why no django-rest-framework support

It is more as a question, is there a reason to support django forms instead of django-rest-framework (or tastypie)? DRF seems much more in line with the ideas of a single page web app.

If there is no reason then this is a request for support for DRF, and I can help with it :)

Crispy Forms

Is there any way to use this with crispy forms ?

We had a look, it seems tricky since crispy changes the whole way forms are rendered, we had to turn off crispy for the parts where django angular is used.

Date field doesn't validate in demo

Using the demo for ModelForm Validation, the birth date does not validate, even if it is valid input. When using the ajax submit it also will not accept a new value after the form fails to submit.

Three-way data-binding and channels

I have a quick question in regards to django-websocket-redis and django-angular.

It is my understanding (unless i am reading this wrong) that django-websocket-redis uses channels and events.

conn = redis.StrictRedis()
conn.publish('_broadcast_:foobar', 'Hello World')

where broadcast would be the event and foobar would be the channel.

wouldn't it make more sense to have control over what channel you are using instead of leaving it up to $window.location.pathname?

Feature Request: better support for inline formsets

I am currently working on implementing inline formsets locally. Has anyone else used django-angular with inline formsets.

What I have in mind is putting the inline forms into an array, so I can use ng-repeat as I add or remove forms.

so the scope_prefix object would look something like this:

{ field1 : ,
field2: ,
child_model: [

The other issue to address is putting ng-model on the django management forms, so those can be manipulated as forms are added/removed.

I am opening this issue as a place to keep track of how to implement this, if my workload permits I will update the demo and docs when I get it working. Any feedback or ideas are greatly appreciated.

Can return string but not object or list using TemplateView and JSONResponseMixin

Honestly, not sure whats happening, been trying for a few hours now to fix this with no luck. I have isolated the problem to this I am fairly sure. If I return address, the data is passed back to angular fine which then displays it. If I pass back an object or list I keep getting :

POST 500 (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR) angular.js:8467
(anonymous function) angular.js:8467
sendReq angular.js:8263
$http.serverRequest angular.js:7995
wrappedCallback angular.js:11485
wrappedCallback angular.js:11485
(anonymous function) angular.js:11571
Scope.$eval angular.js:12595
Scope.$digest angular.js:12407
Scope.$apply angular.js:12699
(anonymous function) angular.js:18941
(anonymous function) angular.js:2822
forEach angular.js:325

My code

class HomeView(JSONResponseMixin, TemplateView):
    template_name = 'angular/base.html'
    def main_query(self, in_data):
        address = in_data.get('address')
        list = Restaurant.objects.all()
        data = {
            'returns': address, #Returning list doesnt work.
        return data

I think it has something to do with TemplateView, however if I just use View, it keeps giving me a KeyError for {% djng_current_rmi %}

Any ideas?



I don't see PartialGroupView defined anywhere. Is it a work in progress or some alias ?


{{ field.errors }} doesn't work.

In django forms, I use custom django template looping to output html the way that makes most sense. I usually do this by looping over the fields in the form, and within those fields, outputting the field.errors near the field and field.label_tag. It ouputs a


    If this isn't possible, please make a note of it in the docs. I just spent a couple hours trying to figure out why there was just a memory-location string being output :P

    Also, looping over field.errors doesn't work either (probably the same issue).

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