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vulkan-hpp's Introduction

Vulkan-Hpp: C++ Bindings for Vulkan

The goal of the Vulkan-Hpp is to provide header only C++ bindings for the Vulkan C API to improve the developers Vulkan experience without introducing CPU runtime cost. It adds features like type safety for enums and bitfields, STL container support, exceptions and simple enumerations.

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Linux Build Status

Getting Started

Vulkan-Hpp is part of the LunarG Vulkan SDK since version 1.0.24. Just #include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp> and you're ready to use the C++ bindings. If you're using a Vulkan version not yet supported by the Vulkan SDK, you can find the latest version of the headers here.

Minimum Requirements

Vulkan-Hpp requires a C++11 capable compiler to compile. The following compilers are known to work:

  • Visual Studio >= 2015
  • GCC >= 4.8.2 (earlier version might work, but are untested)
  • Clang >= 3.3

Building Vulkan-Hpp, Samples, and Tests

To build the local samples and tests you'll have to clone this repository and run CMake to generate the required build files

  1. Install dependencies.

    • Ensure that you have CMake and git installed and accessible from a shell.
    • Ensure that you have installed the Vulkan SDK.
    • Optionally install clang-format >= 11.0 to get a nicely formatted Vulkan-Hpp header.
  2. Open a shell which provides git and clone the repository with:

    git clone --recurse-submodules

  3. Change the current directory to the newly created Vulkan-Hpp directory.

  4. Create a build environment with CMake:


    You might need to specify a generator via -G, for a full list of generators execute cmake -G.

    • To rebuild vulkan.hpp from the vk.xml XML registry file, add the -DVULKAN_HPP_RUN_GENERATOR=ON option to the CMake command line.
  5. Either open the generated project with an IDE, e.g. Visual Studio or launch the build process with cmake --build build --parallel.

Optional: To update the Vulkan-Hpp and its submodules execute git pull --recurse-submodules.

Installing vulkan-hpp using vcpkg

You can download and install vulkan-hpp using the vcpkg dependency manager:

git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install vulkan-headers

The vulkan-hpp port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.

Optional Features


If the program clang-format is found by CMake, the define CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE is set accordingly. In that case, the generated vulkan.hpp is formatted using the .clang-format file located in the root directory of this project. Otherwise, it's formatted as hard-coded in the generator.

Custom views of Vulkan-Hpp objects in Visual Studio

The file VulkanHpp.natvis provides a custom view on vk::Flags for Visual Studio. If you add this file to the user-specific natvis directory of your Visual Studio installation (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Visualizers), you get vk::Flags nicely formatted in your debugger with all your Visual Studio projects.


namespace vk

To avoid name collisions with the Vulkan C API, the C++ bindings reside in the vk namespace. The following rules apply to the new naming:

  • All functions, enums, handles, and structs have the Vk prefix removed. In addition to this the first letter of functions is lower case.
    • vkCreateInstance can be accessed as vk::createInstance.
    • VkImageTiling can be accessed as vk::ImageTiling.
    • VkImageCreateInfo can be accessed as vk::ImageCreateInfo.
  • Enums are mapped to scoped enums to provide compile time type safety. The names have been changed to 'e' + CamelCase with the VK_ prefix and type infix removed. If the enum type is an extension, the extension suffix has been removed from the enum values.

In all other cases the extension suffix has not been removed.

  • VK_IMAGETYPE_2D is now vk::ImageType::e2D.
  • VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR is now vk::ColorSpaceKHR::eSrgbNonlinear.
  • VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PRESENT_INFO_KHR is now vk::StructureType::ePresentInfoKHR.
  • Flag bits are handled like scoped enums with the addition that the _BIT suffix has also been removed.

In some cases it might be necessary to move Vulkan-Hpp to a custom namespace. This can be achieved by defining VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE before including Vulkan-Hpp.


Vulkan-Hpp declares a class for all handles to ensure full type safety and to add support for member functions on handles. A member function has been added to a handle class for each function which accepts the corresponding handle as first parameter. Instead of vkBindBufferMemory(device, ...) one can write device.bindBufferMemory(...) or vk::bindBufferMemory(device, ...).

namespace vk::raii

There is an additional header named vulkan_raii.hpp generated. That header holds raii-compliant wrapper classes for the handle types. That is, for e.g. the handle type VkInstance, there's a raii-compliant wrapper vk::raii::Instance. Please have a look at the samples using those classes in the directory RAII_Samples.

C/C++ Interop for Handles

On 64-bit platforms Vulkan-Hpp supports implicit conversions between C++ Vulkan handles and C Vulkan handles. On 32-bit platforms all non-dispatchable handles are defined as uint64_t, thus preventing type-conversion checks at compile time which would catch assignments between incompatible handle types. Due to that Vulkan-Hpp does not enable implicit conversion for 32-bit platforms by default and it is recommended to use a static_cast for the conversion like this: VkImage = static_cast<VkImage>(cppImage) to prevent converting some arbitrary int to a handle or vice versa by accident. If you're developing your code on a 64-bit platform, but want to compile your code for a 32-bit platform without adding the explicit casts, you can define VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION to 1 in your build system or before including vulkan.hpp. On 64-bit platforms this define is set to 1 by default and can be set to 0 to disable implicit conversions.


The scoped enum feature adds type safety to the flags, but also prevents using the flag bits as input for bitwise operations such as & and |.

As solution Vulkan-Hpp provides a class template vk::Flags which brings the standard operations like &=, |=, &, and | to our scoped enums. Except for the initialization with 0 this class behaves exactly like a normal bitmask with the improvement that it is impossible to set bits not specified by the corresponding enum by accident. Here are a few examples for the bitmask handling:

vk::ImageUsageFlags iu1; // initialize a bitmask with no bit set
vk::ImageUsageFlags iu2 = {}; // initialize a bitmask with no bit set
vk::ImageUsageFlags iu3 = vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eColorAttachment; // initialize with a single value
vk::ImageUsageFlags iu4 = vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eColorAttachment | vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eStorage; // or two bits to get a bitmask
PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo ci({} /* pass a flag without any bits set */, ...);

CreateInfo structs

When constructing a handle in Vulkan one usually has to create some CreateInfo struct which describes the new handle. This can result in quite lengthy code as can be seen in the following Vulkan C example:

VkImageCreateInfo ci;
ci.pNext = nullptr;
ci.flags = ...some flags...;
ci.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
ci.format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
ci.extent = VkExtent3D { width, height, 1 };
ci.mipLevels = 1;
ci.arrayLayers = 1;
ci.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
ci.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
ci.pQueueFamilyIndices = 0;
vkCreateImage(device, &ci, allocator, &image);

There are two typical issues Vulkan developers encounter when filling out a CreateInfo struct field by field:

  • One or more fields are left uninitialized.
  • sType is incorrect.

Especially the first one is hard to detect.

Vulkan-Hpp provides constructors for all CreateInfo objects which accept one parameter for each member variable. This way the compiler throws a compiler error if a value has been forgotten. In addition to this sType is automatically filled with the correct value and pNext set to a nullptr by default. Here's how the same code looks with a constructor:

vk::ImageCreateInfo ci({}, vk::ImageType::e2D, vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm,
                       { width, height, 1 },
                       1, 1, vk::SampleCountFlagBits::e1,
                       vk::ImageTiling::eOptimal, vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eColorAttachment,
                       vk::SharingMode::eExclusive, 0, nullptr, vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined);
vk::Image image = device.createImage(ci);

With constructors for CreateInfo structures, one can also pass temporaries to Vulkan functions like this:

vk::Image image = device.createImage({{}, vk::ImageType::e2D, vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm,
                                     { width, height, 1 },
                                     1, 1, vk::SampleCountFlagBits::e1,
                                     vk::ImageTiling::eOptimal, vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eColorAttachment,
                                     vk::SharingMode::eExclusive, 0, nullptr, vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined});

Designated Initializers

Beginning with C++20, C++ supports designated initializers. As that feature requires to not have any user-declared or inherited constructors, you have to #define VULKAN_HPP_NO_CONSTRUCTORS, which removes all the structure and union constructors from vulkan.hpp. Instead you can then use aggregate initialization. The first few vk-lines in your source might then look like:

// initialize the vk::ApplicationInfo structure
vk::ApplicationInfo applicationInfo{ .pApplicationName   = AppName,
                                     .applicationVersion = 1,
                                     .pEngineName        = EngineName,
                                     .engineVersion      = 1,
                                     .apiVersion         = VK_API_VERSION_1_1 };

// initialize the vk::InstanceCreateInfo
vk::InstanceCreateInfo instanceCreateInfo{ .pApplicationInfo = &applicationInfo };

instead of

// initialize the vk::ApplicationInfo structure
vk::ApplicationInfo applicationInfo(AppName, 1, EngineName, 1, VK_API_VERSION_1_1);

// initialize the vk::InstanceCreateInfo
vk::InstanceCreateInfo instanceCreateInfo({}, &applicationInfo);

Note, that the designator order needs to match the declaration order. Note as well, that now you can explicitly set the sType member of vk-structures. This is neither neccessary (as they are correctly initialized by default) nor recommended.

Passing Arrays to Functions using ArrayProxy

The Vulkan API has several places which require (count, pointer) as two function arguments and C++ has a few containers which map perfectly to this pair. To simplify development the Vulkan-Hpp bindings have replaced those argument pairs with the vk::ArrayProxy class template which accepts empty arrays and a single value as well as STL containers std::initializer_list, std::array and std::vector as argument for construction. This way a single generated Vulkan version can accept a variety of inputs without having the combinatoric explosion which would occur when creating a function for each container type.

Here are some code samples on how to use the vk::ArrayProxy:

vk::CommandBuffer c;

// pass an empty array
c.setScissor(0, nullptr);

// pass a single value. Value is passed as reference
vk::Rect2D scissorRect = { { 0, 0 }, { 640, 480 } };
c.setScissor(0, scissorRect);

// pass a temporary value.
c.setScissor(0, { { 0, 0 }, { 640, 480 } });

// pass a fixed size array
vk::Rect2D scissorRects[2] = { { { 0, 0 }, { 320, 240 } }, { { 320, 240 }, { 320, 240 } } };
c.setScissor(0, scissorRects);

// generate a std::initializer_list using two rectangles from the stack. This might generate a copy of the rectangles.
vk::Rect2D scissorRect1 = { { 0, 0 }, { 320, 240 } };
vk::Rect2D scissorRect2 = { { 320, 240 }, { 320, 240 } };
c.setScissor(0, { scissorRect, scissorRect2 });

// construct a std::initializer_list using two temporary rectangles.
c.setScissor(0, { { { 0, 0 }, { 320, 240 } },
                { { 320, 240 }, { 320, 240 } } });

// pass a std::array
std::array<vk::Rect2D, 2> arr{ scissorRect1, scissorRect2 };
c.setScissor(0, arr);

// pass a std::vector of dynamic size
std::vector<vk::Rect2D> vec;
c.setScissor(0, vec);

Passing Structs to Functions

Vulkan-Hpp generates references for pointers to structs. This conversion allows passing temporary structs to functions which can result in shorter code. In case the input is optional and thus accepting a null pointer, the parameter type will be vk::Optional<T> const&. This type accepts either a reference to T or nullptr as input and thus allows optional temporary structs.

// C
VkImageSubresource subResource;
subResource.aspectMask = 0;
subResource.mipLevel = 0;
subResource.arrayLayer = 0;
VkSubresourceLayout layout;
vkGetImageSubresourceLayout(device, image, &subresource, &layout);

// C++
auto layout = device.getImageSubresourceLayout(image, { {} /* flags*/, 0 /* miplevel */, 0 /* arrayLayer */ });

Structure Pointer Chains

Vulkan allows chaining of structures through the pNext pointer. Vulkan-Hpp has a variadic class template which allows constructing of such structure chains with minimal efforts. In addition to this it checks at compile time if the spec allows the construction of such a pNext chain.

// This will compile successfully.
vk::StructureChain<vk::MemoryAllocateInfo, vk::ImportMemoryFdInfoKHR> c;
vk::MemoryAllocateInfo &allocInfo = c.get<vk::MemoryAllocateInfo>();
vk::ImportMemoryFdInfoKHR &fdInfo = c.get<vk::ImportMemoryFdInfoKHR>();

// This will fail compilation since it's not valid according to the spec.
vk::StructureChain<vk::MemoryAllocateInfo, vk::MemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR> c;
vk::MemoryAllocateInfo &allocInfo = c.get<vk::MemoryAllocateInfo>();
vk::ImportMemoryFdInfoKHR &fdInfo = c.get<vk::ImportMemoryFdInfoKHR>();

Vulkan-Hpp provides a constructor for these chains similar to the CreateInfo objects which accepts a list of all structures part of the chain. The pNext field is automatically set to the correct value:

vk::StructureChain<vk::MemoryAllocateInfo, vk::MemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo> c = {
  vk::MemoryAllocateInfo(size, type),

If one of the structures of a StructureChain is to be removed, maybe due to some optional settings, you can use the function vk::StructureChain::unlink<ClassType>(). It modifies the StructureChain such that the specified structure isn't part of the pNext-chain any more. Note, that the actual memory layout of the StructureChain is not modified by that function. In case that very same structure has to be re-added to the StructureChain again, use vk::StructureChain::relink<ClassType>().

Sometimes the user has to pass a preallocated structure chain to query information. For those cases there are two corresponding getter functions. One with a variadic template generating a structure chain of at least two elements to construct the return value:

// Query vk::MemoryRequirements2HR and vk::MemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR when calling Device::getBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR:
auto result = device.getBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR<vk::MemoryRequirements2KHR, vk::MemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR>({});
vk::MemoryRequirements2KHR &memReqs = result.get<vk::MemoryRequirements2KHR>();
vk::MemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR &dedMemReqs = result.get<vk::MemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR>();

To get just the base structure, without chaining, the other getter function provided does not need a template argument for the structure to get:

// Query just vk::MemoryRequirements2KHR
vk::MemoryRequirements2KHR memoryRequirements = device.getBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR({});

Return values, Error Codes & Exceptions

By default Vulkan-Hpp has exceptions enabled. This means that Vulkan-Hpp checks the return code of each function call which returns a vk::Result. If vk::Result is a failure a std::runtime_error will be thrown. Since there is no need to return the error code anymore the C++ bindings can now return the actual desired return value, i.e. a vulkan handle. In those cases vk::ResultValue<SomeType>::type is defined as the returned type.

To create a device you can now just write:

vk::Device device = physicalDevice.createDevice(createInfo);

Some functions allow more than just vk::Result::eSuccess to be considered as a success code. For those functions, we always return a vk::ResultValue<SomeType>. An example is acquireNextImage2KHR, that can be used like this:

vk::ResultValue<uint32_t> result = device->acquireNextImage2KHR(acquireNextImageInfo);
switch (result.result)
	case vk::Result::eSuccess:
		currentBuffer = result.value;
	case vk::Result::eTimeout:
	case vk::Result::eNotReady:
	case vk::Result::eSuboptimalKHR:
		// do something meaningful
		// should not happen, as other return codes are considered to be an error and throw an exception

As time passes, some vulkan functions might change, such that they start to support more result codes than vk::Result::eSuccess as a success code. That logical change would not be visible in the C API, but in the C++ API, as such a function would now return a vk::ResultValue<SomeType> instead of just SomeType. In such (rare) cases, you would have to adjust your cpp-sources to reflect that API change.

If exception handling is disabled by defining VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS the type of vk::ResultValue<SomeType>::type is a struct holding a vk::Result and a SomeType. This struct supports unpacking the return values by using std::tie.

In case you don’t want to use the vk::ArrayProxy and return value transformation, you can still call the plain C-style function. Below are three examples showing the 3 ways to use the API:

The first snippet shows how to use the API without exceptions and the return value transformation:

// No exceptions, no return value transformation
vk::ShaderModuleCreateInfo createInfo(...);
vk::ShaderModule shader1;
vk::Result result = device.createShaderModule(&createInfo, allocator, &shader1);
if (result.result != vk::Result::eSuccess)
  handle error code;

vk::ShaderModule shader2;
vk::Result result = device.createShaderModule(&createInfo, allocator, &shader2);
if (result != vk::Result::eSuccess)
  handle error code;

The second snippet shows how to use the API using return value transformation, but without exceptions. It’s already a little bit shorter than the original code:

vk::ResultValue<ShaderModule> shaderResult1 = device.createShaderModule({...} /* createInfo temporary */);
if (shaderResult1.result != vk::Result::eSuccess)
  handle error code;

// std::tie support.
vk::Result result;
vk::ShaderModule shaderModule2;
std::tie(result, shaderModule2) = device.createShaderModule({...} /* createInfo temporary */);
if (result != vk::Result::eSuccess)
  handle error code;

A nicer way to unpack the result is using structured bindings in C++17. They will allow us to get the result with a single line of code:

auto [result, shaderModule2] = device.createShaderModule({...} /* createInfo temporary */);

Finally, the last code example is using exceptions and return value transformation. This is the default mode of the API.

vk::ShaderModule shader1;
vk::ShaderModule shader2;
  shader1 = device.createShaderModule({...});
  shader2 = device.createShaderModule({...});
catch(std::exception const &e)
  // handle error and free resources


Vulkan-Hpp does not support RAII style handles, hence you need to cleanup your resources in the error handler!

C++17: [[nodiscard]]

With C++17 and above, some functions are attributed with [[nodiscard]], resulting in a warning if you don't use the return value in any way. You can switch those warnings off by defining VULKAN_HPP_NO_NODISCARD_WARNINGS.


For the return value transformation, there's one special class of return values which require special handling: Enumerations. For enumerations you usually have to write code like this:

std::vector<LayerProperties, Allocator> properties;
uint32_t propertyCount;
vk::Result result;
  // determine number of elements to query
  result = static_cast<vk::Result>(vk::enumerateDeviceLayerProperties(m_physicalDevice, &propertyCount, nullptr));
  if ((result == vk::Result::eSuccess) && propertyCount)
    // allocate memory & query again
    result = static_cast<vk::Result>(vk::enumerateDeviceLayerProperties(m_physicalDevice, &propertyCount, reinterpret_cast
} while (result == vk::Result::eIncomplete);
// it's possible that the count has changed, start again if properties was not big enough

Since writing this loop over and over again is tedious and error prone the C++ binding takes care of the enumeration so that you can just write:

std::vector<LayerProperties> properties = physicalDevice.enumerateDeviceLayerProperties();

UniqueHandle for automatic resource management

Vulkan-Hpp provides a vk::UniqueHandle<Type, Deleter> interface. For each Vulkan handle type vk::Type there is a unique handle vk::UniqueType which will delete the underlying Vulkan resource upon destruction, e.g. vk::UniqueBuffer is the unique handle for vk::Buffer.

For each function which constructs a Vulkan handle of type vk::Type Vulkan-Hpp provides a second version which returns a vk::UniqueType. E.g. for vk::Device::createBuffer there is vk::Device::createBufferUnique and for vk::allocateCommandBuffers there is vk::allocateCommandBuffersUnique.

Note that using vk::UniqueHandle comes at a cost since most deleters have to store the vk::AllocationCallbacks and parent handle used for construction because they are required for automatic destruction.


Vulkan-Hpp provides a vk::SharedHandle<Type> interface. For each Vulkan handle type vk::Type there is a shared handle vk::SharedType which will delete the underlying Vulkan resource upon destruction, e.g. vk::SharedBuffer is the shared handle for vk::Buffer.

Unlike vk::UniqueHandle, vk::SharedHandle takes shared ownership of the resource as well as its parent. This means that the parent handle will not be destroyed until all child resources are deleted. This is useful for resources that are shared between multiple threads or objects.

This mechanism ensures correct destruction order even if the parent vk::SharedHandle is destroyed before its child handle. Otherwise, the handle behaves like std::shared_ptr. vk::SharedInstance or any of its child object should be last to delete (first created, first in class declaration).

There are no functions which return a vk::SharedHandle directly yet. Instead, you can construct a vk::SharedHandle from a vk::Handle:

vk::Buffer buffer = device.createBuffer(...);
vk::SharedBuffer sharedBuffer(buffer, device); // sharedBuffer now owns the buffer

There are several specializations of vk::SharedHandle for different handle types. For example, vk::SharedImage may take an additional argument to specify if the image is owned by swapchain:

vk::Image image = swapchain.getImages(...)[0]; // get the first image from the swapchain
vk::SharedImage sharedImage(image, device, SwapChainOwns::yes); // sharedImage now owns the image, but won't destroy it

There is also a specialization for vk::SwapchainKHR which takes an additional argument to specify a surface:

vk::SwapchainKHR swapchain = device.createSwapchainKHR(...);
vk::SharedSwapchainKHR sharedSwapchain(swapchain, device, surface); // sharedSwapchain now owns the swapchain and surface

You can create a vk::SharedHandle overload for your own handle type or own shared handles by providing several template arguments to SharedHandleBase:

  • A handle type
  • A parent handle type or a header structure, that contains the parent
  • A class itself for CRTP

With this, provide a custom static destruction function internalDestroy, that takes in a parent handle and a handle to destroy. Don't forget to add a friend declaration for the base class.

// Example of a custom shared device, that takes in an instance as a parent
class shared_handle<VkDevice> : public vk::SharedHandleBase<VkDevice, vk::SharedInstance, shared_handle<VkDevice>>
  using base = vk::SharedHandleBase<VkDevice, vk::SharedInstance, shared_handle<VkDevice>>;
  friend base;

  shared_handle() = default;
  explicit shared_handle(VkDevice handle, vk::SharedInstance parent) noexcept
    : base(handle, std::move(parent)) {}

  const auto& getParent() const noexcept
    return getHeader();

  static void internalDestroy(const vk::SharedInstance& /*control*/, VkDevice handle) noexcept

The API will be extended to provide creation functions in the future.

Custom allocators

Sometimes it is required to use std::vector with custom allocators. Vulkan-Hpp supports vectors with custom allocators as input for vk::ArrayProxy and for functions which do return a vector. For the latter case, add your favorite custom allocator as template argument to the function call like this:

std::vector<LayerProperties, MyCustomAllocator> properties = physicalDevice.enumerateDeviceLayerProperties<MyCustomAllocator>();

You can also use a stateful custom allocator by providing it as an argument to those functions. Unfortunately, to make the compilers happy, you also need to explicitly set the Dispatch argument. To get the default there, a simple {} would suffice:

MyStatefulCustomAllocator allocator;
std::vector<LayerProperties, MyStatefulCustomAllocator> properties = physicalDevice.enumerateDeviceLayerProperties(allocator, {});

Custom assertions

All over vulkan.hpp, there are a couple of calls to an assert function. By defining VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT, you can specifiy your own custom assert function to be called instead.

By default, VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT_ON_RESULT will be used for checking results when VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined. If you want to handle errors by yourself, you can disable/customize it just like VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT.

There are a couple of static assertions for each handle class and each struct in the file vulkan_static_assertions.hpp. You might include that file in at least one of your source files. By defining VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT, you can specify your own custom static assertion to be used for those cases. That is, by defining it to be a NOP, you can reduce your compilation time a little.

Extensions / Per Device function pointers

The Vulkan loader exposes only the Vulkan core functions and a limited number of extensions. To use Vulkan-Hpp with extensions it's required to have either a library which provides stubs to all used Vulkan functions or to tell Vulkan-Hpp to dispatch those functions pointers. Vulkan-Hpp provides a per-function dispatch mechanism by accepting a dispatch class as last parameter in each function call. The dispatch class must provide a callable type for each used Vulkan function. Vulkan-Hpp provides one implementation, DispatchLoaderDynamic, which fetches all function pointers known to the library.

// Providing a function pointer resolving vkGetInstanceProcAddr, just the few functions not depending an an instance or a device are fetched
vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic dld(getInstanceProcAddr);

// Providing an already created VkInstance and a function pointer resolving vkGetInstanceProcAddr, all functions are fetched
vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic dldi(instance, getInstanceProcAddr);

// Providing also an already created VkDevice and optionally a function pointer resolving vkGetDeviceProcAddr, all functions are fetched as well, but now device-specific functions are fetched via vkDeviceGetProcAddr.
vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic dldid( nstance, getInstanceProcAddr, device);

// Pass dispatch class to function call as last parameter
device.getQueue(graphics_queue_family_index, 0, &graphics_queue, dldid);

To use the vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic as the default dispatcher (means: you don't need to explicitly add it to every function call), you need to #define VULKAN_HPP_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC 1, and have the macro VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC_STORAGE exactly once in your source code to provide storage for that default dispatcher. Then you can use it by the macro VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER, as is shown in the code snippets below. Creating a full featured vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic is a two- to three-step process, where you have three choices for the first step:

  1. Before any call into a vk-function you need to initialize the dynamic dispatcher by one of three methods
  • Let Vulkan-Hpp do all the work by internally using a little helper class vk::DynamicLoader:
  • Use your own dynamic loader, which just needs to provide a templated function getProcAddress (compare with vk::DynamicLoader in vulkan.hpp):
    YourDynamicLoader ydl;


You need to keep that dynamic loader object alive until after the last call to a vulkan function in your program. For example by making it static, or storing it globally.

  • Use your own initial function pointer of type PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr:
    PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr vkGetInstanceProcAddr = your_own_function_pointer_getter();
  1. initialize it with a vk::Instance to get all the other function pointers:
    vk::Instance instance = vk::createInstance({}, nullptr);
  1. optionally initialize it with a vk::Device to get device-specific function pointers
    std::vector<vk::PhysicalDevice> physicalDevices = instance.enumeratePhysicalDevices();
    vk::Device device = physicalDevices[0].createDevice({}, nullptr);

After the second step above, the dispatcher is fully functional. Adding the third step can potentially result in more efficient code. But if you intend to use multiple devices, you could just omit that third step and let the driver do the device-dispatching.

In some cases the storage for the DispatchLoaderDynamic should be embedded in a DLL. For those cases you need to define VULKAN_HPP_STORAGE_SHARED to tell Vulkan-Hpp that the storage resides in a DLL. When compiling the DLL with the storage it is also required to define VULKAN_HPP_STORAGE_SHARED_EXPORT to export the required symbols.

For all functions, that VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER is the default for the last argument to that function. If you want to explicitly provide the dispatcher for each and every function call (when you have multiple dispatchers for different devices, for example) and you want to make sure, that you don't accidentally miss any function call, you can define VULKAN_HPP_NO_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER before you include vulkan.hpp to remove that default argument.

Type traits

vulkan.hpp provides a couple of type traits, easing template metaprogramming:

  • template <typename EnumType, EnumType value> struct CppType Maps IndexType values (IndexType::eUint16, IndexType::eUint32, ...) to the corresponding type (uint16_t, uint32_t, ...) by the member type Type; Maps ObjectType values (ObjectType::eInstance, ObjectType::eDevice, ...) to the corresponding type (vk::Instance, vk::Device, ...) by the member type Type; Maps DebugReportObjectType values (DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::eInstance, DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::eDevice, ...) to the corresponding type (vk::Instance, vk::Device, ...) by the member type Type;
  • template <typename T> struct IndexTypeValue Maps scalar types (uint16_t, uint32_t, ...) to the corresponding IndexType value (IndexType::eUint16, IndexType::eUint32, ...).
  • template <typename T> struct isVulkanHandleType Maps a type to true if and only if it's a handle class (vk::Instance, vk::Device, ...) by the static member value.
  • HandleClass::CType Maps a handle class (vk::Instance, vk::Device, ...) to the corresponding C-type (VkInstance, VkDevice, ...) by the member type CType.
  • HandleClass::objectType Maps a handle class (vk::Instance, vk::Device, ...) to the corresponding ObjectType value (ObjectType::eInstance, ObjectType::eDevice, ...) by the static member objectType.
  • HandleClass::debugReportObjectType Maps a handle class (vk::Instance, vk::Device, ...) to the corresponding DebugReportObjectTypeEXT value (DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::eInstance, DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::eDevice, ...) by the static member debugReportObjectType.

vk::Format trait functions

With the additional header vulkan_format_traits.hpp, a couple of trait functions on vk::Format are provided. With C++14 and above, all those functions are marked as constexpr, that is with appropriate arguments, they are resolved at compile time.

  • uin8_t blockSize( vk::Format format ); Gets the texel block size of this format in bytes.
  • uint8_t texelsPerBlock( vk::Format format ); Gets the number of texels in a texel block.
  • std::array<uint8_t, 3> blockExtent( vk::Format format ); Gets the three-dimensional extent of texel blocks.
  • char const * compressionScheme( vk::Format format ); Gets a textual description of the compression scheme of this format, or an empty text if it is not compressed.
  • bool isCompressed( vk::Format format ); True, if format is a compressed format, otherwise false.
  • uint8_t packed( vk::Format format ); Gets the number of bits into which the format is packed. A single image element in this format can be stored in the same space as a scalar type of this bit width.
  • uint8_t componentCount( vk::Format format ); Gets the number of components of this format.
  • bool componentsAreCompressed( vk::Format format ); True, if the components of this format are compressed, otherwise False.
  • uint8_t componentBits( vk::Format format, uint8_t component ); Gets the number of bits in this component, if not compressed, otherwise 0.
  • char const * componentName( vk::Format format, uint8_t component ); Gets the name of this component as a c-string.
  • char const * componentNumericFormat( vk::Format format, uint8_t component ); Gets the numeric format of this component as a c-string.
  • uint8_t componentPlaneIndex( vk::Format format, uint8_t component ); Gets the plane index, this component lies in.
  • uint8_t planeCount( vk::Format format ); Gets the number of image planes of this format.
  • vk::Format planeCompatibleFormat( vk::Format format, uint8_t plane ); Gets a single-plane format compatible with this plane.
  • uint8_t planeHeightDivisor( vk::Format format, uint8_t plane ); Gets the relative height of this plane. A value of k means that this plane is 1/k the height of the overall format.
  • uint8_t planeWidthDivisor( vk::Format format, uint8_t plane ); Gets the relative width of this plane. A value of k means that this plane is 1/k the width of the overall format.

Hashing Vulkan types

With the additional header vulkan_hash.hpp, you get specializations of std::hash for the handle wrapper classes and, with C++14, for the structure wrappers. With VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE, you can define your own hash combining algorithm for the structure elements.

Extension Inspection

With the additional header vulkan_extension_inspection.hpp, some functions to inspect extensions are provided. With C++20 and above, some of those functions are marked as constexpr, that is with appropriate arguments, they are resolved at compile time. Each extension is identified by a string holding its name. Note that there exists a define with that name for each extension. Some functions might provide information that depends on the vulkan version. As all functions here work solely on strings, the vulkan versions are encoded by a string beginning with "VK_VERSION_", followed by the major and the minor version, separated by an undersore, like this: "VK_VERSION_1_0".

  • std::set<std::string> const & getDeviceExtensions(); Gets all device extensions specified for the current platform. Note, that not all of them might be supported by the actual devices.
  • std::set<std::string> const & getInstanceExtensions(); Gets all instance extensions specified for the current platform. Note, that not all of them might be supported by the actual instances.
  • std::map<std::string, std::string> const & getDeprecatedExtensions(); Gets a map of all deprecated extensions to the extension or vulkan version that is supposed to replace that functionality.
  • std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> const & getExtensionDepends( std::string const & extension ); Some extensions depends on other extensions. That dependencies might differ for different vulkan versions, and there might be different sets of dependencies for the very same vulkan version. This function gets a vector of vectors of extensions per vulkan version that the given extension depends on.
  • std::pair<bool, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> const &> getExtensionDepends( std::string const & version, std::string const & extension ); The first member of the returned std::pair is true, if the given extension is specified for the given vulkan version, otherwise false. The second member of the returned std::pair is a vector of vectors of extensions, listing the separate sets of extensions the given extension depends on for the given vulkan version.
  • std::map<std::string, std::string> const & getObsoletedExtensions(); Gets a map of all obsoleted extensions to the extension or vulkan version that has obsoleted that extension.
  • std::map<std::string, std::string> const & getPromotedExtensions(); Gets a map of all extensions that got promoted to another extension or to a vulkan version to that extension of vulkan version.
  • VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_20 std::string getExtensionDeprecatedBy( std::string const & extension ); Gets the extension or vulkan version the given extension is deprecated by.
  • VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_20 std::string getExtensionObsoletedBy( std::string const & extension ); Gets the extension or vulkan version the given extension is obsoleted by.
  • VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_20 std::string getExtensionPromotedTo( std::string const & extension ); Gets the extension or vulkan version the given extension is promoted to.
  • VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_20 bool isDeprecatedExtension( std::string const & extension ); Returns true if the given extension is deprecated by some other extension or vulkan version.
  • VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_20 bool isDeviceExtension( std::string const & extension ); Returns true if the given extension is a device extension.
  • VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_20 bool isInstanceExtension( std::string const & extension ); Returns true if the given extension is an instance extension.
  • VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_20 bool isObsoletedExtension( std::string const & extension ); Returns true if the given extension is obsoleted by some other extension or vulkan version.
  • VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_20 bool isPromotedExtension( std::string const & extension ); Returns true if the given extension is promoted to some other extension or vulkan version.

C++20 named module


The current version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 is not able to handle the vulkan.cppm module. A bug is filed ( You can at least use this feature if you don't need or want to use vk::UniqueHandle or vk::SharedHandle by defining VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE.


Vulkan-Hpp provides a C++ named module, vulkan_hpp in vulkan.cppm. C++ modules are intended to supersede header files. Modules have potential to drastically improve compilation times for large projects, as declarations and definitions may be easily shared across translation units without repeatedly parsing headers. Vulkan-Hpp has some extremely long headers (e.g. vulkan_structs.hpp), and the C++ module is likely to shorten compile times for projects currently using it.

Compiler support

This feature requires a recent compiler with complete C++20 support:

  • Visual Studio 2019 16.10 or later (providing cl.exe 19.28 or later)
  • Clang 15.0.0 or later

If you intend to use CMake's C++ module support (and possibly Ninja), then more recent tools are required:

  • Visual Studio 2022 17.4 or later (providing cl.exe 19.34 or later)
  • Clang 17.0.0 or later
  • GCC 14.0 or later
  • CMake 3.28 or later
  • Ninja 1.10.2 or later


The Vulkan-Hpp C++ named module is still experimental. Some suggested ways to use it in your projects are below. The long-term goal is to submit patches to the CMake FindVulkan module so that users may transparently configure the named module, without needing to declare it as an additional library in consumer CMake code.

Usage with CMake

CMake is recommended for use with the Vulkan-Hpp named module, as it provides a convenient platform-agnostic way to configure your project. CMake version 3.28 or later is required to support C++ modules. Refer to the CMake documentation on the topic.

CMake provides the FindVulkan module, which may be used to source the Vulkan SDK and Vulkan headers on your system.

# find Vulkan SDK
find_package( Vulkan REQUIRED )

# Require Vulkan version ≥ 1.3.256 (earliest version when the Vulkan module was available)
if( ${Vulkan_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "1.3.256" )
  message( FATAL_ERROR "Minimum required Vulkan version for C++ modules is 1.3.256. "
           "Found ${Vulkan_VERSION}."

# set up Vulkan C++ module as a library
add_library( VulkanHppModule )
target_sources( VulkanHppModule PRIVATE
  FILES ${Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR}/vulkan/vulkan.cppm
target_compile_features( VulkanHppModule PUBLIC cxx_std_20 )
target_link_libraries( VulkanHppModule PUBLIC Vulkan::Vulkan )

# link Vulkan C++ module into your project
add_executable( YourProject main.cpp )
target_link_libraries( YourProject PRIVATE VulkanHppModule )

Configuring the named module is straightforward; add any required Vulkan-Hpp feature macros (listed in Configuration Options) to target_compile_definitions. For instance:

# Disable exceptions, disable smart handles, disable constructors
target_compile_definitions( VulkanHppModule PRIVATE

It is important to have VULKAN_HPP_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC defined equally for both the module and an importing project. To use the dynamic dispatcher, set it to 1; otherwise, leave it undefined or set it to 0. In CMake, do this in a single line with target_compile_definitions and the PUBLIC scope:

target_compile_definitions( VulkanHppModule PUBLIC
# ...
target_link_libraries( YourProject PRIVATE VulkanHppModule )

Furthermore, you may also prefer linking VulkanHppModule to just the Vulkan::Headers target with the PUBLIC scope instead of Vulkan::Vulkan, so that the vulkan-1 library is not linked in, and the Vulkan headers are available to your consuming project, as detailed further below.

target_link_libraries( VulkanHppModule PUBLIC Vulkan::Headers )

Finally, supply the macro VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC_STORAGE exactly once in your source code, just as in the non-module case. In order to have that macro available, include vulkan_hpp_macros.hpp, a lightweight header providing all Vulkan-Hpp related macros and defines. And as explained above, you need to initialize that dispatcher in two or three steps:

import vulkan_hpp;

#include <vulkan/vulkan_hpp_macros.hpp>


auto main(int argc, char* const argv[]) -> int
    // initialize minimal set of function pointers

  auto appInfo = vk::ApplicationInfo("My App", 1, "My Engine", 1, vk::makeApiVersion(1, 0, 0, 0));
  // ...

An example is provided in tests/Cpp20Modules/Cpp20Modules.cpp.

Finally, you can configure and build your project as usual. Note that CMake currently only supports the Ninja and Visual Studio generators for C++ modules.

Command-line usage

If you want to use the Vulkan-Hpp C++ module without CMake, you must first pre-compile it, and then import it into your project. You will also need to define any macros that control various features of Vulkan-Hpp, such as VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS and VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE. Different compilers have different command-lines for module pre-compilation; however, for initial use, some examples are provided below, assuming the same main.cpp consumer as above.

For MSVC, source vcvars64.bat or use a Developer Command Prompt/Developer PowerShell instance, and run the following:

cl.exe /std:c++20 /interface /TP <path-to-vulkan-hpp>\vulkan.cppm
cl.exe /std:c++20 /reference vulkan=vulkan.ifc main.cpp vulkan.obj

For Clang, run the following:

clang++ -std=c++20 <path-to-vulkan-hpp>/vulkan.cppm -precompile -o vulkan.pcm
clang++ -std=c++20 -fprebuilt-module-path=. main.cpp vulkan.pcm -o main

More information about module compilation may be found at the respective compiler's documentation:

Samples and Tests

When you configure your project using CMake, you can enable SAMPLES_BUILD to add some sample projects to your solution. Most of them are ports from the LunarG samples, but there are some more, like CreateDebugUtilsMessenger, InstanceVersion, PhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties, PhysicalDeviceExtensions, PhysicalDeviceFeatures, PhysicalDeviceGroups, PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties, PhysicalDeviceProperties, PhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties, and RayTracing. All those samples should just compile and run. When you configure your project using CMake, you can enable TESTS_BUILD to add some test projects to your solution. Those tests are just compilation tests and are not required to run.

Compile time issues

As vulkan.hpp is pretty big, some compilers might need some time to digest all that stuff. In order to potentially reduce the time needed to compile that header, a couple of defines will be introduced, that allow you to hide certain features. Whenever you don't need that corresponding feature, defining that value might improve your compile time. Currently, there are just a couple of such defines:

  • VULKAN_HPP_NO_SPACESHIP_OPERATOR, which removes the spaceship operator on structures (available with C++20)
  • VULKAN_HPP_NO_TO_STRING, which removes the various vk::to_string functions on enums and bitmasks.
  • VULKAN_HPP_USE_REFLECT, this one needs to be defined to use the reflection function on structures. It's very slow to compile, though!

Configuration Options

There are a couple of defines you can use to control the feature set and behaviour of vulkan.hpp:


At various places in vulkan.hpp an assertion statement is used. By default, the standard assert funtions from <cassert> is called. By defining VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT before including vulkan.hpp, you can change that to any function with the very same interface.


If there are no exceptions enabled (see VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS), an assertion statement checks for a valid success code returned from every vulkan call. By default, this is the very same assert function as defined by VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT, but by defining VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT_ON_RESULT you can replace just those assertions with your own function, using the very same interface.


Every vk-function gets a Dispatcher as its very last argument, which defaults to VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER. If VULKAN_HPP_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC is defined to be 1, it is defaultDispatchLoaderDynamic. This in turn is the dispatcher instance, which is defined by VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC_STORAGE, which has to be used exactly once in your sources. If, on the other hand, VULKAN_HPP_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC is defined to something different from 1, VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER is set to be DispatchLoaderStatic(). You can use your own default dispatcher by setting VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER to an object that provides the same API. If you explicitly set VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER, you need to set VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE accordingly as well.


This names the default dispatcher type, as specified by VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER. Per default, it is DispatchLoaderDynamic or DispatchLoaderStatic, depending on VULKAN_HPP_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC being 1 or not 1, respectively. If you explicitly set VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER, you need to set VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE accordingly as well.


If you have not defined your own VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER, and have VULKAN_HPP_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC defined to be 1 (the default), you need to have the macro VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC_STORAGE exactly once in any of your source files to provide storage for that default dispatcher. VULKAN_HPP_STORAGE_API then controls the import/export status of that default dispatcher.


When this is defined before including vulkan.hpp, you essentially disable all enhanced functionality. All you then get is:

  • improved compile time error detection, via scoped enums;
  • usage of the helper class vk::Flags for bitmasks;
  • wrapper structs for all vulkan structs providing default initialization;
  • the helper class vk::StructureChain for compile-time construction of structure chains.

If this is not defined, you additionally get:

  • enhanced versions of the commands (consuming vk::ArrayProxy<>), simplifying handling of array data; returning requested data; throwing exceptions on errors (as long as VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS is not defined);
  • enhanced structure constructors (as long as VULKAN_HPP_NO_STRUCT_CONSTRUCTORS is not defined) (consuming vk::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<>);
  • enhanced setter functions on some members of structs (consuming vk::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<>);
  • the helper classes vk::ArrayProxy<> and vk::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<>
  • all the RAII-stuff in vulkan_raii.hpp


This either selects the dynamic (when it's 1) or the static (when it's not 1) DispatchLoader as the default one, as long as it's not explicitly specified by VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER. By default, this is defined to be 1 if VK_NO_PROTOTYPES is defined, otherwise 0.


By default, a little helper class DynamicLoader is used to dynamically load the vulkan library. If you set it to something different than 1 before including vulkan.hpp, this helper is not available, and you need to explicitly provide your own loader type for the function DispatchLoaderDynamic::init().


When this is not externally defined and VULKAN_HPP_CPP_VERSION is at least 23, VULKAN_HPP_EXPECTED is defined to be std::expected, and VULKAN_HPP_UNEXPECTED is defined to be std::unexpected.


By default, the member m_mask of the Flags class template is private. This is to prevent accidentally setting a Flags with some inappropriate value. But it also prevents using a Flags, or a structure holding a Flags, to be used as a non-type template parameter. If you really need that functionality, and accept the reduced security, you can use this define to change the access specifier for m_mask from private to public, which allows using a Flags as a non-type template parameter.


This define can be used to specify your own hash combiner function. In order to determine the hash of a vk-structure, the hashes of the members of that struct are to be combined. This is done by this define, which by default is identical to what the function boost::hash_combine() does. It gets the type of the to-be-combined value, the seed, which is the combined value up to that point, and finally the to-be-combined value. This hash calculation determines a "shallow" hash, as it takes the hashes of any pointer in a structure, and not the hash of a pointed-to value.


This is set to be the compiler-dependent attribute used to mark functions as inline. If your compiler happens to need some different attribute, you can set this define accordingly before including vulkan.hpp.


By default, the namespace used with vulkan.hpp is vk. By defining VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE before including vulkan.hpp, you can adjust this.


By default, the file vulkan_to_string.hpp is included by vulkan.hpp and provides functions vk::to_string for enums and bitmasks. If you don't need those functions, you can define VULKAN_HPP_NO_TO_STRING to prevent that inclusion. If you have certain files where you want to use those functions nevertheless, you can explicitly include vulkan_to_string.hpp there.


With C++20, designated initializers are available. Their use requires the absence of any user-defined constructors. Define VULKAN_HPP_NO_CONSTRUCTORS to remove constructors from structs and unions.


When a vulkan function returns an error code that is not specified to be a success code, an exception is thrown unless VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined before including vulkan.hpp.


With C++17, all vk-functions returning something are declared with the attribute [[nodiscard]]. This can be removed by defining VULKAN_HPP_NO_NODISCARD_WARNINGS before including vulkan.hpp.


By defining VULKAN_HPP_NO_SETTERS before including vulkan.hpp, setter member functions will not be available within structs and unions. Modifying their data members will then only be possible via direct assignment.


By defining VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE before including vulkan.hpp, the helper class vk::UniqueHandle and all the unique handle types are not available.


With C++20, the so-called spaceship-operator <=> is introduced. If that operator is supported, all the structs and classes in vulkan.hpp use the default implementation of it. As currently some implementations of this operator are very slow, and others seem to be incomplete, by defining VULKAN_HPP_NO_SPACESHIP_OPERATOR before including vulkan.hpp you can remove that operator from those structs and classes.


By default, if VULKAN_HPP_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_LOADER_TOOL is enabled on Win32, vulkan.hpp declares HINSTANCE, LoadLibraryA, and other required symbols. It could cause conflicts with the Windows.h alternatives, such as WindowsHModular. With this define, you can disable these declarations, but you will have to declare them before the vulkan.hpp is included.


If both, VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS and VULKAN_HPP_EXPECTED are defined, the vk::raii-classes don't throw exceptions. That is, the actual constructors are not available, but the creation-functions must be used. For more details have a look at the


Even though vk::UniqueHandle and vk::SharedHandle are semantically close to pointers, an implicit cast operator to the underlying vk::Handle might be handy. You can add that implicit cast operator by defining VULKAN_HPP_SMART_HANDLE_IMPLICIT_CAST.


With this define you can specify whether the DispatchLoaderDynamic is imported or exported (see VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC_STORAGE). If VULKAN_HPP_STORAGE_API is not defined externally, and VULKAN_HPP_STORAGE_SHARED is defined, depending on the VULKAN_HPP_STORAGE_SHARED_EXPORT being defined, VULKAN_HPP_STORAGE_API is either set to __declspec( dllexport ) (for MSVC) / __attribute__( ( visibility( "default" ) ) ) (for gcc or clang) or __declspec( dllimport ) (for MSVC), respectively. For other compilers, you might specify the corresponding storage by defining VULKAN_HPP_STORAGE_API on your own.


32-bit vulkan is not typesafe for non-dispatchable handles, so we don't allow copy constructors on this platform by default. To enable this feature on 32-bit platforms, #define VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION 1. To disable this feature on 64-bit platforms, #define VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION 0.




With this define you can include a reflection mechanism on the vk-structures. It adds a function reflect that returns a tuple-version of the structure. That tuple then could easily be iterated. But at least for now, that feature takes lots of compile-time resources, so currently it is recommended to enable that feature only if you're willing to pay that price.

See Also

Feel free to submit a PR to add to this list.


Copyright 2015-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

vulkan-hpp's People


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vulkan-hpp's Issues

Using generator flags instead of macros

Defines like VULKAN_HPP_DISABLE_ENHANCED_MODE and VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS make the generated file a lot bigger and more complex than it could be. I believe generator flags/options should be added to the generator to replace those. Such flags can be accessible via command-line arguments like --disable-enhanced-mode and --disable-exceptions.

The downside to this is that it would add complexity to some parts of the generator.

No optional auto deletion of a object?

I'm still digging into Vulkan and this C++ API.

During this I saw, that there are no destructors for the objects, which is fine, because those would need more memory (maybe additional reference to the vk::Instance etc).

Anyway wouldn't it be fine to create as "nice to have" a wrapper for the vulkan objects, which takes care of their destruction? I'm thinking of an additional template class for example called "vk::Deleter" which wraps a vulkan object with the correct destroy function.

Compiling with clang produces -Wmissing-braces warnings

Five instances of the warning occur when compiling vulkan.hpp here is the compiler output.

../external/Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/vulkan.hpp:2633:62: error: suggest braces around initialization of subobject [-Werror,-Wmissing-braces]
    ClearColorValue( const std::array<float,4>& float32_ = { 0 } )
../external/Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/vulkan.hpp:7166:105: error: suggest braces around initialization of subobject [-Werror,-Wmissing-braces]
    DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT( const char* pMarkerName_ = nullptr, std::array<float,4> const& color_ = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } )
                                                                                                        {         }
../external/Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/vulkan.hpp:8420:329: error: suggest braces around initialization of subobject [-Werror,-Wmissing-braces]
    PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo( PipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags flags_ = PipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags(), Bool32 logicOpEnable_ = 0, LogicOp logicOp_ = LogicOp::eClear, uint32_t attachmentCount_ = 0, const PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState* pAttachments_ = nullptr, std::array<float,4> const& blendConstants_ = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        {         }
../external/Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/vulkan.hpp:9356:129: error: suggest braces around initialization of subobject [-Werror,-Wmissing-braces]
    ImageBlit( ImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource_ = ImageSubresourceLayers(), std::array<Offset3D,2> const& srcOffsets_ = { Offset3D(), Offset3D() }, ImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource_ = ImageSubresourceLayers(), std::array<Offset3D,2> const& dstOffsets_ = { Offset3D(), Offset3D() } )
                                                                                                                                {                     }
../external/Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/vulkan.hpp:9356:268: error: suggest braces around initialization of subobject [-Werror,-Wmissing-braces]
    ImageBlit( ImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource_ = ImageSubresourceLayers(), std::array<Offset3D,2> const& srcOffsets_ = { Offset3D(), Offset3D() }, ImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource_ = ImageSubresourceLayers(), std::array<Offset3D,2> const& dstOffsets_ = { Offset3D(), Offset3D() } )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           {                     }

Replace vk::Flags with a simpler approach

Currently, Vulkan-Hpp uses the Flags class and some helping structure to emulate bitfields (especially bitwise logical operations on them) on C++11 scoped enums. However, this can be vastly simplified by using some template magic.

To make sure the underlying type of Vulkan-Hpp matches the upstream flag type provided by the enum (e.g. VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags, usually typedef to VkFlags), enums could further specify their base type. Example:

enum class ColorComponentFlags : VkColorComponentFlags

Note that instead of ColorComponentFlagBits, the enum should be called ColorComponentFlags after such a change since it would also represent the bitfield itself and not only its flags.

Only define VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION if it is not defined already

With code like this:

#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>

I get a warning for multiple defined macros in 32-bit. Please check if the macro is already defined. Otherwise the correct code would not be pretty:

#if !defined(__LP64__) && !defined(_WIN64) && (!defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__ILP32__) ) && !defined(_M_X64) && !defined(__ia64) && !defined (_M_IA64) && !defined(__aarch64__) && !defined(__powerpc64__)
#endif // #if !defined(__LP64__) && !defined(_WIN64) && (!defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__ILP32__) ) && !defined(_M_X64) && !defined(__ia64) && !defined (_M_IA64) && !defined(__aarch64__) && !defined(__powerpc64__)
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>

Travis-CI clang compiler errors

Pulled the 1.0.40 version of vulkan.hpp into Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers and continuous integration began failing with scads of the following errors:

In file included from /home/travis/build/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers/demos/cube.cpp:37:
/home/travis/build/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers/include/vulkan/vulkan.hpp:1095:19: error: 
      unknown type name 'nullptr_t'; did you mean 'std::nullptr_t'?
    DeviceMemory( nullptr_t )
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8/bits/c++config.h:190:29: note: 
      'std::nullptr_t' declared here
  typedef decltype(nullptr)     nullptr_t;

Vulkan-Hpp specific exception classes

What do you think about adding custom exception/error classes derived from one of the std::exception derived classes? Currently without special filtering developer can't really know if given exception (like std::system_error was thrown by Vulkan-Hpp or other piece of code and with that developers would be able to use natural exceptions "filtering" like:

try {
    // some Vulkan-Hpp code that can throw
    // with some normal code that can throw
} catch(const vk::error& vk_error) {
    // error from vulkan-related code
} catch(const std::exception& exception) {
    // error related to normal code / STL / etc.

Since exceptions already add some small overhead (mostly when fired), maybe we could also add hierarchy of exceptions representing some scenarios based on VkResult return value like

    - vk::out_of_memory_error
        - vk::out_of_device_memory_error
        - vk::out_of_host_memory_error
    - vk::initialization_failed_error
    - vk::device_lost_error
    - ...

That way some errors might be handled right away and others might for example terminate application.
Worst case you could still catch them by std::exception or another STD-base-class.

Default line width causes drawState error

PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo( PipelineRasterizationStateCreateFlags flags_ = PipelineRasterizationStateCreateFlags(), Bool32 depthClampEnable_ = 0, Bool32 rasterizerDiscardEnable_ = 0, PolygonMode polygonMode_ = PolygonMode::eFill, CullModeFlags cullMode_ = CullModeFlags(), FrontFace frontFace_ = FrontFace::eCounterClockwise, Bool32 depthBiasEnable_ = 0, float depthBiasConstantFactor_ = 0, float depthBiasClamp_ = 0, float depthBiasSlopeFactor_ = 0, float lineWidth_ = 0 )


[T+0.098 main ERROR] DS Attempt to set lineWidth to 0.000000 but physical device limits line width to between [0.500000, 10.000000]!

Is there a reasonable default (e.g. 1?)

Make vulkan.hpp compatible with newer versions of vulkan.h

Currently in code, there is static assert to check if vulkan's header file is same version as the one generator is currently configured to. This makes it impossible to use vulkan.hpp from 1.0.x._ with vulkan.h from 1.0.y._ where x < y (e.g. can't use vulkan.hpp from with vulkan.h of

Since Vulkan's API shouldn't change that much between patch-versions, maybe it would be enough to check for major and minor versions only (and maybe warn if patch version isn't the same)?

I get that having exact same version is best, but I think that if API doesn't change, there shouldn't be a reason for generated earlier headers to not work with newer Vulkan headers.

The problem I see is that when someone want to use Vulkan-Hpp in his project, he should supply both vulkan.h (and other Vulkan headers) and vulkan.hpp for them to match, since some OSes might have older packages installed which might conflict with Vulkan-Hpp version (and using user-installed might not be best, as I'm not sure if API of Vulkan-Hpp is 100% stable and backward compatibility is maintained all the time).

It's not best, but maybe worth considering? What's your opinion?

Building Vulkan-Hpp with Vulkan-Docs (85184f3) fails because of "ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV"

Due to current version missmatch of the vulkan.hpp and the latest vulkan.h I decided to rebuild it myself. Compilation of the VulkanHppGenerator.exe (im on Win10 VS2015) works fine, but executing it throws this message:

Loading vk.xml from D:\Repos - Kopie\Vulkan-Hpp\Vulkan-Docs\src\spec\vk.xml
Writing vulkan.hpp to D:\Repos - Kopie\Vulkan-Hpp\vulkan\vulkan.hpp
caught exception: spec error: enums name="ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV" 
is missing the type attribute

Older versions work just fine. I already ran the integrity tests for the vk.xml and successfully compiled the vulkan.h generated from it. Any clue on where to start the bug hunt?

UniqueDebugReportCallbackEXT causes linker error

When using UniqueDebugReportCallbackEXT instead of DebugReportCallbackEXT i get two linker errors. one for Create and Destroy (i translated the error from german to english, so this might not be the exact Error String (marked italic):

../engine/libEngine.a(instance.cpp.o): In function `vk::Instance::createDebugReportCallbackEXT(vk::DebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT const&, vk::Optional<vk::AllocationCallbacks const>) const':
~/VulkanSDK/ undefined reference to`vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT'

../engine/libEngine.a(instance.cpp.o): In function `vk::Instance::destroyDebugReportCallbackEXT(vk::DebugReportCallbackEXT, vk::Optional<vk::AllocationCallbacks const>) const':
~/VulkanSDK/ _undefined reference to `vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT'

The second error occurs when creating a variable holding a uniqueDebugReportCallbackEXT e.g.

class abc {
  vk::UniqueDebugReportCallbackEXT callback_;

The first error occurs as soon as i try to access the vk::Instance::createDebugReportCallbackEXTUnique method

'caught exception: basic_string::_M_construct null not valid' if use vk.xml from

when launch:

VulkanHppGenerator foo/Vulkan-Docs/src/spec/vk.xml

and the vk.xm file is latest version of (


caught exception: basic_string::_M_construct null not valid
└───╼  ./VulkanHppGenerator /tmp/makepkg/vulkan-git/src/Vulkan-Docs/src/spec/vk.xml 
Loading vk.xml from /tmp/makepkg/vulkan-git/src/Vulkan-Docs/src/spec/vk.xml
Writing vulkan.hpp to /tmp/makepkg/vulkan-git/src/Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/vulkan.hpp
caught exception: basic_string::_M_construct null not valid
└───╼  echo $?

RAII "vulkan-c-bindings-reloaded"

After reading your blog entry "vulkan-c-bindings-reloaded" I noticed your section on RAII. But nothing in the RAII principle require ref counting at all. It is only required if you want to do a smart pointer style thing. A more natural fit would be a unique_ptr style deal.

For a example implementation take a look at

Error compiling header, == not defined for certain types

I had setup a basic project from this Vulkan tutorial and i've replaced
vulkan.h with vulkancpp.h( which is vulkan.hpp) and i get these numerous compiler errors:
Visual Studio 2015 Community, toolset v140.

1>d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(2598): error C2678: binary '==': no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'const vk::Buffer' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(2598): note: could be 'built-in C++ operator==(VkBuffer, VkBuffer)'
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(2598): note: or       'built-in C++ operator==(VkBuffer, bool)'
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(2598): note: or       'built-in C++ operator==(bool, VkBuffer)'
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(2598): note: or       'built-in C++ operator==(bool, bool)'
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(2598): note: while trying to match the argument list '(const vk::Buffer, const vk::Buffer)'
1>d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(3776): error C2678: binary '==': no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'const vk::DisplayKHR' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(3776): note: could be 'built-in C++ operator==(VkDisplayKHR, VkDisplayKHR)'
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(3776): note: or       'built-in C++ operator==(VkDisplayKHR, bool)'
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(3776): note: or       'built-in C++ operator==(bool, VkDisplayKHR)'
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(3776): note: or       'built-in C++ operator==(bool, bool)'
1>  d:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulcancpp.h(3776): note: while trying to match the argument list '(const vk::DisplayKHR, const vk::DisplayKHR)'

Generator Asserts with 1.0.35 version of vk.xml

Tried Windows and Linux -- debug builds assert as follows while release builds hang.

C:\dev\xgl\Vulkan-Hpp\build\Debug>.\VulkanHppGenerator.exe .\vk.xml
Loading vk.xml from c:[blah]\vk.xml
Writing vulkan.hpp to C:\blah\Vulkan-Hpp\vulkan\vulkan.hpp
Assertion failed: stit != vkData.structs.end() && stit->second.protect.empty(), file C:\dev\xgl\Vulkan-Hpp\VulkanHppGenerator.cpp, line 1205

static_assert( VK_HEADER_VERSION == 38 , "Wrong VK_HEADER_VERSION!" );

I'm on Linux with the latest NVidia drivers, and VK_HEADER_VERSION is 39.

Additionally, I get the following problems:

vulkan.hpp:44:1: error: static_assert failed "Wrong VK_HEADER_VERSION!"
static_assert( VK_HEADER_VERSION ==  38 , "Wrong VK_HEADER_VERSION!" );
^              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
vulkan.hpp:16762:3: error: static_assert failed "struct and wrapper have different size!"
  static_assert( sizeof( ObjectTableIndexBufferEntryNVX ) == sizeof( VkObjectTableIndexBufferEntryNVX ), "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
  ^              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
vulkan.hpp:16762:3: error: static_assert failed "struct and wrapper have different size!"
  static_assert( sizeof( ObjectTableIndexBufferEntryNVX ) == sizeof( VkObjectTableIndexBufferEntryNVX ), "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
  ^              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
vulkan.hpp:44:1: error: static_assert failed "Wrong VK_HEADER_VERSION!"
static_assert( VK_HEADER_VERSION ==  38 , "Wrong VK_HEADER_VERSION!" );
^              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
vulkan.hpp:16762:3: error: static_assert failed "struct and wrapper have different size!"
  static_assert( sizeof( ObjectTableIndexBufferEntryNVX ) == sizeof( VkObjectTableIndexBufferEntryNVX ), "struct and wrapper have different size!" );

Plans for an OpenGL-Hpp?

I love how Vulkan-Hpp offers OOP patterns and compile time type checking for Vulkan constructs, and I'm wondering if there's any plans to bring that same style of header only library to OpenGL as an officially maintained library.

I know there's challenges involved like deciding what extension bindings to include for OpenGL, how far to take the abstraction, and there's a number of libraries like glad and OOGL that try solving this, but they either still opt for doing things in a C style or they don't pull from the specification to generate the library.

Here's a rough idea on how I would imagine it would look:

auto program = gl::Program();

auto vert = gl::Shader(gl::ShaderType::eVertex);
vert.source("#version 150\nin vec2 position; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); }");
vert.compile(); // Like Vulkan-Hpp, this would throw an exception if there was an error.

auto frag = gl::Shader(gl::ShaderType::eFrag);
frag.source("#version 150\nout vec4 outColor; void main() { outColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); }");


Should the abstraction go further, like making every construct a RAII class? OOGL opted for not only making constructs RAII classes but also making constructors that make assumptions like:

// Shader is already compiled after construction.
GL::Shader vert(GL::ShaderType::Vertex, "#version 150\nin vec2 position; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); }");
GL::Shader frag(GL::ShaderType::Fragment, "#version 150\nout vec4 outColor; void main() { outColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); }");
// Program is compiled after construction.
GL::Program program(vert, frag);


  1. What would need to be done to make library like Vulkan-Hpp but for OpenGL?

  2. How would it be able to get official Khronos support if that were the case?

Header 1.0.55 comment tags cause problems

Trying to build vulkan.hpp with the new 1.0.55 header caused several issues related to the expanded use of tags. Made several changes noted below to get us going but a better solution would be great.

C:\dev\xgl\Vulkan-Hpp>git diff
diff --git a/Vulkan-Docs b/Vulkan-Docs
index 1d67e47..c1d03fd 160000
--- a/Vulkan-Docs
+++ b/Vulkan-Docs
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 1d67e47f1464d5f5e654a405e9a91c7d5441bbb6
+Subproject commit c1d03fdd6f2fc46976b4778d3f590d99c7b26f11-dirty
diff --git a/VulkanHppGenerator.cpp b/VulkanHppGenerator.cpp
index 3eafc6c..6fd893f 100644
--- a/VulkanHppGenerator.cpp
+++ b/VulkanHppGenerator.cpp
@@ -1203,14 +1203,14 @@ std::string readArraySize(tinyxml2::XMLNode * node, std::string& name)
         assert(node && node->ToElement() && (strcmp(node->Value(), "enum") == 0));
         arraySize = node->ToElement()->GetText();
         node = node->NextSibling();
-        assert(node && node->ToText() && (strcmp(node->Value(), "]") == 0) && !node->NextSibling());
+        ////assert(node && node->ToText() && (strcmp(node->Value(), "]") == 0) && !node->NextSibling());
         // otherwise, the node holds '[' and ']', so get the stuff in between those as the array size
         assert((value.front() == '[') && (value.back() == ']'));
         arraySize = value.substr(1, value.length() - 2);
-        assert(!node->NextSibling());
+        ////assert(!node->NextSibling());
@@ -1827,6 +1827,7 @@ void readTypeStruct( tinyxml2::XMLElement * element, VkData & vkData, bool isUni
     assert( child->Value() );
     std::string value = child->Value();
+    if ("comment") == 0) continue;
     assert(value == "member");
     readTypeStructMember( child, it->second.members, vkData.dependencies.back().dependencies );
@@ -1864,6 +1865,7 @@ void readTypes(tinyxml2::XMLElement * element, VkData & vkData)
   for (tinyxml2::XMLElement * child = element->FirstChildElement(); child; child = child->NextSiblingElement())
+    if (strcmp(child->Value(), "comment") == 0) continue;
     assert( strcmp( child->Value(), "type" ) == 0 );
     std::string type = child->Value();
     assert( type == "type" );
@@ -4092,9 +4094,11 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
       else if (value == "comment")
-        // get the vulkan license header and skip any leading spaces
-        readComment(child, vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader);
-        vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.erase(vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.begin(), std::find_if(vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.begin(), vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.end(), [](char c) { return !std::isspace(c); }));
+          if (vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.size() == 0) {
+              // get the vulkan license header and skip any leading spaces
+              readComment(child, vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader);
+              vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.erase(vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.begin(), std::find_if(vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.begin(), vkData.vulkanLicenseHeader.end(), [](char c) { return !std::isspace(c); }));
+          }
       else if (value == "enums")

Passing a vk:: struct to a c API call

I want to convert an existing program to use vulkan.hpp. As I am trying to do a little at a time, I want to pass the C++ structs & handles to Vk c functions.

vk::CommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufInfo({}, nullptr);
vkBeginCommandBuffer(drawCmdBuffers[i], &cmdBufInfo);

produces the error

error: cannot convert ‘vk::CommandBufferBeginInfo*’ to ‘const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo*’

I suppose I am doing it wrong but I have tried just about everything I can think of and just keep getting various compile errors. The only thing that has worked is doing a reinterpret_cast myself.

        	reinterpret_cast<const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo*>(&cmdBufInfo));

but since there is an operator in the class to do this, it shouldn't be necessary. What am I doing wrong?

Even the reinterpret_cast doesn't work if I create cmdBufInfo by

vk::CommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufInfo();

In this case at the call to vkBeginCommandBuffer I get

undefined reference to `cmdBufInfo()'

Apparently it thinks cmdBufInfo is a function. This is confusing me too as the constructor has defaults for all its arguments.

I am using a 64-bit system, Ubuntu 16.10.

Not possible to convert Vk* to vk::* in 32-bit

I know that VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION should enable this but I think there is a more elegant solution. Instead of disabling the conversion constructor, just make it explicit if VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION is not defined. This prevents unwanted conversions but allows explicit construction. Otherwise I always have to define the macro to make the following example possible:

vk::SurfaceKHR f()
	VkSurfaceKHR surf_ {};
	auto const result {glfwCreateWindowSurface(inst, wnd, nullptr, &surf_)};
	return vk::SurfaceKHR {surf_};

It should always be possible to construct the nice vk::* objects from raw Vk* handles. This could stay implicit for 64-bit because it is type safe. It should not be mandatory to give up type safety in 32-bit by always defining the macro.

non-explicit nullptr constructor causes ambiguity

This happens when using functions which can receive VK_NULL_HANDLE as arguments, like the fence argument of vk::Queue::submit.
Due to the new constructors in SDK 1.0.42 taking std::nullptr_t as argument, g++6 reports an ambiguity error because VK_NULL_HANDLE can be the argument of both the c-struct- and the nullptr-constructor. This ambiguity makes it also impossible to initialize a wrapper class with the VK_NULL_HANDLE value.
Making the nullptr-constructor explicit solves this issue but I am not sure if this would violate any rules of the wrapping.

Recent change breaks systems with exceptions disabled

Using clang, with exceptions disabled, client code is hitting several error messages such as:

../../third_party/vulkan_loader_and_validation_layers/include/vulkan/vulkan.hpp:747:41: error: cannot use 'throw' with exceptions disabled
case Result::eErrorOutOfHostMemory: throw OutOfHostMemoryError ( message );

This change seems to have introduced the problem:

commit 6e9d9b5
Author: Damian Dyńdo [email protected]
Date: Wed Apr 26 09:30:24 2017 +0200

Introduce custom exceptions for Vulkan-Hpp (#97) (#99)

Use of GSL (Guideline Support Library) for ArrayProxy ?

GSL is a library that provides some types aimed at type safety and improved ownership semantics. It has a gsl::span<> type which is a non owning view over contigus collection of object in memory like std::array, std::vector, or raw pointer. I think it does the same things as ArrayProxy does plus it's intended to be understood by static analysis Tools and it hides pointer arithmetics with the help of subspan() functions :
Given that GSL is a semi standard in C++ (the gsl::string_view class made it to C++17 drafts) it would be nice to have some overloads accepting gsl::span instead of ArrayProxy (maybe guarded behind an ifdef).


Feedback required: Accept nullptr_t for constructor, operator == and operator != to support 0 as input

It's possible to make the flags class look even more like native flags by adding a new constructor which accepts a nullptr_t whic has a result would accept 0 as only integer. This way one could write

SomeFlag flag = 0.

In addition to this we could introduce operator == and operator != with nullptr_t to allow comparisons with 0. This change has one side effect can be considered harmless or harmfull. In addition to 0 Vulkan-Hpp would also accept nullptr as input for the constructor and the == and != operators.

Would this feature be a gain or loss?


When I try to compile a Win32 program, using Visual Studio 2013, I get 37 compiler errors in vulkan.hpp, each complaining that there is no == operator for the given types. The errors look like:

1>c:\vulkansdk\\include\vulkan\vulkan.hpp(2598): error C2678: binary '==' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'const vk::Buffer' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
1> could be 'built-in C++ operator==(VkBuffer, VkBuffer)'
1> or 'built-in C++ operator==(VkBuffer, bool)'
1> or 'built-in C++ operator==(bool, VkBuffer)'
1> or 'built-in C++ operator==(bool, bool)'
1> while trying to match the argument list '(const vk::Buffer, const vk::Buffer)'

It looks like what's happening is that each error occurs in an overloaded equality operator, but the member variables to not have overloaded equality operators. Everything compiles just fine with VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION because the compiler uses equality from the C Vulkan structs (i.e. VkBuffer instead of vk::Buffer), but when implicit conversion isn't allowed, that conversion must be explicit (and it's still implicit).

To fix the compiler errors, you would need to either explicitly convert the C++ objects to their C counterparts, or overload the equality operator for the C++ objects. Obviously, you can work around this issue by simply defining VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION, but since the header simply refuses to compile without it (which is default for 32-bit), this is something that should probably get fixed.

How to query for empty flag?

imageMemoryBarrier.srcAccessMask == 0

Hi, how can I check for this?
I guess thats where the bool operator kicks in:

But how to pass 0 Flag, e.g. DependencyFlag 0
Like this i guess: {}

But how do I get the flagmask of for example vk::ShaderStageFlagBits?

Misleading function name description


The README states:

All functions, enums and structs have the Vk prefix removed. vkCreateImage can be accessed as vk::CreateImage

Some functions do not follow this naming convention with respect to leading uppercase letters, e.g. vk::enumerateInstanceLayerProperties() or vk::enumerateInstanceExtensionProperties() (there may be others). Either they should be re-named to follow the naming convention, or the README should be clarified.

Cannot generate vulkan.hpp using 1.0.28 spec

The vulkan 1.0.28 spec changed the notiation used to refer to members of structs when they're referenced as an array length. Previously, the spec would notate this like pAllocateInfo->descriptorSetCount, but in 1.0.28 this is notated as pAllocateInfo::descriptorSetCount. As a result, when trying to generate vulkan.hpp with the 1.0.28 version of vk.xml, I get an assertion error. My guess is that you'll want to make this project handle both notations so that it works both before and after 1.0.28.

Expose Vulkan defines as (constexpr?) variables

I find it very distrubing that we are forced to mix C-style code with C++, as vulkan.h defines many "objects" with #define. With Vulkan-HPP we can do better - maybe we could simply expose some of these objects as constexpr (when supported) variables/objects? This would purify our code from C-like macros and defines.

Note that Vulkan-HPP already depends on specific version of vulkan.h so there shouldn't be any compatibility reason to not provide such feature.

Some example variables/objects that we use commonly:

  • etc.

Compilation error in vulkan.hpp generated for 1.0.25 spec

After generation of vulkan.hpp and manually fixing issue #27, I get following error:

/home/pa/.../vulkan/vulkan.hpp: In constructor ‘vk::DebugReportLayerFlagsEXT::DebugReportLayerFlagsEXT(uint64_t)’:
/home/pa/.../vulkan/vulkan.hpp:8533:16: error: ‘eDebugReportLayerFlagsEXT’ is not a member of ‘vk::StructureType’
       : sType( StructureType::eDebugReportLayerFlagsEXT )

This happens due to writeStructConstructor in VulkanHppGenerator.cpp. It initializes sType member of 'structure types' to StructureType::e<name>. For VkDebugReportLayerFlagsEXT specification states:


which corresponds to StructureType::eDebugReportValidationFlagsEXT.

With newer version of specification it is no longer the case: structures' names are changed and the writeStructConstructor logics doesn't fail (checked for 1.0.28).

Deleter classes taking pointer to parent not working

The following code doesn't work (it crashes):

vk::UniqueFence createSubmitFence(vk::Device dev)
	auto const create_info {vk::FenceCreateInfo {}
	return dev.createFenceUnique(create_info);

The problem is the temporary handle "dev" getting destroyed when the function returns. The Deleters should store the handle directly and not a pointer to it.

Use cmake external projects and cmake build rules for tinyxml and the spec source

Many cmake projects will build their upstream dependencies if necessary by downloading either a binary or a source zip file, using the cmake ExternalProject_Add functionality. However, this library can't be used in this way because the downloaded ZIP file doesn't contain the git submodules required to build.

Instead of using a git submodule for the tinyxml dependency, you can use an ExternalProject_Add command of your own. Instead of using a submodule for the spec dependency, you can use a file(DOWNLOAD ...) command to fetch the spec XML. This also has the advantage of allowing the build process to target a specific version of the spec at cmake configuration time by passing a command line argument to override the default spec URL.

v46 doesn't match vulkan.h v46: duplicates some KHR enums with KHX's that are not in vulkan.h


do not exist in v46 vulkan.h. They are already KHR. Therefore compiles fail. Changing lines such as




causes a different compile failure because ePhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR was already defined earlier in vulkan.hpp.

I had a similar problem last time I copied the "latest" vulkan.hpp from See issue #85. I think you have a process problem that needs fixing.

Here is a diff from the downloaded file to the fixed file

mark:~/Projects/github/KTX (vkloadtests) $ diff ~/Downloads/vulkan.hpp ~/Molten*16.3/MoltenVK/include/vulkan/vulkan.hpp
<     case StructureType::ePhysicalDeviceProperties2KHX: return "PhysicalDeviceProperties2KHX";
<     case StructureType::eImageFormatProperties2KHX: return "ImageFormatProperties2KHX";
<     case StructureType::ePhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2KHX: return "PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2KHX";

How to load function ptrs for enhanced mode

This is more like a C++ question:

When not using DISABLE_ENHANCED mode, there are methods like vk::Instance::createDebugReportCallbackEXT using vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT. This fails on my system with an unresolved external symbol for vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT.

How do I load the extension (VK_EXT_debug_report is supported on my system) so I can still use the enhanced mode?

Create debug callback is used without checking extention availability

I'm not sure whether this is only a problem for me, but last time I used Vulkan-Hpp and tried to create a Debug Callback, I got a linker error(The library didn't know the function? Even if the function for creation is at runtime available!). If I'm missing anything, I'm very sorry, just trying to understand and help :) !

1.0.49 version of vk.xml causes build errors with generated vulkan.hpp

The enhanced-mode body for PhysicalDevice::getSurfaceCapabilities2KHR() appears to be incorrect and causes the following build errors:

1  VULKAN_HPP_INLINE Result PhysicalDevice::getSurfaceCapabilities2KHR( const PhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR* pSurfaceInfo, SurfaceCapabilities2KHR* pSurfaceCapabilities ) const
2    {
3      return static_cast<Result>( vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR( m_physicalDevice, reinterpret_cast<const VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR*>( pSurfaceInfo ), reinterpret_cast<VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR*>( pSurfaceCapabilities ) ) );
4    }
6    VULKAN_HPP_INLINE Result PhysicalDevice::getSurfaceCapabilities2KHR( const PhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR & surfaceInfo ) const
7    {
8      Result result = static_cast<Result>( vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR( m_physicalDevice, reinterpret_cast<const VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR*>( &surfaceInfo ), reinterpret_cast<VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR*>( &surfaceCapabilities ) ) );
9      return createResultValue( result, surfaceCapabilities, "vk::PhysicalDevice::getSurfaceCapabilities2KHR" );
10   }

Line 8: 'surfaceCapabilities': undeclared identifier
Line 9: 'surfaceCapabilities': undeclared identifier

Ugly set methods for arrays -> Add std::cref support for arrays in *createInfo setters

The set methods for arrays is a bit ugly and cumbersome.

return vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo()

Would be nicer to write something like:

return vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo()

Or perhaps:

return vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo()
	.setVertexBindingDescriptions(binding_descriptions.begin(), binding_descriptions.end())
	.setVertexAttributeDescriptions(attribute_descriptions.begin(), attribute_descriptions.end());

Or both?

Hello World example

It would be great to see, if there was any hello triangle example using Vulkan-Hpp

Dynamic Vulkan library load?

Basic C-style Vulkan (via vulkan.h) allows loading its functions in runtime via macro VK_NO_PROTOTYPES and mechanism like

library = LoadLibrary("vulkan-1");
some_vulkan_func = GetProcAddr(library, "some_vulkan_func");

Is it possible to use Vulkan-Hpp in the same manner or we can either load Vulkan dynamically or use Vulkan-Hpp?

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