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riml's Issues

class method name generation error

I upgraded from 0.2.9 today and it broke class generation. when trying to instantiate a class, I get the error

E117: Unknown function: s:SID
E116: Invalid arguments for function function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:MyClass_method_name')
E15: Invalid expression: function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:MyClass_method_name')

I put a debug output statement into ast_rewriter.rb and a SID node is excluded in the rewritten syntax tree, though it's not present in the generated viml file.

If I just paste it on top of the riml file (in VimL), everything's fine.

Also, the generated methods look like

function! <SID>s:MyClass_method_name()

Isn't the s: superfluous?

Access return value of super call in defm

I am trying to override/augment a parent class's method. I'm able to call super(...) itself, but unable to assign that result to a variable. Which prevents augmenting the returned value.

Consider this scenario. RedBox extends Box, like so.

class Box
  defm get_color(a, b)
    return 'white'

class RedBox < Box
  defm get_color(a, b, c)
    color = super(a, b)
    return color . ' red'

red_box = new RedBox()
echo red_box.get_color(1, 2, 3)

This code doesn't compile, instead gives the following error.

compiler.rb:27:in `const_get': uninitialized constant Riml::Compiler::SuperNodeVisitor (NameError) ...

If I remove the variable assignment to super. I get the following code for the get_color function.

function! <SID>s:RedBox_get_color(a, b, c) dict
  call self.Box_get_color(a:a, a:b)

This looks almost right. An extra return statement should do the trick. I hacked this ugly workaround that works for now.

  defm get_color(a, b, c)
    color = call('<SID>s:Box_get_color', [a, b], self)
    return color . ' red'

Variables inside function should compile to local to function scope

What do you think about having variables inside a function compile to local to function scope? Lookup :h local-variable in Vim. The main reason I would like this is, as the help explains:

without prepending "l:" you may run into reserved variable names.

This is exactly the type of thing riml would be great for. I would love to not have to write l:my_var inside all my functions and still know it won't refer to other variables outside the function scope.

What are your thoughts on this?

Upgrading to riml 0.3.7 doesn't pickup some classes in path

I'm trying to upgrade to 0.3.7 from 0.3.5 in Portkey. The entire test suite runs fine, but the main include file portkey.riml has an include that riml 0.3.7 is failing to pickup. 0.3.5 works correctly. The error is,

location: <unknown>
message: class "s:PythonFileWriter" not found.

You can replicate this by running, rake dist on the develop branch of portkey. The class in question is in the lib/logger directory. I've checked that the path given to riml with the -I flag does contain lib/logger.

Any ideas?

Functions that handle range

I have a function that filters lines based on the current range. The range typically corresponds to a visual mode selection but could be a manual one. To create such a filter function I need a viml function such as below,

function! MyFilter() range

Is there a riml equivalent of the same?

Passing `new Object()` as an argument

@luke-gru I'm having an issue with creating and passing an object to a function as an argument.

The following code compiles without errors.

class Person

def add_person(person)
  echo 'add_person'

add_person(new Person())

The compiled code contains an extra newline in the add_person call.

function! g:PersonConstructor()
  let personObj = {}
  return personObj
function! s:add_person(person)
  echo 'add_person'
call s:add_person(g:PersonConstructor()

This extra newline makes this code invalid.

Multiline comments

@luke-gru Another idea that may require a grammar change. :)

Add support for multiline comments like /* */. This is a very useful feature when experimenting or debugging.

End blocks

First of all I love what you're doing, and hope to get at least one plugin done in Riml soon to get a feel for the compiling workflow. Regarding the syntax, I presume the 'end' statements are necessary? It would be great if they were optional, but if they aren't I have to say I prefer Vimscript's native blocks, because they are self-documenting what they are closing, whereas in the current Riml syntax we end up with the sort of confusing "what is this closing?" doubts you get in languages like Python and HTML4, for instance.

Cache SID result

@luke-gru I recently added Profiling support to Speckle. While profiling my extensions I noticed that the SID function that Riml generates is executed a very large number of times. In Portkey this is most apparent with something like 30,000+ calls. The function itself is quite fast. Since the SID doesn't change I'd like to cache this out if possible.

I'm thinking something like a SID_VALUE that holds the result with a function like below,

function! s:SID()
  if exists('s:SID_VALUE')
    return s:SID_VALUE

  let s:SID_VALUE = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze_SID$')

  return s:SID_VALUE

Make 1.8.7 compatible

Just a few negative-lookbehind Regexps in the lexer are keeping riml from being 1.8.7 compatible. Also need to change a few require_relatives.

Minimum and Recommended version of Vim for `riml` generated code

I recently had an issue with compatibility of generated viml run with different versions of Vim. The issue was causing a Trailing Characters error. I narrowed the error itself to to patch 97 of Vim 7.3.

I'm wondering if you've run across similar issues with Riml. For instance in the above case, unless blocks that return early might cause problems. What would be a minimum version of Vim required to use most of the features of Riml? I'm trying to determine what bare minimum and recommended versions to use with Portkey.

Also, I've been meaning to ask you, whether you've written any plugins in Riml. I've been sort of winging it as I go along, so I'd love to see your work!

And If possible could you do a code review of Portkey? I'm sure there are things to improve. As the Inventeur of the language I'm sure you'll spot many silly errors in there. 😄

Riml compiler produces malformed code with duplicate riml_include

This code is a little more involved. It's part of a plugin I'm working on. Consider a class TemplateContext with the code.

class TemplateContext
  def initialize(data) = data

  defm lookup(key)
    if has_key(self, key)
      return self[key]
    elseif has_key(, key)
    elseif key == 'context'
    elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
      return ''

I am including this class in another file. Which includes another and so on. I've narrowed down the issue is to do with duplicate include like below.

riml_include 'template_context.riml'
riml_include 'template_context.riml'

With such a duplicate riml_include the compiler get's very confused. See the output below. Further this output viml does not run, giving a endfunction missing error.

function! s:SID()
  return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze_SID$')
" included: 'template_context.riml'
function! s:TemplateContextConstructor(data)
  let templateContextObj = {}
  let = a:data
  let templateContextObj.lookup = function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:TemplateContext_lookup')
  return templateContextObj
function! <SID>s:TemplateContext_lookup(key) dict
  if has_key(self, a:key)
    return self[a:key]
  elseif has_key(, a:key)
  elseif a:key ==# 'context'
  elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
    return ''
" included: 'template_context.riml'
function! s:TemplateContextConstructor(data)
  let templateContextObj = {}
  let = a:data
  let templateContextObj.lookup = function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:TemplateContext_lookup')
  return templateContextObj
function! <SID>s:TemplateContext_lookup(key) dict
  if has_key(self, a:key)
    return self[a:key]
  elseif has_key(, a:key)
  elseif a:key ==# 'context'
  elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
    return ''
function! s:TemplateContextConstructor(data)
  let templateContextObj = {}
  let = a:data
  let templateContextObj.lookup = function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:TemplateContext_lookup')
  return templateContextObj
function! <SID>s:TemplateContext_lookup(key) dict
  if has_key(self, a:key)
    return self[a:key]
  elseif has_key(, a:key)
  elseif a:key ==# 'context'
  elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
    return ''
function! s:TemplateContextConstructor(data)
  let templateContextObj = {}
  let = a:data
  let templateContextObj.lookup = function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:TemplateContext_lookup')
  return templateContextObj
function! <SID>s:TemplateContext_lookup(key) dict
  if has_key(self, a:key)
    return self[a:key]
  elseif has_key(, a:key)
  elseif a:key ==# 'context'
  elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
    return ''
function! s:TemplateContextConstructor(data)
  let templateContextObj = {}
  let = a:data
  let templateContextObj.lookup = function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:TemplateContext_lookup')
  return templateContextObj
  let templateContextObj = {}
  let = a:data
  let templateContextObj.lookuptemplateContextObj.lookup = function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:TemplateContext_lookup''<SNR>' . s:SID()'<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:TemplateContext_lookup')
  return templateContextObj
function! <SID>s:TemplateContext_lookup(key) dict
  if has_key(self, a:key)
    return self[a:key]
  elseif has_key(, a:key)
  elseif a:key ==# 'context'
  elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
    return ''
  if has_key(self, a:key)
    return self[a:key]
  elseif has_key(, a:key)
  elseif a:key ==# 'context'
  elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
    return ''
    return self[a:key]self[a:key]
  elseif has_key(, a:key)
  elseif a:key ==# 'context'
  elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
  elseif has_key(, a:key)
  elseif a:key ==# 'context'
    a:key ==# 'context'
  elseif has_key(, 'lookup')
    return ''
    return ''

The compiler appears to be stuck inside an internal loop. The output is concatenated in places, blocks are misaligned, etc.

I think the easiest way to deal with this is to not output anything for the second riml_include.

Or if you are going to include the second time then memoize/cache the result of a riml_include. So any secondary includes use the cached output instead.

A way to specify the output file

Riml is awesome!!! I don't understand why this isn't more well known? I stumbled upon it by pure accident, looking at some completely unrelated stuff. Maybe you should have a github website?

I think this is going to bring about a renaissance in vim plugin development!

Enough gushing, to my question. :)

How do I specify an output path to the compiled vim file. Something like,

riml -c foo.riml -o foo.vim

Currently it seems to output everything into the current working directory. I am working on an RSpec clone for Riml. I have a bunch of *.riml files that are tests organized in sub directories that I want to compile into a different directory, or into the same directory. ie:- I want preserve their folder structure.

Thanks again, for this awesome project!

Better error messages

The #11 issue got me thinking about error messages. In it's current state the compiler works quite well. But as I've started to explore a bit more I am seeing syntax errors that don't quite reflect the cause correctly.

One low hanging fruit I can think of is, reporting the file and line number that the error originated in. A good example of this is the Clang compiler. Here's a sample error message with an invalid printf.

format-strings.c:91:13: warning: '.*' specified field precision is missing a matching 'int' argument

To start with, the error shown in #11 could be reported as something like,

hello.riml:2:4: error: parse error on value "end" (END)

Another small improvement would be to hide the stacktrace by default. The ruby stacktrace doesn't convey anything meaningful to the user, and will give new users a wrong initial impression, One that doesn't really reflect the actual state of the compiler. A stacktrace like that suggests something broke in the compiler even when that isn't the case.

A --verbose or --debug flag could enable the stacktrace for debugging purposes.

For further reading, Clang Expressive Diagnostics

Make the '.riml' optional in riml_include

@luke-gru What do you think of just having riml_include 'foo', without the extension. Then detect that if the extension is not present and add it in. This reduces the verbosity in the includes, just a tad. :)

riml_include 'lorem.riml'


riml_include 'lorem'

Scope of variables becomes scriptlocal inside elseif

@luke-gru This one is a bit tricky!

Consider the following code,

def get_foo(arg)
  if arg == 'a'
    return 'A'
  elseif arg == 'b'
    return 'B'
    return 'Unknown'

This compiled to the following viml.

function! s:get_foo(arg)
  if a:arg ==# 'a'
    return 'A'
  elseif s:arg ==# 'b'
    return 'B'
    return 'Unknown'

Here arg is an argument, but in the elseif condition it becomes scriptlocal, s:arg, it should be a:arg. Further this also happens with local variables.

def get_bar()
  my_var = 'foo'

  if my_var == 'a'
    return 'A'
  elseif my_var == 'b'
    return 'B'
    return 'Unknown'

Compiles to,

function! s:get_bar()
  let my_var = 'foo'
  if my_var ==# 'a'
    return 'A'
  elseif s:my_var ==# 'b'
    return 'B'
    return 'Unknown'

Here s:my_var should be just my_var.

Both these functions result in undefined variable errors when the functions are called. This bug only appears in the elseif, just if-else is fine.

My current workaround is to explicitly scope all variables used inside elseif with their scope. Eg:- l:my_var and a:args

Syntax file for riml

This isn't a bug/issue. I have created a syntax highlighting file for riml. It's adapted from the coffeescript syntax file. It's pretty basic, but it looks ok with the Solarized theme.

If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Namespaces or global scope

The viml code generated by riml is quite readable. But there are a few issues with polluting the global function scope.

For instance,

class Foo


function! g:FooConstructor()

And the methods of Foo become FooConstructor_method_name. These are also on the global scope. I have a couple of ideas to avoid conflicts with methods defined in other plugins.

First change the scope of functions to be scriptlocal instead, ie:- s:FooConstructor. This needs to a command line option, because it is sometimes beneficial to have the global scoped constructors as well. Eg:- uses global constructors to dynamically load specs.

My second suggestion is to additionally add a namespace keyword.

namespace 'plugin.utils'

This could compile down to,

function! g:PluginUtilsFooConstructor

The plugin is the top level namespace and dots are replaced to use CamelCase.
When the compiler finds another namespace declaration that becomes the current namespace, ie:- compiling classes with that prefix instead. Thus avoid any nesting blocks.

This would mitigate any clashes with viml generated code between plugins.

calling self method with splat args fails, *args)

translates to

call call('foo', [1] + a:000, self)

which fails with "unknown function 'foo'" (args being the calling method's varargs), while it should resemble something like this:

call call(, [1] + a:000, self)

Viml generated by Riml is incompatible with Vim p260 or higher

I have been having this issue with both Portkey and WordPress.vim. I initially thought this was a regression in Vim in patch 260 that would get fixed in future patches. However it hasn't been reverted even upto patch 345.

I have now learnt that this is by design. Prefixing functions with <SNR> and subsequent linking of functions to methods in the Constructor completely breaks in Vim p260+.

The issue was discussed in detail here. The conclusion appears to be that the old style was actually a bug, and this patch is a bugfix.

Any ideas how to resolve this?

I made a temporary attempt by replacing,

  1. function! <SID> with just function! - in the function definitions
  2. function('<SNR> . s:SID() . '_Foo_func') with just function('s:Foo_func') in the Constructor function linking functions to methods.

I remember sometime back Riml used to compile without the SNRs. Would it be possible to revert back to that.

Alternately, that discussion thread might give you other ideas. I'm open to any at this point.

@luke-gru Without a resolution for this, any plugin developed in Riml won't work in any newer Vim version. :(

The pyeval function is not treated as a system function

Using the viml native pyeval function results in a script local function call s:pyeval. This gives a runtime error, s:pyeval not found when running the generated viml.

Given the Riml,

result = pyeval('{ "foo": 1 }')

Gives the output Viml,

let s:result = s:pyeval('{ "foo": 1 }')

It should be just pyeval.

Cache riml_includes between compile_files

I just updated to 0.3.2, and it helped me figure out a bunch of dups I had been using without realizing. Thanks for that!

I also made an improvement to Speckle to use Riml.compile_files directly instead of bundle exec riml. This speeds up compilation quite a bit, and leads me to this feature request.

I have quite a few tests that do a lot of riml_include 'foo' style includes. For instance I have a couple of classes in files, log_helpers.riml and delegate.riml and dsl.riml. These get include in nearly every spec at the top like so,

riml_include 'dsl.riml'
riml_include 'log_helpers.riml'
riml_include 'delegate.riml'

For simpler files this is not a big issue but for E2E tests the whole plugin is included which makes compile times quite slow.

Would it be possible to cache the result of a riml_include for the duration of a riml compile session?

To clarify further, say I have E2E tests to run with includes like,

In controller_a_spec.riml

riml_include 'a.riml'
riml_include 'b.riml'
riml_include 'c.riml'

In controller_b_spec.riml

riml_include 'a.riml'
riml_include 'b.riml'
riml_include 'c.riml'

Now say when I run,

riml -c controller_a_spec.riml controller_b_spec.riml

The compiler should compile controller_a_spec.riml and it's includes a, b and c. But for controller_b_spec.riml, it should just return the previously compiled a, b, and c includes, from in-memory cache.

Thus compiling controller_b_spec.riml does not incur the cost of compiling a, b and c. It only has to assemble the rest of the contents of controller_b_spec.riml

This feature would speed up compilation by an order of magnitude for Speckle, by at least a factor of 5!

Newlines after functions

@luke-gru Is it possible to add newlines after function blocks in the generated vim files. I am finding I needed drop into the generated files occasionally. It would be lot easier to read with the newlines.


bug in boolean assignment

When using this assigment syntax:

foo = bar != 0

riml creates

if bar !=# 0
  let foo = 1
  let foo = 0

First of all, let foo = bar != 0 is valid VimL and seems to work fine.
The real problem I encountered is that in a (defm) method definition, the complete rest of the method body is being ignored…the next line becomes an "endfunction".
Putting parentheses around the bar != 0 fixes things (though by preventing the expansion to the above).

`for` statement in global scope pollutes global variables

When I compiled below riml code,

for i in range(1, 3)
  echo i

I got below Vim script code.

for i in range(1, 3)
  echo i

There is a problem in this Vim script code. i for items in for statement is global scope. It pollutes global variables if for is used in global scope.

let g:i = 42

for i in range(1, 3)
  echo i

" oops
echo g:i

However, local variable cannot be used in global scope. So, at least, script local variable should be used like below if for is used in global scope.

let g:i = 42

for s:i in range(1, 3)
  echo s:i

" yey!
echo g:i

Functions starting with uppercase letter

@luke-gru Is there a way to create riml function equivalent to Vim's uppercased function. I'm not sure there is a scope name for it. Basically the equivalent of the following function,

function! MyFunction()

The generated code if I try to compile this with riml has the default scope specifier like s:MyFunction.

I was doing some preliminary work on a Syntastic plugin for riml. The Syntastic api relies on these type of functions which appear to work like global scoped functions.

function! SyntaxCheckers_riml_riml_IsAvailable()

They are used like callbacks by Syntastic. Is there a way of writing this without resorting to a :function workaround?


Whitespace at end of statements

@luke-gru I've narrowed down a weird issue I was seeing, while refactoring code. It was occurring mostly when doing things like adding new conditions to if, statements, when extracting code to a method. I think this is related to how riml handles whitespace at the end of lines.

Consider this code,

def hello() 

This looks like valid riml code but it has an extra whitespace at the end of the line after the hello() function. Without the whitespace the code compiles fine. But with the whitespace you get the following error,

grammar.y:557:in `rescue in parse': on line 1:  (Riml::ParseError)
parse error on value "end" (END)

"end" is a keyword, and cannot be used as a variable name
    from grammar.y:547:in `parse'
... stacktrace

On further exploration I found this happens for nearly all statements. If you happen to accidentally add whitespace to code that was working earlier, it stops, with an error message very similar to the above.

If case nested inside unless throws error

The unless block doesn't support nesting if statements. Consider this,

unless 'a' == 'b'
  if 1 == 2
    echo 'nope'
    echo 'yup'

This code doesn't compile, instead produces the following error.

/home/dms/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p429/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/riml-0.3.1/lib/nodes.rb:31:in `method_missing': undefined method `non_nested?' for #<Riml::UnlessNode:0x00000001e0afa0> (NoMethodError)

This is not a major bug since such unless blocks are usually at the top of a function to return early. I needed to do some additional checks in one particular scenario when I came across this bug. Switching to an if with a negative equality works.

exception when calling method on a list item in one statement

items[0].method() gives:

/home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:498:in `match?': undefined method `scope_modifier' for #<Riml::ListOrDictGetNode:0x000000020b7c08> (NoMethodError)
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:90:in `do_rewrite_on_match'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/walker.rb:20:in `call'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/walker.rb:20:in `walk_node'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:86:in `rewrite_on_match'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:419:in `replace'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:90:in `do_rewrite_on_match'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/walker.rb:20:in `call'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/walker.rb:20:in `walk_node'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:86:in `rewrite_on_match'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:69:in `block in rewrite'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:68:in `each'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:68:in `rewrite'
        from grammar.y:610:in `parse'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml.rb:71:in `do_compile'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/lib/riml.rb:61:in `compile'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/bin/riml:141:in `start'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/bin/riml:161:in `<module:Riml>'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/riml-0.3.9/bin/riml:6:in `<top (required)>'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/bin/riml:23:in `load'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/bin/riml:23:in `<main>'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval'
        from /home/tek/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `<main>'

Syntax error with dot access of "append" property on argument

@luke-gru Does the word append have any special meaning within Riml? Here's an odd bug that reports a syntax error.

def change_destination(lines, range, opts)
  if opts.append
    append(line('$'), lines)
    setline(1, lines)

This code doesn't compile, the error suggests too many END statements, which is incorrect.

../riml-0.3.2/lib/lexer.rb:288:in `check_indentation': 1 too many END identifiers (Riml::SyntaxError)

Switching to an array access operator like opts['append'] works fine.

Calling super in a class without extending a parent class

Hey Luke,

I've been working a new Vim plugin, WordPress.vim and have a bunch of new bugs for you. :p

Calling super in a child class without extending a parent class gives an undefined method error. The code in question,

class Foo
  def initialize

The error is,

/home/dms/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p429/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/riml-0.4.0/lib/riml/ast_rewriter.rb:676:in `replace': undefined method `error_msg' for #<Riml::AST_Rewriter::ClassDefinitionToFunctions::InitializeSuperToObjectExtension:0x00000002e67e20> (NoMethodError)

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