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rmlui's Issues

warning C4717

I'm getting this warning in Visual Studio 2017

'Rml::Core::Variant::Variant<std::tuple<Rml::Core::Variant &&> >': recursive on all control paths, function will cause runtime stack overflow Variant.inl line 38

I temporarily fixed it with this code:

Variant::Variant(const std::tuple<T>& values)

Rename project, libMissile?

As suggested by @barroto in #2, this fork of libRocket is now quite distinct from the original project. A rename of this work then seems natural.

Some things that me may consider with this change:

  • Update the original documentation with the new changes
  • Rename the namespace from Rocket to.. Missile?
  • A new logo?
  • Updated templates?

What do you think? These are just ideas I'm throwing out there, any ideas you may have are very welcome.

I'm not sure how the original documentation was built, but you seem able to assist here, @barroto?

Remove namespace Core, Debugger, Controls

Usage of RmlUi would be a lot simpler if we removed the sub-namespaces. I don't feel like they are really necessary.


Rml::Core::Element* element;
Rml::Controls::ElementFormControl* control_element;
Rml::Core::Log::Message(Rml::Core::Log::LT_WARNING, "...");

would become

Rml::Element* element;
Rml::ElementFormControl* control_element;
Rml::Log::Message(Rml::Log::LT_WARNING, "...");

We may need to keep the namespaces for some functions, so this stays the same:


or, maybe remove it for core?


I haven't tried it to see if there are any name conflicts, but worst case is we need to do some renaming.


Getting rid of the Stream class, simplify URL and FileInterface

I just don't really see the benefits of the Stream class. We are not loading files so big that they need to be streamed in parts. And we don't really need support for Write() and several other functions that are implemented.

The parsing in particular could be simplified a lot (and probably made faster) by just using a String or StringView in the necessary places.

Anybody have objections to this?

Similarly, the URL class is very big and overly generalized. Do we really need parameters, login/password fields? Perhaps it can all be replaced by a simple URL string, and a way to combine two URLs to resolve relative paths. This is lower priority though, as it doesn't really complicate the rest of the codebase. It's really big though, over 400 bytes here.

Finally, the FileInterface is really only used internally to read in whole files at a time. Thus, why not replace it with a single method to do exactly this?

Scaling modes of image decorator

Implement scaling modes for the image decorator, e.g. such as:

Also, consider adding a 'fixed-size' center mode for tiled-horizontal, tiled-vertical, and tiled-box decorators.

See discussion in: #22 (comment)

Increasing performance: Call for comments

I've given quite some effort lately into improving the performance of the library, and especially for creation and destruction of elements which can sometimes be slow.

There are some breaking changes, so I'm taking some extra time before merging into master:

  • Mainly, Rocket::Core::String has been replaced by std::string. This gave a small performance boost, but perhaps more importantly, I think it eases the interaction between most users and the library.
  • The update loop has been quite substantially re-engineered. A lot of duplicate work is avoided, instead things update in a more strictly ordered manner. This may cause an issue for some user code such as code that relies on querying elements for position and size, straight after element construction or other documents changes. Some properties are not up-to-date until Context::Update is called. However, there is a workaround as described in the documentation.

To give some numbers, I'm getting a 3.5x (!) speedup during heavy construction / destruction of elements, compared to before I started the performance branch. From 18.5 to 65.0 FPS for more than 500 elements per update loop. These numbers do not even include earlier performance improvements. And I'm not done yet ;)

I think I'm mostly reaching out to discuss the performance of librocket in general, as well as what you think about these breaking changes. Any thoughts?

Element::GetProperty<T> isn't safe

T Element::GetProperty(const String& name)
	const Property* property = GetProperty(name);
	RMLUI_ASSERTMSG(property, "Invalid property name.");
	return property->Get< T >();

The code should also check for property not being nullptr after the assert because RMLUI_ASSERTMSG expands to nothing in release builds, and if property is a nullptr indeed, the program will crash with segmentation fault.


Every UI library needs a gallery!

I started adding some screenshots in the documentation:
And the idea is to put all or some of these in the Readme here.

Ideally, we want something that showcases various parts of the library, and looks nice at the same time. Although, I'm not sure if all of those examples look too good?

Perhaps you're using RmlUi in a project yourself, and you'd be willing to share screenshots? Then please add them here with a reply :)
It would also be nice to have some links to projects using RmlUi, so if you'd like you can leave a link with your screenshots and I'll add them to the gallery.

Build fails with Clang5.0 (C ++ 17)

Build error occurs in VisualStdio Android development environment.
The build is RMLUI_STATIC_LIB only

Code I tentatively addressed

template <class T> struct hash { using utype = typename ::std::underlying_type<T>::type; size_t operator() (const T& t) const { ::std::hash<utype> h; return h(static_cast<utype>(t)); }


#ifdef ANDROID

template <> struct hash<::Rml::Core::PropertyId> {
using utype = typename ::std::underlying_type<::Rml::Core::PropertyId>::type;
size_t operator() (const ::Rml::Core::PropertyId& t) const { ::std::hash h; return h(static_cast(t)); }

Renaming performance branch to develop

This change should make it more clear that we will be merging this into master once everything is ready. Develop branch will become RmlUi v3.0.

Also, just letting you know I'm leaving for vacation next week, so there will be less activity from me for the following three weeks.
Happy coding :)

Get rid of RTTI

It'd be awesome of RmlUi didn't insist on being compiled with RTTI enabled. First and foremost, it would reduce the footprint of the library considerably. Second of all, this should reduce compilation time. And on top of that, it would make integrating the library into RTTI-less projects easier.

There are all kinds of RTTI and dynamic_cast replacements found on the Internet, however this particular one caught my attention:

Pseudo-classes not working

I'm having issues with pseudo classes in the invaders demo. Look at the main menu:
with libRocket:
with RmlUi:

It seems like the :hover pseudo-class is not selected as specified in the assets/invaders.rcss file.

Same thing for :active and :checked for other input elements:


Proposal for replacing decorator syntax, add sprite sheet support

While the work on increasing performance is well underway with great results already, there are some ideas that could improve it further but break some existing things, and possibly reduce some of the generality of the library.

Specifically, strings are passed and copied everywhere around in the code and need to be looked up in hash tables quite a lot. Especially for properties, events, and possibly pseudoclasses. What I propose instead is to use simple numeric IDs, one specific for each property. Everything would become much simpler then if we disallow custom property names (such as those used by decorators) and events.

But of course, we're not getting rid of decorators! Instead, I think we can improve them.

I think it is kind of awkward currently to have to specify the exact subrectangle in a texture right inside the decorator declaration. Instead, I propose first that we enable somehow to define a spritesheet with all subrectangles defining a given sprite in one place. Then we introduce a new property, either decorator or background-image (as in css) which specifies a decorator by combining possibly multiple sprite names from the spritesheet, and comma-separated for multiple decorators.

E.g. something like this:

@spritesheet(invader-theme) {
   src: invader-theme.png;
   invader-left: 10px 40px 30px 10px;
button.invader {
 decorator: tiled-horizontal(invader-left, invader-center, invader-right), image(button-bg);

One of the nice things is that we could then easily replace the whole spritesheet (1) to change to a different theme, or more importantly, (2) to specify a higher resolution image when the dp unit changes so that the textures are crisp at say 1dp==2px.


Hiding an element should remove it from the focus tree

This is somewhat a continuation of issue #40. Consider the following scenario:

  1. A document is shown and it has a bunch of elements with the "autofocus" attribute.
  2. The first element is focused as it should.
  3. The OnShow script then decides it doesn't want that first element to be displayed and hides by setting "display" to "none".
  4. Pressing ENTER will result in a click event on the hidden element.

Deprecating things

I think this is a good time to deprecate things that seem really out-of-date. For example, the docs mention Python 2.5 (!) support only. Generally I think Lua is the better way for our audience, being a lot easier to integrate. My impression is that Lua is much more wide-spread in the game-dev community at least.

A list of things which I suggests we remove completely:

  • Python support
  • SFML 1 (but keep SFML 2)
  • DirectX 9
  • Ogre3d? (It seems the supported version is really out of date, dating back almost a decade)
  • Removing the datagrid. This is already broken as of now, and to me it never did work so well. I think implementing table support instead would be a better approach perhaps?

Document doesn't receive the "Load" event

This one is weird but it seems that on the develop branch, the document element never receives the "load" event. I can see the call to DispatchEvent alright but it just doesn't work for me for some reason. Things like "focus" and "blur" do make it to ProcessDefaultAction though.

Gradients, mask images, WYSIWYG editor

Hello mate!
I've also added animations and transform features to libRocket long time ago, I've also added duktape for javascript bindings, however your work looks more complete.

I've dropped libRocket only because of a few features that were missing:

  • Gradients
  • Opacity Image-Masks
    And specially the possibility to use these two toghether for very cool effects such as
    -webkit-mask-image: radial-gradient(ellipse 60% 45% at 60% 60%, transparent 20%, black 100%);

Are you planning to implement these features in the near future?
Also, is there any WYSIWYG editor for libRocket?

Thanks in advance.

ElementFormControlSelect::Add() issue: index returned <= 1

Hi, calling

ElementFormControlSelect::Add(rml, value, -1, true);

return an index 0 or 1.
This should be due to the call to

int WidgetDropDown::AddOption(const Rml::Core::String& rml, const Rml::Core::String& new_value, int before, bool select, bool selectable)
	Core::ElementPtr element = Core::Factory::InstanceElement(selection_element, "*", "option", Rml::Core::XMLAttributes());
	bool result = AddOption(std::move(element), new_value, before, select, selectable);
	return result;

where result is converted to bool.

RFC: new font provider interface

The major difference between stock libRocket and our own fork here is that the former manages its own library of fonts and glyphs and is closely tied to freetype. Quite often this is an undesired behaviour: bitmap fonts, fonts are managed by the application, etc.

Related PR:

Related commit in our fork:

The downside of our implementation isn't able to handle font effects as it doesn't export rendered glyphs to libRocket.

Add Appveyor integration

I have troubles compiling the master branch in appveyor due to the following error:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\vector(1889): error C2036: 'Rocket::Core::Transforms::Primitive *': unknown size [C:\projects\librocket\Build\RocketCore.vcxproj]
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\vector(1872): note: while compiling class template member function 'bool std::vector<Rocket::Core::Transforms::Primitive,std::allocator<_Ty>>::_Buy(const unsigned int)'
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\vector(735): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'bool std::vector<Rocket::Core::Transforms::Primitive,std::allocator<_Ty>>::_Buy(const unsigned int)' being compiled
  c:\projects\librocket\include\rocket\core\Transform.h(83): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<Rocket::Core::Transforms::Primitive,std::allocator<_Ty>>' being compiled

Long compilation times

A whole game engine can be compiled in the time it takes to compile RmlUI alone :P

It would be nice if the compilation time of RmlUI could be reduced. The precompiled header helps but not that much because of the heavy use of templates.

I recall profiling it using MSVC's /d2cgsummary flag (see ), but I can't remember any details anymore. My best guess would be that most of the time comes from the monstrous Core.h include file but we need that to be re-verified.

Gradient decorator

I know it's been suggested before, but here's a more less working implementation, which can be salvaged for RmlUI:

I think it's missing three major things (but none are critical in my opinion):

  • diagonal gradients, trivial to implement
  • multiple colors: doable by subdividing the quad into smaller quads for each color transition
  • radial gradients - non trivial, I'd rather skip this one for now

Comments and suggestions are welcome :)

Wrong casting in SDL2 sample

At the moment GetElapsedTime divides SDL_GetTicks by 1000 (integer) as a result it returns a rounded value. It should be fixed in this way:

double RmlUiSDL2SystemInterface::GetElapsedTime()
	return SDL_GetTicks() / 1000.0;

Moving towards a 3.0 release of RmlUi

I feel like we have a considerable amount of features in the develop branch now, and it's time we merge it with master soon for an official 3.0 release.

The obvious major thing missing is documentation of all the new features, and we probably need to go through all the existing documentation as a lot of details have been changed. The changelog is quite exstensive, and should serve as a good starting point.

If there is something you feel should be done before the release of RmlUi 3.0, then let's discuss it here. Also if you find or know of any larger bugs or stability issues, it would be nice to have these resolved before the release.


The font interface libRocket as a whole relies on "font-charset". If this applies to RmlUi is there a possibility of removing font-charset workaround in order to simply generate glyphs as needed or at least let me use my own better font renderer.

I mostly say this as I want to use emoji and russian and many other languages (depending on user choice).

std::variant-less version?


thanks for your on animation support for libRocket! Unfortunately due to various operating systems, libs and compilers still catching up with C++17 features, compiling your fork is some real pain. The most problematic bit is std::variant and std::visit, the later is only available in MacOS 10.14 and llvm installed from brew.

Now please forgive my ignorance, but was using std::variant really necessary or maybe there's a way to get rid of it at the expense of a few additional lines of code?


Various compilation issues

Oddly enough but I seem to be unable to compile RmlUi in Travis for my own project and it seems rightfully so:

In file included from /home/travis/build/Qfusion/qfusion/third-party/libRocket/Source/Core/../../Include/RmlUi/Core/Types.h:51:

/home/travis/build/Qfusion/qfusion/third-party/libRocket/Source/Core/../../Include/RmlUi/Core/Containers/robin_hood.h:657:22: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::hash<Rml::Core::PropertyId>'

struct hash : public std::hash<T> {


/home/travis/build/Qfusion/qfusion/third-party/libRocket/Source/Core/../../Include/RmlUi/Core/Containers/robin_hood.h:743:11: note: in instantiation of template class 'robin_hood::hash<Rml::Core::PropertyId>' requested here

        : public Hash,


/home/travis/build/Qfusion/qfusion/third-party/libRocket/Source/Core/../../Include/RmlUi/Core/PropertyDictionary.h:87:14: note: in instantiation of template class 'robin_hood::detail::unordered_map<true, 80, Rml::Core::PropertyId, Rml::Core::Property, robin_hood::hash<Rml::Core::PropertyId>, std::equal_to<Rml::Core::PropertyId> >' requested here

        PropertyMap properties;


/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5.4.0/../../../../include/c++/5.4.0/bits/functional_hash.h:58:12: note: template is declared here

    struct hash;

PropertyId is a enum class and using it as a key for unordered_map requires a specialized hash function but it appears RmlUi is providing one.

Configuration error on Linux

Hi, I'm on master and this is the output when running cmake on Linux Ubuntu 19.10 (CMake 3.13):

$ cmake ..
CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/share/cmake-3.13/Modules/FindOpenGL.cmake:270 (message):
  Policy CMP0072 is not set: FindOpenGL prefers GLVND by default when
  available.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0072" for policy details.  Use the
  cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  FindOpenGL found both a legacy GL library:

    OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  and GLVND libraries for OpenGL and GLX:

    OPENGL_opengl_LIBRARY: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    OPENGL_glx_LIBRARY: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  OpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE has not been set to "GLVND" or "LEGACY", so for
  compatibility with CMake 3.10 and below the legacy GL library will be used.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:459 (find_package)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

Documentation for this is here, under the "Linux-specific" section.

This can be fixed adding to CMakeList.txt either

if (POLICY CMP0072)
	cmake_policy (SET CMP0072 NEW)
endif(POLICY CMP0072)



just before find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)


bool FocusFirstTabElement(void) { return FocusNextTabElement(this, true); }

We use this function to focus on the first "tabbable" element when the document is displayed for the first time, if possible. Make sense for modal dialogs, input forms and such.

Please consider adding this function to the public API or maybe, as an alternative, a new Focus flag with similar functionality.

Remove all manual reference counting

And replace them with unique_ptr, or shared_ptr where strictly necessary. E.g. elements should uniquely own their children. Replace AddChild with CreateChild so users don't have to move them on every element creation.

All use of raw pointers should then denote a non-owning pointer.

Rml::Core::ReleaseCompiledGeometries() is not found

In the Android environment, OpenGL resources are automatically destroyed when the application is put on standby. I want to rebuild the resources. What should I do?

// Rml::Core::ReleaseCompiledGeometries(); not found

Assertion failure in EventDispatcher::TriggerEvents

The following line produces an assertion failure in debug build in MSVC:

	for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it)

Further down the stack:

	_Vector_const_iterator& operator++()
		{	// preincrement
		const auto _Mycont = static_cast<const _Myvec *>(this->_Getcont());
		_STL_VERIFY(_Ptr, "can't increment value-initialized vector iterator");
		_STL_VERIFY(_Ptr < _Mycont->_Mylast, "can't increment vector iterator past end");
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0 */

The _Mycont pointer is null

Touch events support

Basically, what I'm suggesting for now is porting over the touch events glue code from qfusion. For that, RmlUi would need to introduce one new API call that translate touch events into mouse events:

  • Context::ProcessTouchEvent(ev_type, x, y)
    -- touch event type (up, down, motion)
    -- x coordinate
    -- y coordinate
  • 3 enums for touch event types
  • 1 key modifier to distinguish translated touch events from real mouse events

Here's the boilerplate code for Context::ProcessTouchEvent:

	context->ProcessMouseMove( x, y, KeyConverter::getModifiers() );

	if( type == TOUCH_DOWN ) {
		context->ProcessMouseButtonDown( 0, KeyConverter::getModifiers() );
	} else {
		int delta = contextTouch.y - y;
		if( delta ) {
			if( !contextTouch.scroll ) {
				int threshold = 32 * renderInterface->GetPixelRatio();
				if( abs( delta ) > threshold ) {
					contextTouch.scroll = true;
					contextTouch.y += ( ( delta < 0 ) ? threshold : -threshold );
					delta = contextTouch.y - y;

			if( contextTouch.scroll ) {
				Element *focusElement = context->GetFocusElement();
				if( !focusElement || ( focusElement->GetTagName() != "keyselect" ) ) {
					Element *element;
					for( element = context->GetElementAtPoint( contextTouch.origin ); element; element = element->GetParentNode() ) {
						if( element->GetTagName() == "scrollbarvertical" ) {

						int overflow = element->GetProperty< int >( "overflow-y" );
						if( ( overflow != Rml::Core::OVERFLOW_AUTO ) && ( overflow != Rml::Core::OVERFLOW_SCROLL ) ) {

						int scrollTop = element->GetScrollTop();
						if( ( ( delta < 0 ) && ( scrollTop > 0 ) ) ||
							( ( delta > 0 ) && ( element->GetScrollHeight() > scrollTop + element->GetClientHeight() ) ) ) {
							element->SetScrollTop( element->GetScrollTop() + delta );
				contextTouch.y = y;

		if( type == TOUCH_UP ) {
			context->ProcessMouseButtonUp( 0, KeyConverter::getModifiers() );

Tabsets do not work anymore

The following condition in ElementTabSet::ProcessEvent always fails:

	if (event.GetCurrentElement() == this && event == Core::EventId::Click)

Unable to build samples under Linux

Whilst trying to compile the samples under Linux, this is the error I got:

In file included from /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h:44:0,
                 from /usr/include/GL/glx.h:30,
                 from Samples/shell/include/ShellOpenGL.h:44,
                 from Samples/shell/include/ShellRenderInterfaceOpenGL.h:32,
                 from Samples/shell/src/ShellRenderInterfaceOpenGL.cpp:29:
Include/Rocket/Core/Tween.h:39:14: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
  enum Type { None, Back, Bounce, Circular, Cubic, Elastic, Exponential, Linear, Quadratic, Quartic, Quintic, Sine, Callback, Count };

Apparently None is already defined as a preprocessor macro in the system header file X.h:

 #define None                 0L /* universal null resource or null atom */

Any idea on the best way to fix this?
I hate defines...

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