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PrimeFaces is one of the most popular UI libraries in Java EE Ecosystem and widely used by software companies, world renowned brands, banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, universities and more. Here are some of the users who notified us or subscribed to a PrimeFaces Support Service.

Community <> Elite <> Pro

This is the open source code and issue tracker of the PrimeFaces master (a.k.a. community version).
Please check the following link for informations about Elite and Pro: PrimeFaces Support

What does that mean?

  • PrimeFaces is developed by PrimeTek and the open source community.
  • The most contributers here on GitHub are working on PrimeFaces in their spare time.
  • PrimeTek pushes fixes and new features from their closed source Elite and Pro repositories to the community edition.
  • We, the community on GitHub, only provide support for issues, which are reproducable with the current SNAPSHOT (scroll down for more information on how to use it).
  • We are NOT able to port bugfixes to elite releases. This is up to PrimeTek and can e.g. be triggered with PrimeFaces PRO.


Version Binary Source JSF version Java version Documentation
14.0.x JAR Sources 2.3 - 4.0 11 - ? 14.0.0 Documentation
13.0.x JAR Sources 2.0 - 4.0 1.8 - ? 13.0.7 Documentation
12.0.x JAR Sources 2.0 - 4.0 1.8 - ? 12.0.0 Documentation
Version Binary Source JSF version Java version Documentation
11.0.0 primefaces-11.0.0.jar primefaces-11.0.0-sources.jar 2.0 - 4.0 1.8 - ? 11.0.0 Documentation
10.0.0 primefaces-10.0.0.jar primefaces-10.0.0-sources.jar 2.0 - 3.0 1.8 - ? 10.0.0 Documentation
8.0 primefaces-8.0.jar primefaces-8.0-sources.jar 2.0 - 2.3 1.8 - ? 8.0 Documentation
7.0 primefaces-7.0.jar primefaces-7.0-sources.jar 2.0 - 2.3 1.7 - ? 7.0 Documentation
6.2 primefaces-6.2.jar primefaces-6.2-sources.jar 2.0 - 2.3 1.6 - ? 6.2 Documentation
6.1 primefaces-6.1.jar primefaces-6.1-sources.jar 2.0 - 2.3 1.5 - ? 6.1 Documentation
6.0 primefaces-6.0.jar primefaces-6.0-sources.jar 2.0 - 2.2 1.5 - ? 6.0 Documentation
5.3 primefaces-5.3.jar primefaces-5.3-sources.jar 2.0 - 2.2 1.5 - ? 5.3 Documentation
5.2 primefaces-5.2.jar primefaces-5.2-sources.jar 2.0 - 2.2 1.5 - ? 5.2 Documentation
5.1 primefaces-5.1.jar primefaces-5.1-sources.jar 2.0 - 2.2 1.5 - ? 5.1 Documentation

For a full list of the available downloads, please visit the download page.


<!-- Java EE / javax.* / JSF 2.2 - JSF 2.3 -->

<!-- Jakarta EE / jakarta.* / Faces 3.0 - Faces 4.0  -->	
<!-- Java EE / javax.* / JSF 2.3 -->

<!-- Jakarta EE / jakarta.* / Faces 3.0 - Faces 4.0  -->

    <name>Sonatype Snapshot Repository</name>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""




		<p:spinner />



Please refer to the showcase in order to see the full usage of the components. Sources of PrimeFaces showcase are available within module primefaces-showcase.


Visit the contribution page for detailed information.

Release Instructions

  • Run mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=14.0.0 to update all modules versions
  • Commit and push the changes to GitHub
  • In GitHub create a new Release titled 14.0.0 to tag this release
  • Run mvn clean deploy -Prelease to push to Maven Central
  • Rename Milestone in GitHub Issues and close it
  • Create a new Milestone


Licensed under the MIT License.

primefaces-showcase-legacy's People


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primefaces-showcase-legacy's Issues

responsive.xhtml incorrect code in source

Actual Code used for implementation.

<ui:define name="implementation">
            <div class="ui-fluid">
                <p:panelGrid columns="4" columnClasses="ui-grid-col-2,ui-grid-col-4,ui-grid-col-2,ui-grid-col-4" layout="grid" styleClass="ui-panelgrid-blank ui-fluid">

source is wrong.

<ui:define name="source">
            <p:tab title="responsive.xhtml">
                <pre name="code" class="brush:xml">
&lt;div class="ui-fluid"&gt;
    &lt;p:panelGrid columns="2" columnClasses="ui-grid-col-2,ui-grid-col-10" layout="grid" styleClass="ui-panelgrid-blank"&gt;
        &lt;p:outputLabel for="input" value="Input"/&gt;
        &lt;p:inputText id="input"/&gt;

Meter Gauge example

The meter gauge example refers to a chartBean object in the xhtml but the example java code is a class called ChartView. This results in an exception being thrown. Suggest changing the name of the object in the xhtml from chartBean to chartView.


Error Upon Deploying to Payara(Glassfish Fork) Server

I tried to deploy in Payara(Glassfish Fork) Server and I encountered errors:

Exception while loading the app :
CDI definition failure:Exception List with 1 exceptions: Exception 0 : javax.enterprise.event.ObserverException at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at java.lang.Class.newInstance( at at Method) at org.jboss.weld.injection.Exceptions.rethrowException( at org.jboss.weld.injection.Exceptions.rethrowException( at org.jboss.weld.injection.StaticMethodInjectionPoint.invoke( at org.jboss.weld.injection.Method

As a work-around, I tried the following:

  1. Include in the pom dependencies the following:
    <!-- -->
    <!-- -->

  1. created beans.xml inside META-INF

Allow title attribute in fieldset and legend

Having title attribute (including role where applyable) will improve user experience as you can add small informations (longer text than what you have in legend tag) to your components giving the user a short description of what is done here.

I use this across my entire JSF/PF project and would like to switch to p:fieldset but I miss that attribute.

Or am I doing it wrong? Should I use some other PF tag to do the same, giving the user some longer hints what is expected in the form? I would recommend, if acceptable, legendTitle and fieldsetTitle for the new attribute names.

Why was the documentation tab removed?

In 3e89566 the documentation tab was removed. Imo it was a really useful feature. I see no issue reference or any other indication why it was removed.

In case it stays removed, do we get something similar or better back?


Unable run from source

Hi i try run from source. Then run "mvn package" I get error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project showcase: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.primefaces:showcase:war:6.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find org.primefaces:primefaces:jar:6.1.RC2-SNAPSHOT in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of prime-repo has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]

Set no-cache pragma on responses.

See: primefaces/primefaces#2959

Add to template:

<h:head> <f:facet name="first"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"/> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"/> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"/>

primefaces-6.3-SNAPSHOT.jar not in repository

The dependency:


Is in none repository, non neither mvnrepository
Where can I download this jar?

p:imageCropper showcase example code fails in portlets

The p:imageCropper example code relies on the ServletContext, so it will not work in portlets where externalContext.getContext() returns a PortletContext.

ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext();
String newFileName = servletContext.getRealPath("") + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "demo" +
    File.separator + "images" + File.separator + "crop" + File.separator + getNewImageName() + ".jpg";

To avoid relying on the ServletContext, the above code can call externalContext.getRealPath("") instead of servletContext.getRealPath(""):

ExternalContext externalContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
String newFileName = externalContext.getRealPath("") + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "demo" +
    File.separator + "images" + File.separator + "crop" + File.separator + getNewImageName() + ".jpg";

The AddRow functionality is missing in the showcase.

As i am using Primefaces 6.2 i got an exception on adding a new row
which currently will be handled with the ticket #3564 .

So i am missing a short description on how to add a new row
to an existing datatable.

I searched across the internet and found out the solution
which i give you back as PR to please include it into the showcase:
PR 72

Missing an update in the showcase for the element fileupload

In your showcase for the fileupload element in mode 'Simple' or 'Multiple' when I add 3 files and clic to Import every thing is fine.
But when I want to add a new file an error message is displayed

Maximum number of files exceeded

Or I have already import all my file, I just want re-import a another file.
To fix this we use @this in update attribut.

But I don't know if this a real issue, or if this is the desired behavior.

BUILD FAILURE: Could not validate integrity of download from

After I clone repository, then fire a command: mvn jetty:run, error happen:

`Microsoft Windows Version 10.0.10586 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Administrator>cd /d Deskotop
The system cannot find the path specified.

C:\Users\Administrator>cd Desktop

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0D82-10C9

Directory of C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop

09/04/2016 08:06 SA

09/04/2016 08:06 SA ..
29/09/2014 11:19 SA 7306OS_Code
07/04/2016 08:03 CH android
19/03/2016 04:34 CH Apress - Pro Spring 4 - source code
07/04/2016 08:02 CH Apress - Spring boot
08/04/2016 03:28 CH bar
07/04/2016 03:54 CH 563
07/04/2016 03:54 CH 1.056 bongdaplusdotvn.pyc
07/04/2016 04:09 CH 506 brain_thunderstom.txt
01/04/2016 10:10 CH desktop
25/03/2016 08:30 SA 832 Eclipse JavaEE 4.5.2.lnk
08/04/2016 02:19 CH foo
08/04/2016 10:52 CH KeePass
04/04/2016 10:55 CH key
08/04/2016 10:26 CH 55.296 Lich on thi EMBA (Nam 2016 lop A).doc
03/04/2016 09:22 SA linhnc
22/03/2016 09:48 CH Manning - JUnit 4 in action - source code
11/03/2016 08:03 SA MongoDB_day1 - offical slide
28/03/2016 11:32 SA muabannhadatprodotcom
09/04/2016 08:06 SA pm
08/04/2016 10:36 CH 8.344.435 primefaces_user_guide_5_3.pdf
06/04/2016 09:30 CH 1.570.544 thinkapjava.pdf
08/04/2016 04:55 CH 12.165 Untitled 1.odt
06/04/2016 10:34 CH 38.813.304 Vivaldi.1.0.435.40.exe
07/04/2016 07:21 CH vy
9 File(s) 48.798.701 bytes
17 Dir(s) bytes free

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>cd pm

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pm>git clone
Cloning into 'showcase'...
remote: Counting objects: 8513, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (49/49), done.
Receiving objects: 100% (8513/8513), 8.53 MiB | 424.00 KiB/s, done.eceiving objects: 100% (8513/8513), 8.50 MiB | 424.00 KiB/s

Resolving deltas: 100% (5037/5037), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pm>mvn jetty:run
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0D82-10C9

Directory of C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pm

09/04/2016 08:06 SA

09/04/2016 08:06 SA ..
09/04/2016 08:06 SA showcase
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 48.221.822.976 bytes free

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pm>cd showcase

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0D82-10C9

Directory of C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pm\showcase

09/04/2016 08:06 SA

09/04/2016 08:06 SA ..
09/04/2016 08:06 SA 73 .gitignore
09/04/2016 08:06 SA 10.850 pom.xml
09/04/2016 08:06 SA 1.459
09/04/2016 08:06 SA src
3 File(s) 12.382 bytes
3 Dir(s) 48.221.822.976 bytes free

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pm\showcase>mvn jetty:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building primefaces-showcase 6.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] >>> jetty-maven-plugin:8.1.9.v20130131:run (default-cli) > test-compile @ showcase >>>
Downloaded: (7 KB at 4.4 KB/sec)
[WARNING] Could not validate integrity of download from Checksum validation failed, no checksums available
[WARNING] Checksum validation failed, no checksums available for
Downloaded: (473 B at 0.3 KB/sec)
[WARNING] The POM for org.primefaces:primefaces:jar:6.0-SNAPSHOT is missing, no dependency information available
Downloaded: (11 KB at 24.7 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (12 KB at 27.6 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (25 KB at 41.8 KB/sec)
[WARNING] Could not validate integrity of download from Checksum validation failed, no checksums available
[WARNING] Checksum validation failed, no checksums available for
Downloaded: (226 KB at 57.8 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (215 KB at 183.7 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (119 KB at 63.6 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (844 KB at 150.8 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (3058 KB at 290.4 KB/sec)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 24.984 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-04-09T08:07:37+07:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/134M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project showcase: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.primefaces:showcase:war:6.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.primefaces:primefaces:jar:6.0-SNAPSHOT in prime-repo ( -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]



I propose changing these lines:

<dependency> <groupId>net.sf.barcode4j</groupId> <artifactId>barcode4j-light</artifactId> <version>2.0</version> </dependency>

Jetty Plugin Update

When running the showcase locally with mvn clean jetty:run get warings that the Jetty Plugin is experimental etc.

Updating to 9.4.9.v20180320 is the latest plugin and fixes all issues and warnings. PR coming.

Main Search Field Bugs

Originally Reported here by @DaveJarvis primefaces/primefaces#3304 (comment)

Double Space
In this issue, the input field inserts an extra space:
Start Google Chrome (Windows 7)
Click the Search field (left-hand side).
Type: transfer shuttle

Expected Results
The input field contains transfer shuttle.

Actual Results
The input field contains an extra space:

transfer shuttle

Unresponsive Keystrokes
In this issue, the Home key becomes unresponsive:

Start Google Chrome (Windows 7)
Click the Search field (left-hand side).
Type: picklist
Click Data
Click PickList
Click the Search field, again.
Type: shuttle
Press Home key.

Expected Results
The cursor jumps to the start of the input field.

Actual Results
The cursor remains at the end of the word shuttle.

Additional Details
This behaviour cannot be reproduced 100% of the time, and using some combination of Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow seems to "unlock" the unresponsive Home key (the End key is probably affected as well).

mvn package FAILED

mvn clean -> SUCCESS
mvn package -> FAILED

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building primefaces-showcase 6.3-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[WARNING] The POM for org.primefaces:primefaces:jar:6.3-SNAPSHOT is missing, no dependency information available
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.911 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-05-09T10:11:56+01:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/32M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project showcase: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.primefaces:showcase:war:6.3-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find org.primefaces:primefaces:jar:6.3-SNAPSHOT in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of prime-repo has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.

Error uploading files

This actually happens with even just 1 file uploaded. It happens on all fileupload pages except basic.

On the file upload pages (single, multiple, and drag & drop), if more than 1 file is selected, I receive an error after clicking upload. I tried in firefox and chrome. I've added screen shots of what I did and the resulting error. Is this an issue with the code in showcase, or is this a general issue with the fileupload component?


Show case remove

Hi, could anyone help me? A some time ago I saw a primeface showcase whit DragDrop like PiperDrive, when did it remove?

PrimeFaces Push Examples throw JavaScript errors

Navigate to any PrimeFaces push example such as

The following JavaScript error appears in Chrome (a similar error appears in Firefox):

push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but attempted to connect to the insecure WebSocket endpoint 'ws://…ransport=websocket&X-Atmosphere-TrackMessageSize=true&X-atmo-protocol=true'. This request has been blocked; this endpoint must be available over WSS.
av @ push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
af @ push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
aa @ push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
AtmosphereRequest.execute @ push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
a.subscribe @ push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
connect @ push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
init @ push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
c @ core.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:5
createWidget @ core.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
cw @ core.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1
(anonymous) @ counter.xhtml:391
i @ jquery.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:25
fireWith @ jquery.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:25
ready @ jquery.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:25
bY @ jquery.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:25
push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.1-SNAPSHOT:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS.
    at av (
    at af (
    at aa (
    at AtmosphereRequest.execute (
    at Object.a.subscribe (
    at connect (
    at c.init (
    at new c (
    at Object.createWidget (
    at (

Unable to build the project (SSL-Problem)

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project showcase: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.primefaces:showcase:war:6.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies for [javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5 (provided), javax.servlet.jsp:jsp-api:jar:2.1 (provided), commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1 (compile), commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.6 (compile), org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:jar:5.0.1.Final (compile), org.apache.poi:poi:jar:3.7 (compile), org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:jar:3.7 (compile), com.lowagie:itext:jar:2.1.7 (compile), commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:jar:1.3 (compile), commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.2 (compile), rome:rome:jar:1.0 (compile), org.twitter4j:twitter4j-core:jar:3.0.5 (compile), javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 (compile), org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:jar:1.6.1 (compile), org.primefaces.themes:all-themes:jar:1.0.10 (compile), net.sourceforge.barbecue:barbecue:jar:1.5-beta1 (compile), jfree:jfreechart:jar:1.0.0 (compile), net.glxn:qrgen:jar:1.4 (compile), net.sf.barcode4j:barcode4j-light:jar:2.1 (compile), org.primefaces:primefaces:jar:6.1.RC2-SNAPSHOT (compile), org.glassfish:javax.faces:jar:2.2.10 (compile), org.atmosphere:atmosphere-runtime:jar:2.4.6 (compile)]: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.primefaces.themes:all-themes:jar:1.0.10: Could not transfer artifact org.primefaces.themes:all-themes:pom:1.0.10 from/to prime-repo ( PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target -> [Help 1]

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