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meta's Issues

#libraries Help Channel

Originally posted by Modelmat:

A #libraries channel for those creating a library and wanting help with the implementation.

This would provide help in the creation of a python libray, for instance the way a particular feature should be implemented or documentation format.

Write a new !ask tag

We used to have a tag called !ask which was designed to tell people the basics of how to ask a good question.


The problem was that we saw a lot of users abusing this tag. As soon as someone asked a less-than-perfect question in our community, other members would throw themselves at the keyboard to !ask that stupid user right in their stupid face.

This didn't harmonize well with the kind of culture we're trying to build, and so we decided (in to remove this tag from the bot.

So why does this issue exist?

Well, we might be open to reintroducing the tag (or a similar tag of a different name), but we need to do something to try to prevent it from being abused. If you'd like to have a go at this, this is the issue for you.

So what do I do?

You need to solve the puzzle of how we can create a toxicity-proof version of this tag. Here are some ideas:

  • Perhaps the tag needs to be shorter, to ensure people actually read it.
  • Perhaps the tag can be "de-weaponized" so that it's less applicable to situations where the user has "made a mistake". The old version had a number of bullet points which served to instruct the user on what not to do. That means, whenever a member did something that the tag said not to do, you could throw the tag in their face.
  • !ask is a pretty common tag to have on other support servers, and some of these communities may not share our emphasis on a toxicity-free environment. This means that some of our users may unwittingly be bringing some of their bad habits from other communities into ours. Maybe this can be remedied by simply renaming the tag to something else?

External API Topical Help

I see some questions about external APIs somewhat regularly. It somewhat falls into the Web Development category, but I think perhaps a separate topic might be more appropriate?

Python Discord Bot does not appropriately parse iOS and other Unicode quotation marks.

Originally posted by Clayton Turner:

The iOS platform and others I'm sure use a non standard character for single and double quotiation marks. It appears the rewrite system has implemented a fix for this, in one of the later versions, see here:

Recommend updating to the current version or extending the quotes in their ext.commands to the updated map.

New !scopes command

!scopes command does not exist so Lemon told me to make an issue so that it could be added to the list.

I hope the following explanation is adequate. If it is not then feel free to re-write it.

Variables can only reach the area in which they are defined, which is called scope. Think of it as the area of code where variables can be used. Python supports global variables (usable in the entire program) and local variables. By default, all variables declared in a function are local variables.

`a = 'hello

def main():

This will output the value of 'a' which is 'hello'. This works due to the fact that function can access the global scope which contains the variable 'a'.

a = 'hello'

def main():
a = 'bye'



In this case the value outputted will be 'hello' as variables defined within the local scope and therefore we can not call their value from outside the function. The variable 'a' created inside the function may have the same name as a the variable outside but they are different. This can be proven by printing the memory locations which will be different.

Probably not the simplest explanation and could use refinement.

Add Think Python to literary resources

For inclusion on the resource page I would like to suggest the book "Think Python" by Allen B. Downey. It has a free license so you can download & contribute or buy the book. It has a stronger taste of informatics than other beginner books, which is a good thing in my opinion, because the more experienced and smart ones don't get bored so quickly. Due to the good structure of the content, the book is still accessible to beginners easily.

have a #golfing channel

Originally posted by Kingsley McDonald:

i've half-seriously suggested this in the #meta channel once or twice, but now i feel like it should actually be considered. a #golfing channel would be an interesting addition, and the opinion of this in the server has generally been positive.


  • gives a challenge to those who wish to take it
  • gets people to think out-of-the-box. brain-work :D
  • a lot of interesting techniques can be learned
  • it's fun to work with others to mince some code, believe me.
  • could help develop a creative mind in terms of problem-solving


  • may give the idea that we encourage the use of golfed code in genuine projects
  • might not get quite as much activity as the other channels
  • not particularly relevant to the server's purpose

solutions to cons:

  • have the channel topic very clearly state that code golf should never go further than 'fucking around'
  • from the opinions in #meta, i feel like this channel will be fairly active.
  • it would be probably as relevant as #devops and #security, if not more so.

additional notes:

  • you could also mark the channel as NSFW as genuine use of the code would possibly get you fired from your job, but this might make people think that typical NSFW content is allowed there, which obviously would not be the case.
  • some #meta feedback:


anyways, that's enough typing from me. brb, i gotta get this damned spider off my desk ^-^

Add Jetbrain's academy to python reasources

After having a brief play around with JB's academy system built into their IDEs like PyCharm it's quite the awesome set of tutorials with interactive lessons straight in the IDE along with getting users used to the PyCharm system and think it would be something that any beginner could find helpful to get to grips with Python.

Service Desk (from [email protected]): Code Jam 2 feedback

Originally posted by GitLab Support Bot:

Hey guys,

I know that there is the GitLab issue for feedback but my feedback is
mostly based around teammates and I didn’t wanna put them on blast

I really liked the requirements and theme for this jam, I was not expecting
anything like this and it made me think really creatively (which is the
goal) on what to make. I haven’t looked at other groups’ projects too much
yet but from what I’ve seen they are all pretty varied.

For the next jam, I’d suggest finding a way to ask how committed people are
to this project. It’s currently Saturday and I’m the only one in my group
who has made a merge request. There is one that one of my teammates is
working on but it’s taking 2+ days longer than they expected which has put
my part on hold too. Our other teammate has only sent 2 messages in our
discord server since the event started. Other than participation in actual
coding, I was the only one to come up with an idea and asked the others
many times if they had other ideas that we could work off of.

I’m sorry if this sounds like a rant (I guess it kinda is) but I was hoping
for a collaborative experience. What actually happened was me doing all of
the work but with the slowdown of having to wait for my merge requests to
be accepted and communicating my ideas with the team. I’ve tried to step up
as leader and give opportunities to work on specific parts of the project
but it doesn’t seem like they really care to work on it (especially the one
who has just been offline the whole time).

I understand you can’t really fix this but maybe for future events either
ask about how much effort you want to put in, or emphasizing how much is
expected at signups.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, hopefully I’ll be there for the
next jam!

Clarifying our DM policy

After a recent incident in #meta, I think it's probably a good idea to clarify our position on soliciting for DMs on server. A well-written and thought-out answer in the FAQ is probably better than an explanation we need to come with on the spot. I would do it personally, but writing stuff is not something I excel at, so hence this issue.

My position is:

  • No soliciting for DM's on server;
  • No random DM'ing of members of our server;

Obviously, if people want to DM each other, that's okay, but that's not the same as posting a message not aimed at anyone with "Hey, please dm me for ".

Code Jam 2: Feedback

Originally posted by Gareth Coles:

This is an issue for everyone to give feedback on our code jam, to give us some ideas on how we might improve on them in the future. If you have a comment or suggestion, please start a discussion below.

To start a discussion...

Write your comment, and click the down arrow next to the comment button.


Select "Start Discussion".


Click the green button to submit your discussion.


Help system improvements

Originally posted by Kingsley McDonald:

help for lost questions.

we already have an abundance of dedicated help channels on the server, but despite our best efforts, it is still inevitable that some of the questions asked will go unanswered. of course, this is mainly the result of having so many new learners in the server, but not enough channels to go around. it goes without saying that having so many channels looks quite unpleasant on the server.

the year is 2033. earth as we know it has been lost to the martians. the US finds itself without a president. canada has seceded from the americas and forged a new continent elsewhere. pydis just added #help-91.

all jokes aside, something needs to be done about this. i feel like we could benefit from having a special help channel (i'll refer to as #pending-help for now) which can be used almost like a ticket system, but not quite. if a staff member finds a question that has been lost behind another or hasn't been answered, they should copy the question (or take a screenshot) and post it into #pending-help. everyone should be able to view this channel, but only staff members should be given permissions to send messages to reduce the amount of clutter in there. if anyone finds a question in this channel, they should mention the asker in an available help channel so they can provide assistance. once the question has been answered, somebody should mention the staff member that posted it in the #pending-help to have it removed.

i'm absolutely terrible at explaining things, so here's a nice fancy list:

  1. somebody asks a question which for whatever reason goes unanswered. this would likely be due to nobody online at the time knowing how to help.
  2. a helper (or above) copies this question into #pending-help, where it is left for anyone to answer.
  3. when somebody finds a question here that they can answer, they mention the person who asked it and go through the solution with them (in a regular help channel!)
  4. after the question has been successfully answered, the staff member who listed it in #pending-help is pinged to know that they can delete the message.

now, i'm not saying that this suggestion will be a complete solution to help channels wanting to "be fruitful and multiply," but I personally believe that it will at least allow for a better flow of questions through them. also, if somebody just wants something to do, they are able scroll through a bunch questions that are listed in #pending-help and answer wherever they can.

Book suggestion for "Resources" page

Zig (moderator) directed me here from #meta channel

I found two books on Python 3 from Springer's COVID-19 "giveaway", compressed and uploaded off-site in good faith (link removed by author) due to GitHub's 10MB attachment constraint. I took a look at the books and to me they feel like they can be of good use to people.

A tag for project ideas

One of the most common questions in #python-general is what project one should do. This could be answered with a simple tag called !projects, just like !resources is used when people need help with getting started and !tools for questions about which IDE or editor they should use.

Just like other tags, this one could return a link to an article on the website with all relevant information.

Off-topic channel name suggestions

This issue encompasses all user suggestions for off-topic channel names. Submitted names should be:

  • Funny
  • Lowercase, using only letters, numbers, and dashes (No spaces)
  • Clean
  • Non-derogatory

If you have a suggestion, leave a comment.

Rework command `!free` for the new help system.


With the newly introduced help systems, the old command !free is no longer relevant.

However, there are will be users who get confused and may post questions in the in-use questions / ask how to and where to get help.


We can revamp the !free command to:

  • Output a short summary of how to claim a free channel.
  • [Optional] Mention the current free channels they can claim.
  • [Optional] Show a screenshot of the free channels and what they look like.

Feature request: topics


The basic idea here is to allow any user to easily contribute to a guide, making it easier to understand as time goes on. Topics that are difficult to grasp using official/existing documentation, like Tensorflow and Audio Manipulation, could easily be explained from just basic understanding of python.

Link to discussion

Additionally, we could expand this by allowing .ipynb files to use bokeh, if this proves useful.

Possible guides:

  • Bots
    • Reddit
    • Discord
    • Twitch
  • Audio Manipulation
  • AI
    • PyTorch
    • Tensorflow
    • Implementation differences in learning methods
  • struct module and applicances
  • APIs
    • Basics
    • Integrating DBs
    • Ratelimits, etc.
  • "Proper Code Style"
    • Introduction to PEP 0008 and why it is so important, despite being different for everyone
    • Useful CQA tools/inspection
  • numpy/scipy
    • documented use of all features and purposes
  • etc

!eval access for all in Python Help and Topical Chat/Help Channels


The !eval command is an invaluable tool for providing live examples of Python syntax and should not be limited to the #bot-commands channel only for regular users. It is useful not only as a demonstration tool, but also as a means of quickly ensuring the advice you're giving is complete and accurate.

I propose that the command be enabled for everyone in the Python Help channels and the Topical Chat/Help channels, while keeping it reserved to privileged users in other channels.

Multi Language Help Support

Programming is a global language! As has been a discussion at least a few times in recent weeks, as the Pydis community grows there's a similarly growing desire to be able to provide Python help to those for whom English is not their first language and are not comfortable enough with it to be able to both adequately present their problem and to understand the help being provided. There have been at least a handful of recent instances where folks were able to quickly rectify their issue when working with someone who could communicate with them in a language they were more comfortable with.

I'd like to propose a framework for providing language-specific help for those who would benefit:

  • Because the primary barrier to providing support for languages other than English is one of adequate moderation, poll staff members (Helpers+) for those who would be interested in providing support and oversight in languages other than English.

  • Create an International Help channel category. If sufficient support is available for a given language (defined...somehow), open a #help-lang channel for that language, functioning more or less identically to the current help channels.

    • There will be a necessary caveat that help will likely take longer in the non-English help channels, depending on the number of users available who speak the language.
    • If it's noticed that significant question overlap begins to happen, additional channels could be opened as we've done with the current help channels. (To be overhauled with the new and improved help system in the future 😄 )
    • Staff's ability to support will be a continuous poll, if sufficient support is unavailable then the channel will be archived until returned to an appropriate level

direction role colour gradient

Originally posted by xedre:

With the new nice gradient between Owners, Admins, Moderators and Helpers it would be nice if Subreddit Moderators, Partners and Streamers had the same direction of gradient too.

Currently staff roles go from darkest to brightest while others go from lightest to darkest.


Topical FAQs

Just wanted to field some thoughts about topical frequently asked questions. Two options I thought where this page could exist:

  1. A new page on Python Discord's homepage.
  2. A new section in the Resources page.

For context, I was recently asked the "Flask or Django, which should I use?" question, and I recall seeing this already asked on other general help channels multiple times. I thought it would be great if questions like that had a page we can point people to that:

  • has Python Discord's take on this question
  • Includes some considerations
  • Links resources or external sites that try to already answer these questions

The current FAQ page is quite general which is great for someone just starting. Extending this FAQ format would work, and having it on a new page would not crowd the existing FAQ.

The resources page could be a suitable candidate to add a section to, and I can see it fitting the style and context of existing resources!

New OT Channel: Special programming language channel

I know other languages channels have been declined multiple times, but I have one concept that may work: 4th OT channel, prefixed with lang- and then programming language. This language should change every day and during one language session, only talking about this language is allowed. This shouldn't just these big, most used languages, but smallers too. This will help peoples exploring more languages about what they maybe never knew before. Every time when language change, bot should send message to channel that contains short information about language, logo and hello world example.

Enable reactions for #python-language

There seems to be a fear that allowing reactions could allow users to discreetly disturb others, or meaning a great deal of extra work for the moderation team. It makes sense that reactions are not allowed on very active channels. However, could we enable reactions for #python-language?

I doubt the new #python-language channel will be used as frequently as the really active channels like the help channels, so just like with #careers and #meta, helpers/mods/admins would quickly notice if someone is abusing reactions, so it shouldn't be a nightmare to deal with like it would be in a help channel.

Memes channel

Originally posted by Gareth Coles:

This is a suggestion that a bunch of people have brought up, with a whole bunch of reasons. This issue exists in order to keep track of this particular suggestion, and to encompass the reasoning from both sides.

Rationale: For

  • Many of our users love to post memes and shitpost, and it can overtake #off-topic - having somewhere sectioned off for it might help with that problem
  • User retention can be a big deal in some cases - if users are going elsewhere to post memes, they're spending less time with us

That's all I could come up with, feel free to comment if you have more.

Rationale: Against

Through experience with servers that do have this type of channel, I can make the following observations:

  • Channels like this actually tend to cause more spill-over of meme spam in other channels
  • Channels like this attract trolls and other types of user that tend to break rules and make people uncomfortable
  • Channels like this tend to attract a much larger volume of NSFW/NSFL/provocative/sketchy material, most of which is likely to be banned in our community
  • For some reason, people often feel like these channels shouldn't fall under the normal scope of the community's ruleset, and kick up more of a stink than usual when they're disciplined for breaking it

Additionally, we came up with the following ourselves:

  • We need to moderate all of our channels - a memes/shitposting channel is incredibly unpleasant to moderate, with possessive users and a trend towards inappropriate posts
  • Channels of this type tend to attract a lot of user attention, we would need a much larger moderation team to even begin to deal with that
  • A channel of this type simply doesn't suit our server or its subject - we are primarily a server about Python programming, and we don't really want people posting a bunch of memes - it's really not in our interests and doesn't help further the mission of the community

Add more info to !user command.

Originally posted by surister:

Would be awesome if !user could also display information like:

  • Contributions made to Python Discord.
  • Code jams participation | won
  • Events participation:
    - Hacktoberfest... Completed: [Yes/no]
    - Advent..
    - Esoteric...

It'd add more recognition to users that participate in the community matters.

Suggested addition to Docker "Possible Issues" section of site

I'd like to recommend a "possible issue" to add to the site at Windows users who are new to Docker and just getting it running for the first time will likely encounter an error when trying to use the docker-compose up command.

This error is caused by drive sharing not being configured in Docker's settings, and the error output will be something like: ERROR: for bot_bot_1 Cannot create container for service bot: b'Drive has not been shared'.

If this suggestion is approved, I'd like to attempt to implement it. I'll be happy to provide instructions on configuring drive sharing, including screenshots, etc.


Editor discussion channel

Originally posted by Alexandre MOEVI:

I've thought it would be a good addition to have a channel about IDEs. Basically this channel would :

  • help people installting/debugging their editor
  • giving tips or shortcuts
  • sharing funny or productive plugins

However, we need to think about the possible flame wars "My favorite IDE" vs "Your favorite IDE" that could happen in this chan.

Suggestion: A channel dedicated for computational science and numerical methods

Some of the libraries used in data science are also used in computational science. However, in computational science one might use Python to create simulation of some real-world phenomena, this might requires writing numerical methods to solve ODEs and PDEs or maybe linear system of equations (in other words, these libraries are used for different purposes than data science, for example see Programming for Computations - Python).
There are many numerical methods written in FORTRAN already, so it's logical to access FORTRAN code from Python (in this case f2py module would become important) and exploit the features of both programming languages (OOP Paradigm in Python and the computational efficiency of FORTRAN).
These reasons might be not enough to open a new channel, but is it possible to have a topical chat dedicated to computational science and numerical methods? Because the data-science channel might not be the appropriate channel for these topics.

Add the channel about software development and open source to the official page.

I have a small, but as I think pretty useful Telegram channel where I post news, changelogs, cool open-source projects, and so on. I think that some people will find it pretty useful, so I want to share it in this community.

I'm creating this ticket with the advice of @dementati. As I understand this is how the community decides if a link can be posted on the official page.

If the publication of this link is not possible, then I apologize for this issue.

Give a colorscheme with better contrast

I dunno about you guys but example code

the default text seems extremely low contrast with the background. Even with new monitors I don't find it great.

From highlight.js' available styles (demos), better options than solarized to me, include: Atom One Dark, Gruvbox Dark, Kimbie Dark, Railscasts, Vs 2015. For a favourite I would pick Gruvbox. But any with some colours that pop a bit better and have better contrast of their text over the background colour.

Resource suggestion: SoloLearn

I'd like to recommend adding SoloLearn's Python 3 course to the Interactive Learning list.

It has exercises and quizzes and is similar to codecademy, except it's free. It also has a free mobile app so people can learn on their phones.

It covers

  • basic concepts,
  • control structures,
  • functions and modules,
  • exceptions and files,
  • types,
  • functional programming,
  • object-oriented programming,
  • regular expressions
  • and pythonicness and packaging

Adding roles for the general user

I personally would feel like it would be nice to include some more roles obtainable by the general users. I do not suggest adding alot of roles making the whole thing a clutter but instead adding a few roles with meaning and value that users can obtain by meeting certain demands.

This would add a sense of inclusion in the server and being able to stand out from those that are new or maybe just read the chats but never engages in them.

Exactly how this would be implemented and what requirements the roles would have, needs to be discussed further.

A example of a role that could be implemented would be,
"Python Enthusiast"
Color: Will be decided on implementation
Requirements: Post a minimum of 10 posts/day during a period of 30 days without any break in #python-discussion.

This is only an example of how it might look.

I am not suggesting that you start implementing roles left and right without consideration but make only a few (1-2) with a meaning behind it and a value of getting it, and in the future you might add another one based on user demand or whatever.

Filter *.exe Uploads

Originally posted by sco1:

In light of today's trojan upload to #show-your-projects I'd like to propose that, for security reasons, *.exe uploads automatically be deleted by Python, with an accompanying request that the source be provided instead.

For context:


Youtube activity

Hey guys
Us being the hottest community on the internet, we should be kinda more active around.I mean youtube n stuff.We can start tutorials on youtube.I think it can really work out.For example, there are already quite a few tutorials for it but we can make a series like fun stuff/commands/features with the issues we work on(feature issues)(good features and more used), we can make videos on how to code that feature in
May not be, can be anything
we members here can record while working on a feature and send it to the owner of the youtube channel and he can post it after having a look at it and making changes n stuff
what do you guys think?
maybe u can involve the community and also show some good projects which are being posted in #show-your-projects.
What do you guys think?

Careers advice channel

Originally posted by Gareth Coles:

This was suggested to me by MIYAGIMO#0343 via DM, and it sounded like a solid enough idea. Here's what they said:

As you know this Discord group is filled with people not only here to learn from very experienced pros in the field but want pointers on how to break into the field from a interview perspective

is that something that could be useful?

Sometimes I get tempted asking about interviewing skills and the sort on one of the help channels but dont feel comfortable disrupting some of the technical convos that goes on in there

Essentially, this would be a channel for people to discuss professional Python work and what's expected in a career of that type. It would not be a place to post job listings.

Add VPS Providers to Resources

Since it comes up fairly often, it would be nice to include a list of some popular VPS providers, along with some basic info.

Info could possibly include:

  • Free/paid (base tier cost?)
  • Payment types accepted (CC, PayPal, BTC, etc.)
  • Services offered (CPU/Memory heavy options, distros, load balancers, container things, monitors, DNS, etc.)
  • Server locations

This should also get a tag that links to the relevant section of the Resources page.

Align list in #how-to-get-help message for compact mode

With the compact mode enabled, the starting line continues inline after the nick, making the first item in the message's list enabled.
This can be solved by adding some whitespace like the zero width space (U+200b) and a newline after it, however it will also add an empty line when viewed using the cozy mode

compact cozy

Issues Command

Hey staff,

Lemon has already told me that the bot is under 'lockdown' and is not currently having features added to it but I wanted to suggest one for the future.

In channels such as seasonalbot chat I believe we should have the ability to run the command !issue <#number> and the bot posts the link to the issue. The reason for this is that often we are talking about some ideas or a specific issue or several interlinking issues and we have to stop talking to find the link of it and post it in the channel. Most people know the number of the issue they are working on and this command would help to streamline the process of referencing different issues/tasks.

Just a suggestion, not sure if this is something you guys want to implement.

Many thanks,


Advent of Code

Originally posted by sco1:

The 2018 Advent of Code is almost upon us! I've found the daily challenges to be a fun way to learn and practice some fundamental programming concepts. Searching the logs I don't see much historical traffic for it so I'd like to solicit interest in a few related things for the event moving forward:

  1. Informational tag !t AoC:

**What is Advent of Code?**

Advent of Code (AoC) is an series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels, run every year during the month of December. They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code. Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme.

** How can I join AoC?**
AoC utilizes the following services' OAuth to create an AOC account: GitHub, Google, Twitter, and Reddit.

**Join our private leaderboard!**

Head over to with code `code-here`

Getting a star first is worth 100 points, second is 99, and so on down to 1 point at 100th place.

**Discuss the Challenges**

  1. AoC Discussion Channel

A (seasonal?) #advent-of-code channel(s?) in the Events category for folks to discuss the challenge, get advice on solutions, and see how other folks have been solving the challenges. Help with coding would still be guided to the help channels.

  1. AoC Related Announcements

A general server announcement as the challenge approaches, when it begins, and when AoC is about to formally come to a close.

  1. Private leaderboard

A yearly Python Discord private leaderboard. In addition to the public leaderboard of the top 100 challenge solvers, AoC offers private leaderboards for a bit of friendly competition between members of a community. Users can be part of multiple private leaderboards, and joining is as simple as entering an alphanumeric code on the private leaderboard page when logged in.

  1. Python Discord AoC Champion

Server role granted to the member at the top of the leaderboard at the conclusion of AoC.

Recast on policies completeness

Rephrased by @gdude2002 - for ease of reading


I've come here due to a misunderstanding around the server's moderation policy, which I feel needs to be changed. For example: I've been muted for advising moderators to moderate on some subjects - such as off-topic discussion.

I ended up getting a infraction on a subject not explicitly covered by the rules or enforcement guidelines. Here's my advice: Either...

  • Add some text to the rules to state that the rules aren't intended to be the be-all-and-end-all of the moderation policy and that they may be modified as needed
  • State explicitly how staff are expected to handle this type of issue

If you like, I could write something up for you.



I come here because of some misunderstanding on the policies which i find, need to be changed.
I've been for example muted for advicing moderator to moderate on some subjects like offtopic.
So i got a sanction on something not explicitely said in the policies or on an enforcing of those policies.
What i advice is : Either add some sentences to say that some rules can be reviewed by the staff according to need (and also that the rules aren't ended to be written).
Or say explicitely how staff can handle those kind of issues.
If u want i can tell how and where i'd write it in the policies.

REPL tag

Explaining the REPL is a common occurrence for helpers. This issue proposes adding a repl tag that contains a succinct explanation of the REPL.

Commands: !tags repl, !repl

Emoji suggestion thread

Got an image? Think it should be an emoji?

Drop any emoji suggestions in this ticket with the image attached and we'll consider adding it to our server!

Your suggestions must follow the guidelines below:

  • Must conform with server rules
  • Must be a suitable emoji image, not just any image turned into an emoji. It must look good and remain visible when scaled down to emoji size.
  • Must be somewhat relevant to the server, no random memes, we'd like emotes to remain related to the community/the language.

Resources Or help on reading Docs.

Originally posted by Adam:

As many of you know, I really struggle to understand docs. Their language is very neutral and professional, usually with minimal amounts of coded examples. So all I see are python classes with parameters I have no idea how to implement or use, as they generally different depending on use case.

Example No 1 - rewrites Proxy feature:

For people who use the cogs version of, The idea of using client is never really there. There are no examples of how to implement this into your code, and you are never told where to implement its parameters.

Example No 2 - FBchat module models As a first project for me, reading these docs was hours upon hours of me smashing my head into a monitor trying to figure out what the hell it meant. Themodels` feature.

The code client.fetchGroupInfo() shown here ( Was very hard for me to understand at the time, the point I missed being what it returns.

Example No 3 - Imgur HTTP API
Although not python, I was planning on using this as part of my Discord bot, but with no previous experience on this, it was a nightmare. Showing the python version of this just shows a dict, no use-case or code examples that will actually return a result.

Looking at the page definitely makes it a lot clearer on how to use aiohttp, and is actually one of the best examples in a doc I've seen

My Suggestions

My first examples with docs were a terrible experience, and has made me scared to touch them ever since, so I have avoided them completely. If my first experience with docs had been better, I think i would have done a lot better.

If a beginners project page is ever created, good example docs would be one of the best things you could add. Showing at least one function from every class in the docs would make it so much easier for beginners to implement into their own code.

Tips of what to read in a doc. For example what it returns, which is a important thing I looked over as a beginner.


I have exposed myself as pretty stupid in this post, but I feel like I am not the only one that has had problems like this with Docs, and would love for a better way to get started with them 😄


#dev-announcements channel proposal

There should one more channel in Development category: #dev-announcements. This should have following automatic things:

  • Message when someone get Contributor role
  • Message when someone get Core Developer role
  • Weekly summaries (per-repo)
  • Monthly summaries (per-repo) (pinned until next monthly summary)

Fields that summaries should have:

  • Issues|PRs opened
  • Issues|PRs closed
  • PRs merged
  • Commits amount
  • Top contributors
  • Biggest PRs
    and maybe even some generated graphs.

This channel should announcement channel so everyone can subscribe.

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