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ravro's Issues

failing on complicated schemas


I tested read.avro using a moderately complicated schema. Some fields contain sub-records, other fields contain arrays of records. One of the sub-records (named moments and containing mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis fields) is defined the first time and referenced as a type subsequently. This does not cause avro any problems, but read.avro throws the following error:

> dat <- read.avro(file="/path/to/file/part-r-00000.avro")
Error in (function (x, schema, flatten = T, simplify = F, encoded_unions = T,  : 
  Unsupported Avro type: moments

The schema being read here reads (in part):

"fields" : [ {
    "name" : "routename",
    "type" : "string",
    "doc" : "path identifier indicates unique fix sequence"
  }, {
    "name" : "aircrafttype",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "lowaltitudebin",
    "type" : "double",
    "doc" : "altitude [feet] at low end of route (rounded to nearest 1000ft)"
  }, {
    "name" : "highaltitudebin",
    "type" : "double",
    "doc" : "altitude [feet] at high end of route (rounded to nearest 1000ft)"
  }, {
    "name" : "route",
    "type" : [ "null", {
      "type" : "record",
      "name" : "routemetrics",
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "route",
        "type" : [ "string", "null" ]
      }, {
        "name" : "initialalttude",
        "type" : [ "null", {
          "type" : "record",
          "name" : "moments",
          "fields" : [ {
            "name" : "mean",
            "type" : "double"
          }, {
            "name" : "variance",
            "type" : "double"
          }, {
            "name" : "skewness",
            "type" : "double"
          }, {
            "name" : "kurtosis",
            "type" : "double"
          }, {
            "name" : "samplesize",
            "type" : "long"
          } ]
        } ],
        "doc" : "moments [feet] characterizing distribution of atltitudes at the beginning of the route (within given binning constraint)"
      }, {
        "name" : "terminalaltitude",
        "type" : [ "null", "moments" ],
        "doc" : "moments [feet] characterizing distribution of atltitudes at the end of the route (within given binning constraint)"
      }, {...

Note that moments is defined as a type (as part of a union) for the first time in the initialalttude field, which is a field of the routemetrics record nested inside of the top-level route field. After that, moments is referenced by name in the subsequent terminalaltitude field.

Are there any plans to deal well with schemas like the one above?

ravro unable to read acro file for my schema


I successfully read an avro file from this exemple : but when I try with my schema, a more complex one, ravro gives the following error :

Error in mapply(parse_avro, x_df, schema$fields, MoreArgs = list(flatten = flatten,  :
  zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length

Here is the schema that I use to create my avro file

    "doc":"This Schema describes about web orders ",
    "fields": [
        {"name": "metadata",
            "type": {
                "name": "Metadata", "type": "record",
                "fields": [
                    {"name": "date_evenement", "type" : "long", "description": "date d'integration dans la zone de staging - timestamp UNIX"},
                    {"name": "type_evenement", "type" : "string", "description": "Creation, Modication, Suppression"},
                    {"name": "date_integration", "type" : ["null","long"], "description": "date d'integration dans la zone de data - timestamp UNIX"}
        {"name": "entete_commande",
            "type": {
                "name": "EnteteCommande", "type": "record",
                "fields": [
                    {"name": "code_site_web", "type" : "string"},
                    {"name": "code_cde_web", "type" : "string"},
                    {"name": "no_cli", "type" : "long"},
                    {"name": "no_adresse_cli", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                    {"name": "no_adresse_fact", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                    {"name": "code_etat_cde", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "date_etat_cde", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                    {"name": "code_langue", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "flag_remise_fid", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "flag_dem_carte_fid", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "flag_ach_mag", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "code_orig_connexion", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                    {"name": "no_carte_fid", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "lib_msg_cadeau", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "code_dev", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "code_mode_pay", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "flag_pay_val", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "flag_pay_ann", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "date_pay_ann", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                    {"name": "no_colis_total", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                    {"name": "code_orig_affectation_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "code_etab_affectation_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "code_postal_affectation_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "code_pays_affectation_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "flag_affectation_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                    {"name": "histo_etat_commande",
                        "doc": "on a 1 a N historique de l'etat de la commande",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "record",
                                "name": "HistoEtatCommande",
                                    {"name": "id_histo_etat_cde", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "no_expe", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "no_reliquat", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_etat_cde", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "date_etat_cde", "type" : "long"}
                    {"name": "details_commande",
                        "doc": "on a 1 a N detail par commande",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "record",
                                "name": "DetailsCommande",
                                    {"name": "no_ligne", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "no_expe", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_reliquat", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_produit", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_type_produit", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_orig_cat", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_produit_reel", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_colis", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_etat_lig_cde", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_etat_lig_cde", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "code_etab_log", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_cde", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_ano_stock", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_dem_prel", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_prel", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_expe_cli", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "no_cde_cli", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_picking", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_envoi_site", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "pud_pvttc_caisse", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_pud_pvttc_caisse", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "code_operation", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "taux_tva", "type" : ["null","double"]},
                                    {"name": "pud_remb", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_pud_remb", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "code_pays_fab", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "pud_remb_orig", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_pud_remb_orig", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "pud_pvttc_caisse_orig", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_pud_pvttc_caisse_orig", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "taux_tva_orig", "type" : ["null","double"]},
                                    {"name": "no_distro", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "no_prio_expe", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_rec", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_ano_rec", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_ano_tri", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "pud_pvttc_affichage_web", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_pud_pvttc_affichage_web", "type" : ["null","long"]},                                    
                                    {"name": "pud_pvttc_affichage_web_orig", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_pud_pvttc_affichage_web_orig", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "qte_distro_expe", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "type_tri", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_etab_tri", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "histo_details_commande",
                                        "doc": "on a 1 a N histo par detail",
                                        "type": {
                                            "type": "array",
                                            "items": {
                                                "type": "record",
                                                "name": "HistoDetailsCommande",
                                                    {"name": "code_etat_lig_cde", "type" : "string"},
                                                    {"name": "date_etat_lig_cde", "type" : "long"},
                                                    {"name": "id_cmt", "type" : ["null","long"]}
                    {"name": "financement_commande",
                        "doc": "on a 1 a N financement par commande",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "record",
                                "name": "FinancementCommande",
                                    {"name": "no_expe", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "type_financ", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "mode_financ", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_dev_financ", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_ret", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "mnt_financ", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_mnt_financ", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_envoi_site", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_envoi_site", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_envoi_livcai", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_envoi_livcai", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_val_site", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_val", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "mnt_pay_liv", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_mnt_pay_liv", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_financ_partiel", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_transaction_recu", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "id_transaction", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_histo_livcai", "type" : ["null","string"]}
                    {"name": "bon_commande",
                        "doc": "on a 1 a N bon utilise par commande",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "record",
                                "name": "BonCommande",
                                    {"name": "no_bon", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_cli_site_web", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "mnt_financ_bon", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "valod_mnt_financ_bon", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "code_dev_bon", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "date_blocage_bon", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "motif_blocage_bon", "type" : ["null","string"]}
                    {"name": "bon_emis_commande",
                        "doc": "on a 1 a N bon emis par commande (suite retour)",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "record",
                                "name": "BonEmisCommande",
                                    {"name": "no_bon", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_expe", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_ret", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "val_bon", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "valod_val_bon", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "date_appli", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "code_dev_bon", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_cli_site_web", "type" : ["null","string"]}
                    {"name": "expe_commande",
                        "doc": "on a 1 a N expedition par commande",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "record",
                                "name": "ExpeCommande",
                                    {"name": "no_expe", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_reliquat", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_etat_expe", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "date_etat_expe", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "no_cli", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "no_adresse_liv", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "code_type_liv", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "flag_mono_cv", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "flag_mono_entrepot", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_pack", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_relais", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_pays", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_transport", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "mnt_frais_port", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_mnt_frais_port", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_envoi_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_prel_cde", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_export", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_transport_reel", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_type_liv_reel", "type" : ["null","string"]}
                    {"name": "retour_commande",
                        "doc": "on a 1 a N retour par commande",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "record",
                                "name": "RetourCommande",
                                    {"name": "no_expe", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_reliquat", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_ret", "type" : "long"},
                                    {"name": "date_saisie_ret", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_remb_bloque", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_remb_deblocage", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "code_transport_ret", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_user_creation", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_user_maj", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "code_user_maj", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_envoi_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_envoi_ca", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "cmt_ret", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "flag_histo_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "details_retour_commande",
                                        "doc": "on a 1 a N detail pour chaque retour de commande",
                                        "type": {
                                            "type": "array",
                                            "items": {
                                                "type": "record",
                                                "name": "DetailsRetourCommande",
                                                    {"name": "no_expe", "type" : "string"},
                                                    {"name": "no_reliquat", "type" : "string"},
                                                    {"name": "no_ligne", "type" : "long"},
                                                    {"name": "code_produit_reel", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "qte_ret", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "code_motif_ret", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "code_etab_emet", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "code_etab_dest", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "mnt_remb", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "valod_mnt_remb", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "code_motif_remb", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "code_mode_pay_remb", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "date_remb_dem", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "flag_remb_val", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "date_remb_val", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "flag_ces", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "flag_ces_val", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "date_extr_ces", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "no_colis_ces", "type" : ["null","long"]}
                    {"name": "colis",
                        "doc": "on a 1 a N colis par commande",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "record",
                                "name": "ColisCommande",
                                    {"name": "no_expe", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "no_reliquat", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_colis", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_etat_colis", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "date_etat_colis", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "poids_colis", "type" : ["null","double"]},
                                    {"name": "code_transport", "type" : "string"},
                                    {"name": "code_colis_prec", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_colis_suiv", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "no_bord", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_barre_colis", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_envoi_edi", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "no_ref_transaction_pay", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "type_ret", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "date_ret", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "no_colis", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "no_fact", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_type_liv_reel", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "mnt_pay_liv", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "valod_mnt_pay_liv", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "date_retrait_max", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                    {"name": "nom_cli_retrait", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_relais_reel", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "code_colis_secondaire", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "type_emballage", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                    {"name": "financement_colis",
                                        "doc": "on a 1 a N financement par colis",
                                        "type": {
                                            "type": "array",
                                            "items": {
                                                "type": "record",
                                                "name": "FinancementColis",
                                                    {"name": "type_financ", "type" : "string"},
                                                    {"name": "mode_financ", "type" : "string"},
                                                    {"name": "code_dev_financ", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "mnt_financ", "type" : ["null","double"]},
                                                    {"name": "valod_mnt_financ", "type" : ["null","double"]},
                                                    {"name": "trt_creation_enr", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "date_creation_enr", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "trt_maj_enr", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "date_maj_enr", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "flag_envoi_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "date_envoi_ca", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "flag_transaction_recu", "type" : ["null","string"]},
                                                    {"name": "id_transaction", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "flag_histo_ca", "type" : ["null","string"]}
                                    {"name": "histo_etat_colis",
                                        "doc": "on a 1 a N histo par colis",
                                        "type": {
                                            "type": "array",
                                            "items": {
                                                "type": "record",
                                                "name": "HistoEtatColis",
                                                    {"name": "code_etat_colis", "type" : "string"},
                                                    {"name": "date_etat_colis", "type" : ["null","long"]},
                                                    {"name": "code_transport", "type" : "string"}

write.avro fails on data frame

Error is
ravro:::write.avro(df, tf1)
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.avro.SchemaParseException: Enum has no symbols: {"name":"col_2","type":"enum","symbols":"d"}
at org.apache.avro.Schema.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema$Parser.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema$Parser.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema.parse(
at org.apache.avro.tool.Main.main(

dump of df

df <-
structure(list(col_1 = 139.084976531123, col_2 = structure(1L, .Label = "d", class = "factor"),
col_3 = TRUE, col_4 = FALSE, col_5 = -11.3948273417181, col_6 = 90.2836501356233,
col_7 = structure(1L, .Label = "", class = "factor"), col_8 = structure(1L, .Label = "57be", class = "factor")), .Names = c("col_1",
"col_2", "col_3", "col_4", "col_5", "col_6", "col_7", "col_8"
), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")

Another instance

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.avro.SchemaParseException: Enum has no symbols: {"name":"col_1","type":"enum","symbols":"_6f7a4bc347_ravro"}
at org.apache.avro.Schema.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema$Parser.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema$Parser.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema.parse(
at org.apache.avro.tool.Main.main(


df <-
structure(list(col_1 = structure(1L, .Label = "6f7a4bc347", class = "factor"),
col_2 = structure(1L, .Label = "46f315f9", class = "factor"),
col_3 = -158.916518470489, col_4 = -72.4716823839384, col_5 = 34L,
col_6 = structure(1L, .Label = "6f7a", class = "factor"),
col_7 = -10L, col_8 = 10L), .Names = c("col_1", "col_2",
"col_3", "col_4", "col_5", "col_6", "col_7", "col_8"), row.names = c(NA,
-1L), class = "data.frame")

My theory from several example is failure occurs iff input is a data frame with a single row and at least one factor column

union of primitive and complex types


First - kind thanks for replying to the previous null issue.

In an attempt to avoid this null usage, we've rewritten the schema/data to leverage unions of primitive (string/int/etc) and complex (array/record) types. However, we're running into the following error:

Error in sch$type : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

This appears to happen during the sapply routine on the parsing of the union type. Below, JSON/schema pairs have been provided for an (1) int/array case and an (2) int/record case. Any insight or help would be wonderful.

Thanks in advance,



  "dataset": 3,
  "app": {"array": ["423","jim","bob"]}


  "name": "employee_training_dataset",
  "type": "record",
  "fields": [
      "name": "dataset",
      "type": "int"
      "name": "app",
      "type": ["int",
          "type": "array",
          "items": "string"



  "dataset": 3,
  "app": {
    "app_record": {
      "id": 4,
      "address": "main"


  "name": "employee_training_dataset",
  "type": "record",
  "fields": [
      "name": "dataset",
      "type": "int"
      "name": "app",
      "type": ["int",
          "type": "record",
          "name": "app_record",
          "fields": [
              "name": "id",
              "type": "int"
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string"

Handling of NAs

I have a data frame containing some NAs in one colum, When I write it out and read it back in, that column contains only NAs. What gives?

test case

df = 
structure(list(x = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), y = structure(1:10, .Label = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"), class = "factor"), 
    fac = structure(c(1L, NA, NA, 2L, 2L, 1L, NA, 2L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("b", 
    "c"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("x", "y", "fac"), row.names = c(NA, 
-10L), class = "data.frame")

write.avro(df, "/tmp/testxx.avro")
   x  y  fac
1  1  1 <NA>
2  1  2 <NA>
3  1  3 <NA>
4  1  4 <NA>
5  1  5 <NA>
6  1  6 <NA>
7  1  7 <NA>
8  1  8 <NA>
9  1  9 <NA>
10 1 10 <NA>


cannot install package in Rstudio

I am getting the following error RStudio for this
ERROR: dependencies 'bit64', 'rjson' are not available for package 'ravro'

  • removing 'C:/Users/xyz/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/ravro'
    Warning in install.packages : installation of package โ€˜C:/xyz/ravro/ravro-master/build/ravro_1.0.4.tar.gzโ€™ had non-zero exit status

Also when i run install_github("RevolutionAnalytics/ravro") it returns the error:
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
HTTP error 404.
Not Found

Did you spell the repo owner (RevolutionAnalytics) and repo name (ravro) correctly?

  • If spelling is correct, check that you have the required permissions to access the repo.

trouble on union with array/null case


When leveraging the union type for an array or null data, the read.avro routine fails. For reference, with the supplied test json and schema files (, the avro java toolkit can successfully write an avro data file (fromjson), as well as write a json file from the created avro data file (tojson).

The issue appears to occur during the parse_avro.array call, which attempts to set schema_data. A debugger snapshot has been provided as well. It attempts to reference a nested array (schema) from a single atomic list (via "schema$").

This issue, if resolved, may also solve the issue found in a similar but larger test case (

Thanks again,
screen shot 2016-01-28 at 11 21 09 am

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