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gtfsr's Issues

add docs for os-specific setup?

i had to do this before import_gtfs() would work today (windows 10 R 3.3)


summarise_each deprecated

When loading gtfs files I get a warning,

`summarise_each()` is deprecated.
Use `summarise_all()`, `summarise_at()` or `summarise_if()` instead.
To map `funs` over all variables, use `summarise_all()`

The summarise_each() method was deprecated in dplyr 0.6/0.7

Set API key in .Renviron

Suggestion from robinlovelace: recommend setting the key in .Renviron, as documented in the httr vignette, e.g. with the line GTFS_API_KEY=XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX. Then it could be automatically retrieved with each new session by adding something like the following lines to get_api_key():

if(grepl("[[:alnum:]]{8}\\-[[:alnum:]]{4}\\-[[:alnum:]]{4}\\-[[:alnum:]]{4}\\-[[:alnum:]]{12}", Sys.getenv("GTFS_API_KEY")))

We use a similar technique in stplanr with cyclestreet_pat, which we should probably generalise to other API keys...

import_gtfs should handle urls without .zip extenstion

Currently the vignette isn't working for me because GO Durham is directed to a web page that isn't a zip file in transit feeds.

I think that this should be handled in import_gtfs to look for a .zip extension first and not and throw up a warning as general way to handle these warnings.

API key

Neither nor sign in works and it is impossible to obtain their API key.
Do you know anything about other possibilities of getting API key? Do they still support it?

several functions depend on agency_id, which is an optional field

I'm running into trouble with several of the mapping functions since they depend on the presence of agency_id, which is an optional field in agency.txt and routes.txt. So even though structure, files, and vars may validate, they can't necessarily be mapped.

In Chicago, for example, CTA doesn't provide agency_id in its feed, so map_gtfs_route_shape() map_gtfs_route_stops() and map_gtfs_agency_routes() all fail.

A workaround is to add agency_id columns and fill them with dummy values (has to be the same for both agency_df and routes_df):

gtfs_objs$agency_df$agency_id <- "CTA"
gtfs_objs$routes_df$agency_id <- "CTA"

(This gets complicated if you have more than a couple of elements in a list)

As a fix, maybe as part of the validation, just fill agency_id with some derived value if it's not present?

trouble installing on windows and

Hey! I'm trying to reproduce this visualization using my own gtfs data and one of the dependecies is gtfsr. However the install gets hung up on a dependency called 'gtsf', any ideas? I've tried on windows (r version 3.5.1) and rstudio cloud (r version 3.5.0) so far.

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious! Thanks for reading

> devtools::install_github('ropensci/gtfsr')
Downloading GitHub repo ropensci/gtfsr@master
from URL
Installing gtfsr
'/opt/R/3.5.0/lib/R/bin/R' --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet  \
  CMD INSTALL '/tmp/RtmpMARBVQ/devtoolsd524ffa48f/ropensci-gtfsr-05111e1'  \
  --library='/home/rstudio-user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5' --install-tests 

ERROR: dependency ‘gtsf’ is not available for package ‘gtfsr’
* removing ‘/home/rstudio-user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/gtfsr’
Installation failed: Command failed (1)

Calculating distance of each trip_id and shape_id

Hi Danton.

I would like to share this snippet of code that is super fast to calculate the distance of each shape_id. The idea is to use data.table to make really quick operations.


# read shapes.txt
  shapes_df <- fread("shapes.txt)

# convert lat long columns to numeric
  shapes_df[, shape_pt_lon := as.numeric(shape_pt_lon) ][, shape_pt_lat := as.numeric(shape_pt_lat) ]

# Pair subsequent points for each shape
  shapes_df[, `:=`(next_shape_pt_sequence = shift(shape_pt_sequence, type = "lead"), 
                   next_lat = shift(shape_pt_lat, type = "lead"),
                   next_lon = shift(shape_pt_lon, type = "lead")), by = .(shape_id)]

# Calculate distance between each point in the shape
  shapes_df[ , shape_dist_traveled := distGeo(matrix(c(shape_pt_lon, shape_pt_lat), ncol = 2), 
                                              matrix(c(next_lon, next_lat), ncol = 2))/1000]

# sum total distance of each shape_id
  shapes_df[ , .(dist_shape= sum(shape_dist_traveled, na.rm=T)), by=shape_id]

#>      shape_id dist_shape
#> 1: 29647112  39.476308
#> 2: 17391142   7.941542
#> 3: 17614235  28.088435
#> 4: 29949632  14.276429
#> 5: 17576631   7.025251

Now what I do next is to add this info to the trip.txt file . I also do a similar operation in the stop_times.txt file to estimate the travel time between stops and the travel time for each trip. The idea in the end is to combine these results to get a diagnostic of each gtfs feed with the summary statistics (min, mean, max) of distance and speed for each trip and possibly and for ech trip segment between pairs of stops.

I still haven't find time to work on my scripts to contribute with new a function that gets this summary to the package. In the mean time, I hope this will snippet will be useful for other purposes as well.

validation in calendar.txt

I think if we parse the dates in calendar.txt with strptime(foo, format = "%Y%m%d") we can test if they fit the standard.

And I think if we convert the fields for the days of the week with as.logical() we can test if they are a value other than 0 or 1.

unzip_gtfs() wants to unzip to base directory

The first line of unzip_gtfs is

ex_dir <- strsplit(path, '/')[[1]][1]

Assuming path is the filepath to this will assign the root directory of the user or operating system.

consider breaking off pieces of the package that make maintenance and CRAN submission harder

hi @dantonnoriega, @mpadge, and @mdsumner,

i'd be grateful if you could give me some feedback on attempt i made to refactor this package so that it can keep on chugging along.

i broke things out by function/dependency:

i think gtfsr can still live here and will require a lot less code in it. let me know what you think, if you have the time.

i think this may offer a few simple solutions to #45 and #48

i also hope having these component pieces should make issue like #29 easier for people to contribute to.

thanks for taking a look.

Couldn't render NYC subway lines

Hi ,

I am researching about the NYC's subway system and came across the "gtfsr" package. It is a wonderful package, however, it wasn't able to render the shapes of many NYCs subway lines (E, 1, C , etc.). The error that I received is :

Error in row.names<*tmp*, value = value) :

missing values in 'row.names' are not allowed

I suspect there might be something incorrect in the GTFS file. Do you have any recommendations to bypass these problems? Also, is the package capable of handling realtime data feed?

Below is the reproducible codes that I used:

feedlist_df <- get_feedlist() %>% 
  filter(grepl('NYC Subway GTFS',t, TRUE))

NYC <- import_gtfs(feedlist_df$url_d)

#get line A
route <- NYC[['routes_df']] %>% 
  slice(which(grepl('a', route_short_name, ignore.cas=TRUE)))

map_gtfs_route_shapes(gtfs_obj = NYC,
                     route_id = route$route_id,
                     include_stops = FALSE)

Export stops and routes as sp objects

I know this package is intended for validation but how about a function to export stops and routes as sp objects (SpatialPointsDataFrame and SpatialLinesDataFrame respectively).

Do you feel this fits within the scope of the package?

Create a new general mapping function `map_gtfs()`

Suggestion: rename this verbosely name function or create a new generic plotting function called simply map_gtfs():

I think in most cases users will want to see the stops. Suggestion: make include_stops = TRUE the default option in this function and the yet-to-be created generic map_gtfs().

Add Trillium GTFS feeds new optional files

The following are new additions to the trillium gtfs data.


There appears to be new field created by trillium as well e.g.

- platform_code
- route_sort_order and min_headway_minutes

Need to update meta data and validation.

Import error if the gtfs-file encoding is `UTF-8 BOM`

import_gtfs fails if the encoding of a gtfs file is UTF-8 BOM. This is because the function use readr::read_csv with the default encoding in locale set to UTF-8.


# source
# the encoding for `stop_times.txt` is `UTF-8 BOM`
r <- import_gtfs("")

Not sure what a solution could be - maybe make locale an argument in the function call? Most of the times all files of a gtfs dataset are of one type (BOM or not BOM).

Thank you for the package!

Can't build vignettes

When running devtools::install_github('ropensci/gtfsr', build_vignettes = TRUE), I get the following error.

Quitting from lines 59-64 (gtfsr-vignette.Rmd) Error: processing vignette 'gtfsr-vignette.Rmd' failed with diagnostics: API Key not found. Please set your API key using function 'set_api_key()'. Execution halted Installation failed: Command failed (1)

It seems obvious that I need to set my API key, however this error shouldn't popup during installation as the set_api_key function is not active prior to installation as it is part of the package.
After installing the package it's also not really clear how to get the vignettes.

Is there any in dept documentation for this package? It has a lot of potential, but it really lacks some extra info.

Add package level manual

Please add a package level manual file so that when users do ?gtfsr and ?gtfsr-package they get a high level manual file that explains the package, etc.

Dealing with irregular, unrecognised GTFS files

Hey guys,

I think the Auckland GTFS feed fails when importing the non-conforming GTFS file called stops_info.txt. Here is the reproducible code:

akl_url <- get_feedlist() %>% 
  filter(grepl("Auckland Transport GTFS", t)) %>% 

akl_gtfs <- import_gtfs(akl_url)

I assume it is as easy as adding in a check, and an option for ignoring irregular files e.g. files not in the google specification? I'm happy to go try doing this but I am relatively new to the package writing world. Happy to receive some guidance.

Phil Donovan

GTFS Realtime

I've got a much more nascent gtfs package where I've been focusing on getting the realtime feeds into R, (and integrating with data.table).

Is this something you think is worthwhile bringing into gtfsr ?

Validation fails if `calendar.txt` is missing, but `calendar_dates.txt` exists

this gtfs feed

gtfs <- import_gtfs("")

is classified as ...failed. Invalid data structure.
This is because the file calendar.txt is missing - this is the relevant line:

But according to the reference, you can omit calendar.txt if calendar_dates.txt includes all dates of service, see

cran release

Both a question and a prompt: Any concrete plans? Schedule?

I'll be happy to help any way I can. Maybe start a git project, add some issues to it, and ask folk to jump in and help? I would like to usegtfsr in an extension to my dodgr package, but would need it on CRAN first.

Error when calling 'map_gtfs'

when I run the code from the readme using this gtfs dataset (Palermo) I'm getting an error


url <- ""
amat <- url %>% import_gtfs

amat_routes <- amat[['routes_df']] %>%
  slice(which(grepl('606|212', route_id, %>%

amat %>% map_gtfs(route_ids = amat_routes)
# Error in get_agency_stops(gtfs_obj, agency_name = .) : 
#  No trips for Route ID 'AMAT Palermo S.p.A.' were found.

This one from Rome on the other hand runs fine!

url <- ""
roma <- url %>% import_gtfs

routes <- roma[['routes_df']] %>%
  slice(which(grepl('01|011', route_id, %>%

roma %>% map_gtfs(route_ids = routes)


separate validation, joining, and mapping?

would this be more maintainable if we separate the validation from the table joins and mapping?

it seems like things are sort of blended together.

is that out of necessity?

or could, for example, a check_service_ids function be called from within a mapping function?

read_gtfs will delete invalid gtfs zip files.

read_gtfs will delete invalid gtfs zip files.

I don't have permission to share the zipped gtfs in question but on opening it with read_gtfs it deletes the zip from my file system. I'm using ubuntu 14.04.

Update for newer version of R


I'm new to R. Tried to install this package and got this message :"package ‘gtfsr’ is not available (for R version 3.4.1)

Looking forward to work with this package

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