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node-rsa's Issues


Any plans to create asynchronous versions of encrypt(), decrypt(), etc...?

This looks like a useful lib, but until async versions exist, it's of limited utility w/i Node. I can't block everything else while a key is parsed.

public key encryption

I can't see any method to do a public key encryption (encrypting with the public key instead of the private key), which would be needed for e.g. messages where the sender uses the receievrs pubkey to encrypt the message for the receiver only to read.

key.encrypt() seems to use the private key only, am i right?

Generates the same key every time

I may be doing something wrong, but under node 0.12:

var generator = new NodeRSA({b: 256});

for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
  key = generator.generateKeyPair();
  console.log(fingerprint(key.exportKey('public'), 'sha1'));



Uncaught Error: sorry, createSign is not implemented yet

Does that error mean that signing in the browser is out of the question?

The full error is

Uncaught Error: sorry, createSign is not implemented yet
we accept pull requests

was trying to sign something in the browser to send to the backend. Can that be done?

How to load a privatekey that carry password ?

my key:
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED


My privatekey have a password,
I have tried this, But it's not work:
var privatekey= new NodeRSA(); privatekey.importKey(fs.readFileSync('./key/server.key'), 'pkcs1');

importKey Asn1Error: Expected 0x30: got 0x2

I'm trying to import a public key:

var key = new NodeRSA();

var testKey = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----';

key.importKey(testKey, 'pkcs8-public');

and I'm getting this on importKey:
InvalidAsn1Error: Expected 0x30: got 0x2

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Problem: "has no method 'copy'" in version 0.2.x

I've just update node-rsa from 0.1.54 to 0.2.12. I noticed some modification on APIs, but it still says:

Error during encryption. Original error: TypeError: Object function (dx) { if(isNaN(dx)||dx>this.length){return false;} for(var i=0,n=0;i<this.length;i++) { if(this[i]!=this[dx]) { this[n++]=this[i] } } this.length-=1 return true; } has no method 'copy'

I test it on version 0.2.0 and 0.2.10, this problem still exists, while 0.1.54 is ok.

my test code:

var key = new nodeRSA({b:2048});
var pri = key.exportKey('private');
var key2 = new nodeRSA(pri);
var text = 'Hello RSA!';
var encrypted = key2.encrypt(text, 'base64');

and the error:

Error: Error during encryption. Original error: TypeError: Object function (dx)
if(isNaN(dx)||dx>this.length){return false;}
for(var i=0,n=0;i<this.length;i++)
return true;
} has no method 'copy'
at Error ()
at NodeRSA.module.exports.NodeRSA.encrypt (D:\workspace\bakery_web\node_modules\node-rsa\src\NodeRSA.js:239:19)
at module.exports (D:\workspace\bakery_web\routes\test.js:16:23)
at Layer.handle as handle_request
at next (D:\workspace\bakery_web\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:100:13)
at Route.dispatch (D:\workspace\bakery_web\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:81:3)
at Layer.handle as handle_request
at D:\workspace\bakery_web\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:234:24
at Function.proto.process_params (D:\workspace\bakery_web\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:312:12)
at D:\workspace\bakery_web\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:228:12

"InvalidAsn1Error" in firefox 48

it works well in firefox 47, but when i tried the latest firefox (version 48) , the browser showed "InvalidAsn1Error". I think the error from "asn1".

Encrypting from components incorrect

Unfortunately I am not getting correct results when encrypting based on a given exponent and modulus. The following code is not working and the second snippet is working correctly:


var key = new NodeRSA({
    n: new Buffer(body['publickey_mod'], 'hex'),
    e: body['publickey_exp']
}, 'components', {encryptionScheme: 'pkcs1'});

var encryptedPassword = key.encrypt(password, 'base64', 'utf8');


const NodeRSA = require('node-rsa');
const getPem = require('rsa-pem-from-mod-exp');

var modulus = Buffer(body['publickey_mod'], 'hex').toString('base64');
var exponent = Buffer(body['publickey_exp'], 'hex').toString('base64');
var pem = getPem(modulus, exponent);
var key = new NodeRSA(pem, 'pkcs1-public-pem', {encryptionScheme: 'pkcs1'});
var encryptedPassword = key.encrypt(password, 'base64', 'utf8');

body['publickey_mod'] and body['publickey_exp'] are both HEX.

Could you please tell me why it is not producing correct results? Did I forget something?

v0.2.20 Causing failures in `crx` pkg

After the update to 0.2.20, the crx package was made unusable (at least for my project), providing this error from crx itself:

Error: TypeError: undefined is not a function
  at jenkins-home/workspace/SignalsExtension-Master/node_modules/crx/src/crx.js:83:13
  at $$$internal$$tryCatch (jenkins-home/workspace/SignalsExtension-Master/node_modules/crx/node_modules/es6-promise/dist/es6-promise.js:304:16)
  at $$$internal$$invokeCallback (jenkins-home/workspace/SignalsExtension-Master/node_modules/crx/node_modules/es6-promise/dist/es6-promise.js:316:17)
  at jenkins-home/workspace/SignalsExtension-Master/node_modules/crx/node_modules/es6-promise/dist/es6-promise.js:874:13
  at $$asap$$flush (jenkins-home/workspace/SignalsExtension-Master/node_modules/crx/node_modules/es6-promise/dist/es6-promise.js:111:9)
  at process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)

Hard-coding the node-rsa dependency in crx to only accept version 0.2.10 of node-rsa consistently fixes the issue.

I have already posted this on CRX, but I wanted to post an issue here to be sure it was noticed by both parties. Unsure yet whether this is because an API method was removed/changed without a major version bump, or because of something else less general.

DER public key format generation


thanks for your library! I am amazed how simple it has been to use, especially as I am a total noob in crypto.

So I successfully generated a private key with your module, but now I need to generate its public key counterpart, in the DER format.
Which is done at the moment with the following system call:

var rsa = spawn("openssl", ["rsa", "-pubout", "-outform", "DER"]);

rsa.stdout.on("data", function(publicKey) {
  // ...


Cf. the crx module.

Any idea/suggestion/recommendation?

If I can do that with your module, I simply have not figured out the way to do it.

Thank you in advance :-)

Key Generation 4096 bits in background in NW.js

Hi @rzcoder ! First of all, congratulations for your work! I'm using your node-rsa package in order to generate a RSA 4096 bits(this size is a requirement) key pair in my NW.js. I would like to ask you if you know a node module in order to do this task in background, because when I perform this key generation, all my application is blocked, included the view. What is the best way to face this problem?

Best regards,

How do use it in nodejs server and java client?

1.Generate public key and private key then save to database. client use the public key encrypt the data then use the private key decrypt the data.It is not works.some one help me?
3.error log is here

Exception in thread "main" javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Decryption error
    at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.doFinal(
    at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineDoFinal(
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(
    at com.cjk.mqtt.RSAUtils.decryptByPrivateKey(
    at com.cjk.mqtt.Main.main(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(

OpenSSL <--> node-rsa

Hi, I'm trying to implement encryption on iOS and decryption on node. When I read both keys in node, everything works, both with standard padding as with pkcs1, but neither of them decrypts OpenSSL encrypted base64 strings.

The OpenSLL function used is RSA_public_encrypt(chunk_length, plain_chunk, result_chunk, rsa_publicKey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING)and it outputs a valid base64 string. When trying to decipher it on node-rsa I get:

Error during decryption (probably incorrect key). Original error: Error: Key decrypt method returns null. OpenSLL uses the pem output, the same one I use when testing in node.

Any suggestions?

window undefined in web worker

When using this library in a web worker, the window is undefined, resulting in an error.
I updated the detectEnvironment method in utils.js to do
if (typeof(window) !== 'undefined' && window)
instead of
if (window)
and it fixes the error, but I'm not sure if this results in any wrong behavior.
I will comment on this issue if I find out more.

See also this explaination by MDN:

A worker is an object created using a constructor (e.g. Worker()) that runs a named JavaScript file — this file contains the code that will run in the worker thread; workers run in another global context that is different from the current window. Thus, using the window shortcut to get the current global scope (instead of self) within a Worker will return an error.

How to use the keys in c#

Do you have an example on how to import the public key generated by node-rsa in c# and encrypt a message?

In c# we keep getting the message that the key is incorrect, however it works perfekt in nodejs.
We try to create a pcks1-oaep key.

Key length of generated keys too short.

If I generate keys with node-rsa using node.js the key-length does often not match with the specified key.

Minimal example:

rsa = require('node-rsa');
var key = new rsa({b:512});

This results for example in:


Saving the generated key to key.pem and invoking:

openssl rsa -in key.pem -text -noout

This gives then the output:

Private-Key: (511 bit)

This also happens with higher b-values like 4096. It happens on Mac OSX El capitain and I have seen it also on Windows 7. The gap does not always occur.

If I generate a key with openssl itself:

openssl genrsa -out key.pem 512

the size always matches.

The problem does not seem to occur with 2048 bits?

Edit 2:
It also happens with creating an empty key and then invoking generateKeyPair

Encrypt same string using same key always returns different values

I really don't know what's going on but running the following code gives the odd behavior written in the title:

var someString = 'hello'
var key = new NodeRSA(publicKey,'pkcs8-public-pem')
console.log(key.exportKey('pkcs8-public-pem')) //returns correct key, ok
console.log(key.isPublic()) //returns true, ok
console.log(key.encrypt(someString, 'base64') === key.encrypt(someString, 'base64')) //returns false, NOT OK

That's really really odd!

node version 0.10.25
node-rsa version 0.2.13

problem: has no method 'copy'

node-rsa version : 0.2.13
node js version : v0.8.20

var NodeRSA = require('node-rsa');
var key = new NodeRSA({b: 512});

var text = 'Hello RSA!';
var encrypted = key.encrypt(text, 'base64');
console.log('encrypted: ', encrypted);
var decrypted = key.decrypt(encrypted, 'utf8');
console.log('decrypted: ', decrypted);

[2015-01-05 17:25:22.364] [ERROR] system - error>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Error: Error during encryption. Original error: TypeError: Object ?拢卯^2U驴茂耟炉? has no method 'copy'
at Error (unknown source)
at NodeRSA.module.exports.NodeRSA.encrypt (/usr/local/node-v0.6.19/epg-crypt/node_modules/node-rsa/src/NodeRSA.js:239:19)
at test_rsa (/usr/local/node-v0.6.19/epg-crypt/routes/dbSycn.js:86:21)
at dbSycn.rsaTest (/usr/local/node-v0.6.19/epg-crypt/routes/dbSycn.js:39:3)
at callbacks (/usr/local/node-v0.6.19/epg-crypt/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:272:11)
at param (/usr/local/node-v0.6.19/epg-crypt/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:246:11)
at param (/usr/local/node-v0.6.19/epg-crypt/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:243:11)
at pass (/usr/local/node-v0.6.19/epg-crypt/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:253:5)
at Router._dispatch (/usr/local/node-v0.6.19/epg-crypt/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:280:5)
at Object.middleware as handle

Can't import keys: "encoding too long"

Doing what I think is the simplest test of importing a key:

var rsa = require('node-rsa'); 
var key = new rsa({bits:2048});
var keydata = key.exportKey('pkcs8-public') + '\n' + key.exportKey('pkcs8'); 
var k2 = new rsa(keydata,'pkcs8');

throws an error:

InvalidAsn1Error: encoding too long

Am I doing something obviously wrong?

Error Cannot find module 'constants' and 'crypto'

I tried to use it on a node project like this :

        var NodeRSA = require('node-rsa');

        var rsaKeyData = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----...-----END PUBLIC KEY-----';

        var rsaKey = new NodeRSA(rsaKeyData);


But some error occured :

Error Cannot find module 'constants'

Error Cannot find module 'crypto'

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Buffer

So I tried to manually install constants and crypto module , but it still didn't work.

Using webpack and babel :

"dependencies": {
    "babel-runtime": "^6.11.6",
    "crypto-js": "^3.1.6",
    "node-rsa": "^0.4.1",
    "webpack": "^1.13.2"
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-core": "^6.14.0",
    "babel-loader": "^6.2.5",
    "babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy": "^1.3.4",
    "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.12.0",
    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.14.0",
    "babel-preset-react": "^6.11.1",
    "babel-preset-stage-0": "^6.5.0",
    "babel-preset-stage-1": "^6.13.0",
    "babel-preset-stage-2": "^6.13.0",
    "babel-preset-stage-3": "^6.11.0",
    "json-loader": "^0.5.4"

Is there any solution to this problem?


Use node-rsa in react-native

I have an application developed in react-native platform. I wonder if node-js is compatible with this platform.

License is ambiguous

Can you improve the license by adding a LICENSE.txt file with the license written out explicitly? It just says "BSD" in the README, which I believe means you intended a BSD license, but what version? It's too ambiguous as is.

Environment detection

While fixing the detection for webpack commit fb40aed breaks the node-detection for nwjs or electron platform, which is a Chromium bundled with nodejs. There node-rsa runs in 'browser' although there is a fully featured node environment... Prior to this commit the environment was correctly identified as 'node'.

From my understanding using the node-implementation is preferred over the pure javascript (eg due to perfomance)

What's this InvalidAsn1Error mean?

I'm trying to do key.loadFromPEM(myPrivatePemKey) and it's giving me

Uncaught InvalidAsn1Error: Expected 0x2: got 0x44

The thing is, I have a PEM key string that works just fine, then I put it in a <textarea> by doing $("textarea").text(pemKey), then I get the key back by doing $("textarea").text(), and it stops working. The key value after having put it in the textarea then taking it out seems identical to the naked eye. But obviously something's changed. Is it the newline characters or something?

PSS padding verification fails when sLen is maximized

When sLen = emLen - hLen - 2, emsa_pss_verify always returns false there.

To reproduce :

var NodeRSA = require('node-rsa');
var key = new NodeRSA({ b: 2048 });

var emLen = Math.ceil((key.keyPair.keySize - 1) / 8);
var hLen = 32; // OAEP.digestLength['sha256'];
var salt_len = emLen - hLen - 2;
key.setOptions({ signingScheme: { scheme: 'pss', hash: 'sha256', saltLength:  salt_len } });

var toSign = new Buffer("test");
var sig = key.sign(toSign);
console.log("Is signature valid ?", key.verify(toSign, sig));

Regex in autoImport suffers from catastrophic backtracking

Using a key that is "copy and pasted" from a text file where "\n" character gets translated to "" and "n" characters, the regex in src/formats/pkcs8.js (and src/formats/pkcs1.js) can hang the node.js process due to (I believe) catastrophic backtracking because of the compounded qualifier in:

/^\s_-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\s_([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+\s_)+-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\s_$/g


Using possessive or atomic grouping would fix the problem but the V8 engine does not support this so we need to emulate it as they suggest here:

So a working regex is:

/^s_-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\s_(?=(([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+\s_)+))\1-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\s_$/g

A test vector to repro the problem is here:

Run with:

node test.js dangerous_bad

And the node process will sit at 100% CPU for a long time.

Interestingly, if you run:

node test.js dangerous_good dangerous_bad

The process doesn't hang (different path in Node's regex code the first time it encounters a regex maybe?)

At any rate, the suggested fix is safer and still properly tests keys.

getting an invalid ASN1 Error

I have a secret which i am attempting to use to generate a new key:

var NodeRSA = require('node-rsa');
var key = new NodeRSA();

var keyData = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----PFJTQUtleVZhbHVlPjxNb2R1bHVzPjFvRUl3cmsrY1lDayt4b3BnYTBxM3c5K0l1UWlVZllSZ3dWS1A5dHpOL003WDFnK0NWREJnelExdjVqKzgydGtYYnNpQ2RWc3VoNFdiYWNteUM4Rlgybk51QWVwenhybUtvNEp2OTFYMGc1SnRGZzd5NzNIYlhpcWpVVW1jd1MwZ2dRdGh2bnNZcTBuYkFId0NSSkMxakhIMVRObDFIOVhsVEJpRzVweFVCVT08L01vZHVsdXM+PEV4cG9uZW50PkFRQUI8L0V4cG9uZW50PjwvUlNBS2V5VmFsdWU+-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----';
key.importKey(keyData, 'pkcs8');

type=error service=web error="InvalidAsn1Error: encoding too long" stack="InvalidAsn1Error: encoding too long.

I've also gotten the error: expecting x02 but saw x53.

Discerning between public and private keys?

In the following situation, I have a device and server both of which run node and I want to use node-rsa to secure the communication between the two.

Following the example, I would do something like this:

var key = new NodeRSA({b: 512});

var text = 'Hello RSA!';
var encrypted = key.encrypt(text, 'base64');

and then transmit encrypted, however, I can't then decrypt the message, so I should:

  1. (on the server end) generate a key, send only the public key (possibly like var publicDer = key.exportKey('public'); ),
  2. on the client create a new key, by importing the received public key (?)
  3. send the data encrypted with this to the server
  4. decrypt with the original key (?)

Is this correct, and if so, could this (I believe fairly common) procedure be added to the docs? I don't think the info about creating the public/private keys and transferring a public key is shown.

InvalidAsn1Error: Expected 0x2: got 0x30

'use strict';

var fs = require('fs')
var NodeRSA = require('node-rsa');
var key = new NodeRSA('-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n'+
'-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----');

var encrypted = 'PNqenCzfKQwImb153wrVgEBbmOKQQSmUnQX98m0uTgg18bWHT/4djGuIo1roZVo8UjfdAGRjPsgjXbGVuhS8mWjm9v+uGPXySEG381fads+rRv/a5b2hMSeIXm3TDFGAe37nDcIkuFHVix5pcxgK9z78aMaKjEdf7U+Yf7QpNbg=';

console.log('Decrypt with Private');
var decrypted = key.decrypt(encrypted, 'utf8');
console.log('decrypted: ', decrypted);

Cleanly separate node and browser versions

Currently, I'm getting an error when bundling via webpack because its trying to bundle io.js . Instead of having a 'brower' environment flag, I propose having a completely separate file that doesn't have any nested reference to file not required by the browser. That way not only will errors like this not happen, but browser bundles using node-rsa will be smaller.

Would you accept a pull request for this?

Output different from ursa

Hi -

I'm attempting to replace my current use of the ursa package with this one, but can't seem to produce the same output.

With some test code like...

var ursa = require('ursa');
var nodersa = require('node-rsa');
var fs = require('fs');

var src = 'largestringoftext'';

var privkey = ursa.createPrivateKey(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../private.key'));
var key1 = privkey.encrypt(src, 'utf8', 'base64').toString('hex');

var privkey = new nodersa(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../private.key'));
var key2 = privkey.encrypt(src, 'base64', 'utf8').toString('hex');

I get different output:


(where private.key is

SHA1 signature length

Hi! I'm trying to get an sha-1 signature of a message with a private key.

var client_private = new NodeRSA(require('fs').readFileSync('../providers/sirena/keys/client_private.txt'), {signingAlgorithm: 'sha1'});
message_signature = client_private.sign(message),

And “message_signature” appears to have 256 bytes when simple

openssl dgst -sha1 -binary -out message.signature -sign providers/sirena/keys/client_private.txt message

returns 128 which is required by my provider.

Am I doing something wrong? What should I do to get 128-bytes signature?

Thank you!

OAEP Support?

Hi there!
I'm attempting to replace ursa with node-rsa, however I've come across an issue where the server will not accept my encrypted data because it apparently only accepts data padded using the OAEP method. I'd like to make a request for this to be added. I'm really not familiar with encryption, nor with this project, but after searching a bit I found this: kjur/jsjws@4a2d895

Perhaps it would be of some help adding OAEP to this great package?
Also, I'm attempting to create a package that implements node-rsa, so I can't really modify the code myself.
I'll attempt my own modifications, if I get anything to work I'll post it to this thread.

How do I verify a signed message?

I'm using node-rsa in Node.js this time (not the browser). I'm not sure how to verify a signed message. Suppose I only have the public PEM, the other end keeps the private PEM private, and send me a signed message. I cannot create a new NodeRSA() with the public PEM.


var NodeRSA = require("node-rsa");
var clientNodeRsa = new NodeRSA();
var signature = clientNodeRsa.sign("hello");


var serverNodeRsa = new NodeRSA();
serverNodeRsa.verify("hello", signature);

It results in

Error: It is not public key

Am I doing it wrong?

Also, if I cheat by giving the server the client private key, the verification result is false:

// client side.
var NodeRSA = require("node-rsa");
var clientNodeRsa = new NodeRSA();
var signature = clientNodeRsa.sign("hello");

// server side
var serverNodeRsa = new NodeRSA();
console.log(serverNodeRsa.verify("hello", signature)); // FALSE

Isn't the result supposed to be true?

how can i use a publickey to decrypt?

In order to decrypt by publishkey ,I used to 'openssl_public_decrypt' in php,But in node-rsa,which method should i used?i try import the publish key ,pass verify and then decrypt the source got error.

key = new NodeRSA();
key.importKey(publicKey, 'pkcs8-public');
result = key.verify(source, signBuff);
if (result) {
    var notifydataBuf = new Buffer(notifydata, 'base64')
    var decrypted = key.decrypt(notifydataBuf, 'utf8');
    console.log('decrypted: ', decrypted);

And error is:

throw Error('ErrorOriginal error: ' + e);
Error: ErrorOriginal error: TypeError: Cannot call method 'abs' of null
at Error ()
at NodeRSA.module.exports.NodeRSA.decrypt (E:\RSA\node_modules\node->rsa\src\NodeRSA.js:263:19)
at Object. (E:\RSA\RSA.js:195:24)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:906:3

TypeError: Cannot call method 'abs' of null

Use RSA Public Key To Decrypty A Private key encrypted string . it raise a error:
TypeError: Cannot call method 'abs' of null
at BigInteger.bnpDivRemTo as divRemTo
at BigInteger.bnMod as mod
at RSAKey.module.exports.Key.RSAKey.$doPrivate (e:\WebstormProjects\XF9_High_Performance_Proxy_Layer\node_modules\node-rsa\src\libs\rsa.js:176:20)
at RSAKey.module.exports.Key.RSAKey.decrypt (e:\WebstormProjects\XF9_High_Performance_Proxy_Layer\node_modules\node-rsa\src\libs\rsa.js:265:26)
at NodeRSA.module.exports.NodeRSA.decrypt (e:\WebstormProjects\prjnode_modules\node-rsa\src\NodeRSA.js:170:52)
at Object. (e:\WebstormProjects\prj\RSAEncrypt.js:51:22)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)

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