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coco's Issues


return if get()

var _ref;
if (_ref = get()) return _ref;

Manual install leads to Error: Cannot find module './optparse'

When installing coco manually using readme instructions, the following occurs:

    throw e;
    at require (node.js:411:14)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/KUHRT/coco/bin/coco:20:5)
    at Module._compile (node.js:462:23)
    at Module._loadScriptSync (node.js:469:10)
    at Module.loadSync (node.js:338:12)
    at loadModule (node.js:283:14)
    at require (node.js:411:14)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/KUHRT/coco/bin/coke:11:15)
    at Module._compile (node.js:462:23)

I can overcome this by manually copying the optpase file from the lib directory to the bin directory. I also npm'd optparse but haven't tried loading the module from there (after I realized the problem code was using a local path). I see that you've symlinked the coke file to bin so I am not sure why this is happening.

Am I doing something wrong?

Enhance <<< and <<<<

Currently the import or <<< feature is handy but a version that allows for only undefined values to be imported would help I think.

Below is a common use-case:

human = (args)->
    defaults =
        height: 6
        hair: 'brown'

    args <<< defaults
    console.log args, defaults

human do
    country: 'canada'
    job: 'mail man'
    height: 3

In this example, defaults.height overrides args.height.

Maybe the syntax could be something like:


I am not sold on those at all, just potentials.
Maybe we could change <<< to behave non-destructively by default. Then we could provide bang syntax to force overrides, like such:


bound constructor

class C
  (@attr) =>

var C;
C = (function(){
  function C(_arg){
    var _this = new _ctor;
    _this.attr = _arg;
    return _this;
  } = "C";
  function _ctor(){}
  _ctor.prototype = C.prototype;
  return C;

Make `delete` return the original value

Since the return value of JS delete is hardly useful and rarely used.
v = delete o.p
delete o.k

var _ref;
v = (_ref = o.k, delete o.k, ref);
delete o.k;

Make JS literal smarter

So that hacks like

for i from 3 to 5
  for j from 7 to 9
    `break EXIT` if Math.random() < .2
    say i * j

works as expected.

`import` aliases

  • They are kind of verbose, and don't read well when combined with other symbols (such as @:: import ...).
  • Can act as replacements after harmony defines import for real.

<<< for import, <<<< for import all?


return that if get()

var that;
if (that = get()) {
return that;

Keep `arguments` across statement wrappers

So that this:
$ coco -e 'console.log arguments is (switch case 1 then arguments)'
results in true.


console.log(arguments === (function(){
  switch (false) {
  case !1:
    return arguments;
}.apply(this, arguments)));


console.log(arguments === (function(_args){
  switch (false) {
  case !1:
    return _args;

typo in readme

Install instructions state:
git clone && cd coco && bin/coke i

But should be:
git clone git:// && cd coco && bin/coke i

Optimize `if` compilation using comma operator

ok = if cond


var ok;
ok = (function(){
  if (cond) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;


var ok;
ok = cond ? (expr(), true) : false;

Support get/set

With syntax like:

obj = {
  prop: function -> 42
  prop: function (item) -> alert item

var obj;
obj = {
  get prop(){
    return 42;
  set prop(item){
    return alert(item);

Speed up lexer

$ git log -1 --format=oneline
4a67699c0e66707299fe22c3311c3be35b4fe4f grammar: removed Case

$ coke bench
Lex     : 1026[ms] (18388 tokens)
Rewrite :  135[ms] (20772 tokens)
Parse   :  150[ms]
Compile :  212[ms] (119587 chars)
TOTAL   : 1523[ms]

npm install coco link bin error

Apparently there is a problem with package.json. According to isaacs the bin hash should be filenames not module ids.

~ $ npm install coco --loglevel verbose npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm verb cli [ 'install',
npm verb cli 'coco',
npm verb cli '--loglevel',
npm verb cli 'verbose' ]
npm info using [email protected]
npm info using [email protected]
npm verb config file /Users/stuarts/.npmrc
npm verb config file /Users/stuarts/local/etc/npmrc
npm verb install [ 'coco' ]
npm verb install [ 'coco' ]
npm verb install pkglist [ 'coco' ]
npm verb must install [ 'coco' ]
npm verb install coco
npm verb must install? [ [ 'coco' ], true ]
npm verb GET coco
npm verb etag "2V412V9E96NYDOLEOXV5L3HMB"
npm verb response npm verb etag coco from cache
npm verb Supported versions [ '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]',
npm verb Supported versions '[email protected]' ]
npm verb coco tag latest
npm verb install [email protected]
npm verb must install? [ [ 'coco', '0.3.2' ],
npm verb must install? true ]
npm verb [email protected] exact
npm verb caching /Users/stuarts/local/lib/node/.npm/.cache/coco/0.3.2/package.json
npm verb install list [ [ 'coco', '0.3.2' ] ]
npm verb mkdir done: /Users/stuarts/local/lib/node/.npm/coco/0.3.2
npm verb unpackTar uid, gid [ undefined, undefined ]
npm verb success gzip "--decompress" "--stdout" "/Users/stuarts/local/lib/node/.npm/.cache/coco/0.3.2/package.tgz"
npm verb success tar "-mvxpf" "-" "-C" "/Users/stuarts/local/lib/node/.npm/coco/0.3.2"
npm verb unpacked, building coco,0.3.2
npm verb caching /Users/stuarts/local/lib/node/.npm/coco/0.3.2/package/package.json
npm info preinstall [email protected]
npm verb deps being resolved [ { name: 'coco',
npm verb deps being resolved description: 'Unfancy CoffeeScript',
npm verb deps being resolved keywords:
npm verb deps being resolved [ 'language',
npm verb deps being resolved 'compiler',
npm verb deps being resolved 'coffeescript',
npm verb deps being resolved 'javascript' ],
npm verb deps being resolved author:
npm verb deps being resolved { name: 'satyr',
npm verb deps being resolved email: '[email protected]',
npm verb deps being resolved url: '' },
npm verb deps being resolved version: '0.3.2',
npm verb deps being resolved homepage: '',
npm verb deps being resolved repository:
npm verb deps being resolved { type: 'git',
npm verb deps being resolved url: 'git://' },
npm verb deps being resolved licenses:
npm verb deps being resolved [ { type: 'MIT',
npm verb deps being resolved url: '' } ],
npm verb deps being resolved engines: { node: '>=0.2.6' },
npm verb deps being resolved directories: { lib: './lib', bin: './bin' },
npm verb deps being resolved main: './lib/coco',
npm verb deps being resolved bin:
npm verb deps being resolved { coco: './lib/command',
npm verb deps being resolved coke: './lib/coke' },
npm verb deps being resolved id: '[email protected]',
npm verb deps being resolved engineSupported: true,
npm verb deps being resolved npmVersion: '0.3.15',
npm verb deps being resolved nodeVersion: 'v0.4.2',
npm verb deps being resolved files: [ '' ],
npm verb deps being resolved defaultsLoaded: true,
npm verb deps being resolved dist:
npm verb deps being resolved { shasum: 'd5aff68b204e5f5f84f7db0298b2af6d2da3370e',
npm verb deps being resolved tarball: '' },
npm verb deps being resolved _bundledDeps: [] },
npm verb deps being resolved [] ]
npm verb linkBins [email protected]
npm verb linkBin coco ./lib/command
npm verb linkBin coke ./lib/coke
npm verb linkMans [email protected]
npm ERR! failed to link bins
npm ERR! install failed Error: ENOENT, No such file or directory '/Users/stuarts/local/bin/[email protected]'
npm info install failed rollback
npm info uninstall [ '[email protected]' ]
npm verb removing [ [ 'coco', '0.3.2' ] ]
npm verb from cache /Users/stuarts/local/lib/node/.npm/coco/0.3.2/package/package.json
npm info preuninstall [email protected]
npm info uninstall [email protected]
npm info auto-deactive not symlink
npm verb uninstall [email protected] remove links
npm verb uninstall [email protected] remove bins
npm verb uninstall [email protected] remove public modules
npm info postuninstall [email protected]
npm verb uninstall [email protected] remove package dir
npm info uninstall [email protected] complete
npm info install failed rolled back
npm ERR! Error: ENOENT, No such file or directory '/Users/stuarts/local/bin/[email protected]'
npm ERR! Report this entire log at
npm ERR! or email it to [email protected]
npm ERR! Just tweeting a tiny part of the error will not be helpful.
npm ERR! System Darwin 10.6.0
npm ERR! argv { remain: [ 'coco' ],
npm ERR! argv cooked:
npm ERR! argv [ 'install',
npm ERR! argv 'coco',
npm ERR! argv '--loglevel',
npm ERR! argv 'verbose' ],
npm ERR! argv original:
npm ERR! argv [ 'install',
npm ERR! argv 'coco',
npm ERR! argv '--loglevel',
npm ERR! argv 'verbose' ] }
npm verb exit [ 2, true ]
npm not ok

number comments

Allow arbitrary trailing alphabets, for specifying units etc.

setTimeout cb, 512ms

day = 24hours * 60seconds

implicit arrays

The property syntax is already special in allowing an indented expression as RHS:
$ coco -bpe '
> k:
> 1
> '
k: 1
But not block:
$ coco -bpe '
> k:
> 1
> 2
> '
Error: Parse error on line 3: Unexpected 'TERMINATOR'
Allowing the latter as an implicit array literal seems reasonable.

`import` shortcut

Should be able to optimize if the right operand is a bare array/object.
C:: import d: e, (f): g

var _ref;
_ref = C.prototype, _ref.d = e, _ref[f] = g;

edit: On second thought, array case is pretty pointless.

numeric ranges

[1 to 3]
[1 to 5 by 2]

[1, 2, 3]
[1, 3, 5]

Should be able to expand within lexer.

Support do (x) ->

Currently, do (x = y) -> ... compiles to

  x == null && (x = y);

which is really just an inefficient way of writing


Changing do to rewrite in this way would also allow you to write do (x = x), which currently is nonsensical, to capture a particular value of x (useful in loops).

I would also suggest that do (x) be made a shorthand for do (x = x).


switch task
case prepare
  do sing
  fallthrough  # prevents auto-break
  do dance

switch (task) {
case prepare:

`let` over `do` for scope introduction


  • Scope mixups:

    a = 1
    say do     (a = a) -> a  # 1
    say do []= (a = a) -> a  # undefined
  • do being a simple sugar for () is consistent and easier to grok.


let (a = b) -> # (function(a){})(b)
let (a) ->     # (function(a){})(a)
let (@a) ->    # (function(a){})(this.a)
let ~>         # (function(){}).call(this)

Support labels

The current workaround (L:break L;) is too awkward.

Support language filters?

Would it a terrible idea to allow other languages within coco?

Here's a simple example of what I am thinking:

paragraph = 
    Today is a *fine* day.

$('#welcome-message').inject paragraph

The :markdown is just an example of how one might signify the beginning of a new language block. I guess coco would need to have a 'hook' for authors to plugin/reference other language compilers. I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to manage that part. The issue may be more the usefulness of such a feature, and enough use-cases to make it worthwhile.


f ...

f.apply(this, arguments);

Make `super` a literal

Now that you can super ... instead of super (which compiles to the same thing), make it a literal for greater flexibility (such as super.bind this).

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