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shader-school's Introduction

Shader School


An introduction to GLSL shaders and graphics programming that runs in your web browser.


Running this thing

First, you need to get a browser with WebGL, as well as a copy of node.js and git. Once you have all of that set up, you can install the workshop using npm, which is included with node:

npm install -g shader-school

After that completes, you should be able to run the workshopper with the command:


The script will ask you if you want to create an answer directory, press y to accept. This will populate your current directory with shader files for you to edit for each lesson โ€“ hopefully, it should also automatically open your web browser but if it doesn't you can find the workshop menu on http://localhost:12492/.


Feedback and criticism is welcome, please log your troubles in issues. The workshop is still being worked on but is very close to being complete!

Full curriculum reviews like this one are very helpful. More feedback like this please!


Mikola LysenkoGitHub/mikolalysenkoTwitter/@mikolalysenko
Hugh KennedyGitHub/hughskTwitter/@hughskennedy
Chris DickinsonGitHub/chrisdickinsonTwitter/@isntitvacant

Color Scheme

color scheme

From left to right:

  • #34363B vec3(0.2039, 0.2117, 0.2313) (black)
  • #A9B0C3 vec3(0.5372, 0.6901, 0.7647) (dark grey)
  • #DEE7FF vec3(0.8705, 0.9058, 1.0) (light grey)
  • #FFFFFF vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) (white)
  • #58FF8B vec3(0.3451, 1.0, 0.5450) (green)
  • #FF6E57 vec3(1.0, 0.4313, 0.3411) (red)
  • #FFE25F vec3(1.0, 0.8862, 0.3725) (yellow)
  • #61C3FF vec3(0.3804, 0.7647, 1.0) (blue)







shader-school's People


acerix avatar chrisdickinson avatar dannyfritz avatar dhritzkiv avatar dy-dx avatar geek avatar hamoid avatar hapticdata avatar hughsk avatar liamgriffiths avatar mattdesl avatar mdda avatar mikolalysenko avatar pamicel avatar tmpvar avatar tschundler avatar yoshuawuyts avatar


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shader-school's Issues

ascii art for matrices?

from 06-intro-6, is this right?

mat3 m = mat3(1.1, 2.1, 3.1,
              1.2, 2.2, 3.2,
              1.3, 2.3, 3.3);

//Read out first column of m
vec3 a = m[0];

//Now: a = vec3(1.3, 2.3, 3.3);

Maybe trying to wrap my head around column major representation but I think some ascii art explaining column major vs row major would really help here.

Rename exercise folders

Currently the name of the directory for each exercise does not match the name in the menu. Ideally, these should be the same.

08 needs a hint

explaining step and fract might help give clues towards parity.

Need ideas for exercises on clip coordinates

So, I started writing up a short blurb on homogeneous clip coordinates:

It got a bit long winded though and I want to split it here before going on to talk about transformations (and ultimately 3D stuff). Do any of you guys have good suggestions regarding exercises we could try with clip coordinates in isolation?

I am having a bit of a tough time thinking up a good visual way to test this.

Exercise list does not scroll if it overflows

The list is finally starting to get a little full, and on smaller displays it could possibly overflow. It might be worth adding some functionality for scrolling to to prevent this from breaking.

Rendering problems in Firefox

WOW I didn't do any code yet and already have a dragon in my browser. Every coding problem should start with a hello dragon.

Anyway, Firefox is my default browser so it opened the workshopper there - I can't click on any of the menu items. If I click through using chrome and then paste the url into firefox I can't see the menu icons and some words.

screen shot 2014-07-02 at 15 30 39

mandlebrot opposites

This was, based on the instructions, what I think the answer should be.

vec2 runMandlebrot(highp vec2 z, highp vec2 c) {
     return vec2(z.x * z.x - z.y * z.y, 2.0 * z.x * z.y) + c;

bool diverges(highp vec2 mbs) {
     return length(mbs) >= 2.0;

bool mandelbrot(highp vec2 c) {
  // Test if the point c is inside the mandelbrot set after 100 iterations
  vec2 z = vec2(0.0);

  for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
      z = runMandlebrot(z,c);

  return diverges(z);

//Do not change this line or the name of the above function
#pragma glslify: export(mandelbrot)

But that doesn't return the correct answer. It returns the attached screenshot. Changing diverges to length(mbs) <= 2.0 fixes it.

screen shot 2014-07-02 at 4 25 36 pm

#7-frag-1 : is initial circle inside-out?

On the face of it, it looks like the COLORs are the wrong way round in the sample initial code :

  if( length(gl_FragCoord.xy - vec2(256,256)) > 128.0) {
    gl_FragColor = CIRCLE_COLOR;
  } else {
    gl_FragColor = OUTSIDE_COLOR;


from 06-intro-6:

mat2 m = mat2(1, 2,
              3, 4);
mat2 w = mat2(7, 8,
              9, 10);

mat2 q = matrixCompMult(m, w);

//q = mat2( 1, 16,
//         27, 40)

component wise 1 * 7 == 7; // !1


Does not render correctly. Same hardware/software configuration as #24


Crashing on watchify?

I just grabbed the latest version and did rm -rf node_modules/ && npm install to check that everything was working, and got the following error after doing npm start:

 = ~~~ glslify-workshopper ~~~ =

[?] We're about to populate this directory with some code for you to use for
    your answers. If they've already been created then don't worry, they won't
    be replaced. Continue? Yes

Booting up the workshop in your browser in just a second...

200  408ms       405B  /

      return watchifies[entryPath]()
TypeError: Property '/Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper/menu/index.js' of object #<Object> is not a function
    at Object.handlePath [as command] (/Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper/node_modules/beefy/lib/bundlers/watchify.js:45:35)
    at handle (/Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper/node_modules/beefy/lib/handlers/bundle.js:48:27)
    at handle (/Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper/node_modules/beefy/lib/handlers/log.js:42:5)
    at beefyMainHandler (/Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper/node_modules/beefy/lib/create-handler.js:42:12)
    at handler (/Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper/node_modules/beefy/index.js:77:5)
    at Server.<anonymous> (/Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper/index.js:79:14)
    at Server.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
npm ERR! [email protected] start: `mkdir answers; cd answers && NODE_ENV=development node ..`
npm ERR! Exit status 8
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start script.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the glslify-workshopper package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     mkdir answers; cd answers && NODE_ENV=development node ..
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls glslify-workshopper
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! System Darwin 13.1.0
npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "start"
npm ERR! cwd /Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper
npm ERR! node -v v0.10.26
npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.3
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/mikolalysenko/GitHub/glslify-workshopper/npm-debug.log
npm ERR! not ok code 0

How to submit a lesson?

Is there a button/process in the work shopper for registering / notifying a user once they get a lesson right?

cool name

some ideas:

  • OMGL (like OMG and GL)
  • shady-business
  • shaders-of-grey
  • shader-school
  • render-school

Problem 2

Debian Jessie
Awesome Window Manager

Chrome 35


vec times matrix?

from 06-intro-6:

mat2 m = mat2(1, 2,
              3, 4);

vec2 v = m * vec2(1, 2);  //v = vec2(5, 8)

//Switching order of arguments is equivalent
//to transposing:
vec2 u = vec2(1, 2) * m;  //u = vec2(7, 10)

Now, I don't remember my linear algebra class much, but I thought you can't multiply vectors/matrices unless the columns of the first multiplicand are equal to the rows of the second multiplicand? So I would expect the first example to work since we would have a 2by2 x 2by1 (where the format is [num rows]by[num columns]) In my head I group the middle two 2by[2 x 2]by1 and if they're even, you can multiply them. By that logic, I would expect the second to fail since we have a 2by1 x 2by2 and 1 != 2. Am I getting mixed up by column major order, or is my memory of linear algebra just wrong (quite probable, in fact).

It might also be good to hint that matrix multiplication is not commutative to prevent things like this.

Misc. design issues

  • Add home button
  • Add folder icon for opening up local exercises
  • Make exit menu item work Remove exit item from menu
  • Disable selection while sliding sidebar slider
  • Add labels to sidebar slider

Lesson Plan

What should the progression be?

We've pretty much agreed (I think!) on going from fragment shaders to vertex shaders; and tackling the JS side of things in a separate workshopper with parallel lessons.

@maxogden suggests 10-15 lessons per workshopper. 3-4 of each difficulty.

put instructions before exercise?

The way the examples read now, they ask you a question, then give you the tools you need to solve the problem. Is this to allow you to digest the problem, and see how such tools would be useful? Would it be better to put instructions before the exercise?


For the mathematical terminology, even simple terms like predicate, it might be useful to link to an external page, such as a reference on Wolfram MathWorld or Wikipedia.

Many web developers won't be familiar with this stuff, so I think linking out to definitions will allow us to describe this stuff concisely while still being able to point newcomers in the right direction.

Highlighting is broken for markdown rendering

Here is an example from the work in progress lesson 1:

screen shot 2014-06-21 at 10 22 20 am

It seems that anything with a * gets rendered incorrectly, including bulleted lists and emphasized text.

Any idea on how to fix this?

inline shaders don't work?

For the first couple of lessons, I want to test just a snippet of GLSL in isolation. For this purpose it is a bit easier I think to use inline glsl and just require the user code via glslify. Here is a sketch of how I was thinking of doing this:

var actualShader = glslify({
  vert: "\
#pragma glslify: studentCode = require(" + process.env.file_student_glsl + ")\
void main() { \
  frag: //etc.

But it seems that glslify-live doesn't like this. Is there a good way to triage this issue or some other way to implement it?

Tests for GPGPU lessons

Probably should be fine to use gl-fbo-matching, just gotta reset the data and run a few iterations beforehand.


Or whatever is preferred!

Would be nice to differentiate between notation and code, we just had a guy try and type the notation out into the shader :)

stanford-dragon and windows

The published content is all gzipped and unzipped on install, need to make the postinstall script windows-friendly.

intro-3: acceptable answer not accepted

for 03-intro-3 vectors.glsl func

visually, this seems to behave correctly but fails the test

highp float i = length(a);
highp float j = length(b);
return normalize(vec2((j * a.x + i * b.x), (j * a.y + i * b.y)));

thank you!

Merged all partial lessons into master

If either of you guys get a chance, take a look.

Lesson 2 has issues due to the glsl-live bug with inline shaders, but should be fixable.

The first fragment shader lesson should be ok, though maybe we should change the colors?

#25-GPGPU-2-HeatEqn : Description text doesn't match code

I've been working through this excellent nodeschool module, and came across the following puzzler ...

The exercise text :

The diffusion constant and damping will be sent in the parameters 
kdiffuse and kambient respectively.

doesn't accurately reflect that one needs to add :

uniform float kdiffuse, kdamping;

All the Best
Martin :-)

PS: I've got a bunch of other niggles too : Would you prefer (lots of tiny) patches, or one bigger patch (several typos, etc) ?

glslify crashes violently on syntax errors

I think this will be a problem for teaching people glsl. We need some way to more gracefully report syntax and other programming errors to new users so they don't become frustrated and give up.

Right now glslify crashes the entire server if it hits a snag. Is there anyway we could perhaps make this more graceful?

wrong hint?

the hint for 03-intro-3 really stumped me. I don't see how it's related to the expected. A better hint would be to visualize vector addition and then talk about normalization.

"undefined is not a function" error on startup (Win7)

Installed on Windows 7. Got blank gray background webpage, and this error in console:

"undefined is not a function" localhost:12492/index.js:126

From this code:

fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/style.css', 'utf8')

#27-Primatives-1-PointSprites : BugFix

In shader-school/exercises/27-prims-1/index.js, the current code stops the point sprites having any radius (and also makes them twinkle in a non-intuitive way) - which means that code that matches the exercise description fails the verification test. Here's the (obvious) fix :

expectedShader.attributes.position.location = 0
expectedShader.attributes.color.location = 1
//expectedShader.attributes.size.location = 1  // This doesn't work
expectedShader.attributes.size.location = 2  // This works

Martin :-)

Windows support

A few windows users (but not all, strangely) ran into issues with the workshopper; specifically having to do with brfs not being triggered.

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