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math-with-slack's Introduction


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All environments on latest Slack app (updated nightly)

Environments below with passing badges are tested to work -- that the install scripts completes succesfully.
However, if you find that something is not working (e.g. math rendering does not appear), please file an issue with your environment!










Rendered math (MathJax) with Slack's desktop client

Slack does not display rendered math. The math-with-slack script allows you to write nice-looking math using familiar TeX syntax by injecting MathJax into Slack's desktop client. This approach has several advantages over the plugin/bot solution:

  • You can write both inline- and display-style equations.
  • You can edit equations after you've posted them.
  • Nothing is sent to external servers for rendering.

The downside is that equations are not rendered for team members without the MathJax injection.

Math Slack Example

How do I install it?

Get and run the script. Restart the Slack client. You're done!

Windows users without Python installed can skip and jump to binary release.

Getting the script

Option 1: Raw script content

There are many ways to get the script. This link to should take you to the raw file content of the script, with the version relative same as that you are looking at (i.e. on the same commit). From there you can simply save the file's content to a local file (e.g. you can copy the entire content, and use your favorite editor to save the content) --- this process should be the same for all platforms, and works as long as you have a decent browser and working editor.

Option 2: using a download tool (e.g. curl, wget)

  1. Copy the URL of link to (e.g. right click on the link -> copy URL).

  2. Assuming on Mac and/or Linux, use one of the alternatives:

  • With the tool curl available. Run the following in a terminal:
  • With the tool wget available. Run the following in a terminal:

Option 3: using git

With git available, you can also clone this repo, and access the script directly!

Running the script

  • MacOS and Linux
cd path/to/math-with-slack
sudo python 

The installation should take effect after restarting Slack.

  • Windows You need to exit your Slack before the installation.
cd path\to\math-with-slack

Beta Binary Release for Windows

We have also included pre-built executables for Windows in case Python is not available. Please see our Releases page for more details.

Selecting a Slack version

If multiple versions of Slack are found on your computer, you will be asked to select one from them.

Several versions of Slack were installed.
 0: /mnt/c/Users/***/AppData/Local/slack/app-4.9.0/resources/app.asar (default)
 1: /mnt/c/Users/***/AppData/Local/slack/app-4.8.0/resources/app.asar
Please select a version (#/Stop): 1

You can either enter the number indicating one of the listed versions or type Enter to select the first one.

Currently, we only support Slack installed from Slack installer. If your Slack is installed through Microsoft Store, math-with-slack is not able to modifiy files in WindowsApps folder hence not able to embedded our script.

Package and software managers

The script needs write permissions in the Slack directory in order to inject the MathJax code. Some package and software managers write protect their directories, and math-with-slack cannot be installed if Slack is installed through such a manager. This is the case for both the Windows Store and Snap versions of Slack. You should use the version downloaded from Slack's website if you want to use math-with-slack. The script should, however, work with most package managers if you manage to grant the script write permission.


To patch Slack when installing it on NixOS, use for example the following configuration:

{ pkgs, ... }:

let = builtins.fetchurl {
    url = "";
    name = "";
  mathjax.tgz = builtins.fetchurl "";
  slack = pkgs.slack.overrideAttrs (old: {
    installPhase = old.installPhase + ''
      ${pkgs.python311}/bin/python ${} --mathjax-url=${mathjax.tgz} -a $out/lib/slack/resources/app.asar
in {
  environment.systemPackages = [

MathJax versions and URLs

The default MathJax is of version 3.1.0 and downloaded from, which is a registry of npmjs.

The script also works with other versions of MathJax 3 and we list a table of versions that we have tested and the corresponding URLs.

Version URLs File Size
4.5 MB
4.4 MB
4.4 MB
6.3 MB
6.3 MB

Some URLs works better for certain areas. You can use any URL in the table to install math-with-slack.

cd path\to\math-with-slack
python --mathjax-url=


To uninstall, run the script again with the -u flag:

python -u

Updating Slack

The code injected by the script might be overwritten when you update the Slack app. If your client stops rendering math after an update, re-run the script as above and it should work again.

If Slack cannot be found

If you've installed Slack in some exotic place, the script might not find the installation by itself or it might find the wrong installation. In such cases, you need to specify the location of Slack's app.asar file as a parameter:

python --app-file=/My_Apps/
python --app-file=c:/Users/yourusername/AppData/Local/slack/app-4.7.0/resources/app.asar

Double underscore converts to italic

If you are having problems that writing code like $a_k b_k$ converts _k b_ to italic font in the Slack-editor, go to Preferences โ†’ Advanced and check Format messages with markup. This should solve the problem.

How do I get my math rendered?

As you do in TeX, use $ ... $ for inline math and $$ ... $$ for display-style math. If you need to write a lot of dollar-signs in a message and want to prevent rendering, use backslash to escape them: \$.

Note that only users with MathJax injected in their client will see the rendered version of your math. Users with the standard client will see the equations just as you wrote them (i.e., unrendered including the dollar signs).

TeX Customization

The script allows one to customize MathJax at installation time. Currently the script allows the user to supply an optional TeX input processor option to customize the MathJax rendering. For example, to instead use \( ... \) for inline math and \[ ... \] for display-style math, and enable the package physics support, one may use the following command line arguments during installation:

python --mathjax-tex-options="{\
  packages: {'[+]': ['noerrors', 'noundefined', 'physics']}, \
  inlineMath: [['\\\(', '\\\\)']], \
  displayMath: [['\\\\[', '\\\\]']], \

Note that a common scenario is when a team of people uses this plugin. In this case it will be desirable to share the same configuration for all the members.

How does it work?

The script alters how Slack is loaded. Under the hood, the desktop client is based on ordinary web technology. The modified client loads the MathJax library after start-up and adds a listener for messages. As soon as it detects a new message, it looks for TeX-styled math and tries to render. Everything is done in the client. Messages are never sent to servers for rendering.

Can I contribute?

Yes, please. Just add an issue or a pull request.

Thanks to past contributors:


This comment by jouni was extremely helpful. So was this snippet by etihwnad.

math-with-slack's People


akaihola avatar albinahlback avatar ericpostmaster avatar fsavje avatar gauss256 avatar laurenthayez avatar maxghenis avatar nkudryavka avatar peroxyacyl avatar thisiscam avatar xyene avatar yingzhouli avatar


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math-with-slack's Issues

Enable texing in pinned posts

Pinned posts currently do not currently render in LaTeX:


Is it possible to fix this?

By the way, I realize that you're working on this pro bono as a service to the community. I greatly appreciate your work and hope you don't mind me submitting these feature requests!

SyntaxError line 385

I'm bad at technology, so here's everything I did (in case I did something obviously silly):

I have MacOS. I copied and pasted everything from the python file ( into a text document (in Visual Studio Code), saved it as in documents, opened terminal, cd to documents, entered "sudo python", and then got "SyntaxError line 385" with a little ^ pointing to the e in the line saying "nonlocal start_time".

Presumably there is not really a syntax error, and I've done something wrong? I tried a couple more times creating a new file and copying and pasting in case I somehow did that wrong... but no dice.

App routinely logs user out on macOS after Slack 4.22

This is a separate issue created from information in #27.
Currently, the script is fixed to handle Slack's new mechanism of verifying the app's integrity.
However, it appears that during login Slack attempts to read from Apple's keychain for user authentication information. Because the fix requires modifications to the code, Apple gives an error:

[] Keychain lookup failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25293 "errKCAuthFailed / errSecAuthFailed:  / Authorization/Authentication failed." (-25293)

And Slack will log the user off due to the failed attempt to fetch auth info.

4.23 MacOS Monterey 12.2.1 not working?


I seemingly cannot get this to work on MacOS Monterey 12.2.1 with Slack 4.23.
I've reinstalled Slack multiple times, and went through the computer to find files (eg. in Library/) left over from old installations that did not get removed. Still, seemingly unsuccessful.

Additionally, using the --codesign flag seems to work, but when running the scripts manually in their folder, I get

% sudo sh  
/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/slack-entitlements.lKA6pFuP: unrecognized blob type (accepting blindly)
/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/slack-entitlements.lKA6pFuP: invalid length in entitlement blob

This probably has nothing to do with the other issue, just adding it as a note. DS.

Unable to start on Macos Ventura 13.x

After installing latest Slack from brew and running the script (both with and without signing), Slack fails to start and gives several error messages.

How to get back auto-update for MacOS?

Per this comment, Slack's hot-patch update is no longer working due to our custom code signing.

Is it possible to:

  • Have any kind of fix so that we get updates back?
  • Perhaps have some kind of mechanism to inform user of updates? Or to automatically download from Slack website?

TODOs for copiable TeX

This is an updated summary for #22.

Currently selecting and copying messages will copy the unrendered TeX. However, here are some leftover TODOs that will make the UX better.

  • Make formulas at begin or end of a message easier to copy.
  • More robustly support copying escaped formulas like $ $10 $. This has to do with the fact that MathJax's processEscape option is ran before the copyable TeX is injected.
  • Make a selected formula highlighted. This might be doable with some JS using events; or it might be possible to add a layer below the formula that is actually selectable text.

Any help or suggestion on how to fix these items are greatly appreciated!

Install script fails on latest macOS

I'm on the new macOS Sonoma 14, and Slack Version 4.34.121. The install script fails with:

% sudo python3
Using Slack installation at: /Applications/
/Users/pmzgm/Downloads/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
  return LooseVersion(json.load(f)["version"])
/Users/pmzgm/Downloads/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
  if get_platform() == "darwin" and slack_version >= LooseVersion("4.22"):
[Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/Applications/'
Cannot modify /Applications/ Make sure the script has write permissions. Possibile fix:
	Seems like you are using MacOS. Perhaps your Slack is installed through App Store?
	If that's the case, you will need to use `sudo` to give the script enough permissions. Please check README for more details.

suggesting a permissions issue, but I am running with sudo. Any advice?

ZeroDivisionError during install

It took me three tries to run the script and download MathJax. The first two times I got this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 385, in <module>
    mathjax_tar_name, headers = urllib_request.urlretrieve(args.mathjax_url,
  File "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_3.8.1520.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\lib\urllib\", line 283, in urlretrieve
    reporthook(blocknum, bs, size)
  File "", line 375, in reporthook
    speed = progress_size / (1024 * duration)
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

For some reason, it just worked on the third attempt even though I didn't do anything differently. I don't know what caused the error, but until it's solved I think it would be good to add a note to the to help new users troubleshoot.

Publish on Slack Apps

Thank you for your great product. Can you please release it on Slack Apps so it could be installed by non-technical people?

Logged out of all workspaces

Awesome project! Functionality works super well. The only problem I'm having is that when the app is installed and running, Slack logs me out of all of my workspaces each time I quit the app (which is a huge pain).

Running on MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1
Slack: Version 4.37.101 (downloaded from slack website directly)

Alternative math delimiters or browser plugin

Thanks for a great script. I wonder if it is possible to make it compatible with a "Latex in slack" plugin which exists for firefox and chrome. That plugin uses non-standard math delimiters, $$ and $$$ for inline and display math respectively. As a result the interoperation of your code with that plugin is imperfect whenever members of a slack group use different solutions.

The browser plugin has another option for math delimiters: '(' and '[' for starting math while ending math with ')' and ']'. So one could make the two solutions fully interoperable if the parenthesis/bracket version could be implemented in math-with-slack as an alternative. I tried adding the second method to following and it almost works but the math is always preceded by ''.

So my question is whether it is possible to implement the alternative math delimiter in a way that works?

Working in conjunction with code formatting?

Thanks for making this extension. Are there any plans for making this work with concurrently with code-formatting in slack?

For example, if I want to type a mathematical algorithm as pseudocode, I may need something like

$X$ = 5

perhaps this is as simple as checking inside backtick or triple-backtick blocks for latex delimiters and applying the latex style that is congruent with the code formatting?

Not working with flatpak version of Slack on ubuntu

I tried specifying the directory of installation as well but got the following error.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/shashank/", line 1116, in <module> main() File "/home/shashank/", line 1066, in main _, asar_extracted_dir = extract_asar(tmp_dir, app_path) File "/home/shashank/", line 752, in extract_asar asar_extractor = File "/home/shashank/", line 502, in open assert header_data_size == 4 AssertionError

option file?

The script documentation says that I can specify a file with MathJax options when installing ( However, the README only shows an example where the config is given explicitly on the command line. I wasn't successful specifiying a file. What is the exact syntax and what should that file contain?

For instance, if I create a file with the content of the URL given in the documentation (, I get no TeX rendering at all. In the README, three backslashes are used to specify delimiters. In the file, there are only two.

Could you please clarify?


Getting [WinError 32] while running the script with u flag

I've downloaded and run your script, but it doesn't work for me. So I want to uninstall it by running the script with u flag. Then I got an error as
Using Slack installation at: c:/Users\username\AppData\Local\slack\app-4.9.0\resources\app.asar [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'c:/Users\\sivaram\\AppData\\Local\\slack\\app-4.9.0\\resources\\app.asar' Cannot remove previously injected code. Make sure the script has write permissions.
Could you tell me how can I get rid of this error and render LaTex commands in slack? Thank you in advance.
PS: I'm using Windows 10, slack version 4.9.0

Slack v4.22.0 doesn't open after `math-with-slack` installation

math-with-slack has stopped working with v4.22.0 and no longer renders LaTeX properly.

I tried reinstalling math-with-slack but after doing so, Slack will fail to open and needs to be re-installed.

On MacOS Big Sur 11.6

Repro steps:

  • Install Slack v4.22.0 from Mac
  • clone the math-with-slack repository
  • python
  • Try to launch the Slack app

Enable texing in image preview

It seems that when you click an image with a description in Slack, it opens a new context. In that context, the LaTeX does not render correctly:


Possible to fix?

Double underscore converts to italic font

On Linux, when writing two underscores for subscripts, it converts the text in between to italics and also removes the underscores. This is really hard to work with.

Example: a_1 y = z x_1 turns to a<1 y = z x>1 where <ยท> means it is written in italic, which also removes the support for displaying math.

Is it possible to override Slack on this?

Not working (the executable is replaced to switch between architectures for M1 chip?)

Not working. (Mac 2020 late Intel, Mac OS 10.15.7, Slack 4.12)
Maybe it is because the binary file "/Applications/" is replaced to switch between the one for Intel chip and M1 chip executables. Once I replace "/Applications/" by "/Applications/", it worked.


Using Slack installation at: /Applications/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 423, in
ori_injected_file_size = json_header['files']['dist']['files'][injected_file_name]['size']
KeyError: 'dist'

After installing and uninstalling on MacOS: `The application "Slack" can't be opened.`


(base) maxghenis@Maxs-MacBook-Pro Downloads % sudo python 
Using Slack installation at: /Applications/
Downloading MathJax...100%, 4.5 MB / 4.5 MB, 18366.7 KB/s, 0.3 sec
You are on MacOS but have not enabled code signing. Math-with-slack is likely functional; however, you might experience log-offs if you quit Slack. See for more info.
If you don't understand the above, you should stop reading and use the script as-is, or uninstall the script with `--uninstall`.
If you know what this is about and know what you are doing: you may re-run this script with `--macos-codesign` to enable code signing. 
Install successful. Please restart Slack.

I then tried to open Slack, but it said there was an error due to signing. I decided to uninstall rather than try the --macos-codesign:

(base) maxghenis@Maxs-MacBook-Pro Downloads % sudo python --uninstall
Using Slack installation at: /Applications/
Uninstall successful. Please restart Slack.

But I still couldn't open Slack. Clicking on the application didn't do anything. About a minute later, my computer spontaneously restarted, and now when I try to open Slack I get a dialog saying The application "Slack" can't be opened.

Uninstalling and reinstalling Slack resolved the issue.

Error while installing : Read-only file system


I tried to instll using the command :

sudo python -a /snap/slack/33/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar

And I got :

Using Slack installation at: /snap/slack/33/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar
[Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/snap/slack/33/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.mwsbak'
Cannot make backup. Make sure the script has write permissions.

I appreciate any suggestion.


Installation successful but not working

The installation was successful. I fully quited slack and restarted it but it is not working. Is it because my slack version is too new? I saw warnings like:
/Users/dolphinerjoey/Desktop/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. return LooseVersion(json.load(f)["version"]) /Users/dolphinerjoey/Desktop/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. if get_platform() == "darwin" and slack_version >= LooseVersion("4.22"): /Users/dolphinerjoey/Desktop/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. if slack_version <= LooseVersion('4.4'): Downloading MathJax...100%, 4.5 MB / 4.5 MB, 11242.5 KB/s, 0.4 sec /Users/dolphinerjoey/Desktop/ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. if platform == "darwin" and slack_version >= LooseVersion("4.22"):

Invalid Argument

Several versions of Slack are installed.
0) c:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\slack\app-4.13.0\resources\app.asar <== (default)

  1. c:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\slack\app-4.12.2\resources\app.asar
    Choose from above:0

Using Slack installation at: c:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\slack\app-4.13.0\resources\app.asar

Downloading MathJax...100%, 4.4 MB / 4.4 MB, 1488.4 KB/s, 3.0 secc

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\slack\SlackLateX\", line 501, in
open(app_path, mode='wb') as new_app_fp:

OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'c:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\slack\app-4.13.0\resources\app.asar'

Version for Discord

This is not an issue, more a "fork request". (I could not see a better place for writing this, though.)

How easy do you think it would be to make this work for Discord? It seems to me that the underlying structures of the two are fairly similar. Perhaps a Discord version wouldn't be so difficult?

Of course, I could be completely mistaken.

getting access to the unrendered TeX

Thanks for this awesome solution!

One issue that sometimes comes up: sometimes another user posts a formula and I want to reply with a slightly modified version, or even just quote what they said, including the formula.

Unfortunately, I can't get access to the tex that is underneath their image (unless I turn off math-with-slack!).
If I was the one who posted the previous formula, then I can get at the tex by asking to edit my previous post and then canceling the edit -- but Slack won't let me ask to edit another user's post.

Any ideas about how to expose the underlying tex?

  • It would be ideal if selecting text with an inline math image and copying to the clipboard acted as if math-with-slack were turned off, i.e., the clipboard would contain something like the $f(\epsilon)^2$ subexpression.
  • If that's not possible, is there some way to allow a user to (temporarily) unrender a math image, perhaps by double-clicking or right-clicking it?

How to make it work with the snap installation of Slack?

I have Slack installed via snap on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 64-bit.
When running the script I get the following error:

sudo python
Several versions of Slack are installed.
0) /snap/slack/30/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar <== (default)
1) /snap/slack/current/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar
2) /snap/slack/29/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar
Choose from above:"0"   
Using Slack installation at: /snap/slack/30/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar
[Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/snap/slack/30/usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.mwsbak'
Cannot make backup. Make sure the script has write permissions.

I don't know how the app.asar.mwsbak works nor how this is somehow mounted as a filesystem..
How to fix this permissions problem?

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