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squidlib's Introduction

SquidLib is a Java library that provides a diverse toolbox for working with procedural generation in games using libGDX.

What Can It Do?

SquidLib is a very full-featured library, and is partly targeted at making traditional roguelikes and similar genres. It can handle basic to moderately-complex dungeon generation, including rigid mazes (GrowingTreeMazeGenerator), flowing/natural cave systems (FlowingCaveGenerator), dense systems of inter-connected rooms (DungeonGenerator's default setting), rooms that connect via thin corridor in a cyclical pattern (SerpentMapGenerator), mixes of cave, room, and corridor (also SerpentMapGenerator, with more options using SectionDungeonGenerator), and more. It represents dungeons universally as a char[][], consistently using x-then-y indexing throughout the library, and various other parts of SquidLib can understand char[][] input. Since we target the JVM, we have Unicode for our chars, and dungeons often are drawn with box-drawing characters for walls. Within a dungeon or cave, the lighting system can be complex, so there's code to find the Field of Vision for a character that can also be used to find the level of brightness for light cast into many tiles. You can mix these fields of vision (FOV) based on what lit cells are in Line of Sight (LOS); SquidLib provides LOS algorithms to get the actual line and can also find the total set of cells that are at all within line of sight, even if out of lighting range. The dungeons can be generated from repeatable random number generators (RNG), so if the same seed is provided to an RNG, you get the same procedurally generated content, even on different runs, machines, OSes or platforms.

There's a lot of procedural content generation here. There's simple name-generation roughly matching the style of a list of names in WeightedLetterNamegen, and then there's the sizable and just-about unique FakeLanguageGen, which imitates the linguistic properties of real and/or fictional languages but can also generate those languages procedurally (with no list of starting material) or hybridize two or more languages it already knows. For English text, there's Thesaurus, which can choose various synonyms for specified categories of words, Messaging/ProceduralMessaging, which is useful for transforming coded statements into short, game-appropriate sentences like "You smash the goblin for 7 damage!" or "The goblin slices you for 3 damage!", and general utilities in StringKit, like word-wrapping and handling case. SquidLib can generate wild area maps using WildMap, all the way to continent or world maps with WorldMapGenerator. Handling complex map situations is made more feasible using the incredibly-powerful but oddly-named GreasedRegion class; it allows manipulating regions of a map not just as unrelated sets of points, but as areas that can be expanded, retracted, limited to only their outer surface, randomly filtered, flood-filled within the bounds of another region, and so on. GreasedRegion has a spill() method, but there's also a Spill (and MultiSpill) class, all of which handle randomized flood-fill to loosely simulate a fluid expanding through an area. There's code for continuous noise, including Classic Perlin Noise (ClassicNoise and a mode in FastNoise), Simplex Noise (SeededNoise and a mode in FastNoise), and more unusual kinds like Foam Noise (FoamNoise, PhantomNoise, and again, a mode in FastNoise); this is often used for making water animate in games, or to make grass sway slightly.

Once you have inhabitants in your map, whatever it is, you probably want to have them act at least a little intelligently, and so there's various pathfinding classes here. DijkstraMap produces one of these beloved roguelike concepts and can support not just simply getting next to the player from far away, but also pathfinding toward a target while keeping a minimum distance, fleeing away from a target, pathfinding to the closest of several potential targets, reusing certain parts of pathfinding to make later paths nearly instantaneous to find, etc. The squidpony.squidai.graph package draws on the very fast code from simple-graphs to handle A-Star pathfinding to one target, and various other common graph algorithms like topological sorting.

Displaying the map and all the contents of the world you carefully craft really is something that's different in every game. You can use squidlib-util on its own and render your game with libGDX, Arc, some other choice for graphics, or you can use the text-based display code in the squidlib module. This could be just for prototyping, or for your final game, it is up to you. This text-based display is usually used via SparseLayers, which can render a grid of text layered over other text and that layered over a background, any of which can be partially transparent. It can also render chars out of grid alignment for movement between grid cells, or bump/wiggle effects. Fonts are usually in the TextCellFactory class, which is misleadingly named because it doesn't actually handle cells, nor is it a factory... But it does handle the nice and smooth "stretchable" SDF fonts, and the newer "crisp" MSDF fonts, which are provided in various pre-made forms in DefaultResources. There's a ton of pre-defined colors in SColor along with ways to manipulate them. You can make use of SColor with Radiance, which handles those FOV-based lights mentioned above, and can also make the lights flicker and/or strobe. You can also filter colors before they are drawn using Filters or FloatFilters, which store various handy predefined effects that you can add to.

Where Is It Used?

SquidLib is used for Wyrm, Epigon, Attack the Geth, Assault Fish, Dungeon Mercenary, Cave Cops, and other projects.

You can see a small example online; it is part of the SquidLib-Demos collection. It uses squidlib-util to generate dungeon maps, handle pathfinding for enemies (who chase you after they see you) and the player (if you click, it uses pathfinding to move the player to the clicked spot), calculate field of vision, and produce gibberish text that looks like Russian (but isn't). It uses squidlib (the display module for text-based games) to show the generated maps in a traditional roguelike style with @ for the player and Я for enemy guards, blend colors for torchlight effects, and smoothly slide the player and enemies around when they move. A much more polished use of SquidLib is Dungeon Mercenary, by smelC; it is a full-fledged game, not just a demo.

You don't need to use a text-based display to use many features of this library; there's a demo of this (not yet a game) in ColorGuard, which uses squidlib-util to handle random numbers, world map generation, and text generation in fictional languages. SquidLib-Demos has some demos that only use squidlib-util and libGDX; one can be seen here, source here, and another with a simpler graphics style can be seen here, source here.

There's a fairly-active Discord server for SquidLib; many questions for SquidLib also apply to libGDX, so if you're on Discord I'd recommend also joining the libGDX Discord server. There's also a SquidLib IRC channel on Freenode; it is usually nearly empty and silent, so prefer Discord if at all possible.


Jars of javadocs are distributed with each release via Maven Central, and with the current latest via JitPack. You can get the docs and source of the latest version, 3.0.6, in two parts for each; squidlib-util (the core of the library, and also the largest part) has its library jar here, docs here, and source here, while squidlib (the display part of the library, named the way it is because depending on squidlib should also pull in squidlib-util to make it a "one-stop shop" dependency) has its library jar here, docs here, and source here. The completely-optional squidlib-extra module (primarily used for serialization; relies on libGDX but doesn't use it for display) has its library jar here, docs here, and source here.

You can browse the JavaDocs of a recent commit (possibly newer than 3.0.6, but no older) here:

You can browse the JavaDocs of the stable 3.0.0 release here:

The docs here are updated whenever the project is rebuilt fully, which only coincides with releases occasionally.


Download JARs for older versions from the Releases tab, use Maven Central to download the latest stable release (or JitPack to download any commit, typically the most recent one) with your choice of features (display or none, with or without squidlib-extra), or simply use SquidSetup to make a new project configured the way libGDX prefers to work (including SquidLib's assets), and copy in any code you might already have.

Ideally, if you're starting out you should use SquidSetup. This is based on czyzby's gdx-setup tool, an alternative to the current official libGDX setup that aims to have more features and update more readily. A demo is present for SquidLib, selected by default when making a project with SquidSetup (typically if the demo becomes out-of-date, SquidSetup is updated to fix the demo). The recommended release is v3.0.3, which uses SquidLib 3.0.3 and Gradle 6.7, and as such is compatible with Java versions from 8 to 15. There's also v3.0.0-JITPACK, which will use Gradle 6.5.1 for the project and will automatically depend on the latest SquidLib version at the time the project is generated. The Jitpack release is sometimes out-of-date if assets change or dependencies update.

If you use a dependency manager already and don't need a new project, you can use these dependencies for Maven projects:

Core of SquidLib:


Optional Text-Based Display (depends on libGDX 1.11.0 and anim8-gdx 0.3.13)


Optional Serialization Support (depends on libGDX 1.11.0)


Or these dependencies for Gradle:

Core of SquidLib:

api 'com.squidpony:squidlib-util:3.0.6'

Optional Text-Based Display

api 'com.squidpony:squidlib:3.0.6'

Optional Serialization Support

api 'com.squidpony:squidlib-extra:3.0.6'

If you want the latest version of SquidLib, which uses libGDX 1.11.0 and either GWT 2.8.2 or GWT 2.9.0 (if you use GWT), you can use JitPack to build the latest commit on-demand. It needs an additional repository, which is this for Maven:


Or this for Gradle, which if you used SquidSetup, would be in the repositories block inside subprojects:

maven { url "" }

Then the dependencies would be this for Maven (the first is needed, the others are optional); replace f8f2590cc6 with any short commit from GitHub:


Or this for Gradle (the first two are needed, the others are optional); replace f8f2590cc6 with any short commit from GitHub:

    api "com.github.yellowstonegames.SquidLib:squidlib-util:f8f2590cc6"
    api "com.github.yellowstonegames.SquidLib:squidlib:f8f2590cc6"
    api "com.github.yellowstonegames.SquidLib:squidlib-extra:f8f2590cc6"

If you use GWT, you should probably use SquidSetup to configure the project, since there's a lot of places where Maven or Gradle with GWT gets tricky. GWT needs the sources for all dependencies, but also needs the sources for regexodus 0.1.15 (because squidlib-util needs it) and possibly anim8-gdx 0.3.13 (because squidlib needs it; anim8-gdx is only needed if you depend on squidlib). The sources dependencies look like this for Gradle (I haven't really tried with Maven):

    implementation "com.github.yellowstonegames.SquidLib:squidlib-util:f8f2590cc6:sources"
    // above depends on this:
    implementation "com.github.tommyettinger:regexodus:0.1.15:sources"

    implementation "com.github.yellowstonegames.SquidLib:squidlib:f8f2590cc6:sources"
    // above depends on this:
    implementation "com.github.tommyettinger:anim8-gdx:0.3.13:sources"

    implementation "com.github.yellowstonegames.SquidLib:squidlib-extra:f8f2590cc6:sources"

If you want GWT 2.9.0 support, just use SquidSetup, otherwise you'll be fine with GWT 2.8.2.

There's also the GWT "inherits" configuration for your application. These should be present once in GdxDefinition.gwt.xml if you use GWT:

    <inherits name="squidpony.squidlib-util" />

If you use the display module, you also need

    <inherits name="squidpony.squidlib" />

And if you use squidlib-extra, you also need

    <inherits name="squidpony.squidlib-extra" />


Many users will only want to pull out some specific part of SquidLib and copy it into their game. This is quite understandable, given the size of SquidLib, and isn't discouraged at all. To do this, though, people often need to build and run the tests/demos in SquidLib to get an idea of what a piece of code does. This is also important if you want to submit a pull request to SquidLib.

SquidLib currently uses Gradle to build. It had used Maven for years, but building on JitPack started to take longer and longer with Maven, while it is quite quick with Gradle -- builds would often time out at 20 minutes with Maven, while Gradle hasn't timed out yet with JitPack. The Maven build scripts can still be handy if you want to use Maven elsewhere, but for here, the Gradle scripts do a better job. If you use IntelliJ IDEA or possibly Android Studio, you can import the build.gradle file in the root of the parent project directory, and you may need to "Reload all Gradle Projects" by clicking the circling arrows in the upper corner of the Gradle sidebar (available by clicking "Gradle" on the right side of the IDEA window, or automatically done in Android Studio). You may need to configure the project to use a recent JVM, Java 11 or newer. Java 17 is recommended; Java 20 and up aren't supported because SquidLib is still compatible with Java 7, and starting in 20, Java isn't able to compile any code with Java 7 compatibility. No other steps should be needed. In earlier versions of SquidLib, some special configuration was needed in IDEA specifically to set the emu folder as Excluded, but this should be done automatically by Gradle now. If you use Eclipse, the project should import OK if you use BuildShip Gradle (the default in current Eclipse, as far as I know). It may need the emu folder in squidlib-util to be excluded from the build, or it may be fine as-is; I don't use Eclipse. If you use NetBeans, good luck.

Once imported, you can run tests via their main methods, which usually are available by the whole class in the squidlib display module, or if they are actual JUnit tests, you can run them individually or as a group. Many tests in squidlib-util look up the squidpony.examples.TestConfiguration.PRINTING variable to determine if they should print or not; this can be turned off to avoid the flood of output from some tests, but it usually defaults to on.

What's Next

The road to 3.0.0 was long and winding; libGDX support was added midway between the 2.x and 3.x releases, and by 3.0.0, libGDX has established itself as the way to go (and definitely not Swing). Keeping backwards compatibility is a primary focus of the 3.x series now that it's stable. But looking ahead, to the 4.x version, we can benefit from large breaking changes that aim to simplify usage of the library. That's where SquidSquad comes in. It's SquidLib, but split up substantially more to address a feature that's been requested for years; you won't need dependencies on unrelated parts of the library, and hopefully you will be able to depend on just the parts you use. SquidSquad is also simplified in some ways; its data structures are shared with jdkgdxds, making it easier to share a dependency on common data structures, and it doesn't have an RNG class of its own (it relies on the EnhancedRandom classes from juniper, which is like using StatefulRNG here).

SquidSquad just has its first alpha release, 4.0.0-alpha1, and it should be usable now, even though docs are lacking. Most features in SquidLib are present in SquidSquad, with a few exceptions that should hopefully be filled soon: Techniques haven't been ported, MultiSpill isn't exactly present in the same way (Spill incorporates some of it), and the String serialization code in ObText, StringConvert, and Converters won't be ported. Some bugfixes have already been backported from SquidSquad to SquidLib; a long-standing bug in SerpentMapGenerator, for instance, was fixed in SquidSquad and that fix brought here. SquidSquad's scope is meant to be a little smaller, and to be spread across more libraries if possible. Since releasing 3.0.0 took about 5 years, I hope SquidSquad becomes stable more quickly!


GitHub repository:

Blog updates: (possibly down permanently; server mishaps)

Created by Eben Howard - [email protected] Currently developed by Tommy Ettinger - [email protected]

Additional work has been greatly appreciated by a team of contributors. smelC and David Becker have each done excellent work in improving and modernizing SquidLib in all sorts of ways. In particular, David Becker needs thanks for handling some very tough work with Maven configuration and encouraging more unit tests (which have caught quite a few bugs), and smelC has found all sorts of ways to give back to SquidLib as he has worked on Dungeon Mercenary, including doing most of the work for the HTML target, cleaning up and improving the handling of colors, emphasizing more flexible ways to work with display (such as zooming the screen on mobile), and supporting non-monospaced fonts in the display. Don't be shy about posting issues! Many of SquidLib's biggest and best changes have been motivated by issues posted by users, including the port to Android!

squidlib's People


aus101 avatar ayman-abdelghany avatar benmclean avatar bryant1410 avatar davidbecker avatar markiragoldberg avatar rakaneth avatar smelc avatar squidpony avatar sudo-jaa avatar tommyettinger avatar


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squidlib's Issues

window persistant consistancy

get the window to open back up to the same location and dimensions (when appropriate) when reopened later on the same machine

Monochromatic bitmap

Allow the printing of monochromatic bitmaps with arbitrary background and foreground.

getGlyphPixelBounds is a bottleneck

TextCellFactory initialization is currently bottlenecked largely at getGlyphPixelBounds. See if other methods will take less running time to find the bounds.

Redundant .zip file

The .zip file has a copy of the entire repository and is redundant; when I clone the repo I basically download everything twice. In GitHub there is a button to download the entire repository as .zip anyway, so this could be used by people who want the archive.

default colors

Need to finish code to allow default background and foreground color setting. Setting methods currently have no effect.

relax location enforcement

for any method that lays down more than one block, the start location should be allowed to be off the edge of the grid, with only those characters inside the grid being used

improved random function

implement something better than the standard random function

relatively low priority since standard is adequate for most game purposes

add ability to set multiple layers in the tile

separate background and foreground images at least, perhaps an arbitrary amount of images layered in some order

should the order be a predetermined set (background, terrain, items, creature, etc) or open ended?

spinning characters/numbers

it would be nice to have the ability to provide a number to be "spun" to and have the lib automate the animation for it

arbitrary character strings could also be useful

timing information should be optionally set

visible cursor

make a cursor appear on the screen

while the cursor is active, movement keys might simply redirect to moving the cursor at the panel level rather than feeding back to the game

need to include a way to cancel the cursor and get the cursor's location

need to include a way to set the cursor colors/appearance/animation

add ability to have float text

this would include placement, color, size, duration, and animation

animation should probably be a set of enum constants

frame factory

create a JFrame factory that does the standard initialization and puts the panel in it so the lib user doesn't have to know anything about Swing to use the panel

Keypress repeating automated

The key listener should have an option where it will queue repeated keys while they are held down (at a user settable rate) but flush those keys completely when the key is lifted.

Issue to consider: What if multiple keys are held and only some released and/or new ones held during previous holding?


  1. Only most recent key is tracked
  2. Keys are repeated in order of original pressing and individually flushed when lifted
  3. Only first key is tracked
  4. Keys are resolved into OS level characters (still with 1-3 being relevant)

Currently leaning towards choice 1 as it is easy to implement and a reasonable user expectation.


consider allowing an overscan option where the panel displays only a certain amount of the backing grid at any given time, with the ability to adjust the offset in the backing grid for display

should allow some sort of default backing to be displayed when the edge of the backing grid is within the displaying grid

Usage Guides

Need guides for setup and basic use in Eclipse and NetBeans. Other IDEs would be nice if possible, but since my own experience in Java is only in those two it'll probably just be them.

path finding algorithms

some examples might be:

Value Iteration

given arbitrary data sets with reward mappings

Maven project (maybe erroneously) requires JRE 7 or higher

Under maven-compiler-plugin in the pom.xml , source and target list the JRE versions of the source and target as 1.7. However, I don't know if SquidLib needs 1.7 for either of these, and 1.7 doesn't exist on older Mac OS X versions (OS X 10.6 I think doesn't have it). This is probably my fault, I think I used a bad template for the pom and didn't check the version. If SquidLib can be compiled for an earlier version, you can change the source and target to that version to maximize compatibility.

No jar or java docs

Back in the day you could clone the whole thing and there was a jar inside it. also an index.html for your lovely docs. I'll try and fix myself at some point

add mouse support

this is a large enhancement which should be broken into multiple smaller enhancements when work on it begins

add ability to animate tile

this could be done by allowing multiple images to be loaded for a tile and then looped, or an enum set of standard animations (jitter, squishing, etc) could be applied

color crazy strings

add the ability to pass in an array of colors for the foreground and background to colorize when a string prints

threaded container

add an option to start the panel up in its own thread to prevent blocking issues, allowing people without threading knowledge to not have to worry about it

should include a blockingqueue message passing system for input/output

Small demo app

Could you add a small demo app that shows some of the main functionality of the library?

add ability to clone panel

The clone should have a copy of the backing contents.

Probably should have the option to both create a new panel as a clone and some sort of "checkpoint" one step save/restore functionality within the panel.

Should checkpoint functionality have multiple optional checkpoints?

automatic scaling

When a panel is resized, the grid / font should be resized accordingly

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