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contrastive-clustering's Issues

About the application in other fields

Dear Yunfan,

Thanks for your outstanding work! I have learned a lot from your paper, codes, and GitHub Issues.

In my research area, there are studies based on your work. However, according to my replication results, the clustering accuracy curve kept oscillating between high and very low values during the training process. I attribute this to the changes they made to your original loss function.

After being disappointed, I applied for your work directly to my dataset and was able to get good results. I was very surprised and grateful.

However, on my dataset, the loss shows a decreasing trend as the training proceeds, but the accuracy curve keeps decreasing from the very high values at the beginning.

My data is characterized by small image size, probably around 11x11, and a high number of channels. So I simply design a three-layer CNN network.

The accuracy curves show the following pattern,

Can you help me to see what is the reason for this?

Thanks again.

Best wishes.

loss function

Is there no I{j $\neq$ i} (same as SimCLR) in the loss function (2) and (5)?

Typo in your dependencies

I think I spotted a typo in the dependencies section of the readme.
You are listing python twice. I think you mean pytorch, right?



About loss backward and parameter update






想请教你们论文的图1,我们都认为 对比学习是将同一个样本的不同数据增强拉近,其他的push开,而且本文的核心是将标签看作表示实现聚类级别的对比学习。聚类级别的特征矩阵是经过softmax出来的是soft label 本文将特征矩阵的列作为对比学习 越看越优雅!

可是行级别就是普通的对比学习,特征矩阵就是每个实例的表示;图一为什么是Instance Representation也当做soft label(疑似与框架图出现矛盾,框架图展示的是一个特征矩阵的行就是实例本身的特征,并不存在与图一展示的行级别soft label的说法) ,还是我理解上出现了问题,希望得到您的解答!


Thanks for sharing information about how to use different datasets.

How can I use the datasets info to download Imagenet-10?
Do I need to download the entire Imagenet dataset and put the required classes in a PyTorch dataset format?
Which year should I be downloading?
Any more information would be appreciated so that I can try reproducing the results.

Imbalanced Dataset


Thank you for this implementation. It is my understanding that some contrastive frameworks build upon entropy maximization, which leads to inapplicability in the contexts of imbalanced datasets. From the paper, I could see that you are also maximizing the entropy in your loss function. Can the instance-level term mitigate the entropy maximization issue and make the method suitable for imbalanced datasets?






你好,我想问下,我用的是window的系统,用pycharm运行,只出现Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified,请问这是怎么回事呢?我想跑几个数据集和你的方法做对比实验,请问你可以提供一些帮助吗?


您好,想请问一下,我看到您论文中使用的显卡是Nvidia TITAN RTX 24G,不管是使用resnet34还是resnet50时batchsize都能达到256,我用24G的3090复现时resnet50的batchsize设置为256会报cuda out of memory,请问有什么解决方法吗?谢谢!

Can I ditch feature extraction and use the method

Hello, I now have features that have been extracted from the pre-trained network. Can I try to learn the representation of features from the ICH module without feature extraction?(maybe a little strange)

ImageNet 10


I did not find a description about the distribution of the Imagenet-10 and the data-augment method you used in your paper and code. And I get a bad accuracy on this dataset.

I would like to know if you could describe in detail or if I get something wrong?






Instance Loss output different from NT Xent loss


I found a difference between the output of the Instance loss implemented vs NT Xent loss taken from SIMCLR(

Although the functions loss very similar, the outputs seems to be different. Could you please look into it and share your insights?

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import math

class InstanceLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, temperature, device):
        super(InstanceLoss, self).__init__()
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.device = device

        self.mask = self.mask_correlated_samples(batch_size)
        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="sum")

    def mask_correlated_samples(self, batch_size):
        N = 2 * batch_size
        mask = torch.ones((N, N))
        mask = mask.fill_diagonal_(0)
        for i in range(batch_size):
            mask[i, batch_size + i] = 0
            mask[batch_size + i, i] = 0
        mask = mask.bool()
        return mask

    def forward(self, z_i, z_j):
        N = 2 * self.batch_size
        z =, z_j), dim=0)

        sim = torch.matmul(z, z.T) / self.temperature
        sim_i_j = torch.diag(sim, self.batch_size)
        sim_j_i = torch.diag(sim, -self.batch_size)

        positive_samples =, sim_j_i), dim=0).reshape(N, 1)
        negative_samples = sim[self.mask].reshape(N, -1)

        labels = torch.zeros(N).to(positive_samples.device).long()
        logits =, negative_samples), dim=1)
        loss = self.criterion(logits, labels)
        loss /= N

        return loss

class NT_Xent(nn.Module):
    More than inspired from


    Using this pytorch implementation, you don't actually need to l2-norm the inputs, the results will be
    identical, as shown if you run this file.

    def __init__(self, batch_size, temperature, device):
        super(NT_Xent, self).__init__()
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.mask = self.get_correlated_samples_mask()
        self.device = device

        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="sum")
        self.similarity_f = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=2)

    def forward(self, z_i, z_j):
        We do not sample negative examples explicitly.
        Instead, given a positive pair, similar to (Chen et al., 2017), we treat the other 2(N − 1) augmented examples within a minibatch as negative examples.

        p1 =, z_j), dim=0)
        sim = self.similarity_f(p1.unsqueeze(1), p1.unsqueeze(0)) / self.temperature

        sim_i_j = torch.diag(sim, self.batch_size)
        sim_j_i = torch.diag(sim, -self.batch_size)

        positive_samples =, sim_j_i), dim=0).reshape(self.batch_size * 2, 1)
        negative_samples = sim[self.mask].reshape(self.batch_size * 2, -1)

        labels = torch.zeros(self.batch_size * 2).to(self.device).long()
        logits =, negative_samples), dim=1)
        loss = self.criterion(logits, labels)
        loss /= 2 * self.batch_size
        return loss

    def get_correlated_samples_mask(self):
        mask = torch.ones((self.batch_size * 2, self.batch_size * 2), dtype=bool)
        mask = mask.fill_diagonal_(0)
        for i in range(self.batch_size):
            mask[i, self.batch_size + i] = 0
            mask[self.batch_size + i, i] = 0
        return mask

a, b = torch.rand(8, 12), torch.rand(8, 12)
a_norm, b_norm = torch.nn.functional.normalize(a), torch.nn.functional.normalize(b)
cosine_sim = torch.nn.CosineSimilarity()
instance_loss = InstanceLoss(8, 0.5, "cpu")
ntxent_loss = NT_Xent(8, 0.5, "cpu")
print(cosine_sim(a, b))
print(cosine_sim(a_norm, b_norm))
print('NT Xent')
print(ntxent_loss(a, b))
print(ntxent_loss(a_norm, b_norm))
print(instance_loss(a, b))
print(instance_loss(a_norm, b_norm))


tensor([0.6606, 0.7330, 0.7845, 0.8602, 0.6992, 0.8224, 0.7167, 0.7500])
tensor([0.6606, 0.7330, 0.7845, 0.8602, 0.6992, 0.8224, 0.7167, 0.7500])

NT Xent


As you can see, Instance loss gives different results where as the others don't when fed a_norm and b_norm.

Colab notebook:

RuntimeError: numel: integer multiplication overflow


sim_i_j = torch.diag(sim, self.batch_size)
RuntimeError: numel: integer multiplication overflow


Plans for release supplementary materials

Hello, you have mentioned that there are some experiments in your supplementary material. Do you have any plan to release the supplementary material. Thanks for your reply.

Online clustering

您好,论文中提到了online clustering,请问该方法如何进行在线聚类呢?

关于 和分类问题比较 的acc

作者大大 ,您好,请问本文的acc 比如CIFAR10、100的acc 这是和任务有关吗,但是聚类也可以说是分类任务,可是分类任务对这些数据集用对比学习acc都刷得很高了(比如SimCLR对这些数据集分类的acc),不明白其中的道理。还请您解答,感谢!



New dataset format


I'd like to train this model on new image datasets. so what should be the file structure for the input dataset? As it is an unsupervised classification, so will it still be the same as Imagefolder format that we generally use i.e

-> train
-> class_1
-> img1.png
-> img2.png
-> class_2
-> class_1
-> img1.png
-> img2.png
-> class_2

Can you please shed some light on this?

Also, if we are experimenting with new data, should we use just training data or train and test data both?


when i test the 'ImageNet-dogs',i get the error“IndexError: index 14 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1”, and i print the cost_matrix in '',i only get [[0.]].
Is it because I trained less epoch?




Clustering of images

I have one question.
Is it possible to figure out which input image belongs to which cluster while inference?
if one wants to pick images from a or two clusters.


Why the parameter 'weight_decay' set in code is 0.

Data Augmentation


Test metrics don't match



Step [0/120] Computing features...
Step [20/120] Computing features...
Step [40/120] Computing features...
Step [60/120] Computing features...
Step [80/120] Computing features...
Step [100/120] Computing features...
Features shape (60000,)
'NMI = 0.0201 ARI = 0.0099 F = 0.2395 ACC = 0.1421'





This idea is very similar to this paper 'Deep Robust Clustering by Contrastive Learning'.


你好,比较细致的学习的你代码。 下面的问题请教一下:

看train.py中,优化器只优化了network的参数, resnet模型的参数不包含在内, 是不是有问题?
因为往前看 resnet.get_resnet函数 调用了 modules目录的代码, 并不是一个预先训练好的模型。

    res = resnet.get_resnet(args.resnet)
    model = network.Network(res, args.feature_dim, class_num)
    model ='cuda')
    # optimizer / loss
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate, weight_decay=args.weight_decay)

More details on conclusion

The paper is extremely well written but could you give some more info on the following part -

The proposed CC shows its promising performance in clustering. In the future, we plan to extend it to other tasks and applications such as semi-supervised learning and transfer learning.

This was mentioned in the conclusion.
Is this a new area of research, or are there applications other than clustering that can be done with this existing repository?
Can you please give some more insights about this part?

Questions about multi-GPU training

Thanks for sharing such an excellent work:
Are there any plans to provide multi-GPU training scripts?
I would be very grateful if I could provide it!

About the dataset concatenation

Excellent work! We are grateful that the codes can be released for study.
I have a question about the creation of the dataset:
dataset = data.ConcatDataset([train_dataset, test_dataset])
I guess here both train and test sets are used for training and testing. I can understand that in the task of unsupervised clustering, the true labels are invisible, so all data can be used for training. But I am wondering if this is a standard usage or definition in the field of "deep clustering", or I got a wrong understanding? Thanks~

some question about softmax’s output




Low Accuracy and NMI

Hi, Thank you for sharing your code. I would like to reproduce your results on CIFAR-10, I ran your original code with 4 GPUs and the results are attached below. My final ACC (NMI) after 990 epochs is about 69% (64%). Did you use any special method and/or hyperparameters for training your network which is not uploaded on Github? I would appreciate it if you could help me to reproduce your results.

loss 大小

我用的我自己的数据集跑了一下 loss由7.2下降到5.8就收敛了 我调了学习率和batch也没有什么改观 请问loss这个下降幅度正常吗

Cluster Assignment Entropy

Hey Yunfan,

first of all, this is really great work and a well written paper! Thanks for providing the code.

I am trying to reimplement your method and am a bit confused about the way you penalize the cluster asssignment matrix. In your code you do

p_i = c_i.sum(0).view(-1)
p_i /= p_i.sum()
ne_i = math.log(p_i.size(0)) + (p_i * torch.log(p_i)).sum()
p_j = c_j.sum(0).view(-1)
p_j /= p_j.sum()
ne_j = math.log(p_j.size(0)) + (p_j * torch.log(p_j)).sum()
ne_loss = ne_i + ne_j

This gives a loss of 1.97 for the example cluster assignment matrix Y with 3 clusters and 2 samples + 2 augmented samples below

Y = torch.Tensor([[0.98, 0.01, 0.01],
                   [0.98, 0.01, 0.01],
                   [0.98, 0.01, 0.01],
                   [0.98, 0.01, 0.01]])

c_i = Y[:2]
c_j = Y[2:]

Your code seems to differ quite a lot from how you write it in the paper. According to your paper I would have done the following

Y_one_norm = torch.linalg.norm(Y, ord=1)
c_i = c_i.sum(dim=0)/Y_one_norm
c_j = c_j.sum(dim=0)/Y_one_norm
ne_loss = (c_i*torch.log(c_i)+c_j*torch.log(c_j)).sum()

which gives a loss of -1.20.

Could you kindly let me know your intention of implementing the loss the way you did and why it seems to differ from the maths in your paper?



t-SNE plotting utils


Thanks for sharing the code and writing such a good paper!
Can you give me some more info on how I can use your code to generate the t-SNE plots? I do not see any plot utilities in the code that you have shared. Thanks!

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