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anomalyclip's Issues

Question about the prefix template in text prompts

I sincerely thank you for your research and code sharing. As a medical doctor, I think your research can have a significant impact in the medical domain as well. I have read your paper and the reviews on the Openreview page, but I had a question because I couldn't grasp the details about the text prompt template (the part marked as V_1-V_E, W_1-W_E in the paper). Looking at the training code, it seems like that V_1 ~ V_E, W_1 ~ W_E are all filled with "X", is that correct?

P.S. I know how unexpectedly cumbersome and psychologically resistant it can be to organize and share experimental code after a paper is accepted, so I am truly grateful for sharing the code like this. Once again, congratulations on the ICLR acceptance.

how to test one img?

Input a picture, how to determine whether the picture is abnormal or not, how to write the code?



PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/remote-home'

Hello @zqhang

Thanks for your work. When i run the bash it gives permission error, please have a look maybe the code need to download the weight and there is no permission for it

Namespace(data_path='/remote-home/iot_zhouqihang/data/mvdataset', save_path='./results/9_12_4_multiscale/zero_shot', checkpoint_path='./checkpoints/9_12_4_multiscale/epoch_15.pth', dataset='mvtec', features_list=[6, 12, 18, 24], image_size=518, depth=9, n_ctx=12, t_n_ctx=4, feature_map_layer=[0, 1, 2, 3], metrics='image-pixel-level', seed=111, sigma=4)
name ViT-L/14@336px
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/cvpr/CM_1/AnomalyCLIP/", line 195, in <module>
  File "/media/cvpr/CM_1/AnomalyCLIP/", line 43, in test
    model, _ = AnomalyCLIP_lib.load("ViT-L/14@336px", device=device, design_details = AnomalyCLIP_parameters)
  File "/media/cvpr/CM_1/AnomalyCLIP/AnomalyCLIP_lib/", line 145, in load
    model_path = _download(_MODELS[name], download_root or os.path.expanduser("/remote-home/iot_zhouqihang/root/.cache/clip"))
  File "/media/cvpr/CM_1/AnomalyCLIP/AnomalyCLIP_lib/", line 39, in _download
    os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
  File "/home/cvpr/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/", line 215, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  File "/home/cvpr/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/", line 215, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  File "/home/cvpr/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/", line 215, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
  File "/home/cvpr/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/", line 225, in makedirs
    mkdir(name, mode)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/remote-home'
Namespace(data_path='/remote-home/iot_zhouqihang/data/Visa', save_path='./results/9_12_4_multiscale_visa/zero_shot', checkpoint_path='./checkpoints/9_12_4_multiscale_visa/epoch_15.pth', dataset='visa', features_list=[6, 12, 18, 24], image_size=518, depth=9, n_ctx=12, t_n_ctx=4, feature_map_layer=[0, 1, 2, 3], metrics='image-pixel-level', seed=111, sigma=4)
name ViT-L/14@336px
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/cvpr/CM_1/AnomalyCLIP/", line 195, in <module>
  File "/media/cvpr/CM_1/AnomalyCLIP/", line 43, in test
    model, _ = AnomalyCLIP_lib.load("ViT-L/14@336px", device=device, design_details = AnomalyCLIP_parameters)
  File "/media/cvpr/CM_1/AnomalyCLIP/AnomalyCLIP_lib/", line 145, in load
    model_path = _download(_MODELS[name], download_root or os.path.expanduser("/remote-home/iot_zhouqihang/root/.cache/clip"))
  File "/media/cvpr/CM_1/AnomalyCLIP/AnomalyCLIP_lib/", line 39, in _download
    os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
  File "/home/cvpr/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/", line 215, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  File "/home/cvpr/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/", line 215, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  File "/home/cvpr/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/", line 215, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
  File "/home/cvpr/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/", line 225, in makedirs
    mkdir(name, mode)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/remote-home'


作者您好,对于,CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device} python --dataset mvtec --train_data_path,dataset和train_data_path分别代表什么呢,因为您文章指出mvtec用的visa训练,visa用的mvtec训练,我看您代码这两部分训练集前后都一致

Unable to reproduce the results

Hi, first thanks for your decent job. I have an issue which is I cannot reproduce the results mentioned in the paper when training on MVTec and testing on ViSA, here are the training hyperparameters which were supposedly used for yielding the paper results.

Argument Default Value
depth 9
n_ctx 12
t_n_ctx 4
feature_map_layer [0, 1, 2, 3]
features_list [6, 12, 18, 24]
epoch 15
learning_rate 0.001
batch_size 8
image_size 518
seed 111

And in the table below there is a comparison of the two models' mean over class performance on ViSA (what i get and what is reported in the paper).

Object Name Pixel AUROC (%) Me Pixel AUROC (%) Paper Pixel AUPRO (%) Me Pixel AUPRO (%) Paper Image AUROC (%) Me Image AUROC (%) Paper Image AP (%) Me Image AP (%) Paper
Mean 95.4 95.5 85.8 87.0 81.2 82.1 84.6 85.4

Is there something that i am missing?
Thanks a lot in advance!

Question about the reimplementation of the result of original CLIP

Hi there, Congrats for the great work!

In table 1, I ve noticed you also include the result of Original CLIP model
Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 08 55 23

Could you please share the setting of this experiments? Cuz my reimplementation based on your code shows lots of differences than yours. Like

  1. the size of CLIP (Base large huge?)
  2. The fixed text prompts you used. ( The "encode_text_with_prompt_ensemble" method you implemented?)
  3. any modifications on the vision side ? like DPAM

Thank you so much for your patience!

maybe have a bug

我发现代码中 similarity_map_list里面的4个map,值都相等。原因可能是把中间的feature加入list时没有clone()?

Cannot obtain the meta.json for the SDD dataset

Good work! When I use the provided generate_dataset_json/ to generate meta.json, the lack of splited train and test datasets prevents the generation of meta.json. How can I obtain the train and test datasets? Additionally, some missing classes in the downloaded MPDD dataset are causing the code to fail. Could you provide the complete MPDD dataset?

Thresholding at inference time

Hi, it is not very clear to me how to extrapolate a threshold at segmentation level to discriminate whether a pixel is classified as “normal” or “anomaly". The output anomaly map needs to be normalized with something like this?

normalize_anomalymap = (anomalymap- anomalymap.min()) / (anomalymap.max() - anomalymap.min())



Hi AnomalyCLIP team @tianyu0207 @zqhang,

I would like to investigate your model and possibly put it to use, however, there is no license given for this repository.
Do you intend to specify a license? And if so, when would you do it?

Thank you in advance for your work and best regards!

The learnable token embeddings are attached to the first 9 layers of the text encoder for refining the textual space.

Ảnh chụp màn hình 2024-06-08 214758
First of all, I would like to thank you and your colleagues for your contributions to this domain. I have a question that in the Implementation details you said that The learnable token embeddings are attached to the first 9 layers of the text encoder for refining the textual space. but I only see that the 2nd (i = 1) -> 8th (i = 7) layers are attached. Can you explain it for me, thank you.

Test with large dataset

When i test pixel-level with 3700 images, when calculate roc_auc_score, it is without RAM memory. How can I fix this? i use colab pro with 50gb ram

about prompt

I can't understand the following code.

self.register_buffer("token_prefix_pos", embedding_pos[:, :, :1, :] )
self.register_buffer("token_suffix_pos", embedding_pos[:, :, 1 + n_ctx_pos:, :])
self.register_buffer("token_prefix_neg", embedding_neg[:, :, :1, :])
self.register_buffer("token_suffix_neg", embedding_neg[:, :, 1 + n_ctx_neg:, :])

I think the positive prompt should be ['X X X X X X X X X X X X object.'], so the prefix should be 'X X X X X X X X X X X X ', and the suffix should be '.'.
I don't know if my understanding is wrong, can you help me to answer it?



最近在学习AnomalyCLIP时,文 / 图两个部分始终没能合在一起,感觉需要自己动手写后处理,既麻烦,还容易出错。

Issue about reimplementing medical ZSAD performance

Hello @zqhang and @tianyu0207,

First of all, I really appreciate for your work! it's really nice and interesting.

But I can't find some implementation details about medical ZSAD.

The paper said "To address this issue, we create such a dataset based on ColonDB (More details see Appendix A), and then optimize the prompts in AnomalyCLIP and VAND using this dataset and evaluate their performance on the medical image datasets.".

So as far as i understood, you finetuned the models with (ColonDB + test split of Endo classfication dataset) and tested medical ZSAD performance of every other medical dataset.
Then what is the finetuning dataset for testing ColonDB and Endo dataset?

Since those two datasets were already used in finetuning the models, I think another dataset is needed for testing those two dataset.

I would appreciate every help



Training Methodology Issue: Incorrect Dataset Mode

I've encountered an issue in the paper's code regarding the training approach for the anomaly detector on the MVTec AD dataset. The problem lies in the script at line 35 where the Dataset object for training is created without specifying mode="train":

train_data = Dataset(root=args.train_data_path, transform=preprocess, target_transform=target_transform, dataset_name=args.dataset)

This oversight leads to two critical problems:

  1. The model mistakenly uses the test set for training.
  2. The anomaly detection framework is deprived of abnormal data during training, yet it encounters anomalies during testing. This inconsistency suggests that the model might be functioning as a simple classifier rather than performing anomaly detection.

Could this be revised to ensure the correct dataset partitioning and training setup?

Error with

Dear author,

I encountered an issue with running

No such file or directory: 'data/sdd/electrical commutators/train'

Can you tell me why the SDD dataset has class "electrical commutators"? I can only see classnames such as "kos35", "kos36", etc. in the datasets.

Thank you.


100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1725/1725 [04:43<00:00, 6.09it/s]

Why divide 0.07

I don't understand why you divide right here
text_probs = image_features.unsqueeze(1) @ text_features.permute(0, 2, 1) text_probs = text_probs[:, 0, ...]/0.07 text_probs = text_probs.squeeze()
and another here
logit_scale = self.logit_scale.exp() # nn.Parameter(torch.ones([]) * np.log(1 / 0.07)) logits_per_image = logit_scale * image_features @ text_features.t() logits_per_text = logits_per_image.t()

And in another paper , they use multi with 100, example
for layer in range(len(det_patch_tokens)): det_patch_tokens[layer] = det_patch_tokens[layer] / det_patch_tokens[layer].norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) anomaly_map = (100.0 * det_patch_tokens[layer] @ text_features) anomaly_map = torch.softmax(anomaly_map, dim=-1)[:, :, 1] anomaly_score = torch.mean(anomaly_map, dim=-1) det_loss += loss_bce(anomaly_score, image_label)

Progress stuck at 100%

Hey @zqhang and @tianyu0207,

thank you very much for this repo, the paper and its results were very interesting.
I set up your project on my local machine and faced a problem.

When running test on visa I get to 100% in the progress bar but get stuck there.
I looked through the code but coudln't find why.

I would appreciate every help

Pure leakage in the test set

It seems that you used the entire test set to train encode_text_learn, while also using the test set for testing, which is seriously inconsistent with the ZERO-SHOT mentioned in your paper.Can you explain this issue

About loss, image_loss when train model?

I train with dataset visa,
I train 11 epoch, but loss and image_loss is 3.7960, 0.5325. I feel something wrong. I setup by your setting. Can you share me about loss and image_loss when u train?




您好作者大大,请教一个问题,ISIC数据集只有异常类别没有正常类别,运行测试代码时报错,Only one class present in y_true. ROC AUC score is not defined in that case ,这种只有一个类别的数据集应该怎样调整代码

ONNX export

First of all, thank you for your work and for releasing the AnomalyCLIP code!
I was wondering if it was possible to export the model to ONNX format? It could be very useful.


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