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citizenos-api's Issues

E-mails: Configurable logos - update e-mail layout so that Citizen OS logo is always present even when custom logo is used


One can configure their own logo for the e-mails (


There is no Citizen OS branding in the e-mail, if a custom logo is used.
Why? Help spread spread the word of Citizen OS OSS existence.



Stronger password encryption - bcrypt instead of SHA256


SHA256-s time is over and a person with an access to Citizen OS database can figure out the actual password with a reasonable effort.


  • Use bcrypt OR something else. There is a whitepaper on the subject by RIA -
  • Figure out and implement a User friendly way to migrate the passwords from SHA256 to bcrypt.
    • IF there are not many Users that have used user/password authentication, is to just random generate new passwords for them which will force them to "Forgot password" flow and thus generating a new bcrypt in the DB. IF allowed, we can e-mail Users that we did it. The solution is the easisest and does not clutter the code.
    • Polite way, if many Users, is to swap the password on next login - when password is verified against SHA256 use bcrypt to hash the password and store it to DB. The problem with this solution is that we have to support parallel hashes for a while.

E-mails: Drop usage of campaign-mailgun, use SMTP instead


campaign-mailgun uses Mailgun API, but Mailgun can be used over SMTP so it provides no extra value.
Rather, it provides extra problems - the Campaign switches on e-mail tracking which rewrites links in the e-mails.


  • Drop usage of campaign-mailgun
  • Configure servers to use campaign over SMTP

Mobiil-ID auth - SPChallenge validation


When executing authentication, it's a best practice to generate a SPChallenge and validate it on successful authentication -

Related API routes:

  • POST /api/auth/mobile/init
  • GET /api/auth/mobile/status


  • Implement SPChallenge generation and validation for MID authentication
  • Review Mobiil-ID signing process, see if there is similar concept to SPChallenge. IF there is, make sure it's used.

API: Topic attachment's original name becomes alphabet soup when downloaded

Current situation:
Downloaded topic attachment loses its original name, turns from descriptive to random characters and numbers.

Expected behavior:
Downloaded topic attachment retains its original file name.


  1. Give some file a proper name with words and all (Team meeting memo_November.docx in my case)
  2. Upload the file as an attachment to a topic
  3. Download the attached file from within the topic. Downloaded file's name becomes a collection of random characters (057ada2b-56c4-4798-8d0a-7371245eb3a5.docx in my case)

/api/topics throws 500 given an unrecognized status

This should respond with something in the order of 4xx.

http limit==400 sourcePartnerId==b563ee8c-ba8e-4cd6-b592-fbcd4e8f22bb "statuses[]==closed" "statuses[]==voting" "statuses[]==discussion"

BUG: Final BDOC generation is slow resulting in request timeouts


For in case of significant amount of signatures the final BDOC generation times out.

25 Oct 2017 15:39:22.5101048 <158>1 2017-10-25T12:39:21.942192+00:00 host heroku router - at=error code=H12 desc="Request timeout" method=GET path="/api/topics/78ba564c-9843-4dc1-8e79-dcad2941537c/votes/6f0ef16d-067c-4034-be36-9ab32dcda9f0/downloads/bdocs/final?token=x&accept=application%2Fx-7z-compressed" request_id=68252540-6ca7-4466-88ea-1c294c9ea8f3 fwd="x" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=30000ms status=503 bytes=0 protocol=https


API: Unify restricted use token generation and validation


We issue restricted use JWT tokens for very specific authorization:

  • We issue a token to Topic Moderators, to moderate a Topic. This token is sent in e-mail.
  • We issue a token to User after singing a Vote so that signed container can be downloaded. Not all Users have to be logged in for signing thus enables unauthenticated download of their Vote.
  • We issue a token to Riigikogu (Parliament) so that they can add updates to Events (follow-up phase)
  • We issue a token to Riigikogu (Parliament) so that they can download signed Topic container.


The restricted use token format varies quite a bit in the system and creates significant amount of complexity/confusion/overhead in the code-base. It calls for a rewrite so that we can reuse the issuing and validation code.

What token formats are present, where are they issued?

Token usually contains JWT standard parts + Citizen OS extras. The variance is in the Citizen OS extras. For example path (string), paths (Array) where there may or may not be req.method prefix.

Different path/method format used:here that format is used.

Proposed solution

  • Rewrite all restricted token issuing code to use audience claim (aud) to specify the scope of use:
    • aud (was path/paths) - Array - with REST method everywhere. Separated by space instead of "_". For example: "aud": ["GET /api/users/self/topics/:topicId/votes/:voteId/downloads/bdocs/final"]
  • Create a new middleware to validate these tokens. Call it authTokenRestrictedUse.
    • NOTE: MUST be backward compatible (path vs paths, vs scope) with formats above. Make a comment that other formats are deprecated so that if we know that it's unlikely for an old token to be used, we can delete the backward compatibility.

NPM shrinkwrap


For both security and reproducible installations, please add a npm-shrinkwrap.json file with known-to-be-working dependency versions (generate it with npm shrinkwrap). Having versions in package.json is insufficient as nested dependencies still get upgraded. Having versions in package.json given npm-shrinkwrap.json is then redundant and unnecessary.

BUG: E-mails - images not visible in some e-mail clients due to incorrect Content-Type


Thunderbird/Postbox off the top of my head, but there could/should be others that will not show inline images when their content type is not image/*.

Currently the headers of an attachment are:

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Id: <logo>
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="logo"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="logo"


This one is strange:

  • We send image/png to Mailgun, but it ends up application/octet-stream in the e-mail.
POST / { from: 'CitizenOs Dev <[email protected]>',
  to: [ '[email protected]' ],
  subject: 'Activate your CitizenOS account - to: [email protected]',
  html: '\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">\n<html>\n    <head>\n        <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">\n    </head>\n\n    <body style="margin: 0;mso-line-height-rule: exactly;padding: 0;min-width: 100%;background-color: #fbfbfb">\n        <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="backgroundTable" style="margin: 0;padding: 0;width: 100% !important;height: 100% !important;line-height: 100% !important;background-color: #f6f6f6;font-size: 14px;border-collapse: collapse;mso-table-lspace: 0;mso-table-rspace: 0">\n            <tbody>\n    <tr>\n        <td align="center" height="70" style="border-collapse: collapse" valign="middle">\n            <!--p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color: #f6f6f6; color:#828282;">Can\'t see this mail? <a href="#" target="_blank" style=" color:#828282; text-decoration:underline;font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Click here to view it in your browser</a></p-->\n        </td>\n    </tr>\n\n    <tr>\n        <td align="center" valign="top">\n            <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="templateContainer" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;margin: 0;padding: 0;" width="600">\n                <tbody>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color: #252525; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; " height="100">\n                            <img width="237" height="43" src="cid:logo" alt="logo" style="display:block;" border="0">\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n\n                    <tr>\n                        <td align="center" valign="top">\n                            <table border="0" cellpadding="25" cellspacing="0" id="templateBody" width="600" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;margin: 0;padding: 0;">\n                                <tbody>\n                                    <tr>\n                                        <td class="bodyContent" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;" valign="top">\n                                            <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="100%">\n                                                <tbody>\n\n                                                    <tr>\n                                                        <td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0;" height="80">\n                                                            <p style="font-family: georgia, serif;font-size:19px; font-weight:bold;background-color: #FFFFFF; color:#252525;">Hi Test 1496746632256!</p>\n                                                        </td>\n                                                    </tr>\n\n                                                     <tr>\n                                                        <td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0; border-top: 1px solid #fbfbfb; " height="130">\n                                                            <p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color: #FFFFFF; color:#252525;">To activate your account please verify your e-mail address by clicking the link below.</p>\n                                                            <p style="font-family: georgia, serif;font-size:18px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic ;background-color: #FFFFFF; color:#0680fc;"><a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;api&#x2F;auth&#x2F;verify&#x2F;bdbd054f-3d5e-43df-a310-6c1b8aed9cf5?token&#x3D;eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZWRpcmVjdFN1Y2Nlc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rldi50b3J1LmVlOjMwMDEiLCJpYXQiOjE0OTY3NDY2MzJ9.i3rQ3eeZXR8OOU2T8oMaITABKBd0DIrZFwS_G_PlFo30agJhZqFUpVxNOicUmP8T076OSUK8rOW3Jt7CmgvUc0W8uvksxtde86_joOtQGHMwtW6xp4c2uinkKE2Wj_BYMC-tcqFsKPywD5O0un5adbaP2SBbgan-5oOFG8n1r-7wb7g_KI8vtgI_gaLNtTD0DBnEaVcDeFi2CKUkF13wPaKZy-OmduWSXhVrr18lyaAvDCGj2xTknSUtyoygXuxtPJQbZ3O1gCxvM-TUNu__dZL0-0Xo6ScR4v4aD4BuHdzLBPIfHObe-6HKKEkLeBopUpos_BOT0ILnDUUJ_87eHQ" target="_blank">Verify my email</a></p>\n                                                        </td>\n                                                    </tr>\n\n                                                    <tr>\n                                                        <td align="left" valign="bottom" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;border-top: 1px solid #fbfbfb;" height="120">\n                                                            <p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color: #FFFFFF; color:#252525;">CitizenOS Team</p>\n                                                        </td>\n                                                    </tr>\n\n                                                </tbody>\n                                            </table>\n                                        </td>\n                                    </tr>\n                                </tbody>\n                            </table>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n\n                </tbody>\n            </table>\n        </td>\n    </tr>\n\n     <tr>\n        <td align="center" valign="top" height="70">\n            <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="templateFooter" style="background-color: #f6f6f6;margin: 0;padding: 0;" width="600">\n                <tbody>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td align="center" height="70" style="border-collapse: collapse" valign="middle">\n                            <p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color: #f6f6f6; color:#828282;">Learn more on <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;" target="_blank" style=" color:#828282; text-decoration:underline;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;</a></p>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                </tbody>\n            </table>\n        </td>\n    </tr>\n     <tr>\n         <td align="center" valign="top" height="100%">\n             <br>\n         </td>\n     </tr>\n\n</tbody>\n                <div style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; border: 3px solid red; background-color: #ffd2d2; color: #384c53;">\n                    <div>\n                        <b>Recipients</b>\n                    </div>\n                    <pre>\n                        <code>{\n  &quot;to&quot;: [\n    &quot;[email protected]&quot;\n  ],\n  &quot;merge&quot;: {}\n}</code>\n                    </pre>\n                </div>\n        </table>\n    </body>\n</html>',
  text: 'logo [cid:logo]Hi Test 1496746632256!\n\nTo activate your account please verify your e-mail address by clicking the link below.\n\nVerify my email\n[]\n\nCitizenOS Team\n\nLearn more on []\n\n\nRecipients{\n  "to": [\n    "[email protected]"\n  ],\n  "merge": {}\n}',
   [ Attachment {
       data: <Buffer 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 00 ed 00 00 00 2b 08 06 00 00 00 94 fc 0f 26 00 00 00 19 74 45 58 74 53 6f 66 74 77 61 72 65 00 ... >,
       filename: 'logo',
       contentType: 'image/png',
       knownLength: undefined } ],
  'o:tag': [ '(dynamic)' ],
  'o:tracking': true,
  'o:tracking-clicks': true,
  'o:tracking-opens': true,
  'recipient-variables': {} }


  • Make sure right content type is sent and images are shown correctly

API: GET /api/activities - DB out of memory errors on high load


ab -n 1000 -c 10 ""


05 Sep 2018 11:38:47.607226 <190>1 2018-09-05T08:38:46.917613+00:00 host app web.2 - �[31m[2018-09-05T08:38:46.912] [ERROR] production - �[39mEndpoint GET "/api/activities" failed miserably. Status: undefined Stack: SequelizeDatabaseError: out of memory
05 Sep 2018 11:38:47.60781 <190>1 2018-09-05T08:38:46.903537+00:00 host app web.2 - severity: 'ERROR',
05 Sep 2018 11:38:47.60681 <190>1 2018-09-05T08:38:46.903458+00:00 host app web.2 - severity: 'ERROR',
05 Sep 2018 11:38:47.476123 <132>1 2018-09-05T08:38:46+00:00 host app postgres.2097 - [DATABASE] [135-1] sql_error_code = 53200 ERROR: out of memory
05 Sep 2018 11:38:47.476122 <132>1 2018-09-05T08:38:46+00:00 host app postgres.2088 - [DATABASE] [75-1] sql_error_code = 53200 ERROR: out of memory
05 Sep 2018 11:38:47.273123 <132>1 2018-09-05T08:38:46+00:00 host app postgres.2112 - [DATABASE] [106-1] sql_error_code = 53200 ERROR: out of memor


BDOC - Review BDOC generation, get rid of disk cache if possible.


In the beginning of times when I had no idea what I was doing, I wrote the BDOC generation code. Among other things it streams zip to disk and then pipes to response. Which is an interesting idea, why not just pipe to response? File cache just makes maintenance and code more difficult.


Report a Topic

There is a way to report an argument (comment) but not a whole Topic.


  • API - create report POST /api/topics/:topicId/reports.
  • API - create report POST /api/topics/:topicId/reports to return moderation URL instantly when reported by a moderator, this will enable instant moderation without sending an e-mail.
  • Emails - move to Crowdin (#41)
  • API - unify restricted token generation and validation (#70)
  • API - read a report GET /api/topics/:topicId/reports/:reportId
  • API - moderate a report POST /api/topics/:topicId/reports/:reportId/moderate.
  • API - review
  • FE: Report a topic menu item
  • FE: Report a topic form
  • FE: Report moderation menu item - **DONE: ** Not separate menu item but part of the red notification on the top.
  • FE: Report moderation form
  • FE: Moderated topic visuals - warning overlay etc. -
  • FE: No search engine indexing for reported content! - in the initial scope, only GET /topcs/;topicId, other views need to be addressed separately - #5 (comment)
  • FE disable/hide upvote/downvote when not logged in
  • FE: Missing report topic icon on the top right of the topic!
  • FE: Disable action buttons when request is in progress!
  • Emails: As described in
  • E-mails: linkedData usage is funky.
  • E-mails: Get rid of social: option?
  • E-mails: Application links in the emails are same for all languages, we may want to support links per language? DONE: Overthinking this? FE can will do the language resolution.
  • E-mails: Moderation guidelines links! - DONE: Can be changed with Defaults to
  • E-mails: Date formatting! DONE: - LLL Z
  • DB migrations!


DDSClient - Error subclassing done wrong resulting in non informative errors


The way DDSClient subclasses error results in non informative errors.

The need

We want DDSClient errors to contain stack trace and other useful info.


There are 2 ways:


Database [schema] migrations?


Thought I'd open up your GitHub issues page with a question. Once the app's database is initialized (which I believe happened on the first run), how do you handle further database changes? Thanks!

Vote delegation - enable delegation after User has voted


When an User has voted, the possibility to delegate the vote is disabled. As User can re-vote n+1 times, maybe it makes sense to enable delegating after voting?


  • Try to implement enabling delegation after voting, find out if it's even possible.

Emails - Mailgun delivery is sometimes way too slow


Sometimes Mailgun delivers e-mails too slowly.
It took 8 min from accepting to delivery for an email below:

10/19/16 08:35 AM Delivered: [email protected][email protected] ' kasutaja John Smith kutsub Sind kooslooma arutelu/algatust' 
 10/19/16 08:27 AM Accepted: [email protected][email protected] ' kasutaja John Smith kutsub Sind kooslooma arutelu/algatust'

It is way too long for password reset and signup emails.



  • Pinpoint and fix the delivery lag.

E-mails - localisation with Crowdin

Related to:


  • Move templates to Citizen OS API Crowdin project -
  • While on it, also translate Etherpad templates
  • Make sure is NOT translated and is in ET by default.
  • E-mail testing - think how the testing should be performed? Implement. Right after running all tests I just grep "e-mail" | grep -c "ERROR" and expect 0 which means e-mail sending code worked, but I dont check the payloads that were sent. The possible problems that this kind of testing does not catch are wrong language, wrong partner, wrong template, wrong receiver, wrong subject etc.

Social mentions - investigate possibility to move to Google/Bing search API


Our Social Mentions feature currently only shows results from Twitter. It is so because FB, Twitter and other social platforms protect their data - no or very limited search by hashtag.
I looked into using Google search and found out that if you use the advanced search, we can compile a search that returns results from all major platforms. But we dropped the investigation as the price of Google Search API usage seemed a bit high at the time.


  • Revive the reseach, see if we could get adequate results from Google/Bing search API searching by hashtag and maybe Topic title. Search result should cover Twitter and Facebook. Instagram is a bonus.
  • Record the research outcome here - what was tried, what worked, what did not work etc.
  • IF we find a way, implement it.

Logging - unique request ID to each log line wherever the line is logged


To ease debugging an unique ID should be added to each line logged in the request context no matter how deep in the stack.

The problem is that Node.JS being async, it is quite a difficult to carry on the id between context switches. It does not make sense to pass req object or the id to each function call either.

Possible solutions



  • Each log line to contain unique request ID
  • Same unique request ID should be visible in the HTTP response headers

Missing 7z executable crashes CitizenOS API on container download

Seems that a missing 7z executable crashes the app on container download:

Error: spawn 7z ENOENT
    at exports._errnoException (util.js:1020:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:197:32)
    at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:376:16)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
    at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:128:9)

While there is a 7z exe in the bin folder, using it requires remembering to set the PATH before starting the server. Crashing, however, is probably not a good outcome in any situation.

E-mails - review e-mail templating system


Partners want their own email layouts and texts, current system is quite bad in that.

Related to:


Find a better e-mail templating solution taking into account:

  • Partner wants to be able to override the template designs
  • Partner wants to override the template texts
  • Possible need for "click here to view on the web"
  • Localisation with Crowdin #41

SECURITY: API PUT /users/self - verify e-mail on update - read the description please


When User updates e-mail in the profile, it does not get verified.

PANIC!? I don't think so, but definitely not nice.

What vector does it open up?

  1. User A has never used the application, has no account with his e-mail.
  2. User B registers with an e-mail belonging to him (B), doing the full verification flow.
  3. User B updates his e-mail to e-mail belonging to A, NO verification.
  4. User A:
    4.1 Logs in with FB/Google that has the e-mail in the profile, User A sees whatever malicious user B has done in the account. If A changes the password, B is lock out and cannot access it any more.
    4.2 Tries to create an account with e-mail/password and gets an error "e-mail already in use". He is confused and goes for the "Forgot password flow" after which A verifies the ownership of e-mail and gets the account locking malicious user B out.


  • @moll who brought this to our attention

Related code:


  • Create a flow to verify every new e-mails ownership

Authentication: Usage of FB / Google profile e-mail as a basis for logging in


Citizen OS API right now uses e-mail returned by FB and Google from their respective OAuth login APIs as a unique ID from the source and the basis of logging in to Citizen OS.
We assume, that FB and Google are good at verifying e-mails and we can trust the e-mail address. There is no extra verification of the address.
It may make sense to use Google / FB user ID instead as the unique.


  • Gather PROs and CONs of using either of the 2 as unique identificator - e-mail OR FB/Google User ID.

E-mails - abandon the "fire and forget" method of sending e-mails


Somehow I thought it was a good idea to send emails in a form of "fire and forget", but that is a bad idea cause User needs feedback if e-mail was successfully sent. Specially password reset, account creation etc.


  • Go over places where e-mails are sent, remove "fire and forget" unless it actually makes sense where present.

API: `PUT /topics/:topicId/members/users` and `PUT /groups/:groupId/members/users` to return HTTP 422 if any of the `userId`-s is not a valid email or UUID.


Initial implementation of PUT /topics/:topicId/members/users and PUT /groups/:groupId/members/users just ignore invalid UUID-s and e-mails. The shortcoming of this is that if you insert invalid e-mail/UUID, you will never know if the invites actually succeeded.
To provide adequate feedback, he input data should be validated and an error code returned.


  • PUT /topics/:topicId/members/users to return HTTP 422 IF any of the userId is invalid e-mail or UUID. Update tests.
  • PUT /groups/:groupId/members/users to return HTTP 422 IF any of the userId is invalid e-mail or UUID. Update tests.
  • Once done, create a task OR implement a fix in the Citizen OS FE ( project to update our UI to show the error.

Voting - creates multiple VoteList lines and is not idempotent


Voting in general & mobiil-ID voting - GET /api/users/:userId/topics/:topicId/votes/:voteId/status, which is used for polling signature state, creates multiple VoteList lines and is not idempotent which is a bad design.

There are several things questionable about this voting endpoints:

  • By the REST standard GET should be safe ( and idempotent ( BUT the GET /status is neither. It adds User entry on successful signing and also multiple VoteList lines if called several times AFTER success. NOTE: It does NOT affect the vote results.
  • /status used for polling the Mobiil-ID signing status. Why not do the polling server-to-server in the background which would enable the person to close the window after initiating the signing? That would make the calling /status optional. Right now it's required to register a vote, if something happens and the polling fails, the vote is never registered.
  • I used to create multiple VoteList lines to resolve disputes over "how many times I actually voted" and "I did not vote like this" cases. But after we created Activity Feed, those cases can be solved by looking at the feed.

CLEANUP: Remove API routes that are not used


NOTE: Verify usage against application logs!

  • REMOVE API: GET /api/users/:userId/groups/:groupId/topics, which is replaced by GET /api/users/:userId/groups/:groupId/members/topics
  • REMOVE API ROUTE: GET/POST /api/users/:userId/groups/:groupId/members which is replaced by /api/users/:userId/groups/:groupId/members/users
  • REMOVE API ROUTE: PUT/DELETE /api/users/:userId/groups/:groupId/members/:userId which is replaced by /api/users/:userId/groups/:groupId/members/users/:userId

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