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Minimal R/Shiny Interface to ECharts.js

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echarty's Issues

An exercise in binding charts | river chart with stacked barplot

Hello again,

I was wondering if it was possible for you to show me how you would go about making 2 connected plots, a river plot and a stacked bar plot that are linked together. I am still figuring out how to do the calls with echarty, so unfortunately, I only have a version that I have been attempting in echarts4r recently that partially works, but appears to currently break in when it comes to the barplot.

##If you want to import from here

#River Plot
  e_legend(right = 5,top = 30,bottom = 100,selector = "inverse",show=TRUE,icon = 'circle',emphasis = list(selectorLabel = list(offset = list(10,0))), align = 'right',type = "scroll",width = 10,orient = "vertical")|>
  e_theme("westeros")|>e_tooltip(trigger = "axis")|>
    type = "slider",
    toolbox = TRUE,
    bottom = 10
  e_title("ALL Anthrax Incident Reports by Year", "WAHIS Public Quantitative data from WHO")

#Bar plot
  e_bar(n, stack = "group")|>
  e_legend(right = 5,top = 80,selector = "inverse",emphasis = list(selectorLabel = list(offset = list(10,0)), focus = "series"),show=TRUE,icon = 'circle',emphasis = list(selectorLabel = list(offset = list(10,0))), align = 'right',type = "scroll",width = 10,orient = "vertical")|>
  e_x_axis(min = min(data$Year)-1,max = max(data$Year)+1)|>

#Attempt at combining both plots
  e_legend(right = 5,top = 30,bottom = 100,selector = "inverse",show=TRUE,icon = 'circle',emphasis = list(selectorLabel = list(offset = list(10,0))), align = 'right',type = "scroll",width = 10,orient = "vertical")|>
  e_theme("westeros")|>e_tooltip(trigger = "axis")|>
  e_bar(n, stack = "group")|>
  e_x_axis(min = min(data$Year)-1,max = max(data$Year)+1)|>
  e_grid(right = 40, top = 100, width = "30%")

Currently the bar plot is a little buggy, as it doesn't quite show all the stacks. It does appear to work if I do something like this instead, but then the order of the Years is no longer respected.

data |> dplyr::mutate(Year = as.factor(Year)) |> group_by(Country) |> e_chart(Year) |> e_bar(n, stack = "group")

Lastly, my attempt at combining the 2 plots, does not work at all. It just produces a white screen. I am wondering if it would be possible for you to show me how you would go about tackling this problem with echarty instead, since I have been noticing a great deal more of versatility in echarty. I apologise for not having originally attempted it at echarty. I am interested to understand the syntax better to use it more regularly.

Thank you for your time

1.5.0 causes breaks for all data without rownames or non-numeric keys

Hi @helgasoft,
Thank you for your work on 1.5. We just installed it but were forced to revert because of breaking changes that were introduced in the update.
The offending line is here:

stop('ec.init crosstalk: df has non-numeric row names', call. = FALSE)

This breaks echarty for all crosstalk data that uses a non-numeric value as a key. Is there a reason for this check, I don't see why it's necessary?

Compressing sparse bars

Sparse datasets could show exessive empty spaces in a bar chart.
The issue has been repeatedly reported on ECharts (JS) and echarts4r (R) boards.
A solution that consists of preprocessing data and creating a non-linear axis has recently surfaced.
Here we share echarty code related to the subject.

  1. Original sparse bar chart
tmp <- "
A, B, C,D
0, 7, 8,0
6, 9, 7,6"
df <- read.csv(text=tmp, header=T)

bars <- list(type='bar', seriesLayoutBy='row')
  xAxis= list(type= 'category', name=''),
  yAxis= list(name=''),
  series= list(bars, bars, bars)


  1. Compressed bars with the help of a JavaScript function
txt <- paste('const df=', df |> ec.init(preset=F) |> ec.inspect(), ';')
jsc <- "function noZero(allSeries) {  // adapted from
  const xAxisLabels = echarts.util.clone(allSeries[0]);
  colors =['#5470c6','#91cc75','#fac858'];
  const nDatasets = allSeries.length,
    nDataItems = xAxisLabels.length; 
  const seriesCombined = [],
    valuesForLabels = [],
    missingTicks = [],
    hiddenCategories = [], // categories that have no data
    hiddenDatasets = allSeries.flatMap((dataset, index) =>
      dataset.filter((v) => v).length === 0 ? index : []

  let x = 0.5,
    currentLabelValue = 0,
    currentTickValue = 0,
    totalBars = 0;
  for (let dataItemIdx = 0; dataItemIdx < nDataItems; dataItemIdx++) {
    let nItemsForCategory = 0;
    allSeries.forEach(function (seriesData, groupIdx) {
      const val = seriesData[dataItemIdx];
      if (val) {
        seriesCombined.push({ value: val, x, group: groupIdx });
    currentLabelValue += nItemsForCategory / 2;
    currentLabelValue += nItemsForCategory / 2;
    const nMissingTicks = nItemsForCategory - 1;
        { length: nMissingTicks },
        (_, k) => currentTickValue + k + 1
    currentTickValue += nItemsForCategory;
    if (nItemsForCategory === 0) {

  return {
    dataset: [{ source: seriesCombined }],
    visualMap: [
        type: 'piecewise',
        categories: Array.from({ length: nDatasets }, (_, i) =>
          hiddenDatasets.includes(i) ? null : i
        ).filter((x) => x !== null),
        inRange: {
          color: colors.filter((_, i) => !hiddenDatasets.includes(i))
        top: 11,
        right: 10
    xAxis: [
        // first axis for labels, no tick marks
        type: 'value',
        max: x - 0.5,
        interval: 0.5,
        axisTick: {
          length: 0
        splitLine: {
          show: false
        axisLabel: {
          formatter(value) {
            const idx = valuesForLabels.indexOf(value);
            if (idx >= 0 && hiddenCategories.indexOf(idx) < 0) {
              return xAxisLabels[idx];
            return '';
          fontWeight: 'bold'
        // a secondary axis for ticks only
        data: Array(totalBars).fill(''),
        type: 'category',
        position: 'bottom',
        axisTick: {
          interval(index) {
            if (missingTicks.indexOf(index) >= 0) {
              return false;
            return true;
          length: 8, lineStyle: { width: 3 }
    yAxis: [{ }],
    series: [{
        type: 'bar',
        encode: { x: 'x', y: 'value'},
txt <- paste(txt, jsc, 'opts= noZero(df.dataset[0].source); chart.setOption(opts);')
ec.init(js= txt)


  1. As a preferable R solution we offer module trimZero() - part of the paid Extras collection. It is a (couple hours) translation of the above JS code to R.
tz <- trimZero(df)    # part of echarty Extras($)
  dataset= tz$dataset, 
  xAxis= tz$xAxis,
  series= list(list(type= 'bar', encode= list(x= 'x', y= 'value') )),
  visualMap= list(
    type= 'piecewise', top= 10, right= 10,
    categories= sort(unlist(unique(lapply(tz$dataset$source, \(x) x$group)))),
    inRange= list(color= c('blue','green','gold'))

Grouping by multiple columns, groups inside timeline

Interesting issue raised by @XiangyunHuang on how to define groups inside ECharts timeline.
By default echarty v.1.4.5 supports data grouping by one column only. For timeline this column will define the timeline axis and labels. Here is how it looks:

# echarty requires group column()s last or use dplyr::relocate before group_by
dat <- data.frame(
	x3 = runif(16),
	x4 = runif(16),
	x5 = abs(runif(16)),
	x1 = rep(2020:2023, each = 4), 
	x2 = rep(c("A", "A", "B", "B"), 4)
library(echarty); library(dplyr)
# preset timeline with one-column grouping
p <- dat |> group_by(x1) |> ec.init(
	tl.series= list(encode= list(x= 'x3', y= 'x5'), 
		        symbolSize= ec.clmn(2, scale=30))    # x4 is size, position 2
# p |> ec.inspect()   # look at presets


But what if, according to @XiangyunHuang, we want to see groups A and B from column x2 inside each timeline year (x1) ?

Click to see previous answer Astute data modification can accomplish this effect. The following solution is based on ECharts [data transformations]( Lets use the [dataset]( and [series]( preset by _echarty_. Then define additional dataset transformations and series and link them together to create **groups inside timeline options**. Note: first dataset is always type 'source', others are type 'filter'.
dat <- data.frame(
	x3 = runif(16),
	x4 = runif(16),
	x5 = abs(runif(16)),
	x1 = rep(2020:2023, each = 4),
	x2 = rep(c("A", "A", "B", "B"), 4)
# preset timeline by one-column grouping
library(echarty); library(dplyr)
p <- dat |> group_by(x1) |> ec.init(
	tl.series= list(encode= list(x= 'x3', y= 'x5'), 
		        symbolSize= ec.clmn(2, scale=30)) 

# define additional filter transformations and option series based on preset ones
dsf <- list()  # new filters
opts <- list()  # new options
filterIdx <- 0
for (i in 1:length(unique(dat$x1))) {
	snames <- c()
	for (x2 in unique(dat$x2)) {
		dst <- p$x$opts$dataset[[i+1]]  # skip source-dataset (1st)
		dst$transform$config <- list(and= list(
			list(dimension= 'x2', `=`= x2)
		dsf <- append(dsf, list(dst))
		snames <- c(snames, x2)
	opt <- p$x$opts$options[[i]]
	sss <- lapply(snames, function(s) {
		filterIdx <<- filterIdx + 1
		tmp <- opt$series[[1]]
		tmp$name <- s
		tmp$datasetIndex <- filterIdx
	opts <- append(opts, list(list(title= opt$title, series= sss)))
p$x$opts$dataset <- append(p$x$opts$dataset[1], dsf)   # keep source-dataset [1]
p$x$opts$options <- opts
p$x$opts$legend <- list(show=TRUE)

EDIT: this was too good to pass up - solution is now included in echarty with new tl.series attribute groupBy.
Below is code and result. Thank you for the idea, @XiangyunHuang!

if (!requireNamespace('remotes')) install.packages('remotes')
remotes::install_github('helgasoft/echarty')  # install v. from Github

dat <- data.frame(
  x3 = runif(16),
  x4 = runif(16),
  x5 = abs(runif(16)),
  x1 = rep(2020:2023, each = 4),
  x2 = rep(c("A", "A", "B", "B"), 4)

library(echarty); library(dplyr)
p <- dat |> group_by(x1) |> ec.init(
  tl.series= list(encode= list(x= 'x3', y= 'x5'), 
                  symbolSize= ec.clmn(2, scale=30), 
                  groupBy= 'x2') 


If you like this solution, please consider granting a Github star ⭐ to echarty.

map with shapefile polylines or polygons

Proof of concept - Leaflet map with shapefile polylines. Idea from @Robinlovelace.
We prefer Leaflet map as most versatile. Other options are 'bmap' and gmap, which are based on Baidu and Google and require an API key.

destfile <- tempfile('shape')
				  destfile, mode='wb', method='curl')
unzip(destfile, exdir='unzipped')  # new unzipped folder under getwd()
# convert shape coords to lat/lng
ogr <- readOGR(dsn= 'unzipped', layer= 'AdirondackParkBoundary2017')
tmp <- sp::spTransform(ogr, sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
# convert lat/lng to ECharts format in dt
dt <- list()
for(i in 1:length(tmp@lines)) {
	df <-[[i]]@Lines[[1]]@coords)  # Adirondack
	coords <- list()
	for(k in 1:nrow(df)) coords <- append(coords, list(as.numeric(df[k,])))
	dt <- append(dt, list(list(name= paste0('L',i), coords= coords)))

p <- ec.init(load= 'leaflet')
p$x$opts$leaflet <- list(
	zoom= 8, roam= TRUE, center= unlist(dt[[1]]$coords[1]))
p$x$opts$series <- list(
	list(type= 'lines', coordinateSystem= 'leaflet', polyline= TRUE,
		lineStyle= list(width=3), color= 'red', 
		#progressiveThreshold= 500, progressive= 200,
		data= dt
	,list(type= 'lines', coordinateSystem= 'leaflet', polyline= TRUE,
		lineStyle= list(width=0), color= 'blue', zlevel= 1,
		data= dt,
		effect= list(show= TRUE, constantSpeed= 20, trailLength= 0.1, symbolSize= 3)
p$x$opts$tooltip <- list(show=TRUE)

ezgif com-gif-maker

If you like this solution, please consider granting a Github star ⭐ to echarty.

Is GL screenshot possible

Is it possible to do a screenshot for the 3D GL plots programmatically?

I would like to create a series of pictures and programmatically save static PNG of those pictures.

Combining pie chart with bar chart

As suggested, I have been trying to follow the rather exciting example shown here here using my own dataset


setting <- list(show = T,type= "scroll",orient= "horizontal", pageButtonPosition= 'start',
                right= "30%",top = 30,width = 470, icon = 'circle', align= 'left', height='85%')
#Below affects the ordering of the categories in the x-axis (including dates)
tmp <- filled_data |> group_by(zone,dates) |> summarize(ss= n()) |>
  ungroup() |> inner_join(filled_data) |>  arrange(dates) |> group_by(zone) |> group_split()
# fine-tune legends: data by interactions (called groups in this dataset)
cns <- lapply(seq_along(tmp), \(i) { as.list(unique(tmp[[i]]$groups)) })
xax <- lapply(seq_along(tmp), \(i) { as.list(unique(tmp[[i]]$dates)) })

subset(filled_data, ==  FALSE) %>% 
  mutate(dates = as.factor(dates)) %>% 
  group_by(zone) |> 
    xAxis = list(name = 'Interaction',nameLocation = 'end',max = max(filled_data$dates),
                 nameTextStyle = list(fontWeight ='bolder'),
                 axisLabel = list(rotate = 346,width = 65,
                                  overflow = 'truncate')),
    yAxis = list(name = "Count",nameLocation = 'start',
                 nameTextStyle = list(fontWeight ='bolder')),
    dataZoom= list(type= 'slider',orient = 'vertical'
                   ,left = '2%'),
    tl.series = list(type  ='bar',stack = "grp",
                     encode = list(x = 'dates',y = 'values'), groupBy= 'groups',
                     emphasis= list(focus= 'series',
                                    label= list(position= 'right',
                                                rotate = 350,
                     title = list(list(left = "80%",top = "1%"),
                                  list(text = "Infection pathway analytics", 
                                  left = "10%", top = 10, textStyle = list(fontWeight = "normal", fontSize = 20),
                                  text = "@ Zone", 
                                  left = "10%", top = 17, textStyle = list(fontWeight = "normal", fontSize = 14))) ),
    tooltip = list(show = T))|>
    options <- lapply(options, \(oo) {
      dix <- oo$series[[1]]$datasetIndex  # from tl.series (bar)
      oo$series <- append(oo$series, 
                            list(type='pie', name='pop.',
                                 datasetIndex= dix,
                                 encode= list(value='values', itemName='groups'), 
                                 center= c('15%', '25%'), radius= '14%', 
                                 label= list(show=T), labelLine= list(length=5, length2=0))
  }) %>% 
  options <- lapply(seq_along(options), \(i) {  
    options[[i]]$legend$data <- cns[[i]]  # fine-tune legends: data by interactions
    options[[i]]$xAxis$data <- xax[[i]] 

This is close to what I need, but I am unable to figure out how to get the pie chart to be working. I am trying to show the distribution of the infection types column (named 'groups' inside this filled_data dataset), but it comes out like this.

3d scatterplot animations


I am opening this issue to formally request for the code whereby you showcased the amazing 3d scatterplot where the points actually faithfully moved in a realistic manner. My current running example uses echarts4r and does not appear to contain an option for whatever reason, to force the scatterpoints to animate between frames, according to their respective positions.

If it isn't too much to ask, I would also really like to ask what part of your code you use allows for this level of control?

Additionally, I was wondering if you could briefly show me if it is possible to morph between 2 scatterplots in your scatterplot example, on top of that timeline? It seems that echarty is alot more flexible with timelines, so I was wondering if you happened to have the time to quickly show me an example? I really appreciate your time!

Features question

I am curious about how to leverage features from echarts using echarty such as emphasis and marker/line size. I am using pretty much the same example as before (I opened this up as a separate issue since I do not know if it is right to squeeze all my issues into one thread).


remotes::install_github('helgasoft/echarty',force = TRUE)  # get latest
data2<-wahis %>% mutate(Cases = as.integer(Cases),Deaths = as.integer(Deaths)) %>%
  filter(`Animal Category` == "Domestic" &
           Species %in% c("Cattle","Sheep","Sheep/goats (mixed herd)","Goats","Swine")) %>%
  group_by(Year,Sub_Continent, Country) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),Cases = sum(Cases), Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%

setting <- list(show = T,type= "scroll",orient= "horizontal", pageButtonPosition= 'start',
                right= 5,top = 30, icon = 'circle', align= 'right', height='85%')

data2 |> group_by(Sub_Continent) |> ec.init(
  tooltip= list(show= TRUE),
  tl.series= list(encode = list(x = 'Year',y = 'n',emphasis = list(focus ="series")),type= 'line', groupBy= 'Country'), ##Focus here does not work- probably wrong implementation
  xAxis = list(max = 2023,min = 2009),
  legend = setting,
  # visualMap= list(dimension=2, inRange= list( symbolSize = c(35,5)))

My current implementation of focus doesn't work, and I am currently just trying to tinker randomly with the code since I do not believe there is an example using emphasis on the echarty examples site you have kindly provided.

I would really appreciate your guidance regarding this. Thank you for your time.

axis labels in scientific notation

How to label very large or very small numbers with scientific notation.
Attempt to answer question asked here by @svenb78.
Borrowed JavaScript scientific notation code from here.

# JS code from
jscientific <- 'function (value) {
var res = value.toString();                                            
var numN1 = 0;
var numN2 = 1;
var num1=0;
var num2=0;
var t1 = 1;
for(var k=0;k<res.length;k++){
		t1 = 0;

if(Math.abs(value)<1 && res.length>4)
	for(var i=2; i<res.length; i++){                                              
		}else if(res[i]==".")
	var v = parseFloat(value);                                                
	v = v * Math.pow(10,numN2);
	return v.toString() + "e-" + numN2;
}else if(num1>4)
		numN1 = num1 - 2;
		numN1 = num1 - 1;
	var v = parseFloat(value);                                                
	v = v / Math.pow(10,numN1);
	if(num2 > 4)
		v = v.toFixed(4);
	return v.toString() + "e" + numN1;
	return parseFloat(value);                                                                                  
sciAxis <- list(axisLabel= list(formatter= htmlwidgets::JS(jscientific)))

p1 <- data.frame(date= c("2022","2021"), value= c(11000000, 15000000)) |>
	ec.init(ctype='bar', yAxis= sciAxis, grid= list(containLabel= TRUE))
p2 <- data.frame(date= c("2022","2021"), value= c(0.000001, 0.00000044)) |>
	ec.init(ctype='bar', yAxis= sciAxis, grid= list(containLabel= TRUE))
	ec.util(cmd= 'tabset', large.nums= p1, small.nums= p2)

if you like this solution, please consider granting a Github star ⭐ to echarty.

idea for improving branding of echarty

It could be interesting to make a comparison with other R package wrapping "Echarts", in particular the popular R package "echarts4r".

  • What are the key differences between "echarty" and "echarts4r"?
  • Is "echarty" lighter/faster than "echarts4r"? (give a proof of it with R code)
  • how the API differs between "echarty" and "echarts4r"?
  • What are the main advantages using "echarty" and not "echarts4r"?

This would help new users to choose echarty for their projets instead of echarts4r.

Thanks again for you help regarding #14.


Each line a different color using `dataset` option

Hi @helgasoft,
Wondering how to make each line a specific color given the following:

.data = tibble::tibble(
    Values = rnorm(10),
    Summary = .5,
    line_colors =  c(
d <- tidyr::pivot_longer(.data, cols = c(Values, Summary), names_to = "x", values_to = "y")
(e <- echarty::ec.init(df = d[c("x","y")],
                          ctype = 'line',
                          height = "250px"))


Where each item in line_color will apply to each line in the chart?

Options looks like this:

  xAxis = list(type = "category"),
  yAxis = list(show = TRUE),
  series = list(list(type = "line")),
  dataset = list(list(
    source = list(
      c("x", "y"),
      list("Values", 1.49353270078411),
      list("Values", -1.58772182582239),
      list("Values", 0.0196705552814059),
      list("Values", 1.32158616516178),
      list("Values", 1.6560527986586),
      list("Values", -0.0651535567587819),
      list("Values", 1.47905680442606),
      list("Values", -0.43195735851963),
      list("Values", -0.553790872613728),
      list("Values", 0.927126924190681),

Grouping input data distorts parallel plot

Hi @helgasoft,
Hope this finds you well!
I'm attempting to add a legend & colors to a parallel plot and I'm finding that grouping the input data (which appears necessary to enable the legend & colors) works to add the legend & colors but the lines are completely distorted.
Any ideas on what's happening here?

mtcars |> head(8) |> tibble::rownames_to_column("ID") |> tibble::remove_rownames() |> dplyr::group_by(ID) |>  echarty::ec.init(ctype = "parallel")


Changing result based on legend selection

This is an interesting question by @ddrogen asked here.
Specifically, how to change some series data live just by toggling legend items ?
Since the need is to update a chart in real time without Shiny, then obviously some Javascript code has to be written.
Here is one solution which relies on additional data preparation and ECharts event handling.

set.seed(222)    # make the chart reproducible
data2 <- data.frame(zipcode= as.factor(round(rnorm(10, 87965, 50),0)), program_1 = rnorm(10, 200, 20), program_2 = rnorm(10, 700, 100), program_3 = rnorm(10, 500, 50))
data1 <- data2 %>% 
  mutate(total = rowSums(across(where(is.numeric)))) %>%
  mutate(A= round(100*program_1/total,1)) %>%
  mutate(B= round(100*program_2/total,1)) %>%
  mutate(C= round(100*program_3/total,1)) %>%
     #  additional data to cover all combinations
  mutate(AB= round(100*(program_1+program_2)/total,1)) %>%   
  mutate(AC= round(100*(program_1+program_3)/total,1)) %>%
  mutate(BC= round(100*(program_2+program_3)/total,1)) %>%

  mutate("per_total"= 100*total/sum(total)) %>%
  arrange(desc(total)) %>%
  mutate(ABC = round(cumsum(per_total),1))  # renamed from 'cum_sum_total'

p <- data1 |> ec.init(elementId='cid', 
                     legend= list(show=TRUE),  
    xAxis= list(name = "Zip Code",
      nameLocation = "middle", nameGap=50,
      nameTextStyle = list(color = "#87786B", fontSize = 15), 
      axisLabel = list(fontFamily="Arial",
                       interval = 0, rotate = 30,
                       fontSize=12, color="#87786B")),
    yAxis= list(
      list(name="n° of visits", index = 0, show = TRUE, 
           nameLocation ="middle",
           nameGap=70, align="right", 
           nameTextStyle = list(
             color = "#87786B",
             fontSize = 12),
           axisLabel = list(fontSize=12, color="#87786B")), 
      list(name= '%') ),
    series= list(
           list(name='A', type='bar', encode=list(x='zipcode', y='program_1'), stack='g'), 
           list(name='B', type='bar', encode=list(x='zipcode', y='program_2'), stack='g'),
           list(name='C', type='bar', encode=list(x='zipcode', y='program_3'), stack='g'),
           list(name = "Cumulative %", type='line', encode=list(x='zipcode', y='ABC'), 
                 yAxisIndex= 1, emphasis= list(focus= "series"),
                 label= list(
                        show= TRUE, 
                        textStyle = list(fontFamily = "Arial", fontSize = 10))) ),
    tooltip= list(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("function(params) {
      col = 'ABC'.indexOf(params.seriesName) +1;
      return(params.marker + params.seriesName +
       '<br> Total: ' + params.value[col].toFixed(2) + ' (' +
                                         params.value[col+4] + '%)');}"),
                   textStyle= list(fontFamily="Arial", fontSize=12)),
    animationDuration= 1500,
    toolbox= list(show =TRUE, top=0, right= 10, itemSize=10, 
                  emphasis= list(iconStyle= list(textFill= "#6C2C4E")),
                  feature = list(restore=list(show=TRUE), saveAsImage=list(show=TRUE)) )
)  |> 
ec.theme('t1', code='{"color": ["#F8AD3B", "#D15425", "#9CAC3B", "#6C2C4E"]}')
p$x$on <- list(list(event= 'legendselectchanged', 
      handler= htmlwidgets::JS("function(v) { 
      sel = v.selected;
      chart = get_e_charts('cid'); 
      opt = chart.getOption();
      vals = Object.values(sel).slice(0,3);
      nams = Object.keys(sel).slice(0,3);
      col= ''; i= 0; => {if (x) col= col + nams[i]; i++;});
      if (col != '')
         opt.series[3].encode.y = col;  // A or AC or ABC etc.
      chart.setOption(opt, true);  // replace chart

Note: if you like this solution, please consider granting a Github star ⭐ to echarty.

Update visualMap from ecs.proxy echart proxy object

original gist
Hi @helgasoft,
I'm trying to update the visualMap properties so the dimension can be changed for the visualMap. I created some helper functions for doing so, but it doesn't seem to want to update.
I'm not sure I understand how the proxy objects options are formatted, but it may be something else?

library(shiny); library(echarty)
ec.visualMap <- function(ec,
                         type = 'continuous',
                         calculable = TRUE,
                         inRange = list(color = c('deepskyblue', 'pink', 'pink', 'red')),
                         min = NULL,
                         max = NULL,
                         dimension = 1,
                         top = "middle",
                         textGap = 5,
                         padding = 2,
                         itemHeight = 390,
                         ...) {

  if (ncol(.data)) {
    .dimension <- ec.col_locate(dimension, .data)
    .min <- min %||% min(.data[[.dimension]], na.rm = TRUE)
    .max <- max %||% max(.data[[.dimension]], na.rm = TRUE)
    mods <- list(
      type = type,
      calculable = calculable,
      inRange = inRange,
      min = .min,
      max = .max,
      dimension = ec.dim(.dimension, .data),
      top = top,
      textGap = textGap,
      padding = padding,
      itemHeight = itemHeight,
    ) |>

    ec$x$opts$visualMap <- mods


`%||%` <- rlang::`%||%`

#' Convert R data dimension into JS dimension
#' @param dim \code{chr/dbl} Column name or index
#' @param ec \code{echarty}
#' @return \code{dbl}
#' @export

ec.dim <- function(dim, ec) {

ec.data_extract <- function(ec) {
  ec$x$opts$dataset[[1]]$source[-1] |>
    purrr::map(unlist) |> |>
    t() |> |>
    tibble::remove_rownames() |>

ec.col_locate <- function(x, .data) {
  which(names(.data) == x)
#' @export
ec.dim.character <- function(x, ec) {
  ec.col_locate(x, ec) - 1
#' @export
ec.dim.numeric <- function(x, ec) {
  x - 1
#' @export
ec.dim.default <- function(x, ec) {

jsfn <- "() => {
  chart = get_e_charts('pchart');
  serie = chart.getModel().getSeries()[0];
  indices = serie.getRawIndicesByActiveState('active');
  Shiny.setInputValue('axisbrush', indices);
ui <- fluidPage(  ecs.output('pchart'),
                  selectizeInput(inputId = "colormap",
                                 label = "Map color to ",
                                 choices = names(mtcars),
                                 selected = names(mtcars)[1]
server <- function(input, output) {
  ids <- c()  # keep track of highlighted lines
  output$pchart <- ecs.render({
    p <- mtcars |> ec.init(ctype= 'parallel') |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
    p$x$opts$series[[1]]$emphasis <- list(disabled= FALSE,
                                          lineStyle= list(opacity= 1, width= 3))   # ,color= 'green'
    p$x$opts$visualMap <- list(type= 'continuous', calculable= TRUE,
                               inRange= list(color= c('deepskyblue','pink','red')),
                               min= min(mtcars$mpg), max= max(mtcars$mpg),
                               dimension= 0  # mpg is first column, index 0 in JS
    p$x$on <- list(list(event= 'axisareaselected',
                        handler= htmlwidgets::JS(jsfn) ))
  observeEvent(input$axisbrush, {
  observeEvent(input$pchart_click, {   # echarty built-in event
    id <- input$pchart_click$dataIndex
    p <- ecs.proxy('pchart')
    if (id %in% ids) {
      p$x$opts <- list(type= 'downplay', dataIndex= id)
      ids <<- ids[! ids==id ]
    } else {
      p$x$opts <- list(type= 'highlight', dataIndex= id)
      ids <<- c(ids, id)
    p |> ecs.exec('p_dispatch')

  observeEvent(input$colormap, {
    echarty::ecs.proxy("pchart") |>
      ec.visualMap(dimension = input$colormap, .data =mtcars) |>
  }, ignoreInit = TRUE)
shinyApp(ui= ui, server= server)

Code gists to the rescue

Several programming questions have been addressed already in our Code Gists.
Gists are searchable by keyword. Example: to search for scatter in all gists - do this.

Since search is easier in Issues however, newer code snippets will mostly show up in this thread as comments.

No handler for mouseover

Hi, I am having a similar issue to the one posted by joachim-hansson on Jun 18.

The app closes as soon as I mouseover data in the chart, and I get this warning:

Warning: Error in : No handler registered for type gam_mouseover:echartyParse
3: runApp
2: print.shiny.appobj
Error in (function (name, val, shinysession) :
No handler registered for type gam_mouseover:echartyParse

I have tried adding a mouseover handler as suggested in the Jun 18 issue, but it has no effect.

Likewise I get the same warning/crash when I run this demo from the documentation (including the mouseover handler suggested in response to the Jun 18 issue):

ui <- fluidPage(ecs.output('plot'), textOutput('out1') )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$plot <- ecs.render({
    p <- mtcars |> group_by(cyl) |> ec.init(dataZoom= list(type= 'inside'))
    p$x$on <- list(                     # event(s) with Javascript handler
      list(event= 'legendselectchanged',
           handler= htmlwidgets::JS("(evt) => Shiny.setInputValue('result1',;"))
    p$x$capture <- 'datazoom'
  observeEvent(input$plot_datazoom, {   # captured event
    output$out1 <- renderText({ paste('Zoom.start:',input$plot_datazoom$batch$start,'%') })
  observeEvent(input$plot_mouseover, {  # built-in event
    output$out1 <- renderText({ toString(input$plot_mouseover) })
  observeEvent(input$result1, {
    output$out1 <- renderText({ paste('legend:',input$result1) }) 
  observeEvent(input$plot_mouseover, {   # mouseover handler
    cat('\nMover:', toString(input$plot_mouseover$data))
shinyApp(ui, server)

I am running R 4.3.1, echarty 1.5.4, shiny 1.7.5.

Separate symbols/custom shapes | Within timeline frames

As a continuation of my earlier question, I was wondering if it there is a way that echarty could let a user set a custom "symbol" for each group within a frame inside a timeline animation?

I have been able to categorize frames within timelines via colour and size thanks to echarty and helgasoft's help, but I was wondering if there was also this other possibility? The only solution I vaguely recall ever seeing was manually adding separate "traces" for each group but I don't think that would be reproducible for varying numbers of groups and esapecially different numbers of frames in timeline.

ECharts + GL and mobile touch devices

Apparently ECharts is focusing more on desktop implementations, less on mobile.
For instance more than half of 3D globe examples do not show up on mobile.

Another issue is that a simple touch(click) does not work on mobile devices for 3D Globe.
Luckily, thanks to @7upcat and @uozanyildiz, there is a workaround to enable this behaviour.
However the fix involves commenting out a line in the core library echarts.js - not very practical.
In latest v.5.3.2 this line is #4591 scope.touching = true;.
Here is a mobile JS demo of 3D Globe working with a fixed echarts.js.

Attn @CyprienCambus - in R/echarty same improvement is achieved by replacing library file C:/Users/username/Documents/R/win-library/4.1/echarty/js/echarts.min.js with the fixed one.

Hopefully @pissang & team will address this bug soon. Until then we are planning to incorporate the fix in future releases of echarty.

Echarty and dendrogram

Can you please advise how to plot the result of an R hierarchical clustering procedure in Echarts via echarty?

Such as,

hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")
dend1 <- as.dendrogram(hc)


Understanding formatter

Apologies, I would like to ask for some help understanding how I can be leveraging formatter in the following

big %>% mutate(Percent = Total_Divorces/`Aggregate Marriages`*100) %>%  group_by(Seed) %>% arrange(Year) |> ec.init(
  tooltip= list(show= TRUE,trigger = 'axis', formatter= 
                  ec.clmn('Cohort <b>%@</b><br> Year <b>%@</b><br> Percentage  <b> %@% </b>',1,2,8)),
  tl.series= list(encode = list(x = 'Year',y = 'Percent',emphasis = list(focus ="adjacency")),type= 'line'),
  xAxis = list(max = 2023,min = 1980),
  legend = setting,

Currently, my version of this timeline plot does not manage to present any of the values that I was meaning to showcase - 'Seed','Year' and 'Percent'.

Regarding geo plots

Hello again,

Thank you very much for your help! It has enabled me to present alot more beautiful and properly intricate plots for my work, and I really appreciate it.

Continuing from your last solution regarding the dataset regarding cases across the world

input <- read.csv("DirectExample.csv")
input |> mutate(
  vleth= scales::rescale(lethality, to = c(0.01,100.00)),
  sleth= scales::rescale(n, to = c(13,36)),
  pleth= lethality *100
) |> na.omit() |>
  group_by(Year) |> 
  ec.init(load= 'world', geo= list(roam=T), animation=F,
          tl.series= list(type='scatter', coordinateSystem='geo',
                          name= "reports",
                          encode= list(lng='lon', lat='lat'), symbolSize= ec.clmn('sleth') ),
          visualMap = list(dimension='vleth',
                           inRange = list(symbol = "diamond", bottom= 3, color= c('#6EA5FF','#DB2D12'),colorLightness = c(0.7,0.45), colorSaturation = c(10,300)) ),
          options= list(legend= list(show=T)),
          title = list(list(left="80%", top="1%", textStyle=list(fontSize=30, color='#11111166')), 
                       list(text = "Life expectancy and GDP by year", 
                            left = "10%", top = 10, textStyle = list(fontWeight = "normal", fontSize = 20))),
          tooltip= list(formatter= 
                          ec.clmn('%@<br>Number of Outbreak Incidents: %@<br />Lethality: %R@%', 'Country','n','pleth'))
  ) |> ec.theme("something",code = jsonfile)

This works, and I was beginning to wonder if there was a way to simply colour the countries based off of n (ie what you rescaled as sleth in the previous solution you provided). I realised that you had an example pertaining to that . However, I got a bit confused as to how I would go about doing that. I ended up here, and am not sure how I should be referencing the data for the map to show colours.

#Different type of map??

input |> mutate(
  vleth= scales::rescale(lethality, to = c(0.01,100.00)),
  sleth= scales::rescale(n, to = c(13,36)),
  pleth= lethality *100
) |> na.omit() |>
  group_by(Year) |> 
  ec.init(load= 'world', geo= list(roam=T), animation=F,
          tl.series= list(type='map', coordinateSystem='geo',
                          name= "reports",
                          encode= list(lng='lon', lat='lat')),
          visualMap = list(type = 'continuous',calculable = TRUE),
          options= list(legend= list(show=T)),
          title = list(list(left="80%", top="1%", textStyle=list(fontSize=30, color='#11111166')), 
                       list(text = "Life expectancy and GDP by year", 
                            left = "10%", top = 10, textStyle = list(fontWeight = "normal", fontSize = 20))),
          tooltip= list(formatter= 
                          ec.clmn('%@<br>Number of Outbreak Incidents: %@<br />Lethality: %R@%', 'Country','n','pleth'))
  ) |> ec.theme("something",code = jsonfile)

I tried looking at the dataset in your example to try to understand this segment here and how it was perhaps used to point to the data for it to recognise the city names that were being used in your example, but I was not able to access the html link for :

wp <- read_html('')
wt <- wp %>% html_node('#para_nb_1 > div > div > div > table') %>% html_table(header=TRUE)

So I am not sure how to replicate what you have done here for my dataset here. I would really appreciate if you were able to guide me through that, if possible. Thank you for your help thus far.

replicate ECharts examples - polar

How to replicate this ECharts example in R. Answer to question by @cylee0000.
Start by translating the JS code to R with demo(js2r, 'echarty'). Then fix R code:

  • split text by adding line breaks
  • replace redundant "list(" in certain places by "c("
  • tooltip code should be usually left in JavaScript

Result is below. Includes alternative code for cartesian2D view of the same punch card.

hours <- c('12a', '1a', '2a', '3a', '4a', '5a', '6a','7a', '8a', '9a', '10a', '11a','12p', '1p', '2p', '3p', '4p', '5p','6p', '7p', '8p', '9p', '10p', '11p')
days <- c('Saturday', 'Friday', 'Thursday','Wednesday', 'Tuesday', 'Monday', 'Sunday')
js <- "window.hours = [
    '12a', '1a', '2a', '3a', '4a', '5a', '6a',
    '7a', '8a', '9a', '10a', '11a',
    '12p', '1p', '2p', '3p', '4p', '5p',
    '6p', '7p', '8p', '9p', '10p', '11p'
window.days = ['Saturday', 'Friday', 'Thursday','Wednesday', 'Tuesday', 'Monday', 'Sunday'];"
datap <- list(c(0, 0, 5), c(0, 1, 1), c(0, 2, 0), c(0, 3, 0), c(0, 4, 0), c(0, 5, 0), c(0, 6, 0), c(0, 7, 0), c(0, 8, 0), c(0, 9, 0), c(0, 10, 0), c(0, 11, 2), c(0, 12, 4), c(0, 13, 1), c(0, 14, 1), c(0, 15, 3), c(0, 16, 4), c(0, 17, 6), c(0, 18, 4), c(0, 19, 4), c(0, 20, 3), c(0, 21, 3), c(0, 22, 2), c(0, 23, 5), c(1, 0, 7), c(1, 1, 0), c(1, 2, 0), c(1, 3, 0), c(1, 4, 0), c(1, 5, 0), c(1, 6, 0), c(1, 7, 0), c(1, 8, 0), c(1, 9, 0), c(1, 10, 5), c(1, 11, 2), c(1, 12, 2), c(1, 13, 6), c(1, 14, 9), c(1, 15, 11), c(1, 16, 6), c(1, 17, 7), c(1, 18, 8), c(1, 19, 12), c(1, 20, 5), c(1, 21, 5), c(1, 22, 7), c(1, 23, 2), c(2, 0, 1), c(2, 1, 1), c(2, 2, 0), c(2, 3, 0), c(2, 4, 0), c(2, 5, 0), c(2, 6, 0), c(2, 7, 0), c(2, 8, 0), c(2, 9, 0), c(2, 10, 3), c(2, 11, 2), c(2, 12, 1), c(2, 13, 9), c(2, 14, 8), c(2, 15, 10), c(2, 16, 6), c(2, 17, 5), c(2, 18, 5), c(2, 19, 5), c(2, 20, 7), c(2, 21, 4), c(2, 22, 2), c(2, 23, 4), c(3, 0, 7), c(3, 1, 3), c(3, 2, 0), c(3, 3, 0), c(3, 4, 0), c(3, 5, 0), c(3, 6, 0), c(3, 7, 0), c(3, 8, 1), c(3, 9, 0), c(3, 10, 5), c(3, 11, 4), c(3, 12, 7), c(3, 13, 14), c(3, 14, 13), c(3, 15, 12), c(3, 16, 9), c(3, 17, 5), c(3, 18, 5), c(3, 19, 10), c(3, 20, 6), c(3, 21, 4), c(3, 22, 4), c(3, 23, 1), c(4, 0, 1), c(4, 1, 3), c(4, 2, 0), c(4, 3, 0), c(4, 4, 0), c(4, 5, 1), c(4, 6, 0), c(4, 7, 0), c(4, 8, 0), c(4, 9, 2), c(4, 10, 4), c(4, 11, 4), c(4, 12, 2), c(4, 13, 4), c(4, 14, 4), c(4, 15, 14), c(4, 16, 12), c(4, 17, 1), c(4, 18, 8), c(4, 19, 5), c(4, 20, 3), c(4, 21, 7), c(4, 22, 3), c(4, 23, 0), c(5, 0, 2), c(5, 1, 1), c(5, 2, 0), c(5, 3, 3), c(5, 4, 0), c(5, 5, 0), c(5, 6, 0), c(5, 7, 0), c(5, 8, 2), c(5, 9, 0), c(5, 10, 4), c(5, 11, 1), c(5, 12, 5), c(5, 13, 10), c(5, 14, 5), c(5, 15, 7), c(5, 16, 11), c(5, 17, 6), c(5, 18, 0), c(5, 19, 5), c(5, 20, 3), c(5, 21, 4), c(5, 22, 2), c(5, 23, 0), c(6, 0, 1), c(6, 1, 0), c(6, 2, 0), c(6, 3, 0), c(6, 4, 0), c(6, 5, 0), c(6, 6, 0), c(6, 7, 0), c(6, 8, 0), c(6, 9, 0), c(6, 10, 1), c(6, 11, 0), c(6, 12, 2), c(6, 13, 1), c(6, 14, 3), c(6, 15, 4), c(6, 16, 0), c(6, 17, 0), c(6, 18, 0), c(6, 19, 0), c(6, 20, 1), c(6, 21, 2), c(6, 22, 2), 
  c(6, 23, 6))
data <- lapply(datap, function(x) c(x[2], x[1],x[3]))

ec.init( preset=FALSE, js= js,
   title= list(text='Punch Card of Github'), 
   legend= list(data= list('Punch Card'),left='right'),
   tooltip= list(position='top',
                 formatter= htmlwidgets::JS("function (params) {
      // 2D:  return (params.value[2] +' commits in '+ hours[params.value[0]] +' of '+ days[params.value[1]]
              return (params.value[2] +' commits in '+ hours[params.value[1]] +' of '+ days[params.value[0]]
    );}"  )),
   # grid= list(left=2, bottom=10, right=10, containLabel=TRUE),
   # xAxis= list(type='category', data= hours, boundaryGap=FALSE, splitLine=list(show=TRUE), axisLine=list(show=FALSE)),
   # yAxis= list(type='category', data= days, axisLine=list(show=FALSE)),
   polar = list(show= TRUE),
   angleAxis = list(data= hours, type= 'category', boundaryGap= FALSE,
     splitLine = list(show= TRUE), axisLine= list(show= FALSE)),
   radiusAxis = list(data= days, type= 'category',
     axisLine = list(show= FALSE), axisLabel= list(rotate= 45)),
   series= list(list(name='Punch Card',  type='scatter', 
           symbolSize= ec.clmn(3, scale=2),
           data= datap, coordinateSystem = "polar"  # datap for polar
           #data= data   #  data for cartesian2D
           ,animationDelay= ec.clmn(-1, scale=5)

if you like this solution, please consider granting a Github star ⭐ to echarty.

Possible features: Including more information

Hi, I was wondering if it were possible to include more information on say a scatterplot for a time-series
dataset. I have 2 specific questions in mind.

df_ %>% mutate(value = round(value,1))%>%
  group_by(Zone) |> 
    title= list(text= 'Temporal Trends: Contamination/Infection/Colonization Rates Across Hosts, Eggs, and Faeces '),
    xAxis = list(name = 'Time',nameLocation = 'start',
                 nameTextStyle = list(fontWeight ='bolder'),
                 axisLabel = list(rotate = 346,width = 65,
                                  overflow = 'truncate')),
    yAxis = list(max = 100,name = "% compromised",nameLocation = 'start',
                 nameTextStyle = list(fontWeight ='bolder')),
    dataZoom= list(list(type= 'slider',orient = 'vertical'
                   ,left = '2%'),list(type= 'slider',orient = 'horizontal'
                                      ,right = '2%',top='1%', width = '20%')),
    tl.series = list(type  ='line',
                     encode = list(x = 'TimeUnit',y = 'value'), groupBy= 'variable',
                     emphasis= list(focus= 'series',
                                    label= list(position= 'right',
                                                rotate = 350,
    tooltip = list(show = T, trigger = 'axis'))|>
  options <- lapply(seq_along(options), \(i) {  
    tita$text <- paste(tita$text, options[[i]]$title$text)
    options[[i]]$title <- tita   # here we set a title for each timeline step    
    options[[i]]$legend$data <- cns[[i]]  # fine-tune legends: data by continent

There is additional information like Total Hosts, No contaminated, No infected etc that are not currently reflected in my graph. I have been wondering if there would be a way to incorporate that information to give more context to the percentage values that are reflected on the graph. This is because sometimes a rise in percentage of hosts infected from hour X to hour X+1 say in Zone 2 , could be due to the number of hosts having decreased instead of more infected hosts having surfaced. The same goes for contaminated hosts.

The same applies for faeces and eggs.

  1. How would I incorporate say, "Total Hosts" as the size of the points in all of the lines?
  2. Is it possible to incorporate "Total Hosts" for the %Contaminated, %Infected and % Colonized lines (which are all for hosts), and "Total faeces" for the %faeces line and "Total eggs" for the %eggs line? Is that possible?

I did more a ugly and not so wieldable version in plotly a while back and was wondering if there was something similar I could do with echarty.

I am open to suggestions on another way to present this additional information in say another graph in a side by side comparison or something if you believe there is such a method. I understand if this issue is a bit too troublesome, thank you for your consideration and time.

Combinations of echarts4r and charty

Hi @helgasoft,

I have just a question/thought. For me the interface of echarts4r is a little bit easier for me to understand than echarty. On the other hand echarty seems much more capable of unleash all the features that echarts has. Do you think there is somehow a way to combine the two packages, e.g. by building and lay-outing a chart with a echarts4r and adding features, charts, morphs, etc. with the help of charty?

You have this nice function that translates a js echarts object into an (echarty-) R object. I was thinking of a similar translator function that tranlates an echarts4r-object into a echarty-object.

I know this will probably a much too complicated way to go, but I am curious about your opinion on this.

Thanks in advance!

Error: No handler registered mouseover since v1.5.4

Using this minimal example:


ui <- fluidPage(mainPanel(ecs.output("distPlot"))))

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$distPlot <- ecs.render({cars |> ec.init()})
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I get the error below when hoovering a data point in the plot:

Warning: Error in : No handler registered for type distPlot_mouseover:echartyParse
3: runApp
2: print.shiny.appobj
Error in (function (name, val, shinysession) :
No handler registered for type distPlot_mouseover:echartyParse

Session info:

Listening on
R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/; LAPACK version 3.10.0


time zone: Etc/UTC
tzcode source: system (glibc)

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages:
[1] echarty_1.5.4 shiny_1.7.4

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] jsonlite_1.8.5 dplyr_1.1.2 compiler_4.3.1 crayon_1.5.2 promises_1.2.0.1
[6] tidyselect_1.2.0 Rcpp_1.0.10 later_1.3.1 jquerylib_0.1.4 yaml_2.3.7
[11] fastmap_1.1.1 mime_0.12 R6_2.5.1 generics_0.1.3 htmlwidgets_1.6.2
[16] tibble_3.2.1 bslib_0.5.0 pillar_1.9.0 rlang_1.1.1 utf8_1.2.3
[21] cachem_1.0.8 stringi_1.7.12 httpuv_1.6.11 sass_0.4.6 memoise_2.0.1
[26] cli_3.6.1 withr_2.5.0 magrittr_2.0.3 digest_0.6.31 xtable_1.8-4
[31] remotes_2.4.2 lifecycle_1.0.3 data.tree_1.0.0 vctrs_0.6.3 glue_1.6.2
[36] fansi_1.0.4 tools_4.3.1 pkgconfig_2.0.3 ellipsis_0.3.2 htmltools_0.5.5

Mute visualMap color on specific series elements

Hi @helgasoft,
Hoping you have a tip for how to handle this situation where we want to have specific series elements use their default color and not the visualMap color.
It appears possible based on these extraordinarily vague comments in the example under the Configure Mapping heading in the visualMap options

This stackoverflow shows a similar situation and how to apply visualMap: false to the data object in each series object to mute the visualMap.

However, in the old parallel example below the series objects refer to the datasetIndex instead of the data directly.
Setting an empty data object with just visualMap = FALSE overrides the datasetIndex as the data source and produces a chart with no series.

Any guidance on how to turn off visualMap for specific indices where the datasetIndex is used instead of data? I've added a browser statement to the reprex at the location where it most makes sense to see the echart and apply this modification.

With appreciation for any assistance you are able to offer

Parallel Reprex
library(shiny); library(echarty)
ec.visualMap <- function(ec,
                         type = 'continuous',
                         calculable = TRUE,
                         inRange = list(color = c('deepskyblue', 'pink', 'pink', 'red')),
                         min = NULL,
                         max = NULL,
                         dimension = 1,
                         top = "middle",
                         textGap = 5,
                         padding = 2,
                         itemHeight = 390,
                         ...) {

  if (ncol(.data)) {
    .dimension <- ec.col_locate(dimension, .data)
    .min <- min %||% min(.data[[.dimension]], na.rm = TRUE)
    .max <- max %||% max(.data[[.dimension]], na.rm = TRUE)
    mods <- list(
      type = type,
      calculable = calculable,
      inRange = inRange,
      min = .min,
      max = .max,
      dimension = ec.dim(.dimension, .data),
      top = top,
      textGap = textGap,
      padding = padding,
      itemHeight = itemHeight,
    ) |>

    ec$x$opts$visualMap <- mods


`%||%` <- rlang::`%||%`

#' Convert R data dimension into JS dimension
#' @param dim \code{chr/dbl} Column name or index
#' @param ec \code{echarty}
#' @return \code{dbl}
#' @export

ec.dim <- function(dim, ec) {

ec.data_extract <- function(ec) {
  ec$x$opts$dataset[[1]]$source[-1] |>
    purrr::map(unlist) |> |>
    t() |> |>
    tibble::remove_rownames() |>

ec.col_locate <- function(x, .data) {
  which(names(.data) == x)
#' @export
ec.dim.character <- function(x, ec) {
  ec.col_locate(x, ec) - 1
#' @export
ec.dim.numeric <- function(x, ec) {
  x - 1
#' @export
ec.dim.default <- function(x, ec) {
jsfn <- "() => {
  chart = get_e_charts('chart');
  serie = chart.getModel().getSeries()[0];
  indices = serie.getRawIndicesByActiveState('active');
  Shiny.setInputValue('axisbrush', indices);
ui <- fluidPage(  ecs.output('chart'),
                  selectizeInput(inputId = "colormap",
                                 label = "Map color to ",
                                 choices = names(mtcars),
                                 selected = names(mtcars)[1]
                  fluidRow(id = "alerts"))
server <- function(input, output) {

  key <- NULL
    .data <- mtcars |>
      head(8) |>
      tibble::rownames_to_column("ID") |>
      # tibble::remove_rownames() |>         # does not affect layout
      dplyr::relocate(ID, .after = dplyr::last_col()) |>    # move grouping column last
    key <- .data$ID
    # ct <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(reactiveVal(.data), key = "ID")
    # t_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(reactiveVal(.data), key = "ID")
    ct <- CT_data()
    t_data <- CT_data()
  ids <- c()  # keep track of highlighted lines
  output$chart <- ecs.render({

    p <- ct |>
      echarty::ec.init(ctype = "parallel") |>

    p$x$opts$visualMap <- list(type= 'continuous', calculable= TRUE,
                               inRange= list(color= c('deepskyblue','pink','red')),
                               min= min(mtcars$mpg), max= max(mtcars$mpg),
                               dimension= 0  # mpg is first column, index 0 in JS
    p$x$on <- list(list(event= 'axisareaselected',
                        handler= htmlwidgets::JS(jsfn) ))
    s_order <- purrr::map_chr(p$x$opts$series, ~purrr::pluck(.x, "name"))

    .color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(s_order), "Set3")

    p$x$opts$color = .color

    p$x$opts$series <- purrr::map(
      ~purrr::list_modify(.x, !!!rlang::list2(emphasis = list(
        disabled = FALSE,
        lineStyle = list(opacity = 1, width = 3, visualMap = FALSE)
    p$x$opts$legend <- purrr::list_modify(p$x$opts$legend, !!!list(
      type = "scroll",
      orient = "horizontal",
      bottom = 0,
      top = NULL,
      icon = "pin",
      itemGap = 5,
      imageWidth = 10,
      imageHeight = 10
    # This produces an empty plot
    # p$x$opts$series <- purrr::imap(p$x$opts$series, \(.x,.y) {
    #   purrr::list_modify(.x, data = list(visualMap = FALSE))
    # })

  # Renders the DT with individually clicked rows from parallel plot highlighted with color
  output$highlighted <- DT::renderDT({
    # .data <- t_data$full_data()
    # .rows <- 1:nrow(.data)
    # .colors <- t_data$tracking_cols()$source_col
    # if (shiny::isTruthy(highlighted())) {
    #   browser()
    #   l <- length(highlighted())
    #   .colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(, color_theme[paste0("scenario_", 1:2)]))(l)
    #   .rows <- 1:l
    #   .data <- .data[c(highlighted() + 1, setdiff(1:nrow(.data), highlighted() + 1)), ]
    # }

    dt <- DT::datatable(
      selection = list(mode = "multiple",
                       target = "row"),
      #style = "bootstrap4",
      filter = list(position = "top"),
      escape = FALSE,
      callback = DT::JS(c(
        "table.on('draw.dt', function(e, datatable){",
        glue::glue("Shiny.setInputValue('highlighted' + '_page', + 1);"),
        # UU::glue_js("if ( != *{(input$policy_chooser_page %||% 1) - 1}*) {"),
        # paste0('setTimeout(function() {', (input$policy_chooser_page %||% 1) - 1,').draw(false);}, 100);'),
        # "};"
      extensions = "KeyTable",
      options = list(
        keys = TRUE,
        search = list(regex = TRUE),
        columnDefs = list(
          list(orderSequence = c("desc", "asc"), targets = "_all"),
          list(className = "dt-center", targets = "_all")
        processing = FALSE,
        pageLength = 10,
        lengthMenu = list(c(5, 10, 25, 50, -1), c("5", "10", "25", "50", "All"))

  }, server = FALSE)
  observeEvent(input$axisbrush, {
  history <- shinyVirga::rv(
    chart = NULL,
    table = NULL

  dispatch_action <- reactiveVal()
  observeEvent(input$chart_click, {

    .s <- input$chart_click$seriesName
    if (.s %in% history$chart) {
      dispatch_action(list(type= 'downplay', seriesName = .s))
      history$chart <- setdiff(history$chart, .s)
    } else {
      dispatch_action(list(type= 'highlight', seriesName = .s))
      history$chart <- c(history$chart, .s)

    DT::dataTableProxy("highlighted") |>
      DT::selectRows(which(key %in% history$chart))
    history$table <- intersect(key, history$chart)
    #virgaUtils::dbg_msg("chart_click: {.val {paste0(history$table, collapse = ',')}}")
  }, priority = 1)

  observeEvent(sum(t_data$selection()), {
    .selected <- key[t_data$selection()]
    if (length(.selected) < length(history$chart)) {
      now_selected <- setdiff(history$chart, .selected)
      dispatch_action(list(type = "downplay", seriesName = now_selected))
      history$chart <- intersect(history$chart, .selected)
    } else if (length(.selected) > length(history$chart)) {
      dispatch_action(list(type = "highlight", seriesName = setdiff(.selected, history$chart)))
      history$table <- history$chart <- intersect(.selected, history$chart)
    #virgaUtils::dbg_msg("table_click: {.val {paste0(history$table, collapse = ',')}}")
    # if the table is clicked,
  }, priority = 1)

  observeEvent(dispatch_action(), {   # echarty built-in event

    #virgaUtils::dbg_msg("dispatch_action: {.val {dispatch_action()}}")
    # i <- which(t_data$data()[[key]] %in% highlighted())
    # # Select the corresponding row in the table
    # DT::dataTableProxy("highlighted") |>
    #   DT::selectRows(i)
    # # Update the selection in the table data crosstalk object
    # t_data$selection(i)
    p <- echarty::ecs.proxy('chart')

    p$x$opts <- dispatch_action()
    p |> echarty::ecs.exec('p_dispatch')

  observeEvent(input$colormap, {

    echarty::ecs.proxy("chart") |>
      ec.visualMap(dimension = input$colormap, .data = mtcars) |>
  }, ignoreInit = TRUE)
shinyApp(ui= ui, server= server)
R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Ventura 13.1

Matrix products: default
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices datasets  utils     methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] dmdu_0.0.0.9001 testthat_3.1.6  echarty_1.4.5   shiny_1.7.4    

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] colorspace_2.0-3      ellipsis_0.3.2        rprojroot_2.0.3       snakecase_0.11.0     
  [5] markdown_1.1          fs_1.5.2              rstudioapi_0.14       roxygen2_7.2.1       
  [9] remotes_2.4.2         bit64_4.0.5           DT_0.23               golem_0.3.4          
 [13] fansi_1.0.3           lubridate_1.9.0       xml2_1.3.3            cachem_1.0.6         
 [17] knitr_1.40            shinytest2_0.2.0.9000 config_0.3.1          pkgload_1.3.0        
 [21] jsonlite_1.8.3        yardstick_1.1.0       tippy_1.0.0           readr_2.1.2          
 [25] compiler_4.2.1        BOR_0.4.0             httr_1.4.4            assertthat_0.2.1     
 [29] fastmap_1.1.0         lazyeval_0.2.2        cli_3.4.1             later_1.3.0          
 [33] htmltools_0.5.4       prettyunits_1.1.1     tools_4.2.1           gtable_0.3.1         
 [37] glue_1.6.2            dplyr_1.1.0           Rcpp_1.0.9            sortable_0.4.6       
 [41] jquerylib_0.1.4       vctrs_0.5.2           crosstalk_1.2.1       parsnip_1.0.2        
 [45] xfun_0.36             stringr_1.5.0         ps_1.7.1              brio_1.1.3           
 [49] rvest_1.0.3           english_1.2-6         timechange_0.1.1      UU_1.15.0            
 [53] mime_0.12             miniUI_0.1.1.1        lifecycle_1.0.3       shinyvalidate_0.1.2  
 [57] renv_0.16.0           devtools_2.4.5        scales_1.2.1          vroom_1.5.7          
 [61] hms_1.1.2             promises_1.2.0.1      parallel_4.2.1        RColorBrewer_1.1-3   
 [65] virgaUtils_0.4.0      curl_4.3.3            rpart.plot_3.1.1      yaml_2.3.5           
 [69] memoise_2.0.1         ggplot2_3.3.6         sass_0.4.5            rpart_4.1.16         
 [73] stringi_1.7.8         desc_1.4.2            RMySQL_0.10.23        cicerone_1.0.5.9000  
 [77] hardhat_1.2.0         pkgbuild_1.3.1        attempt_0.3.1         rlang_1.0.6          
 [81] pkgconfig_2.0.3       evaluate_0.16         purrr_1.0.1           patchwork_1.1.1      
 [85] htmlwidgets_1.5.4     bit_4.0.4             cowplot_1.1.1         processx_3.7.0       
 [89] tidyselect_1.2.0      OpenMCE_1.0.0         shinyVirga_0.15.0     plyr_1.8.7           
 [93] magrittr_2.0.3        learnr_0.10.1         R6_2.5.1              generics_0.1.3       
 [97] profvis_0.3.7         DBI_1.1.3             pillar_1.8.1          withr_2.5.0          
[101] tibble_3.1.8          reactable_0.3.0       crayon_1.5.2          shinyWidgets_0.7.6   
[105] bs4Dash_2.2.1         utf8_1.2.2            plotly_4.10.1         tzdb_0.3.0           
[109] rmarkdown_2.20        crssDB_1.0.0          urlchecker_1.0.1      tidyrules_0.1.5      
[113] usethis_2.1.6         grid_4.2.1            data.table_1.14.2     callr_3.7.2          
[117] digest_0.6.30         xtable_1.8-4          tidyr_1.2.1           httpuv_1.6.6         
[121] pool_0.1.6            munsell_0.5.0         viridisLite_0.4.1     bslib_0.4.0          
[125] sessioninfo_1.2.2     shinyjs_2.1.0  

charts morphing

How to duplicate ECharts morphing demo of smooth transition to aggregated data chart, question asked here.
Solution is data preparation in R, then visualization.

mc <- mtcars |> filter(cyl<8)
datt <- function(idx) { return(mc[mc$cyl==idx,]$hp) }
colors <- c("blue","red")

oscatter <- list(
  title= list(subtext='mouseover points to morph'),
  xAxis= list(scale=TRUE),
  yAxis= list(scale=TRUE), color= colors,
    list(type='scatter', id=4, dataGroupId=4, data= datt(4),
         universalTransition= list(enabled= TRUE)),
    list(type='scatter', id=6, dataGroupId=6, data= datt(6),
         universalTransition= list(enabled=TRUE)) 
obar <- list(
  title= list(text= 'Average'),
  xAxis= list(type= 'category', data= list('cyl4', 'cyl6')),
  yAxis= list(show= TRUE), color= colors,
  series= list(list(
    type= 'bar', id= 'average', colorBy= 'data',
    data= list(
      list(value= mean(datt(4)), groupId=4),
      list(value= mean(datt(6)), groupId=6)),
    universalTransition=list(enabled= TRUE, 
                             seriesKey=c('4', '6'))

# remotes::install_github('helgasoft/echarty')  # get latest
ec.util(cmd='morph', oscatter, obar)


Choropleth on categorical values

Do categorical values work for choropleth maps? asked here by @lgnbhl
ECharts seems to ignore non-numerical categories in piecewise choropleths. But numerical categories work.

cns <- countrycode::codelist$
cns <- data.frame(
	country = cns,
#	category = sample(LETTERS[1:4], length(cns), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.1, 0.2, 0.65, 0.05))
	category = sample(1:4, length(cns), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.1, 0.2, 0.65, 0.05))
# set colors for categories
colors <- c('#8b0069','#75c165', '#ce5c5c', '#fbc357')
pieces <- lapply(unique(cns$category), function(x) { 
	list(value= x, label= LETTERS[x], color= colors[x]) 

cns |> ec.init(load= 'world', visualMap= list(type= 'piecewise', pieces=pieces) )

if you like this solution, please consider granting a Github star ⭐ to echarty.

lollipop charts

Making a lollipop chart with a mix of bar and scatter charts? Yes, seems the best way.
asked here by @svenb78

library(echarty); library(dplyr)
df <- mtcars
df$mpg_z <- round((df$mpg -mean(df$mpg))/sd(df$mpg), 1)   # deviation
df |> tibble::rownames_to_column("model") |>
	relocate(model,mpg_z) |> arrange(desc(mpg_z)) |> group_by(cyl) |>
ec.init(ctype='bar', title= list(text='lollipop chart')
	,grid= list(containLabel=TRUE)
	,xAxis= list(axisLabel= list(rotate= 66), 
                     axisTick= list(alignWithLabel= TRUE))
	,yAxis= list(name='mpg_z', nameLocation='center', nameRotate=90, nameGap=20)
) |>
	scat <- list()
	series <- lapply(series, function(bar) { 
		ss <- bar		# set matching scatter serie
		ss <- within(ss, {
			type <- 'scatter'
			encode <- list(x='model', y='mpg_z')
			label <- list(show=TRUE, formatter= '{@mpg_z}')
			symbolSize <- 20
			itemStyle <- list(opacity= 1)
		scat <<- append(scat, list(ss))
		bar$barWidth <- 3
                bar$barGap <- '-100%'    # center it
		bar })
	series <- append(series, scat)


if you like this solution, please consider granting a Github star ⭐ to echarty

show percentages in a stacked bar chart

Interesting case of stacked bar chart, inquiry from @ddrogen.
Most of the work is restructuring the data. Solution shows tooltip with percentage by category.

dt <- data.frame(zipcode =as.factor(1:3),
  cat_a = c(1711, 1116, 1215),
  cat_b = c(276, 1447, 1227),
  cat_c = c(893, 794, 536),
  percent_a = c(42.3, 27.6, 30.1),
  percent_b = c(9.4, 49.1, 41.6),
  percent_c = c(40.2, 35.7, 24.1),
  total_abc= c(2880, 3357, 2978)

# data restructuring
tmp <- dt |> tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = cat_a:cat_c) |> 
	mutate(perc = case_when(name=='cat_a' ~percent_a, name=='cat_b' ~percent_b, TRUE ~percent_c)) |>
	select(zipcode, value, name, perc) |>
	group_by(zipcode, name)

	title= list(text="Count by ZIP Code"),
	tooltip= list(trigger= "item"),
	legend= list(top= 30, right= 15),
	xAxis= list(type= 'category', name= "ZIP Codes", nameLocation= 'center', nameGap= 25),
	yAxis= list(name= "count"),
	series= lapply(tmp |> group_split(), function(s) {
		list(type= 'bar', stack= 'grp', name= unique(s$name), 
			  # column indexes: 3=name, 2=value, 4=perc
			  tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('%@ = %L@ (%@%)', 3,2,4)) )


If you like this solution, please consider granting a Github star ⭐ to echarty.

Method for initializing echart with highlighted series applied?

Hi @helgasoft,
I've been scouring the echarts options to find an option that can be set on a parallel chart that will style a particular series line as bold, similar to how the dispatchAction({type:'highlight', seriesName: 'Series1'}) method does.
Do you know of a way to make a particular seriesName highlighted upon instantiation that can later be unhighlighted by the downplay action?

Legend issue


As mentioned before in another issue regarding a different subject, I am having trouble with getting the legend manipulation to actually work. I checked on another computer this time to see if the issue was consistent on my side and it appears to be so. I manually downloaded the latest version from github on this computer since I have that freedom on this device.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. For example, for the following

remotes::install_github('helgasoft/echarty',force = TRUE)  # get latest
data2<-wahis %>% mutate(Cases = as.integer(Cases),Deaths = as.integer(Deaths)) %>%
  filter(`Animal Category` == "Domestic" &
           Species %in% c("Cattle","Sheep","Sheep/goats (mixed herd)","Goats","Swine")) %>%
  group_by(Year,Sub_Continent, Country) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),Cases = sum(Cases), Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%

setting <- list(show = T,type= "scroll",orient= "horizontal", pageButtonPosition= 'start',
                right= 5,top = 30, icon = 'circle', align= 'right', height='85%')

data2 |> group_by(Sub_Continent) |> ec.init(
  tooltip= list(show= TRUE),
  tl.series= list(encode = list(x = 'Year',y = 'n',emphasis = list(focus ="series")),type= 'scatter', groupBy= 'Country'),
  xAxis = list(max = 2023,min = 2009),
  legend = setting,
  # visualMap= list(dimension=2, inRange= list( symbolSize = c(35,5)))


The legend does not appear to scroll. I appear to have this issue recurring for other echarty plots as well so far and I do not know what is the cause.

Additionally, I wonder if it is possible to make the legend be sensitive to the timeline, and only show the countries that are present within each frame of the timeline?

Any guidance on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your patience and help so far.

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