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siamfc-pytorch's Introduction

SiamFC - PyTorch

Highlights of this update:

  • Higher scores with more stable training performance.
  • Faster training (~11 minutes to train one epoch on GOT-10k on a single GPU).
  • Added MIT LICENSE.
  • Organized code.
  • Uploaded pretrained weights. (Google Drive or Baidu Yun (password: wbek))

A clean PyTorch implementation of SiamFC tracker described in paper Fully-Convolutional Siamese Networks for Object Tracking. The code is evaluated on 7 tracking datasets (OTB (2013/2015), VOT (2018), DTB70, TColor128, NfS and UAV123), using the GOT-10k toolkit.

Performance (the scores are not updated yet)


Dataset AO SR0.50 SR0.75
GOT-10k 0.355 0.390 0.118

The scores are comparable with state-of-the-art results on GOT-10k leaderboard.

OTB / UAV123 / DTB70 / TColor128 / NfS

Dataset Success Score Precision Score
OTB2013 0.589 0.781
OTB2015 0.578 0.765
UAV123 0.523 0.731
UAV20L 0.423 0.572
DTB70 0.493 0.731
TColor128 0.510 0.691
NfS (30 fps) - -
NfS (240 fps) 0.520 0.624


Dataset Accuracy Robustness (unnormalized)
VOT2018 0.502 37.25


Install Anaconda, then install dependencies:

# install PyTorch >= 1.0
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
# intall OpenCV using menpo channel (otherwise the read data could be inaccurate)
conda install -c menpo opencv
# install GOT-10k toolkit
pip install got10k

GOT-10k toolkit is a visual tracking toolkit that implements evaluation metrics and tracking pipelines for 9 popular tracking datasets.

Training the tracker

  1. Setup the training dataset in tools/ Default is the GOT-10k dataset located at ~/data/GOT-10k.

  2. Run:

python tools/

Evaluate the tracker

  1. Setup the tracking dataset in tools/ Default is the OTB dataset located at ~/data/OTB.

  2. Setup the checkpoint path of your pretrained model. Default is pretrained/siamfc_alexnet_e50.pth.

  3. Run:

python tools/

Running the demo

  1. Setup the sequence path in tools/ Default is ~/data/OTB/Crossing.

  2. Setup the checkpoint path of your pretrained model. Default is pretrained/siamfc_alexnet_e50.pth.

  3. Run:

python tools/

siamfc-pytorch's People


huanglianghua avatar


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siamfc-pytorch's Issues

more details about requirements.txt

python 3.7
shapely 1.7.1
I can run
when i run
File "G:\practice\SiamFC\siamfc-pytorch-master\tools\", line 8, in
from got10k.experiments import ExperimentGOT10k

File "E:\anaconda\1\lib\site-packages\got10k\", line 3, in
from .got10k import ExperimentGOT10k

File "E:\anaconda\1\lib\site-packages\got10k\experiments\", line 14, in
from ..utils.metrics import rect_iou

File "E:\anaconda\1\lib\site-packages\got10k\utils\", line 4, in
from shapely.geometry import box, Polygon

File "E:\anaconda\1\lib\site-packages\shapely\", line 23, in
import shapely.speedups

File "E:\anaconda\1\lib\site-packages\shapely\", line 99, in

File "E:\anaconda\1\lib\site-packages\shapely\", line 74, in enable
affine_transform.doc = shapely.affinity.affine_transform.doc

AttributeError: module 'shapely' has no attribute 'affinity'

CPU usage when train

hello, thanks your clean code.
But i found a strange phenomenon that is my cpu usage is very high(almost 100% usage per kernel spied by linux system monitor) so that it run smoothly and stop for a while and continue run...
Have you also experienced this phenomenon when training?What may cause this phenomenon in code?

Error(s) in loading state_dict for SiamFC

Error happened when loading state_dict from the pretrained model (download from google drive) for SiamFC.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in <module>
    tracker = TrackerSiamFC(net_path=net_path)
  File "F:\code\MOT\DRL_MOT\CDRL\siamfc-pytorch\", line 84, in __init__
    net_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
  File "D:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 721, in load_state_dict
    self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for SiamFC:
        Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "feature.1.num_batches_tracked", "feature.5.num_batches_tracked", "feature.9.num_batches_tracked", "feature.12.num_batches_tracked".

question about the hann_window

response = (1 - self.cfg.window_influence) * response +
self.cfg.window_influence * self.hann_window # 添加余弦窗

question about the true label

In the siamfc paper, the true label is composed of 1 and -1, but I think the true label here uses 1 and 0.
I'm wondering whether this can cause any performance drop or not.
Thanks in advance :)

Question about running speed

        The original author gave a running speed of 86fps (GPU, search factor of 3). I ran your code at 4fps (cpu, VOT15),
       Is the gap so big?

Questions about test accuracy

I used your code to train with VID data set, and then tested the trained model. I found that the test results on OTB50 and VOT2018 were quite different from the results you gave, my test results:
OTB:SR:0.517, pr:0.698
"speed_fps": 74.3267303229599,
"robustness": 60.76630229928382,
"accuracy": 0.4865348029482427

tset on vot2018

When i test on vot2018

root_dir = os.path.join('G:/practice/data'+'/VOT2018')
e = ExperimentVOT(root_dir,version=2018,experiments='unsupervised')[])

I got

Found results, skipping tiger
--Sequence 57/59: traffic
Found results, skipping traffic
--Sequence 58/59: wiper
Found results, skipping wiper
--Sequence 59/59: zebrafish1
Found results, skipping zebrafish1
Evaluating triplet
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "G:\practice\TripleFC\tools\", line 37, in[])

File "E:\anaconda\1\envs\siamfc\lib\site-packages\got10k\experiments\", line 361, in report
ious[seq_name][:len(seq_ious), :] = seq_ious

ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (0) into shape (0,325)

How to solve this problem?I don't know where I went wrong.



install opencv

in intall OpenCV using menpo channel, can i just install without add any -c parameter? it must install by menpo channel?

question about run

when i run
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 7, in
from siamfc import TrackerSiamFC
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'siamfc'

Minor bug in


I might be completely wrong about this but in line 12-13 in it reads:

xright_pad = max(0, int(round(pos_x + c)) - frame_sz[1])
ybottom_pad = max(0, int(round(pos_y + c)) - frame_sz[0])

From my understanding, the first variable is checking if the crop exceeds the right-hand side limit of the frame (x direction) and second one for bottom (y direction), so shouldn't it instead be:

xright_pad = max(0, int(round(pos_x + c)) - frame_sz[0])
ybottom_pad = max(0, int(round(pos_y + c)) - frame_sz[1])


Huang Lianghua 你好!
我将你写的 pytorch 版本 SiamFC 和 bilylee 的 tensorflow 版本SiamFC用 VOT 的 toolkit 进行了测评(VOT2018数据集),结果如下(截取部分):

  • SiamFC 是VOT官方提供的数据。
  • SiamFC_tensorflow 是bilylee代码的测评结果。
  • siamfc_pytorch_master_opencv / siamfc_pytorch_master_PIL 是你的代码,采用的是仓库中提供的预训练权重,opencv / PIL 代表的是测试时读取图片的方法。


  1. 为何 opencv 读取方式(转RGB)和 PIL.Image 读取方式对性能有影响?
  2. 中显示的 Accuracy: 0.502 是不是用got10k测评得到的?为何VOT toolkit达不到这种效果呢?
  3. 在更大的数据集上训练之后,性能竟然比tensorflow版本稍差,可能是什么原因呢?

Add a license

Please consider adding a license file to this repository so that others know under what conditions this code may be used.


为什么我运行demo.py的时候会出现ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'siamfc',要怎么解决,求问。

The path error.

I follow the instruction to set up the environment.
When I run the command python tools/
I got some error:
from siamfc import TrackerSiamFC
ImportError: No module named 'siamfc'

It seems the absolute path is set inappropriate.




`(base) csd@amax:~$ conda install -c menpo opencv
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.




Segmentation fault in running

Hi huanglianghua,
Thanks for your brilliant work.
I have encountered a 'Segmentation fault' bug when I ran the
There are no traceback. no any other information, only segmentation fault.
Could you please help me with this issue? Many thanks

Question on image augmentation during training.

Dear sir, when you are doing image augmentation during training. You define transform_z and transform_x separately so the exemplar image z and search image x do not go through the same augmentation, which can be a big problem. Could you please tell me what am I missing?

can you share any user friendly web download link of dataset, google drive best

Hi Mr Huang
Very thanks for the marvel and light reproduce work in pytorch ,a good job.

And a bit suggestion , could you share some dataset's download link by google drive ? However, the office download link was too slow to irk myself .

Can you fill in miss blank by google_drive_link by manual ?

Dataset Google Drive Baidu cloud office download page or link
GOT-10k copyright/ private link copyright/private link obtain
DukeMTMC-VideoReID link optional office
DukeMTMC-reID link / ref optional office
dukemtmc i don't known link / ref optional github_open_reid
OTB (2013/2015) miss optional office
VOT (2018) miss optional office
DTB70 box pan office
TColor128 miss optional office
NfS goto_office goto_office office
UAV123 link / ref optional office
ILSVRC2017_VID miss optional office
ILSVRC2015_VID miss optional office
Dataset-NUS-PRO miss link / ref office

modify a little in tools/ will work on

need to modify this line: anno = np.loadtxt(seq_dir + 'groundtruth_rect.txt') to anno = np.loadtxt(seq_dir + 'groundtruth_rect.txt', delimiter=','), otherwise it will raise error like this:ValueError: could not convert string to float


对于siamfc.py中的函数_create_labels(self, size)部分,存在如下代码:

 r_pos = self.cfg.r_pos / self.cfg.total_stride
 r_neg = self.cfg.r_neg / self.cfg.total_stride
 labels = logistic_labels(x, y, r_pos, r_neg)

其中,在该代码的默认配置中:cfg.r_pos = 16,cfg.r_neg = 0,cfg.total_stride = 8


  • cfg.total_stride代表什么含义?(依据原文中所表述的输入图片尺寸和输出特征图尺寸,找不到结果为8的比例关系)
  • cfg.r_poscfg.r_neg代表什么含义?这两个变量的数值定义有什么依据么,可以自行定义得更大么?
  • 经计算后的r_posr_neg代表什么含义?
  • 注:我可以理解logistic_labels()函数的意思


Hi, I have a question about the training process.
I downloaded the GOT-10K dataset, but in the subset 'train', there are only positive samples ( which contain the target object). So, in the training, we use only positive x-z pairs but should not we use also negative pairs (which do not contain the target object) for training the backbone model ?

How do I get it to train using ImageNetVID?

Change "seqs = GOT10k(root_dir, subset='train', return_meta=True)" in the original tool/train code to "seqs = ImageNetVID(root_dir, subset =('train', 'val'))", but "ValueError: num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0".

about number of prediected seqs

Why I run to evaluate OTB2015 result, but it just generate 74 sequences result, it should be 100 sequences result in OTB2015, right? So where's the problem?

Any help is highly, appreciated
Best regards

about the results

Thank you for the job! I have got the results, can you show the results on you machine? We want to compare them. Thank you for your reply.

Question about data transformer


Thank you for sharing the great work.
I have a question about the data transformer.

self.transforms_x = Compose([
CenterCrop(instance_sz - 8),
RandomCrop(instance_sz - 2 * 8),

Why the size applied on the search image is "instance_sz - 2 * 8" which would be 255- 16 ??
Why not is just 255?
If you know the answer please share with me.
Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Question about running speed

Dear sir, when I evaluate the tracker using the got10k tool on a single GPU, I got only 20 fps using the AlexNetV1 as backbone while 4 fps when using AlexNetV2, which is far from the reported fps. Could you please tell me why this is happening? Is it because my GPU is not good enough or it has something to do with the implementation of the codes. Thanks!



class Pairwise(Dataset):

    def __init__(self, seq_dataset, **kargs):
        super(Pairwise, self).__init__()
        self.cfg = self.parse_args(**kargs)

        self.seq_dataset = seq_dataset
        self.indices = np.random.permutation(len(seq_dataset))
        # augmentation for exemplar and instance images
        self.transform_z = Compose([
            CenterCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz - 8),
            RandomCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz - 2 * 8),
        self.transform_x = Compose([
            CenterCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz - 8),
            RandomCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz - 2 * 8),


  • CenterCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz - 8)RandomCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz - 2 * 8)所代表的含义是什么?
  • 对于transform_z,为什么需要 CenterCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz - 8)以及RandomCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz - 2 * 8)?
  • 对于transform_x,为什么最终不需要 CenterCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz )


  • 对于transform_z 是不是应该只保留CenterCrop(self.cfg.exemplar_sz)
  • 对于transform_x 是不是应该只保留CenterCrop(self.cfg.instance_sz)
  • 这样的话,得到的zx,才能最准确的和label相对应?

_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle


I wanted to retrain the model. During training, I face the following issue
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'pairwise.GenericDict'>: attribute lookup GenericDict on pairwise failed

I rerun the for GOT-10k and OTB and error occur at line # 45.


About train loss

train loss always 0.2 and 0.3 ,however,test can get a good result,why loss?

Question about out_scale=0.001

Hi @huanglianghua
I have a question about the hyperparameter out_scale in
Why this parameter is necessary? I can't find this parameter in the official code (Matlab ver) and in the paper.
Hope to find some inspirations.
Anyway, Thank you for your great work.


运行一直卡在anno = np.loadtxt(seq_dir + 'groundtruth_rect.txt') 提示ValueError: could not convert string to float: '205,151,17,50'

Hanning Window

Hi, I am looking into the TrackerSiamFC class. In the init function, you created a hanning window. I am confused about the usage of the hanning window, do you mind explaining a little?

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