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toolbelt's Issues

Update for changes in minecraft 1.7

Blocks changed

Wood Planks

Added Acacia and Dark Oak

0   Oak Wood Planks
1   Spruce Wood Planks
2   Birch Wood Planks
3   Jungle Wood Planks
4   Acacia Wood Planks
5   Dark Oak Wood Planks


Added Podzol

0   Dirt
1   Grassless Dirt
2   Podzol


Added Acacia and Dark Oak

0   Oak Sapling
1   Spruce Sapling
2   Birch Sapling
3   Jungle Sapling
4   Acadia Sapling
5   Dark Oak Sapling


Data values now matter, Red Sand added

0   Sand
1   Red Sand

Wooden Slabs

Added Acacia and Dark Oak

0x0     Oak Wood Slab
0x1     Spruce Wood Slab
0x2     Birch Wood Slab
0x3     Jungle Wood Slab
0x4     Acacia Wood Slab
0x5     Dark Oak Wood Slab

Redstone Comparator

In 1.5 BlockId 150 (active) is used for the power state and the 4th highest bit is not used:

From 1.6 on BlockId 150 is not used and the power state is determined by the 4th highest bit:

0: Comparator is off
1: Comparator is on (two input torches on, and surface shown as lit)

Monster Egg

Added Mossy, Cracked and Circle textures

0   0000    Stone monster egg
1   0001    Cobblestone monster egg
2   0010    Stone brick monster egg
3   0011    Mossy stone brick monster egg
4   0100    Cracked stone brick monster egg
5   0101    Circle stone brick monster egg

New Blocks added

    38  26  minecraft:red_flower    Poppy D B

    95  5F  minecraft:stained_glass     Stained Glass

    160     A0  minecraft:stained_glass_pane    Stained Glass Pane D
    161     A1  minecraft:leaves2   Leaves (Acacia/Dark Oak) D B
    162     A2  minecraft:log2  Wood (Acacia/Dark Oak) D B
    163     A3  minecraft:acacia_stairs     Acacia Wood Stairs D
    164     A4  minecraft:dark_oak_stairs   Dark Oak Wood Stairs D

    174     AE  minecraft:packed_ice    Packed Ice
    175     AF  minecraft:double_plant  Large Flowers D B
  • D = Requires Data
  • B = Requires Damage
  • I = inventory item different
  • T = Requires Tile Entry

Wood 2 (Acacia/Dark Oak)

0   0   0000    Acacia wood facing up/down
1   1   0001    Dark Oak wood facing up/down
2   2   0010    Acacia wood facing up/down, placeholder
3   3   0011    Dark Oak wood facing up/down, placeholder
4   4   0100    Acacia wood facing East/West
5   5   0101    Dark Oak wood facing East/West
6   6   0110    Acacia wood facing East/West, placeholder
7   7   0111    Dark Oak wood facing East/West, placeholder
8   8   1000    Acacia wood facing North/South
9   9   1001    Dark Oak wood facing North/South
10  A   1010    Acacia wood facing North/South, placeholder
11  B   1011    Dark Oak wood facing North/South, placeholder
12  C   1100    Acacia wood with only bark
13  D   1101    Dark Oak wood with only bark
14  E   1110    Acacia wood with only bark
15  F   1111    Dark Oak wood with only bark

Leaves 2 (Acacia/Dark Oak)

If bit 0x4 is set, the leaves are permanent and will never decay. This bit is set on player-placed leaf blocks and overrides the meaning of bit 0x8.

If bit 0x8 is set, the leaves will be checked for decay. The bit will be cleared after the check if the leaves do not decay. The bit will be set again whenever a block adjacent to the leaves is changed.

0   Acadia leaves
1   Dark Oak leaves

Stained Glass

These values are the same as wool, going from 0 to 15 for the 16 different colors. See Wool, Stained Clay & Carpet for the data values.

Flower (item id 38? red_flower)

Data values now matter, red flower removed

0x0     Poppy
0x1     Blue Orchid
0x2     Allium
0x3     Azure Bluet
0x4     Red Tulip
0x5     Orange Tulip
0x6     White Tulip
0x7     Pink Tulip
0x8     Oxeye Daisy

Large Flowers

Warning, this data block is split into two halves like doors and beds

0x0     Sunflower
0x1     Lilac
0x2     Double Tallgrass
0x3     Large Fern
0x4     Rose Bush
0x5     Peony
>= 8    Top Half of any Large Plant; low three bits 0x7 are not set to the plant type, they are derived from the block below.

Acacia & Dark Oak stairs

These follow the same rules as the rest of the stair blocks

Blocks removed

Many technical block items removed:

38  Red Rose
95  Locked Chest
150 Redstone Comparator On

Doesn't display text by default

Shouldn't display chat messages be on by default? This can lead to people easily thinking that the plugin is somehow broken, as I just did. I just posted this as an issue of not displaying text at all until I checked the comments on the recent spotlight video.

Sledge/Pliers no-physics only half works

When using the sledge/pliers on sand, the new block still behaves as if physics was enabled. With the sledge, the block removed has no physics applied, as is visible by the fact that it will not force sand above it to fall down.

Update for changes in minecraft 1.5

Blocks changed

Stone Slabs

Added Quartz, Double slabs added Smooth Stone and Smooth Sandstone.

Value   Description
0x0     Stone Slab
0x1     Sandstone Slab
0x2     Wooden Slab
0x3     Cobblestone Slab
0x4     Brick Slab
0x5     Stone Brick Slab
0x6     Nether Brick Slab
0x7     Quartz Slab
0x8     Smooth Stone Slab (Double Only)
0x9     Smooth Sandstone Slab (Double Only)


Can now be crafted in-game. I don't think anything needs to be changed here.


Now can face straight up and down

New Blocks added

146     92  Trapped Chest D T
147     93  Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) D
148     94  Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) D
149     95  Redstone Comparator (inactive) I D
150     96  Redstone Comparator (active) I D
151     97  Daylight Sensor
152     98  Block of Redstone
153     99  Nether Quartz Ore
154     9A  Hopper D T
155     9B  Block of Quartz D
156     9C  Quartz Stairs D
157     9D  Activator Rail D
158     9E  Dropper D T
  • D = Requires Data
  • I = inventory item different
  • T = Requires Tile Entry

Block of Quartz

Value   Description
0   Block of Quartz
1   Chiseled Quartz Block
2   Pillar Quartz Block (vertical)
3   Pillar Quartz Block (north-south)
4   Pillar Quartz Block (east-west)

Leap tool config realatively useless at affecting leap size

One slightly glitchy thing is that no matter what the settings are for the leap tool, you still get shot high/far if you look anywhere above the horizon. Because of this, I would not be able to use it for flying characters on my RP server without fear of it being incredibly overpowered/unrealistic. After all, one doesn't shoot fifty meters in the air with a single flap of their wings. Could you please make the existing variables in the config or new ones have a bit more to do with things other than leaps with your view at the horizon and lower? It would be an amazing asset and could also be helpful for those on building servers who want a donator group who can fly, but not in an incredibly powerful way. I know this plugin is not an RP plugin, but the leap tool is a perfect way to emulate actual non-gliding winged flight.

Less announcements?

Can players have a toggle for receiving messages like "You do not have range permission", it can be very annoying since this and others tend to spam you.

Update for new block types in 1.2.1

New Jungle biome. (New log type, leaf type)

Added 3 new blocks (NewSandstoneGrid1.png NewSandstoneGrid2.png Grid Circle Stone Brick.png), that aren't yet used in survival, but only the (Circle Stone Brick is accessible in creative).

Slabs and Stairs can be placed upside-down by placing them below a block.

Update for new block types in 1.3

New Blocks
125 7D Wooden Double Slab D B
126 7E Wooden Slab D B
127 7F Cocoa Plant
128 80 Sandstone Stairs D
129 81 Emerald Ore
130 82 Ender Chest D T
131 83 Tripwire Hook D
132 84 Tripwire D I
133 85 Block of Emerald
134 86 Spruce Wood Stairs D
135 87 Birch Wood Stairs D
136 88 Jungle Wood Stairs D

New Data values
17 11 Wood D B (now has rotation)
69 45 Lever D (now can be on ceiling)

Players other then the tool user do not always see changes

There is an issue where block updates are not being sent properly. This has been resolved for the wielder of the tool (pickhax, paint, chainsaw and more) by throwing a sendBlockChange() to the tool user. A more universal fix needs to be found, as this fix only helps the player in question, and not all the other players in the area.

Issue: When a player changes a blocks id/data at range, no-one other then the tool user sees the change.

Transistion to using UUID's instead of usernames

This is related to #38


All player lists will be converted to the UUID-based system automatically.
    Other features such as pet ownership now follow the same system.
    This is part of the requirements for the Plugin API.

New tool idea: The Rotater

Me: Basically it's like the scroller, but lets you rotate logs/stairs etc. through all of their various positions without changing the material. Placing logs can be a bit annoying now, and I'm wondering if this could help people in survival worlds.

You: "I working on updating the plugin with the new materials / data scroll values from Minecraft 1.3, including the log rotation data values. So far I've just considered the functional break down between scrolling data values, and possibly scrolling between related material types. However, I can see an argument made for a usage break down. Please open an issue on github so we can discuss further."

2 reasons I'm suggesting a new tool:

  1. For use in survival worlds, I don't want someone who collected birch logs to be able to scroll to oak logs, but I do want them to be able to rotate their birch log.

  2. With the current scroller, rotating through 8 positions with 4 different materials would take you a very long time to get through.

Update for new block types in 1.2.4

A few new decoration blocks

Wooden planks now have the color of the type of wood they came from instead of the original wooden plank texture.

New Sandstone Blocks. 

Add Pixl-like scrolling of non-scrollable blocks

For Instance:
Dirt -> Grass
Pumpkins <-> Jack-o-lanterns
Red Rose <-> Yellow Flower
Red Mushroom <-> Brown Mushroom
Glass <-> Pane
Stone PP <-> Wood PP

I can get to this maybe Saturday/Sunday after I finish getting TPToggle tested and pushed upstream.

Won't load in mcpc-plus-1.7.4-R04

Errors below:

3:43:01 PM SEVERE: Could not load 'plugins\ToolBelt.jar' in folder 'plugins'\par
3:43:01 PM org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml\par
\cf2 3:43:01 PM \tab at\par
3:43:01 PM \tab at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(\par
3:43:01 PM \tab at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(\par
3:43:01 PM \tab at cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLServerAboutToStartEvent.(\par
\cf1 3:43:02 PM \tab at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)\par
\cf2 3:43:02 PM \tab at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderState.getEvent(\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.serverAboutToStart(\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerAboutToStart(\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at\par
3:43:02 PM \tab at Source)\par
3:43:02 PM Caused by: error in opening zip file\par
3:43:03 PM \tab at Method)\par
3:43:03 PM \tab at Source)\par
\cf1 3:43:03 PM Mapping loaded 7 packages, 7454 classes, 25708 fields, 51030 methods, flags 3ff6\par
3:43:04 PM Loaded inheritance map of 883 classes\par
\cf2 3:43:04 PM \tab at Source)\par
3:43:04 PM \tab at java.util.jar.JarFile.(Unknown Source)\par
3:43:04 PM \tab at java.util.jar.JarFile.(Unknown Source)\par
3:43:04 PM \tab at\par
\cf1 3:43:04 PM \tab ... 14 more\par

paintbrush tool: Don't replace blocks of the exact same type

I.e. don't paint grass on grass, or wool:red on wool:red
Because: it adds very rapidly to the logblock/hawkeye database, if the user is holding rightclick and spraying back-and-forth. For example, if grass is selected, and the user is spraying it around a mountainside.

Extensible permissions for paint

Add new permission sub-groups to the paintbrush tool, to allow finer-tuning of who is allowed to do what.

Partially to prevent low-ranked users from using the paintbrush as an instapick (eg. painting grass with torch (2->50).

....rangeDefault: 0
....rangeCrouch: 25
....onlyAllow: []
....stopCopy: [7, 46, 52, 75, 95, 97, 119, 122]
....stopOverwrite: [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 52, 90, 119]
......onlyAllow: []
......stopCopy: [7, 97]
......stopOverwrite: [7, 52]
......onlyAllow: []
......stopCopy: []
......stopOverwrite: []

Update for changes in minecraft 1.4.5

Blocks changed


Can now be placed on the top half of blocks

0x4 is a bit that determines whether or not the trapdoor is swung open. 0 for closed (on the ground), 1 for open (against its connecting wall). 0x8 is a bit that determines whether the trapdoor is on the bottom or top of the block. The remaining two bits describe which wall the trapdoor is attached to:

  • 0x0: Attached to the south wall
  • 0x1: Attached to the north wall
  • 0x2: Attached to the east wall
  • 0x3: Attached to the west wall


Now connect to other stairs to form corner stairs


Can now be latched by having another repeater entering it's side. This doesn't look like it changes data values, however might need to check for rotation control.

New blocks added

137     89  Command Block T
138     8A  Beacon T
139     8B  Cobblestone Wall B D
140     8C  Flower Pot D I
141     8D  Carrots D
142     8E  Potatoes D
143     8F  Wooden Button D
144     90  Head D T I
145     91  Anvil D
  • D = Requires Data
  • I = inventory item different
  • B = Damage Field
  • T = Tile Entity

Data values

Cobblestone Walls

Value   Description
0   Cobblestone
1   Moss Stone

Flower Pots

Value   Description
0   empty
1   Rose
2   Dandelion
3   Oak Sapling
4   Spruce Sapling
5   Birch Sapling
6   Jungle Tree Sapling
7   Red Mushroom
8   Brown Mushroom
9   Cactus
10  Dead Bush
11  Fern


Note: Only part of the information for this block is in the data value, the rest in the associated Tile Entity. See Tile Entity Format for details.

Data values determine the block placement:

  • 0x1: On the floor (rotation is stored in the tile entity)
  • 0x2: On a wall, facing north
  • 0x3: On a wall, facing south
  • 0x4: On a wall, facing east
  • 0x5: On a wall, facing west

The skull types (for the Item and for the Tile Entity) are:

Value   Description
0   Skeleton
1   Wither Skeleton
2   Zombie
3   Human
4   Creeper


0x1 is the bit that determines whether the anvil is orientated in a north-south (0) or a west-east (1) direction. 0x4 and 0x8 are bits which determine whether the the anvil is a regular (0x4 & 0x8 = 0), a slightly damaged (0x4 = 1) or a very damaged (0x8 = 1) one.

Carrots & Potatoes

0, 1
2, 3
4, 5, 6

Update for changes in minecraft 1.8

This is a huge task, as 1.8 added/changed a bunch of stuff:

Eventually should transition to Block States

NBT Tags

These are interesting. Probably of no use, but worth investigating.


    Block entities item form can hold custom NBT tags that are merged to the specified block entity when they're placed.
    Example: /give @p command_block 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block"}}
    Gives a command block that, when placed, will automatically have the command /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block set.


    Contains the item data of the item currently held in the player's hand.
    Added to compact the process of testing if a player is holding a specific item.
        Previous method required nine commands (one per slot in the hotbar); now requires only one command.

Block IDs

Instances of blocks/items references in commands, can now be named ids
    Example: id:"minecraft:stone".
    In scoreboards, the format is minecraft.block.stone.
    Old numerical ids are still supported, but will eventually be phased out.
    This is part of the requirements for the Plugin API.

Block handling

Now uses block states internally instead of metadata.
Metadata will still be used for a while.
Metadata no longer needs to be calculated out of the 4-bit data value; instead, the values of specified properties can now be easily gotten and set.
    Example: .minecraft/saves/TheMapWithTheThing/

Blocks changed

1   1   minecraft:stone     Stone S B
3   3   minecraft:dirt  Dirt S B
19  13  minecraft:sponge    Sponge S B
23  17  minecraft:dispenser     Dispenser S E
48  30  minecraft:mossy_cobblestone     Moss Stone
64  40  minecraft:wooden_door   Oak Door I S
67  43  minecraft:stone_stairs  Cobblestone Stairs S
77  4D  minecraft:stone_button  Stone Button S
85  55  minecraft:fence     Fence
98  62  minecraft:stonebrick    Stone Bricks S B
107     6B  minecraft:fence_gate    Fence Gate S
137     89  minecraft:command_block     Command Block E
138     8A  minecraft:beacon    Beacon E
143     8F  minecraft:wooden_button     Wooden Button S
144     90  minecraft:skull     Mob head I S E
151     97  minecraft:daylight_detector     Daylight Sensor E
157     9D  minecraft:activator_rail    Activator Rail S
167     A7  minecraft:iron_trapdoor     Iron Trapdoor S
170     AA  minecraft:hay_block     Hay Bale S
174     AE  minecraft:packed_ice    Packed Ice

minecraft:stone 1 1 (Diorite, Andesite, Granite)

Diorite - Crafting recipe: 2 cobblestone and 2 Nether quartz in a checker board pattern.
Andesite - Crafting recipe: 1 cobblestone and 1 diorite.
Granite - Crafting recipe: 1 Nether quartz and 1 diorite.
Polished variants - Crafting recipe: 4 pieces of one of the materials, in a 2×2 configuration.

DV  Description
0   Stone
1   Granite
2   Polished Granite
3   Diorite
4   Polished Diorite
5   Andesite
6   Polished Andesite

minecraft:dirt 3 3 (Coarse dirt)

DV  Description
0   Dirt
1   Coarse Dirt
2   Podzol


Replaces the grassless dirt variant found in mega taiga, mesa and savanna biomes.
    All worlds with grassless dirt blocks will seamlessly change over to coarse dirt, as it uses the same block ID and data value as the original grassless dirt block.
Slightly darker texture than regular dirt.
Can be picked up with bare hands (silk touch is not required).
Tilling coarse dirt with a hoe will turn it to regular dirt.
Crafting recipe: dirt and gravel in a 2×2 checkered pattern yields four coarse dirt.

minecraft:sponge 19 13

DV  Description
0   Sponge
1   Wet Sponge

Reintroduced sponge to survival mode, with new behavior and texture.
Sponge turns into wet sponge when it soaks up water.
    Water particles appear around the sponge when this happens.
Sponge destroys water blocks from 5 blocks away in a kind of sphere.
Sponge soaks up water, only when some water is touching it.

Wet sponge

Obtained when a sponge soaks up water.
Smelting a wet sponge yields a dry sponge.
    When smelted, they will fill empty buckets in the fuel slot with water if possible.
Emits water dripping particles while placed.
Dropped by elder guardians on player kills.

minecraft:dispenser 23 17

Can place pumpkins or wither skeleton skulls to spawn golems and withers respectively.
    Will only place them if the body of the golem or wither is already built, in a valid configuration.
Can place command blocks with pre-configured commands.

minecraft:mossy_cobblestone 48 30

Now craftable from one cobblestone and one vine.

minecraft:wooden_door 64 40

Stack to 64.
The crafting recipe for doors gives three doors instead of one.
Door item textures were given more detail, to be consistent with the item textures of the new doors.
    The above changes apply to both oak doors and iron doors.
"Wooden Doors" have been renamed to "Oak Doors".
    This was made in order to accommodate for the new door variants.

minecraft:stone_stairs 67 43 (Cobblestone Stairs)

"Stone Stairs" were renamed to "Cobblestone Stairs" to avoid ambiguity.

minecraft:stone_button 77 4D

Can be placed on the ceiling and on the ground.

minecraft:stonebrick 98 62

Mossy - Now craftable from one stone brick and one vine.
Cracked - Can now be obtained by smelting stone bricks, making them renewable.
Chiseled - Now craftable from two stone brick slabs on top of each other.

minecraft:command_block 137 89

Survival players cannot longer look inside the command block to see the command.
Show the @e target selector description, along with the rest in the UI.
Added an X/O button next to "last output" in the command block UI, to toggle the visibility of the last output string.

minecraft:beacon 138 8A

Beacon light beams change color when going through stained glass and stained glass panes.
    Making it feed into multiple stained glass blocks/panes will combine the colors.
Beam now goes through all blocks that don't completely block light: Ice, water and leaves.

minecraft:wooden_button 143 8F

Can be placed on the ceiling and on the ground.

minecraft:skull 144 90

Made creeper, skeleton and zombie heads available in survival.
    Creepers, skeletons, wither skeletons and zombies drop their heads when killed by charged creepers. Wither skeletons continue to have heads as rare drops.
    Charged creeper explosions will not yield more than one mob head, regardless of how many mobs were killed by it.
Skulls worn on heads are bigger, so the 2nd skin layer doesn't render outside.
Player heads now have a 3D item model.
Player/mob heads, both in inventories and held by mobs/players, now display the actual head skin/texture-including the second skin layer of player skins.
    Placed player heads also render the 2nd skin layer.

minecraft:daylight_detector 151 97

Can be inverted with a right click, which changes the color of the nine "sensors" to change to a blue hue.
    Reaches full strength at the opposite time than it would when set to normal.
    This can allow for a light that turns on at night rather than day, without the need of a NOT gate.

minecraft:activator_rail 157 9D

Powered activator rails will shake minecarts, causing riders (players or mobs) to dismount.

minecraft:hay_block 170 AA

Rebalanced how they heal and accelerate the growth of horses.
    Now do it nine times as fast.

minecraft:packed_ice 174 AE

Mined faster with a pickaxe.

Fences, fence gates & trapdoors

"Fences" and "Fence Gates" have been renamed to "Oak Fences" and "Oak Fence Gates" respectively.
"Trapdoors" were renamed to "Wooden Trapdoors"
    The above changes were made to facilitate the distinction, with the new variants for each block.


New types of fences, fence gates and doors, for all the different types of wood.
Different types of fences and fence gates can connect to each other (except nether brick fences as usual).
Every recipe requires all wood planks to be of the same type.
    New crafting recipe for fences: 2 sticks and 4 planks to make 3 fences.
Different types of doors have different models, with some types having no windows.

New Blocks added

165     A5  minecraft:slime     Slime Block
166     A6  minecraft:barrier   Barrier

168     A8  minecraft:prismarine    Prismarine S B
169     A9  minecraft:sea_lantern   Sea Lantern
170     AA  minecraft:hay_block     Hay Bale S
171     AB  minecraft:carpet    Carpet S B

173     AD  minecraft:coal_block    Block of Coal

176     B0  minecraft:standing_banner   Standing Banner I S E
177     B1  minecraft:wall_banner   Wall Banner I S E
178     B2  minecraft:daylight_detector_inverted    Inverted Daylight Sensor E
179     B3  minecraft:red_sandstone     Red Sandstone S B
180     B4  minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs  Red Sandstone Stairs S
181     B5  minecraft:double_stone_slab2    Double Red Sandstone Slab S
182     B6  minecraft:stone_slab2   Red Sandstone Slab S
183     B7  minecraft:spruce_fence_gate     Spruce Fence Gate
184     B8  minecraft:birch_fence_gate  Birch Fence Gate
185     B9  minecraft:jungle_fence_gate     Jungle Fence Gate
186     BA  minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate   Dark Oak Fence Gate
187     BB  minecraft:acacia_fence_gate     Acacia Fence Gate
188     BC  minecraft:spruce_fence  Spruce Fence
189     BD  minecraft:birch_fence   Birch Fence
190     BE  minecraft:jungle_fence  Jungle Fence
191     BF  minecraft:dark_oak_fence    Dark Oak Fence
192     C0  minecraft:acacia_fence  Acacia Fence
193     C1  minecraft:spruce_door   Spruce Door I S
194     C2  minecraft:birch_door    Birch Door I S
195     C3  minecraft:jungle_door   Jungle Door I S
196     C4  minecraft:acacia_door   Acacia Door I S
197     C5  minecraft:dark_oak_door     Dark Oak Door I S
  • I = Has a different ID as an inventory item
  • D = Use the item's Damage field to define its durability.
  • S = Requires additional data from the saved game's Data array to fully define the block.
  • B = Requires additional data in the item's Damage field to fully define the inventory item.
  • E = Requires a block entity to store additional data.

minecraft:slime 165 A5

Crafting recipe: 9 slime balls.
    Can be crafted back into 9 slime balls.
Players and mobs that land on their top side will bounce, like on a trampoline.
    This negates all fall damage.
        Holding ⇧ Shift will negate the rebound while still negating the fall damage.
    Bounce rebound velocity is scaled by impact velocity.
        Height can reach up to 60% of initial height, which implies a great restitution coefficient.
    Does not affect falling item entities.
Walking on it is slower than walking on soul sand and close to one's speed while sneaking.
The placing/breaking sounds use the hurt sounds of slimes.
Can be mined with only one click, without any tools in survival.
Slime blocks will push and pull each other, along with adjacent blocks, when at least one of them is moved by a sticky piston.
    Normal pistons will have the same effect, except that they fail to pull even a single slime block.
    Coded by KaboPC and Panda4994.[3][4]
        Follow all the existing rules that pistons followed:
            A chain of slime blocks and its adjacent blocks connected to a piston, in any arrangement, can be moved as long as the following conditions are met:
                The piston is not moving more than twelve blocks at a time.
                Non-movable blocks are not obstructing the path.
                Not a single slime block in the chain is attached to the piston itself.
    Allows for moveable contraptions.
Extending a piston with a slime block attached will propel adjacent entities (mobs, players, items, launched arrows, etc.) in the appropriate direction.[5]

minecraft:barrier 166 A6

Acts like bedrock, but is completely transparent.
    Can transfer redstone signals and allows blocks to be placed on it.
    Can only be destroyed and obtained in Creative mode.
    It gives the same particles as lava does when destroyed.
Becomes visible to players who are holding a barrier in their hand, while in creative.
    Appears to be rendered as specially big particles, in the form of a red and square cross-out symbol.
        There is exactly one particle inside of every block.
        The face always follows the player.
        That texture is also used for its item form.
        The particles are only rendered for the blocks in the vicinity of the player.

minecraft:iron_trapdoor 167 A7

Looks like the same as a wooden trapdoor.

Can only be opened and closed using redstone, similar to an iron door.
Crafting recipe: iron ingots in a 2×2 pattern yields one iron trap door.

minecraft:prismarine 168 A8

DV  Description
0   Prismarine
1   Prismarine Bricks
2   Dark Prismarine

Generates in ocean monuments.
Can be crafted with prismarine shards.
The cracks in prismarine appear to slowly change color between brown, blue, gray and purple.

Prismarine bricks
Generate in ocean monuments.
Can be crafted with prismarine shards.

Dark prismarine
Generate in ocean monuments.
Can be crafted with prismarine shards and an ink sac.

minecraft:sea_lantern 169 A9

Generate in ocean monuments.
Can be crafted with prismarine shards and prismarine crystals.
Emit light at a light level of 15 and have a subtle animated texture.

minecraft:hay_block 170 AA

Name    Value   Description
 axis   x   The ends of the hay block point east-west.
 axis   y   The ends of the hay block point up-down.
 axis   z   The ends of the hay block point north-south.

minecraft:carpet & minecraft:stained_hardened_clay

Same data set as wool

minecraft:standing_banner 176 B0 & minecraft:wall_banner 177 B1

A four-bit field storing a value from 0 to 15 specifying the block's orientation:


0: south
1: south-southwest
2: southwest
3: west-southwest
4: west
5: west-northwest
6: northwest
7: north-northwest
8: north
9: north-northeast
10: northeast
11: east-northeast
12: east
13: east-southeast
14: southeast
15: south-southeast


0x8 is unused
A three-bit field storing a value from 2 to 5 specifying the block's orientation:

2: north
3: south
4: west
5: east


Crafted like signs, but with one color of wool instead of planks.
Can be stacked to 16.
Most patterns are created by arranging dyes in certain ways around a banner on a crafting table (see the page on banners for a full list).
    Other patterns are achieved with specific items.
        Item – pattern: "creeper skull – creeper face", "wither skeleton skull – skull and crossbones", "brick block – brick texture background", "oxeye daisy – flower icon", "vines – curly border" and "enchanted golden apple – Mojang logo.
        Making these patterns without dyes will result in a black color by default
Banners can have up to six layers (in survival).
    Over a quadrillion possible combinations, counting rotations and visually identical patterns due to occlusion.
    The layers show in the order they were created.
    Custom banners with more than six layers are possible using commands.
Top-most layer can be removed using cauldrons.
    This removes a third of the water of a full cauldron.
    All layers can be removed.
Can be placed on walls or on the ground.
They are visually like an entity that is one block wide and two blocks tall, but in reality they are a block occupying the lower portion, but having a bigger model.
    The hitbox is smaller than a full block, and it lacks any collision properties.
    On the ground they have 16 different possible rotations (like an armor stand).
    Has an animation when placed on the ground, that simulates swaying with the wind.
Can be worn as head gear, but only using the /replaceitem command.
Can be cloned by crafting them together, with a blank banner of the corresponding base color.
Can be used as fuel in furnaces.

minecraft:red_sandstone 179 B3

DV  Description
0   Red Sandstone
1   Chiseled Red Sandstone
2   Smooth Red Sandstone

Can be crafted with 4 red sand in a square.
Can be crafted into chiseled, smooth, stair and slab forms.
    Chiseled variant has a wither pattern to complement the creeper pattern found in chiseled sandstone.
    Slabs have a smooth variant, similar to stone and sandstone.
    Comes as a smooth double slab – minecraft:double_stone_slab2:8.
Generated only in Mesa biomes at cave entrances.

minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs 180 B4

Most likely the same as standard stairs

minecraft:double_stone_slab2 181 B5

DV  Description
0   Double Red Sandstone Slab
8   Smooth Double Red Sandstone Slab

minecraft:stone_slab2 182 B6

Single slabs can be either "right-side-up" or "upside-down"; this information is stored in the most significant metadata bit 0x8 as follows:

0: Slab is right-side-up, occupying the bottom half of its voxel.
1: Slab is upside-down, occupying the top half of its voxel

Blocks removed


Improve /tb tools printout

Move the item name to the beginning of a line, with the description following.

Bone: Left/Right click to change a blocks's data value

This way the printout will have a more structured look.

Originally suggested by Jadedwolf

Disposible Feather

The one feature I needed/wanted for my semi-survival server was for the feather to deteriorate. The config would be something like this:
tool.leap.max.use [maximum use]
tool.leap.min.use [minimum use]
tool.leap.bias.use [amount of uses that it tries to lean towards]

The extra bias config is so you get more/less uses on average when used.
The bias can be set to FALSE to get a completely random amount of uses.
Setting the Max and min to FALSE will make it infinte, and different groups can be set to have more/less uses on a feather.
This would be useful for my server, so please add it.

Tools not respecting Region Protections

When using the tools within a 'protected' region created with WorldGuard certain tools do not obey the protections from WorldGuard.
-useEvent is set to true in config.yml
-Block breaking/placing is prevented successfully by vanilla methods, i.e. breaking with fist/attempting to place blocks
-Data Scrolling, Paintbrush, Sledge and Pliers are prevented by WorldGuard successfully
-Pickhax, Shovel and Chainsaw will destroy blocks irrespective of whatever WorldGuard build/break flags are in place to stop them
-Plugin versions: WorldGuard v5.5.2, ToolBelt v0.3
-Bukkit build: 1.2.5-R1.0
-I am not using permissions for either plugin

Let me know if you require any further information that might be helpful.

Update to 1.13.2

Hi, I downloaded your plugin from: https: //, but this is for the old version of Minecraft (1.8.3). Is there a way to update the plugin? Can I do it manually or are you working on a fresh new version of the plugin?

Paint Load Block multiclick in Survival

Need to add repeat delay for left-click only, so that in survival mode you don't break and click through to the block behind. This was happening with torches and grass, basically quickly broken blocks.

Pickhax No-Phys not functioning at VoxelBox

The no-physics function of the pickhax does not seem to work. Normally, one should be able to create floating torches, levers, gravel and water that does not start flowing by deleting the block beneath them with no-physics or delete half of a door without it breaking. However, the only block that does not get updated, at the moment, is sand, all others just get updated. A function similar to no-physics in VoxelSniper would be much appreciated (/b s mp , /v 0), though for shorter range.

Customizable tool print spam

"You can't insta-delete [x]"
We'd like to be able to turn this message off, so that the tool just works normally on the disallowed material(s).

eg if onlyAllow: [1] and the user is digging 1 and 4, then the tool takes the vanilla amount of time to dig the 4, with no messages sent to the player.

add a client-side Weather-changer

left-click = sun
right-click = rain
shift-right-click = storm

suggested item: ghast tear (looks like rain/snow, and is generally unused by other plugins, or default game)

Not sure if that's even possible, but it would be a great addition to the creative suite.

It would ease the building (many people get more FPS without weather),
and improve the filming (good or dramatic weather for the build tour).

Update for changes in minecraft 1.6

Blocks changed

None that I can tell

New Blocks added

id# name TIDB
159 9F  Stained Clay D B

170 AA  Hay Block D
171 AB  Carpet D
172 AC  Hardened Clay
173 AD  Block of Coal
  • D = Requires Data
  • B = Requires Damage
  • I = inventory item different
  • T = Requires Tile Entry

Stained Clay & Carpet

These values are the same as wool, going from 0 to 15 for the 16 different colors.

Hay Block

This has been experimentally determined. There are four states for the hay, Vertical, East-West, North-South, and Directionless. The related values are 0, 4, 8, 12.

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