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wwx2016's Introduction


Hello haxers, here is the spot to help us organize the WWX2016


We'll put here all the communication materials we'll use for this year WWX. Feel free to improve them or create new ones by making pull requests!

If you're not into design/communication/development, go see the lastest issues to submit your ideas and discuss other's.

It's important for us that you feel free to improve WWX. That's why if an idea has a great number of supporters and is realisable (in time and budget), we'll do everything to make it happen in total transparency.

Don't wait anymore, help WWX2016 kicks WWX2015's ass!

Talks, Workshops, Hackathons

If you have a talk (~40min), a lightning talk (~15min), a workshop (several hours) or a hackathon that you would like to make/listen to/participate, feel free to submit a proposal through the issue tracker. Please do check the existing proposals beforehand.


All documents on this repository are under GPLv3 licence, so you're free to reuse, copy and transform them. Use them to spread the good news!

wwx2016's People


jbips avatar andyli avatar back2dos avatar


Jonathan Zúñiga avatar ASID avatar Jeff Ward avatar Ciro Durán avatar Alexander Koz. avatar Cauê Waneck avatar Mark Knol avatar Emmanuel BOTROS YOUSSEF avatar Nikolay Grebenshikov avatar SlavaRa avatar Dan Korostelev avatar  avatar Justin Donaldson avatar Matthijs Kamstra avatar Clément Charmet avatar Anders Nissen avatar  avatar Pablo Martin avatar  avatar Alex Hoyau avatar


Clément Charmet avatar  avatar Cauê Waneck avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Emmanuel BOTROS YOUSSEF avatar Yannick Dominguez avatar Alex Hoyau avatar James Cloos avatar Pablo Martin avatar Thomas Fétiveau avatar Jonas Malaco avatar  avatar Tariq Benezza avatar Sourouche Bagherzadeh avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

wwx2016's Issues

Jive UI for mobile platforms (lightning speech)

I'd like to share with the community how we developed the first mobile application (iOS, Android) using Jive.
Main points:

  1. mobile UI components in Jive;
  2. native text inputs and other OpenFL extensions;
  3. one UI layout for many screen resolutions.

questions for the thaxe force

Does the thaxe force members receive a notification when I post here?
Should we advertise this repo to the world?
Where is the website repo? Speaker Interviews

Clément asked if I was interested in writing some speaker interviews, so I've written up a quick, rough draft of some questions, initially based off the WWX2014 questions, hopefully with some improvements.

What are yours thoughts? suggestions?

Jive workshop !

I've just been attending @klmsmb's rehearsal about Jive for mobile.
The presentation is great, and he told me he was interested in giving a workshop about Jive on monday, together with @ngrebenshikov :D
We are in the process of setting it up (schedule, ...), but meanwhile, people interested in participating are welcome to register here.

Kha workshop !

I just saw @RobDangerous' rehearsal talk via Skype,
and it was awesome and mind-blowing as always :)
He agreed to give a workshop on Kha / Kode on monday, preferably morning.
So this thread is to set it up, and potentially for people to let us know if they're interested to attend :)
Looking forward to it.

hexMachina framework


DoclerLabs would be interested to make a presentation about the hexMachina framework.


• Modern MVC.
• Dependency injection with annotations.
• Dependency injection with DSL.
• Scalable and expandable event-systems.
• Delegation event model.
• Abstract stateless and stateful services layer.
• Independent service locators driven by injection.
• 3 tier meta-system: Services, modules and UIs.
• Modularity with composite context hierarchy.
• Smart unit-testing.

Workshop: Macros 101

Given last years' macro workshop with Jason was well received, I propose holding such a workshop again. Unfortunately it looks like Jason won't be joining me, so it looks like I will have to pull it off alone. Of course I'd be very glad if anyone is willing to partner up.

HaxeUI Version 2 - Multi-platform, Multi-framework UI - Infos

Hi @ianharrigan,

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos ?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.

Job title / occupation

Author of HaxeUI. Freelance medical sotftware engineer with the UK's NHS.


Talk’s title

HaxeUI Version 2 - Multi-platform, Multi-framework UI

Talk’s focus & description

Links relevant about you and your talk

Logo poll issues

The poll had 4 design options for the logo:

  • 3 light versions
  • 1 heavy version

I suspect this might have influenced the results, since the winner was the heavy design, but most people voted on a light one.

Perhaps a second round is needed, just between the top 2 designs.

P.S. I voted for the heavy version.

Talk: Highway to the external world: Generate externs programmatically

I decided to attend and speak at wwx again :)
Here is my talk proposal:

full talk

Highway to the external world: Generate externs programmatically

Let’s face it: There are at least 100 times more libraries written in any one of the Haxe target languages than the ones written in Haxe. We don’t and shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel all the time. And we shouldn’t spend countless hours on writing externs, which could still be incomplete and quickly become outdated.
In this talk, I will argue generating externs programmatically is the way to go. I will share my experience on generating the jQuery extern that has been merged into the Haxe standard library. I will also introduce pyextern, an extern generator for arbitrary python libraries. Possibility of generating externs for arbitrary JS/C++ libraries will be discussed.

integrating haxe for shared code

I am not yet sure, but I'm thinking about giving a 15min talk about how I used haxe together with node.js and unity3d. Basically a short version of my earlier post. Would something like this be interesting to attend to?

Haxe Foundation speech and remote talks

Hi everyone,

We got a request from @ncannasse to make the Foundation talk remotely (and recorded). We'd like to know your opinion on that and maybe a bit more information on the talk (like the other ones).

IMO, I'd prefer a live in-person speech so there could be a dialog with the attendees after the talk and I hope someone like @Merelleya @andyli or @Simn could do it.

Thoughts everyone?

WWX16 schedule

Hi everyone!

Now that we have all the information about the speeches and lightning talks, here's the soon to be final schedule:

Friday 27 : Welcoming day & Workshops

Time Event
2:00pm - 4:30pm Workshop 1
4:30pm - 7:00pm Workshop 2
7:00pm - 8:00pm Welcoming Apero
8:30pm - 11:00pm Welcoming Diner

Saturday 28 : Conference day 1

Time Event
9:00am - 9:30am Coffee time
9:30am - 10:00am Intro
10:00am - 10:45am Justin Donaldson: The Haxe Lua Target #35
11:00am - 11:15am Alexandre Strzelewicz: Networked process manager and micro service architecture
11:20am - 12:05am Emmanuel Botros: PISTAHX: type safe, design first, haxe based web api #7
12:20am - 1:50pm Lunch break
2:00pm - 2:45pm Robert Konrad: Kha Returns #10
3:00pm - 3:15pm Dan Korostelev: Using Haxe with Unity3D and node.js #30
3:20pm - 4:05pm Cauê Waneck: Unreal.hx: Using Haxe with the Unreal Engine 4 #13
4:15pm - 4:30pm Maxim Bekhterev: Jive UI for mobile platforms #6
4:40pm - 5:10pm Break 30 min
5:10pm - 5:55 Hugh Sanderson: Hxcpp #33
6:10pm - 6:55 Hector Espeso: FlashDevelop #17
7:00pm - 7:15pm Josefiene Petrosa: Haxe Foundation
8:30pm - 12:00pm Party time

Sunday 29 : Conference day 2

Time Event
11:00am - 12:30am Brunch
12:30am - 1:15pm Ian Harrigan: HaxeUI Version 2 - Multi-platform, Multi-framework UI #12
1:30pm - 2:15pm Francis Bourre: hexMachina framework #14
2:30pm - 3:00pm Break 30 min
3:00pm - 3:45pm David Peek: Haxe React #11
4:00pm - 4:15pm Alex Hoyau: Secret Talk
4:30pm - 5:15pm Carlos Ballesteros Velasco: JTransc: Java and Kotlin everywhere through Haxe #27
5:15pm - 5:45 Break 30 min
5:45pm - 6:30 Making the most of Haxe #39
6:30pm - 7:15 Andy Li: Highway to the external world: Generate externs programmatically #28
7:15 - 7:30 Outro

Monday 30 : Workshop & Haxathon

Time Event
10:00am - 12:30am Workshop 3
12:30am - 2:00pm Lunch
2:00pm - 6:00pm Haxathon (to be defined)

If you see any incoherence in it, please let us know ASAP. We'll publish it on the website (and make it final) before the end of the week.

JTransc: Java and Kotlin everywhere through Haxe

Hi @soywiz

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos ?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.
Thanks !

Job title

Front Tech Lead at Akamon



Talk’s title

JTransc: Java and Kotlin everywhere through Haxe

Talk’s focus & description




free event or not?

Stated in the "About this project" section of the ulule page:

The tickets for the conference will be free, as per our partnership with Mozilla, and we will start the ticket reservation once the first goal is achieved.

But now the eventbrite registration page doesn't make it clear that it is free and there is no option to register without paying fee. I understand it would be great to get some more funds, but it sounds like cheating.

I invited my girl friend and her bother to wwx since they're interested in haxe too. They contributed, but it was less then EUR 100 (just because the air tickets are already expensive for Hong Kongers). They are now confused by the email saying they need to buy tickets. I'm fine to pay for their tickets, and I appreciate the effort you did to make wwx happens, but I just worry it doesn't sound consistent to outsiders.

It would be great if you can clarify the matter with an update email and revise the description in the eventbrite page.

Grand opening

We're almost ready to announce the WWX date and place, so what are we waiting for? I think it would be good to send the announcing tweet around 3pm, french time, today, so it will be morning in the USA and everyone is checking his tweet feed on waking up, right?

So, if no one has objections:

  • Tweet - 27/01 3:00 PM (I'll write one with Silex Labs account)
  • Blog post - tomorrow morning for the french follower. @ibilon will you be ready?
  • Website - end of the week. @back2dos ok for you?

Be ready, WWX2016 is coming!

The Haxe Lua Target

I'd like to talk about the Lua target I've been working on. It's in pretty good shape, passing all but a few tricky Issue<#>.hx tests. I'm working with Simon to iron out any remaining kinks.

Help with press release

Hi English-writing people,
Anybody wanting to help writing a proper press release ?
This year we would like to make it big, so any lead to spread the word will be welcome too :)

HF announcement

Since the Foundation released a new blog last week, maybe someone could post a blog announcing the WWX?

Does someone have any contact with the blog team? @andyli @back2dos maybe?

Jive UI for mobile platforms

Hi @klmsmb

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos ?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.
Thanks !

Job title

Programmer at Lanit Tercom



Talk’s title

Jive: UI for mobile platforms

Talk’s focus & description




JTransc project

Philippe suggested me about the possibility of talking about this project:

This project converts JVM bytecode into Haxe (with initial focus on Kotlin, and using Lime for games right now and probably Kha in the future and/or other custom libraries).

The aim for this is to use Kotlin's (lot of sugar; simple, clean and functional) and Java's great edit-time tooling (including IDEs, analysis, testing, refactoring...) and the great strong point of Haxe: tons of targets and backend and compiling tooling.

Haxe compile-time features including preprocessor and macros, are great for multiple targets, but difficult edit-time tooling (you cannot refactor a function with a #if in the argument for example) and you cannot generate a field at compile-time and know it while editing without executing code. Compile-time execution also prevents incremental compilation, though haxe compilation is lighting fast.
I have myself contributed to several edit-time Haxe productivity tooling, and had those problems.

With the Kotlin/JVM approach. You would be able to use Haxe libraries that already have their #ifs in order to work with several targets while keeping your code completely platform independant and edit-time-tooling friendly. Also you can have a main per platform and configure some interfaces to specific implementations depending on the platform. JTransc just include referenced classes and methods so you won't include code for other targets. It converts that code into Haxe, and Haxe and its libraries/frameworks targets everywhere like always.

I'm still not 100% sure whether I will be able to go to wwx2016, or if this interesting/relevant, but wanted to know if it is the case to consider it.

FlashDevelop talk

I'm highly considering giving a talk regarding upcoming FlashDevelop features. There are several things coming that will be of interest to many Haxe developers of every sector.

I don't know if it would be a small or big talk... there is enough stuff for more than a lightning talk, but 45 minutes may be more than needed.

What do you think? Would it be of interest?

Kha Returns

Would like to talk some more about Kha, if that's ok.

Kha Returns

Hi @RobDangerous

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos ?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.
Thanks !

Job title

CTO at KTX Software Development


Robert does development work for serious games and gaming related research projects. He’s also regurlarly teaching at different universities. He discovered Haxe during new years eve when everybody else was partying and it was love at first project.

Talk’s title

Kha returns

Talk’s focus & description




[Ulule] Crowd-funding goals revaluation

Hello funders!

We're happy to share some good news with you.

First, we hit the first goal on the crowd-funding campaign! We'd like to thank all of you for your support that made this edition possible. But we hope this won't stop here since the second goal would unlock the livestreaming of the event for all of you that couldn't be with us this weekend.

This introduce the second good news: we've been backed up by Docler Holdings! But to simplify the sponsorship process, we couldn't use the crowd-funding plateform for this donation. That's why we decided to revaluate the goals to take into account the 2k€ from Docler. So from now on we've got:

  • 5 000€: conference [ACHIEVED]
  • 8 000€: stream + brunch
  • 13 000€: we put the videos online + open bar party

We hope this will motivate the last of you who didn't booked their tickets yet to reach the second goal and add a lot of remote attendees to this event.

See you soon,

The WWX team

WWX in Lanyrd


I've added wwx to Lanyrd, it would be great if you can claim, or just select attend there so it looks more popular ;)

BTW, I think it would make sense to create events in other social networks. I'm not suggesting to use them as the official registration place, but just for increasing publicity. We can state clearly where should people register if they want to go in the description.

hxcpp roundup talk

Are there any normal talk spots left? I think I can git a hxcpp roundup talk.

request for WWX - radio clip microphones

this is for everyone that would be talking. but i think a rethink of microphones is in order. the ones used last year didnt sound great. plus there were tons of audio problems.

so what i would suggest is a simple radio clip mic. have 1 for everyone to use, have another as a backup which is always charged/charging. then swap after every 2 hours or so after a talk. this way it can be easy to setup.
why it would be better is because how people approached the mics in 2015, it sounded really clippy, as if the gain was way high on the mixing desk. then people were too close sounding loud which wasnt lowered, or were too far.

at least with a radio clip mic, it can stay on the person at a set length, and be handled a lot better. plus will not have troubles of feedback or anything, because of the size. so better in general.

also on a major plus side, speakers would not have to stand in one place the entire time. the speakers have to feel they can move around rather than stand like they are addressing the school with a project ;)

but this is just something to look at if you want to have better audio. either that or replace the ones on the stand ;)

Haxe React Magic - Infos

Hi @dpeek,

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos ?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.

Job title / occupation


David is a Flash Platform refugee that escaped the persecution of Adobe by crossing the border into the Haxe promised land. His only regret is the years of lost productivity waiting for MXMLC to finish compiling. He now focuses on bringing stability and quality to the Haxe development process at Massive through tools, libraries and processes. He has a fetish for porting libraries to Haxe (semver, mmvc, minject, markdown), fought long and hard to get Haxe and Neko into homebrew, wrote the dox documentation generator with Simn, and broke all sorts of bash conventions in hvm. He'll almost certainly be the tallest person at WWX.

Talk’s title

Haxe React Magic

Talk’s focus & description

Links relevant about you and your talk

Secret Stack - Infos

Hi @lexoyo,

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos ?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.

Job title / occupation


Talk’s title

Secret Stack

Talk’s focus & description

Links relevant about you and your talk

Using Haxe with Unity3D and node.js - Infos

Hi @nadako,

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.

Job title / occupation


Dan has been having fun with programming since he was seven, and is still enjoying it. He’s gone from web development in Python, through Flash/AS3 to game development using C# and Haxe. He seriously fell in love with Haxe and uses it to the max for his everyday work. He actively contributes to open-source tools he’s using, so Haxe became the main target of his open-source work.

Talk’s title

Using Haxe with Unity3D and node.js

Talk’s focus & description

Links relevant about you and your talk

The Haxe Lua target - Infos

Hi @jdonaldson,

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos ?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.

Job title / occupation


Talk’s title

The Haxe Lua target

Talk’s focus & description

Links relevant about you and your talk

pistahx : Type-safe, design-first haxe web api

I'm actively working on the development of pistahx, (formerly named orms) : a Design-First Haxe Web API Framework : (haxe core) (yaml > haxe type typedefs) (db > haxe typedefs)

I would like to propose a presentation about it during wwx2016 :

If you plan to develop a Web API using the Haxe Language, pistahx will give you both a modern and strong technical toolset and a fast and simple developpement workflow.

here are pistahx key concepts :

  • PERFORMANCE : pistahx heavily relies on it's multiple cache layers
    Custom output cache for each route based on your api specs
    Secure Cookie based Session / Auth token Redis store
    Pro-active cascading cache invalidation strategies
    Db caching (via Sequelize) : use cache to store entities and queries
    Define your own caching strategies for fine tuning
  • SECURITY : pistahx offers you multiple authentication strategies, which you can easily activate from your configuration file ( ./your_pistahx_app/conf/[env].yaml ) :
    JSON Web Tokens (JWT) : if you want to build RestFULL APIs or if you have to deal with cookie-less clients
    Standard but fast and secure sessions strategy if you're setting up a service targeting Web browsers supporting cookies
    pistahx also implements Passport.js (which includes 300+ more auth strategies) !
    MONITORING: pistahx offers you instantaneaous monitoring with the support of the gorgious ELK stack and Appmetrics library. Simply fill ELK_SERVER parameter in conf file and you're good to go !
  • DESIGN FIRST : with pistahx, your API description/spec can be easily changed using a simple language paradigm (yaml)
  • MOCK YOUR TESTS IN THE SPEC DESCRIPTION : simply mock some test cases (a request and its response) in the YAML spec and let mocha (via swagger-test) do the magic !
  • AUTOMATIC DOCGEN : an interactive documentation is automatically generated from the spec
  • AUTOMATIC CODEGEN : API server code (routing, server core...) is automatically generated from the spec
  • CODE LOGIC SEPARATION : Business logic is separated from the server core code
  • STRONGLY TYPED CODE : The business logic is written in Haxe (type checking helps the code to stay clean and secure), before being transpiled to nodejs code
  • OPEN SOURCE, MULTIOS, FAST BOOTSTRAPPING STACK: pistahx can be set up, modified and deployed everywhere nodejs code can run. Unix/Linux, Windows, OSx, ...
  • MULTIDB: pistahx uses Sequlize, which alllows you to connect to mssql, mysql, pgsql, sqlite,... databases
  • PROMISES-FULL : Use the mighty power of Promises using a simple Haxe (Promhx) workflow :
  • DB PROMISES: SEQUELIZE too handles parallel db querying strategies :
  • CONTAINER READY: pistahx gives you a native docker container environment for your app. You're finally able deploy everywhere

hexMachina workshop

Today @FrancisBourre agrees to do a workshop on its hexMachina framework! Maybe it will give us a bit more details or leave the mystery but it sure gonna be interesting 😄

hxcpp debugging tools: hxScout / vscode -- pre-recorded /w remote q&a?

Hi guys,

I'm interested in presenting the debugging tooling I've been working on for the past year and a half-ish, from hxScout to the VSCode plugins (hxcpp debugging). But there's likely no way I can make it to Paris for the conference.

Would a pre-recorded session followed by live question/answer (twitch or chat) be feasible? I suggest pre-recorded because live/remote seems too error prone. As for duration, I could likely do either 15 or 40 minutes - the difference would be the amount of detail and Q&A time.


Workshop: Ufront

It would be great to have a Ufront workshop on the WWX. Is there anybody who can and want to conduct it?

Haxe React

Massive would like to talk about Haxe and React.
Possibly with chunks of React Native and/or Webpack in it.

Highway to the external world: Generate externs programmatically

Hi @andyli

Could you please fill and / or correct the following infos ?
The "Bio" and "Talk's focus and description" fields will be used in the full schedule, and other communication material.
Let me know if you need any more infos.
Thanks !

Job title

PhD candidate in the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong


Andy is the guy who introduced and has been maintaining CI for the Haxe Github repository for about 2 years. He is a PhD candidate in the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.
His primary research interests fall in the fields of human-computer interaction and augmented reality.
He’s the maintainer of the HaxejQuery externs and lots of other aspects of the Haxe toolkit.

Talk’s title

Highway to the external world: Generate externs programmatically

Talk’s focus & description




stream url?

Has the live stream url been decided yet?
I think it would be good to update's banner with it. :)

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

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