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pytmdb3's Introduction


This Python module implements the v3 API for, allowing access to movie and cast information, as well as related artwork. More information can be found at:

Initial Access

Access to the API requires a personal key. You can create one by signing up for an account on, and generating one from your Account Details page. Once done, the PyTMDB3 module must be be given this key as follows:

>>> from tmdb3 import set_key
>>> set_key('your_api_key')

Caching Engine

In order to limit excessive usage against the online API server, the PyTMDB3 module supports caching of requests. Cached data is keyed off the request URL, and is currently stored for one hour. API requests are limited to thirty (30) within ten (10) seconds. Requests beyond this limit are blocking until they can be processed.

There are currently two engines available for use. The null engine merely discards all information, and is only intended for debugging use. The file engine is defualt, and will store to /tmp/pytmdb3.cache unless configured otherwise. The cache engine can be configured as follows.

>>> from tmdb3 import set_cache
>>> set_cache('null')
>>> set_cache(filename='/full/path/to/cache') # the 'file' engine is assumed
>>> set_cache(filename='tmdb3.cache')         # relative paths are put in /tmp
>>> set_cache(engine='file', filename='~/.tmdb3cache')

Locale Configuration

The previous v2 API supported language selection, but would fall through to the defaults for any fields that did not have language-specific values. The v3 API no longer performs this fall through, leaving it up to clients to optionally implement it on their own.

The PyTMDB3 module supports the use of locales in two separate manners. One can define a global locale that is automatically used if not specified otherwise, or a specific locale can be supplied directly to searches and data queries using the locale= keyword argument, which is then propogated through any subsequent queries made through those objects.

Locale settings are controlled through two functions

>>> from tmdb3 import get_locale, set_locale
>>> get_locale()
<Locale None_None>
>>> set_locale()
>>> get_locale()
<Locale en_US>
>>> set_locale('en', 'gb')
>>> get_locale()
<Locale en_GB>
>>> get_locale('fr', 'fr')
<Locale fr_FR>
  • set_locale() is used to set the global default locale. It optionally accepts language and country keyword arguments. If not supplied, it will attempt to pull such information from your environment. It also accepts a fallthrough keyword argument, which is used to control the language and country filter fall through. This is disabled by default, meaning if a language is set, it will only return information specific to that language.

  • get_locale() also accepts optional language and country keyword arguments, and can be used to generate locales to use directly, overriding the global configuration. If none is given, this instead returns the global configuration. Note that fall through behavior is applied module-wide, and individual locales cannot be used to change that behavior.


This is not yet supported.


There are currently six search methods available for use: movies, people, studios, lists, collections, and series. Search results from TheMovieDb are sent iteratively, twenty results per page. The search methods provided by the PyTMDB3 module return list-like structures that will automatically grab new pages as needed.

>>> from tmdb3 import searchMovie
>>> res = searchMovie('A New Hope')
>>> res
<Search Results: A New Hope>
>>> len(res)
>>> res[0]
<Movie 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope' (1977)>

The movieSearch() method accepts an 'adult' keyword to allow adult content to be returned. By default, this is set to False and such content is filtered out. The people search method behaves similarly.

>>> from tmdb import searchPerson
>>> res = searchPerson('Hanks')
>>> res
<Search Results: Hanks>
>>> res[0]
<Person 'Tom Hanks'>

>>> from tmdb import searchStudio
>>> res = searchStudio('Sony Pictures')
>>> res
<Search Results: Sony Pictures>
>>> res[0]
<Studio 'Sony Pictures'>

The movieSearch() method accepts a year keyword, which tells TMDB to filter for movies of only that specific year. There is a helper method, movieSearchWithYear(), which will process the release year from movie names where the year is contained in parentheses, as in:

>>> from tmdb import searchMovieWithYear
>>> list(searchMovieWithYear('Star Wars (1977)'))
[<Movie 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope' (1977)>, <Movie 'The Making of 'Star Wars'' (1977)>]

Direct Queries

There are currently four data types that support direct access: Collections, Movies, Persons, and Studios. These each take a single integer ID as an argument. All data attributes are implemented as properties, and populated on-demand as used, rather than when the object is created.

>>> from tmdb3 import Collection, Movie, Person, Studio
>>> Collection(10)
<Collection 'Star Wars Collection'>
>>> Movie(11)
<Movie 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope' (1977)>
>>> Person(2)
<Person 'Mark Hamill'>
>>> Studio(1)
<Studio 'Lucasfilm'>

The Genre class cannot be called by id directly, however it does have a getAll classmethod, capable of returning all available genres for a specified language.

Image Behavior

TheMovieDb currently offers three types of artwork: backdrops, posters, and profiles. The three data queries above will each carry a default one of these and potentially a list of additionals to choose from. Each can be downloaded directly, or at one of several pre-scaled reduced resolutions. The PyTMDB3 module provides a list of available sizes, and will generate a URL to download a requested size. Invalid sizes return an error.

>>> from tmdb3 import Movie
>>> p = Movie(11).poster
>>> p
<Poster 'tvSlBzAdRE29bZe5yYWrJ2ds137.jpg'>
>>> p.sizes()
[u'w92', u'w154', u'w185', u'w342', u'w500', u'original']
>>> p.geturl()
>>> p.geturl('w342')
>>> p.geturl('w300')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "tmdb3/", line 101, in geturl
    raise TMDBImageSizeError
tmdb3.tmdb_exceptions.TMDBImageSizeError: None


TheMovieDb offers access to trailers on Youtube and Apple, however their use is slightly different. Youtube trailers offer an individual file, while Apple trailers offer multiple sizes.

>>> from tmdb3 import Movie
>>> movie = Movie(27205)
>>> movie.youtube_trailers
[<YoutubeTrailer 'Trailer 1'>, <YoutubeTrailer 'Trailer 2'>]
>>> movie.youtube_trailers[0].geturl()
>>> movie.apple_trailers
[<AppleTrailer 'Teaser'>, <AppleTrailer 'Trailer 1'>, <AppleTrailer 'Trailer 2'>]
>>> movie.apple_trailers[0].sizes()
[u'480p', u'720p', u'1080p']
>>> movie.apple_trailers[0].geturl()
>>> movie.apple_trailers[0].geturl()

List of Available Data


type name
integer id
string name
string overview
Backdrop backdrop
Poster poster
list(Movie) members
list(Backdrop) backdrops
list(Poster) posters


type name notes
integer id
string title language specific
string originaltitle origin language
string tagline
string overview
integer runtime
integer budget
integer revenue
datetime releasedate
string homepage
string IMDB reference id 'ttXXXXXXX'
Backdrop backdrop
Poster poster
float popularity
float userrating
integer votes
boolean adult
Collection collection
list(Genre) genres
list(Studio) studios
list(Country) countries
list(Language) languages
list(AlternateTitle) alternate_title
list(Cast) cast sorted by billing
list(Crew) crew
list(Backdrop) backdrops
list(Poster) posters
list(Keyword) keywords
dict(Release) releases indexed by country
list(Translation) translations
list(Movie) similar
list(List) lists
list(Movie) getSimilar()
None setFavorite(bool) mark favorite status for current user
None setRating(int) rate movie by current user
None setWatchlist(bool) mark watchlist status for current user

Movie classmethod:

type name notes
Movie fromIMDB(imdbid) special constructor for use with IMDb codes
Movie latest() gets latest movie added to database
list(Movie) nowplaying() content currently in theater
list(Movie) mostpopular() based off page view counts
list(Movie) toprated() based off user ratings
list(Movie) upcoming() curated list, typically contains 100 movies
list(Movie) favorites() current user's favorite movies
list(Movie) ratedmovies() movies rated by current user
list(Movie) watchlist() movies marked to watch by current user


type name
integer id
string name
string original_name
string overview
string homepage
integer number_of_seasons
integer number_of_episodes
float popularity
float userrating
integer votes
datetime first_air_date
datetime last_air_date
bool inproduction
string status
Backdrop backdrop
Poster poster
string imdb_id
string freebase_id
string freebase_mid
string tvdb_id
string tvrage_id
list(Person) authors
list(datetime) episode_run_time
list(Genre) genres
list(string) languages
list(string) origin_countries
list(Network) networks
list(Season) seasons
list(Cast) cast
list(Crew) crew
list(Backdrop) backdrops
list(Poster) posters
list(Series) similar
list(Keyword) keywords


type name
integer id
string name
datetime air_date
string overview
integer series_id
integer season_number
Poster poster
string freebase_id
string freebase_mid
string tvdb_id
string tvrage_id
list(Poster) posters
list(Episode) episodes


type name
integer id
integer series_id
integer season_number
integer episode_number
string name
string overview
float userrating
integer votes
datetime air_date
string production_code
Backdrop still
string freebase_id
string freebase_mid
string tvdb_id
string tvrage_id
list(Backdrop) stills
list(Cast) cast
list(Cast) guest_stars
list(Crew) crew


type name notes
hex string id
string name
string author
string description
integer favorites number of users that have marked list
string language
integer count
Poster poster
list(Movie) members


type name
integer id
string name
string biography
datetime dayofbirth
datetime dayofdeath
string homepage
Profile profile
boolean adult
list(string) aliases
list(ReverseCast) roles
list(ReverseCrew) crew
list(Profile) profiles

Cast (derived from Person):

type name notes
string character
integer order as appears in credits

Crew (derived from Person):

type name
string job
string department

ReverseCast (derived from Movie):

type name
string character

ReverseCrew (derived from Movie):

type name
string job
string department


type name notes
string filename arbitrary alphanumeric code
float aspectratio not available for default images
integer height not available for default images
integer width not available for default images
integer language not available for default images
float userrating
integer votes
list(string) sizes()
string geturl(size='original')

Backdrop (derived from Image)
Poster (derived from Image)
Profile (derived from Image)
Logo (derived from Image)


type name
string country
string title


type name
string certification
string country
datetime releasedate


type name
string name
string englishname
string language


type name
integer id
string name
list(Movie) movies

Genre classmethods:

type name notes
list(Genre) getAll(language) returns list of all genres


type name
integer id
string name
string description
string headquarters
Logo logo
Studio parent
list(Movie) movies


type name
integer id
string name


type name
string code
string name


type name
string code
string name


type name
string name
string size
string source

YoutubeTrailer (derived from Trailer)

type name
string geturl()


type name notes
string name
dict(Trailer) sources indexed by size
list(string) sizes()
string geturl(size=None)

pytmdb3's People


alanjds avatar b4dm4n avatar gazpachoking avatar greenkudu avatar kevorr avatar toilal avatar wagnerrp avatar


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pytmdb3's Issues

IndexError: list index out of range

Version: tmdb3 0.6.17 installed with pip

To reproduce:

res = tmdb3.searchMovie("Despicable Me", year=2010)
for m in res:
    print m.title


    for m in data:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 25, in next
    return self._parent[self._index]
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 70, in __getitem__
    return self._data[index]
IndexError: list index out of range

no backdrops

when using backdrops, if _populate_images sends arg language, you do not get any backdrops in the list.

Add better method for supplying not-yet-created handlers

The Datapoint definition allows a handler callable to be supplied, for which the data returned by queries is passed through. Due to the manner datapoints are defined, and Python's lack of prototypes, this handler must be fully defined in the namespace at the point the Datapoint is created. This leads to circular dependency issues where two classes must be defined before each other, such as the Studio class having a 'parent' attribute that back-references to itself during its own creation. Right now, this is worked around by using a lambda function, however that prevents the locale passthrough from happening properly.

Printing non-title attributes of a Movie object cause originaltitle to be used for title

Running this python script shows what I mean.

from tmdb3 import searchMovie, Movie, set_key, set_locale

results = searchMovie('the tenant')
print list(results)
item = results[1]
print 'Originaltitle: ' + item.originaltitle
print 'Title: ' + item.title
print 'Runtime: ' + item.runtime
print 'IMDB id: ' +
print 'Overview: ' + item.overview
print list(results)

The second time the search results are printed "The Tenant (1976)" becomes "Le locataire (1976)". When any of Runtime, IMDB, or Overview are printed this happens. If just the Title and/or Originaltitle is printed by itself, it doesn't.

Wrong tmdb id when opening movie using imdb tt#

api 2.1 added the ability to look up a movie directly with tt#. 3 removed the search but you can still look up the movie directly.


both return the imdb id and id does not return the tmdb id:

pytmdb3 will not accept my api_key

I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "tmdb3/", line 33, in set_key
raise TMDBKeyInvalid("Specified API key must be 128-bit hex")
tmdb3.tmdb_exceptions.TMDBKeyInvalid: Specified API key must be 128-bit hex

The key being supplied is identical to the key listed in the web site. It also being accepted by the old tmdb api without issue.

Error on pip install ( not included in package)

Looks like a pip install now causes a crash due to not being included in the package.

Downloading/unpacking tmdb3 (from
  Downloading tmdb3-0.7.2.tar.gz
  Running (path:/home/travis/virtualenv/python2.6.9/build/tmdb3/ egg_info for package tmdb3
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 17, in <module>
      File "/home/travis/virtualenv/python2.6.9/build/tmdb3/", line 9, in <module>
        with open('') as f:
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
    Complete output from command python egg_info:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 17, in <module>
  File "/home/travis/virtualenv/python2.6.9/build/tmdb3/", line 9, in <module>
    with open('') as f:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''


Please release this package like pytmdb3-1.0.0.tar.gz


location support for releasedate?

I can't seem to find anything in the API that lets me specify a location I'm interested in when searching. A movie will be released at a different time depending on, say, a lat-long tuple. The "releasedate" field seems to always be indicating the US release date? Is there a way I can get the release date of a movie for, say, UK or Brazil?

Primary images returned by various types are only populated with filename

The Person, Studio, Movie, and Collection queries all return some form of image, but only provide the filename. There is no mechanism to query additional information for those images, so attempts to access those datapoints will result in an error. For images coming from movies and people, this information can be accessed through other queries available to the parent, so some method could be devices to properly populate those objects.

Actor order 'zero' return as empty string

Actor with order="0" have empty string as return value.

mov = Movie(550) #Fight Club
for person in cast:
   print, ' order: ', person.order, type(person.order)


Helena Bonham Carter  order:  2 <type 'int'>
Meat Loaf  order:  3 <type 'int'>
Zach Grenier  order:  4 <type 'int'>
Richmond Arquette  order:  5 <type 'int'>
David Andrews  order:  6 <type 'int'>
Rachel Singer  order:  7 <type 'int'>
Holt McCallany  order:  8 <type 'int'>
Eion Bailey  order:  9 <type 'int'>
Jared Leto  order:  10 <type 'int'>
Peter Iacangelo  order:  11 <type 'int'>
Edward Norton  order:   <type 'unicode'>

Thanks for your works.

tmdb3 + mythbuntu do not funcion

Please look at

"But, I think I might be onto something ... turns out that when there's only one movie with the name (I assume it parses the filename and treats it like a search term), then it doesn't return anything, but if there's only one name, then it picks up the metadata just fine. If that's the case, I read that there should be a listing of found files and you can select the one you want. "

Does not handle failed lookups correctly


Since the TMDB API returns a 404 status error when looking up an ID that doesn't exist, the urllib2.urlopen() call in open() in throws a HTTPError Exception, when it should throw a TMDBRequestError (Invalid id - The pre-requisite id is invalid or not found) if it correctly parses the JSON response.

Therefore, it seems that we cannot correctly distinguish between a connection error to TMDB and a normal 'not found' error.

I have fixed this locally using the following work-around, but I don't really like it:

In, the exception handling should be:

except urllib2.HTTPError, e:    
   if (e.code == 404):         
         return e.fp             
   raise TMDBHTTPError(str(e)) 

By forcing these errors to be parsed, the JSON will be read even if we got a 404 from the server. It seems safe as the API should always return a valid JSON response.


process_date fails if date is not formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

The day of birth is not necessarily formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD"., for instance, contains only the year which causes process_date() to fail.

Python 2.7.3rc2 (default, Apr 22 2012, 22:30:17) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tmdb3
>>> tmdb3.set_key('7243d57358963cb7388deb6d1b0f50f5')
>>> person = tmdb3.Person(10295)
>>> print
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "tmdb3/", line 143, in __get__
    self.poller.__get__(inst, owner)()
  File "tmdb3/", line 77, in __call__
  File "tmdb3/", line 86, in apply
    setattr(self.inst, v, data[k])
  File "tmdb3/", line 148, in __set__
    value = self.handler(value)
  File "tmdb3/", line 163, in <lambda>
    self.handler = lambda x: handler(x)
  File "tmdb3/", line 67, in process_date
    return*[int(x) for x in datestr.split('-')])
TypeError: Required argument 'month' (pos 2) not found

can't get language of an image

when trying to get the language of an image you get the following error:

, line 45, in call
raise RuntimeError('Poller object called without a source function')
RuntimeError: Poller object called without a source function

NoneType is not iterable


I am using PyTMDB3 and for the most part successfully, although I have 1 problem. I have the following code:

import os

from tmdb3 import searchMovie
from tmdb3 import set_key


for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(r'/media/Movies'):
    files = [ file for file in files if not file.endswith( ('.nfo','.tbn','.jpg','.xml','.srt') ) ]
    for filename in files:
        fname = str(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])
        res = searchMovie(fname)
    print (res[0])

It goes through my movies and prints out the movie name found on tmdb. It works although there are 5 movies in which it doesnt work and I get an error and I cant figure out why.

The movies are Madagascar, Robin Hood, The Grey, The Watch and Zombieland. I can see that they are all on tmdb so am not sure why it isnt finding them.

The error is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 14, in
res = searchMovie(fname)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 121, in searchMovie
return MovieSearchResult(Request('search/movie', **kwargs), locale=locale)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 148, in init lambda x: Movie(raw=x, locale=locale))
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 101, in init super(PagedRequest, self).init(self._getpage(1), 20)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 56, in __init__self._data = list(iterable)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 108, in _ge tpageyield self._handler(item)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 148, in lambda x: Movie(raw=x, locale=locale))
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 350, in __call__obj._populate.apply(kwargs['raw'], False)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 83, in apply if (k in
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

Thanks for any help.


Return 'no language' backdrops alongside language specific backdrops

Since so many people upload backdrops without a language, the backdrops list is almost always empty when specifying a language. I think backdrops list should contain both types of backdrops or at least have an option for it. Right now, using a language effectively breaks backdrop support.

/person/${id}/credits is obsolete

In, Person._populate_credits uses /person/${id}/credits but looking at the docs, it looks like this API is gone or at least it's not documented anymore:

I made a few requests and noticed it seems to be equivalent to (the new) /person/${id}/movie_credits.

Would it be possible to use /combined_credits instead? I think /combined_credits = /movie_credits + /tv_credits.

Obviously the best would be to support all 3 APIs, but that's a stretch.


"IndexError: list index out of range" while looping through response of searchMovie()


looping through the response of "Gravity" will throw an "list index out of range" exception. This also happens with movies like "Imagine" or "Mamma Mia!". I am sure about the cause of this problem.

I am looking forward to your answer and appreciate your help

code example:

response = searchMovie("Gravity")
print "length", len(response)

for x in xrange(0, len(response)):
    print "%d title: %s" % (x, response[x].title)


length 16
0 title: Gravity
1 title: Gravity
2 title: Gravity
3 title: Nazi Ufos: How They Fly - Exposing the German Tesla Anti-Gravity & Free Energy Program
4 title: Defying Gravity
5 title: Beyond Gravity
6 title: Defying Gravity
7 title: Laws of Gravity
8 title: Anti Gravity Unhinged
9 title: The Division of Gravity
10 title: Gravity Is My Enemy
11 title: Gravity was everywhere back then
12 title: What on Earth is Wrong with Gravity
13 title: Love and Debate
14 title: Way of Life
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 24, in
print "%d title: %s" % (x, response[x].title)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/tmdb3/", line 70, in getitem
return self._data[index]
IndexError: list index out of range

Pytmdb3 falling through to English when no Russian metadata is available

This is the python API returning English overview and title information while there was actually no metadata available for Russian.

python shell tmdb3

This is the TMDb page for the movie, stating that there is no information filled in yet for Russian metadata.

capture tmdb

It seems that the fallthrough does not prevent the API from returning metadata from a language different than the locale that has been set.

Thread safe

Request to make TMDb3 thread safe.

I think one part requires not using one specific cache file but using a seperate file for each lookup.

Btw, awesome package! Thanks for your work.

Any plans for py3k support

Hi, I am working on a project that must communicate with themoviedb to retrieve some data and would like to use pytmdb3. The problem is the project I'm working on is in python 3. Do you plan on porting the code to py3k? Any idea if such task would be too hard? It would be great not to start from scratch :)

Go for PiPY

tmdb3 rocks, so it should be on PiPY. (pip install tmdb3)

'Release' type do not contain 'certification'

As described, dict 'Release' must contain:

string - certification
string - country
datetime - releasedate

But (in python):
mov = Movie(550) print mov.releases

{u'FR': <Release FR, 1999-11-10 00:00:00>, u'DE': <Release DE, 1999-11-11 00:00:00>, u'TR': <Release TR, 1999-12-10 00:00:00>, u'US': <Release US, 1999-10-15 00:00:00>, u'GB': <Release GB, 1999-11-12 00:00:00>, u'BR': <Release BR, 1999-07-12 00:00:00>}

There is no certification data.

urllib.urlencode can't encode error

When name searching with: nausicaä of the valley of the wind 1984

You get teh follwing error:

tmdb3/", line 58, in init
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1311, in urlencode
v = quote_plus(str(v))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe4' in position 7: ordinal not in range(128)

specify cache directory

Excellent wrapper.

The cache directory appears to be hard coded, it would be great if we could set the cache directory.

What is the licence for pytmdb3 ?


I'm considering to use this API wrapper for a small application but I did not find any information about its licence.
Could you please tell me under what licence it is released ?

movie release date is always PRIMARY even though different locale is set


independently of the locale set, the primary release date of a specific movie gets returned.
This behavior can be seen if you set the locale to 'DE' and fetch "Wir sind die Millers" (original title: We're the Millers). The returned release date is always "2013-08-07" which is the primary one. It is supposed to be "2013-08-28" though.

I am looking forward to your answer and appreciate your help

code example:

set_locale('de', 'DE')
response = searchMovie("Wir sind die Millers")
for movie in response:
   print movie.releasedate //will return 2013-08-07

Minor Readme Ideas

  1. Clarify if this library is the same as the "tmdb3" available here
  2. Basic installation procedure (pip, or clone repo or other).
    • e.g. if (1) is true can I pip install tmdb3
  3. Maybe link to the corresponding Pypi page and author homepage?

I know the above may seem obvious but I reckon it'd help the less experienced among us. I've worked it out myself but now but I reckon having them up front and centre would be good for others.

Anyway - Fantastic library and very much appreciate your work!! :)

caching problems

now that the caching is configurable, it works great for the first nothing in cache but the second hit (even if it's the same title) errors. this is with and without using the cache configuration..

I also couldn't easily configure the cache until I added it to the import in mimicing how you were using set_api

I apologize for not having the exact errors, I forgot to post this before leaving the house.

Library broken with non-ascii country names in alternate titles

A traceback from our software when looking up a movie which has an alternate title with a non-ascii country name. The code calls str(country) which will fail for any non-ascii country name. If country codes are meant to be ascii only, the library should throw out the invalid result. If not, it should always be dealing with the result as unicode, and never as bytes.

The movie causing this traceback is Rocky (tt0075148).

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\", line 420, in __run_plugin
    return method(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\", line 21, in __call__
    return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\plugins\output\", line 83, in on_task_output
    dump(undecided, task.options.debug, eval_lazy, trace)
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\plugins\output\", line 35, in dump
    value = entry[field]
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\", line 270, in __getitem__
    return result()
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\", line 43, in __call__
    result = func(self.entry, self.field)
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\plugins\metainfo\", line 59, in lazy_loader
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\utils\", line 25, in wrapper
    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\plugins\", line 289, in lookup
    ApiTmdb.get_movie_details(movie, session)
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\plugins\", line 331, in get_movie_details
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\flexget\plugins\", line 121, in update_from_object
    if len(update_object.alternate_titles) > 0:
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\lib\site-packages\tmdb3\", line 152, in __get__
    self.poller.__get__(inst, owner)()
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\lib\site-packages\tmdb3\", line 80, in __call__
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\lib\site-packages\tmdb3\", line 89, in apply
    setattr(self.inst, v, data[k])
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\lib\site-packages\tmdb3\", line 223, in __set__
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\lib\site-packages\tmdb3\", line 282, in __lt__
    return ( == \
  File "C:\Users\chase.sterling\PycharmProjects\Flexget\lib\site-packages\tmdb3\", line 44, in __eq__
    return (id(self) == id(other)) or (str(self) == str(other))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-5: ordinal not in range(128)

Cast.character field is gone after accessing cast.dayofbirth


when querying information about cast or crew I stumbled over some strange behavior:
If I access the Cast.dayofbirth field first, a query to Cast.order or Cast.character will return an empty string. Other fields like name are still accessible and will return correct values.

If I turn around the access order and query Cast.dayofbirth last everything works as expected.
I saw the same behavior when working with the crew objects. It seems that fields from the Cast or Crew classes get lost after an access to dayofbirth. The fields of the parent class Person remain intact.

Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2012, 00:00:54)
[GCC 4.7.0 20120414 (prerelease)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tmdb3
>>> tmdb3.set_key('...')
>>> movie = tmdb3.Movie.fromIMDB('tt1001526')
>>> print movie.cast[0].dayofbirth
>>> print movie.cast[0].character

>>> print movie.cast[0]
<Cast 'Will Ferrell' as ''>
>>> print movie.cast[0].order

>>> print movie.cast[0].name
Will Ferrell
>>> movie = tmdb3.Movie.fromIMDB('tt1001526')
>>> print movie.cast[0].character
Megamind (voice)
>>> print movie.cast[0].dayofbirth

Git commit id of tmdb3: 6e7725d

I can't upgrade

I need the new TV related stuff and since pypi reports 0.7.0 as the latest tmdb3 version ( I'm trying to upgrade my python setup, but both pip and easy_install, with --upgrade option, are stuck on the 0.6.17. they say it's the latest version available. is it only happening to me?

Error importing tmdb3

I'm getting:

from tmdb3 import searchMovie
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in
from tmdb3 import searchMovie
File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\", line 3, in
from tmdb_api import Configuration, searchMovie, searchMovieWithYear,
ImportError: No module named 'tmdb_api'

throttling requests to tmdb backends

Thanks for the awesome API!

TMDB's doc says:

Request Rate Limiting
We do enforce a small amount of rate limiting. Please be aware that should you exceed these limits, you will receive a 503 error.

30 requests every 10 seconds per IP
Maximum 20 simultaneous connections per IP

Given that it's so simple to use tmdb3 and that it makes requests to TMDB pretty much seamlessly just by accessing properties on an object, is there a way to limit the rate of requests sent to the TMDB backends?

Here's a code example to illustrate:

people = tmdb3.searchPerson("brad pitt")  # calls backend
for person in people:
  for role in person.roles:  # calls backend
    print role.releases  # calls backend

Here the 30QPS is impossible to enforce on the client side. The cache may help reduce the number of queries but the problem is still there.

What's the best option?


Adult Search

Does the "adult" parameter do anything when searching?

Crew forgets job after access

>>> import tmdb3
>>> tmdb3.set_key(settings.TMDB_DEVELOPER_KEY)
>>> tmdb3.set_cache('null')
>>> m = tmdb3.Movie(3131)
>>> m
<Movie 'Gangs of New York' (2002)>
>>> m.crew
[<Crew 'Martin Scorsese','Director'>, <Crew 'Jay Cocks','Screenplay'>, ...
>>> c = m.crew[0]
>>> c
<Crew 'Martin Scorsese','Director'>
>>> c.job
>>> c
<Crew 'Martin Scorsese',''>
>>> m.crew
[<Crew 'Martin Scorsese',''>, <Crew 'Jay Cocks','Screenplay'>, ...

Notice that c.job returns an empty string and afterwards, that Crew object's job permanently becomes an empty string.

This is based on 0.6.2.

Get all of the TV-series

Is it possible to get all of the TV-series in the database as a list? I mean names of the shows and some basic info.

poster/backdrop language error

['_InitArgs', 'class', 'delattr', 'dict', 'doc', 'eq', 'format', 'getattribute', 'gt', 'hash', 'init', 'lt', 'metaclass', 'module', 'new', 'nonzero', 'reduce', 'reduce_ex', 'repr', 'setattr', 'sizeof', 'str', 'subclasshook', 'weakref', '_data', '_lang', '_locale', '_populate', '_session', 'aspectratio', 'filename', 'geturl', 'height', 'language', 'sizes', 'width']

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 143, in get
self.poller.get(inst, owner)()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 61, in call
raise RuntimeError('Poller object called without a source function')
RuntimeError: Poller object called without a source function

Issue getting poster url

When looping through a list of movies, I'm running this code (where movie is a Movie):


But I get this error, even when only running .geturl():

Exception Type:        AttributeError
Exception Value:       'unicode' object has no attribute 'geturl'

Request params encoded using system encoding

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how this is supposed to work, but it looks like all request parameters are encoded using the system locale encoding. ( This causes problems when the system locale cannot encode all the charaters in the parameters, plus, I have no idea how tmdb is expected to know what encoding you have used to encode the parameters, I suspect it should be using a constant encoding defined by the tmdb api.
Portion of a relevant traceback:

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flexget/plugins/", line 293, in lookup
    result = _first_result(tmdb3.tmdb_api.searchMovie(title.lower(), adult=True, year=year))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 128, in searchMovie
    return MovieSearchResult(Request('search/movie', **kwargs), locale=locale)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 71, in __init__
    kwargs[k] = locale.encode(v)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tmdb3/", line 110, in encode
    return dat.encode(self.encoding)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 0-13: ordinal not in range(256)

Downstream ticket:

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