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coc-clangd's Issues

how to add include path for language servers in coc-settings.json file?

Hi there.

since I work in ros platform I want to add the headers of the ros(/opt/ros/kinetic/include/**) to my default include path of language servers for ros projects. with out this option, at the beginning of each project I must add a dummy ros node(is ros node means a cpp file), and compile with catkin_make -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=YES to generate the compile_commands.json file to get access to ros headers in the completion list.

the contents of my coc-setting file, is as below:


"languageserver": {
    "clangd": {
      "command": "clangd",
      "rootPatterns": ["compile_flags.txt", "compile_commands.json"],
      "filetypes": ["c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp"]
    "cquery": {
      "command": "/home/amirrezasadeghi/ManBuildLibs/cquery/build/cquery",
      "args": ["--log-file=/tmp/cq.log"],
      "filetypes": ["c", "cpp"],
      "rootPatterns": ["compile_flags.txt", "compile_commands.json", ".git/", ".hg/"],
      "initializationOptions": {
        "cacheDirectory": "/tmp/cquery"
    "ccls": {
      "command": "ccls",
      "filetypes": ["c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp"],
      "rootPatterns": [".ccls", "compile_commands.json", ".git/", ".hg/"],
      "initializationOptions": {
         "cache": {
           "directory": "/tmp/ccls"
  "clangd.semanticHighlighting": true

So my major question is how to add ros include path to these settings. I checked the wiki page of coc.nvim but can't find any option for user include path. also, I checked the option of clangd and tried to add,
to the corresponding block but it did not work. also, I added .cquery file, but still no effect on the list of the proposed headers.

sorry for long story, and thanks for your time.

Edit: it would be better to use the clangd LSP rather than ccls. because it is faster and has better documentation. thanks!

Fallback compile flags

There is an option in the LSP called initializationOptions.fallbackFlags which allows you to pass some fallback compile flags via the LSP if no infos is found in the compile_commands.json.

Would it be possible to enable that?

My problem is that I'm compiling some .cu files to some .ptx and CMake doesn't register the compilation flags given to nvcc for those files into the compile_commands.json. Therefore clangd raises a bunch of errors due to missing flags (-std=c++11 among others).

Cannot include CocConfig, fail to use compile_commands.json


I'm running Coc.nvim in VIM8 and trying to use coc-clangd as the LSP for autocomplete. Autocomplete doesn't seem to work for larger projects with dependencies spread across directories. It works fine with small projects where all .cpp and .h files are in the same directory.

I have created a compile_commands.json file with xcodebuild and xcpretty. But clangd doesn't seem to use it. I have tried putting the .json file all throughout the project directory to no avail.

My :CocConfig is empty as directed by docs to avoid running clangd twice.

Should I be making config entries, and if so how do I do so and avoid the "You should remove it" error?


Clangd version 10.0.0
MacOS: 10.15.5


## versions

vim version: VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 8012250
node version: v13.13.0
coc.nvim version: 0.0.78-2407993395
coc.nvim directory: /Users/brianarne/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim
platform: darwin

## Output channel: clangd log

I[22:35:52.414] clangd version 10.0.0 
I[22:35:52.414] PID: 37798
I[22:35:52.414] Working directory: /Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Source
I[22:35:52.414] argv[0]: /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clangd
I[22:35:52.414] Starting LSP over stdin/stdout
I[22:35:52.415] <-- initialize(0)
I[22:35:52.432] --> reply:initialize(0) 16 ms
I[22:35:52.435] <-- initialized
I[22:35:52.435] unhandled notification initialized
I[22:35:52.437] <-- textDocument/didOpen
I[22:35:52.438] Enqueueing 2 commands for indexing
I[22:35:52.440] --> textDocument/clangd.fileStatus
I[22:35:52.440] Updating file /Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Source/PluginEditor.h with command inferred from /Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Source/PluginEditor.cpp
/Applications/ -target x86_64-apple-macos10.11 -fmessage-length=0 -fdiagnostics-show-note-include-stack -fmacro-backtrace-limit=0 -stdlib=libc++ -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -O0 -fno-common -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wunreachable-code -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-overloaded-virtual -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-missing-braces -Wparentheses -Wswitch -Wunused-function -Wno-unused-label -Wno-unused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-value -Wempty-body -Wuninitialized -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-shadow -Wno-four-char-constants -Wno-conversion -Wconstant-conversion -Wint-conversion -Wbool-conversion -Wenum-conversion -Wno-float-conversion -Wnon-literal-null-conversion -Wobjc-literal-conversion -Wshorten-64-to-32 -Wno-newline-eof -Wno-c++11-extensions -D_DEBUG=1 -DDEBUG=1 -DJUCER_XCODE_MAC_F6D2F4CF=1 -DJUCE_APP_VERSION=1.0.0 -DJUCE_APP_VERSION_HEX=0x10000 -DJucePlugin_Build_VST=0 -DJucePlugin_Build_VST3=1 -DJucePlugin_Build_AU=1 -DJucePlugin_Build_AUv3=0 -DJucePlugin_Build_RTAS=0 -DJucePlugin_Build_AAX=0 -DJucePlugin_Build_Standalone=1 -DJucePlugin_Build_Unity=0 -DJUCE_SHARED_CODE=1 -isysroot /Applications/ -fasm-blocks -fstrict-aliasing -Wdeprecated-declarations -Winvalid-offsetof -g -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wno-sign-conversion -Winfinite-recursion -Wmove -Wcomma -Wblock-capture-autoreleasing -Wstrict-prototypes -Wrange-loop-analysis -Wno-semicolon-before-method-body -I/Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Builds/MacOSX/build/Debug/include -I/Users/brianarne/JUCE/modules/juce_audio_processors/format_types/VST3_SDK -I../../JuceLibraryCode -I/Users/brianarne/JUCE/modules -I/Users/brianarne/JUCE/modules/juce_audio_plugin_client -I/Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Builds/MacOSX/build/ - Shared -I/Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Builds/MacOSX/build/ - Shared -I/Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Builds/MacOSX/build/ - Shared -Wreorder -F/Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Builds/MacOSX/build/Debug --serialize-diagnostics /Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Builds/MacOSX/build/ - Shared -c -x c++-header -std=c++14 /Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo/Source/PluginEditor.h -fsyntax-only -resource-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/10.0.0_3/lib/clang/10.0.0
I[22:35:52.468] --> textDocument/publishDiagnostics
I[22:35:52.468] --> textDocument/clangd.fileStatus

## Output channel: watchman

[Info  - 10:35:52 PM] watchman watching project: /Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo
[Info  - 10:35:52 PM] subscribing "**/{compile_commands.json,compile_flags.txt,.clang-tidy}" in /Users/brianarne/Projects/Tremelo

coc-clangd unable to get local issuer certificate.

When I type :CocInstall coc-clangd, then it shows error:

✗ coc-clangd unable to get local issuer certificate

Also, in case of :CocCommand clangd.install, then it shows that:

[coc.nvim] Command: clangd.install not found

So how can I fix this?

Connection is disposed




    "coc.preferences.extensionUpdateCheck": "never",

    "coc.source.around.enable": false,
    "coc.source.buffer.enable": false,

    "diagnostic.enable": false,

    "suggest.minTriggerInputLength": 2,
    "suggest.timeout": 15000,

    "clangd.showDBChangedNotification": false,
    "clangd.arguments": [
    "clangd.fallbackFlags": [


let g:coc_global_extensions = [
    \ 'coc-clangd',
    \ 'coc-cmake',
    \ 'coc-json'

hover doesn't work properly

when i press shift + k at first it works but after second, third, .... and so on it doesn't show proper string.

System information
Output of clangd --version: clangd version 10.0.0-4ubuntu1
Editor/LSP plugin: vim coc-clangd
Operating system: kubuntu 20.04

Line content gets deleted after quitting Insert mode

  • The problem:

Line content gets deleted but not the line itself.

  • Circumstances:

Whenever quitting Insert mode and the cursor happens to be on a line which has content, as if there is a mapping doing something like this:
imap <Esc> <S-v>s<Esc>
Obviously, there is no such mapping.
This happens on .c, .h and .hpp files (not on .cpp), only when coc-clangd is installed and on all lines except the first of the file.

  • Configuration files:


"coc.preferences.formatOnInsertLeave": true,
"coc.preferences.formatOnType": true,
"coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes": [
"suggest.completionItemKindLabels": {
"keyword": "\uf1de",
"variable": "\ue79b",
"value": "\uf89f",
"operator": "\u03a8",
"function": "\u0192",
"reference": "\ufa46",
"constant": "\uf8fe",
"method": "\uf09a",
"struct": "\ufb44",
"class": "\uf0e8",
"interface": "\uf417",
"text": "\ue612",
"enum": "\uf435",
"enumMember": "\uf02b",
"module": "\uf40d",
"color": "\ue22b",
"property": "\ue624",
"field": "\uf9be",
"unit": "\uf475",
"event": "\ufacd",
"file": "\uf723",
"folder": "\uf114",
"snippet": "\ue60b",
"typeParameter": "\uf728",
"default": "\uf29c"
"diagnostic.errorSign": "✘",
"diagnostic.warningSign": "",
"diagnostic.infoSign": "",
"codeLens.enable": true,
"coc.preferences.currentFunctionSymbolAutoUpdate": true,
"git.enableGutters": true,
"git.realtimeGutters": true

init.vim (just the coc settings)

set nobackup
set nowritebackup
set cmdheight=2
set updatetime=300
set shortmess+=c
set signcolumn=yes

command! -nargs=0 Prettier :CocCommand prettier.formatFile

\ pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() :
\ coc#expandableOrJumpable() ? "<C-r>=coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['snippets-expand-jump',''])<CR>" :
\ check_back_space() ? "<TAB>" :
\ coc#refresh()
inoremap pumvisible() ? "<C-n>" : "<C-h>"

function! s:check_back_space() abort
let col = col('.') - 1
return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s'

let g:coc_snippet_next = ''

inoremap coc#refresh()

nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev)
nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next)

nmap gd (coc-definition)
nmap gy (coc-type-definition)
nmap gi (coc-implementation)
nmap gr (coc-references)

nnoremap K :call show_documentation()

function! s:show_documentation()
if (index(['vim', 'help'], &filetype) >= 0)
execute 'h '.expand('')
call CocAction('doHover')

autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')

nmap rn (coc-rename)

xmap f (coc-format-selected)
nmap f (coc-format-selected)

nmap ca (coc-codeaction)
nmap cf (coc-fix-current)

xmap if (coc-funcobj-i)
xmap af (coc-funcobj-a)
omap if (coc-funcobj-i)
omap af (coc-funcobj-a)

nmap (coc-range-select)
xmap (coc-range-select)

command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocAction('format')
command! -nargs=? Fold :call CocAction('fold', )
command! -nargs=0 OR :call CocAction('runCommand', 'editor.action.organizeImport')

  • Maybe useful info:

OS: Void Linux, nvim v0.4.3, node v13.2.0

Type definition provider not found

I'm using

## versions

vim version: NVIM v0.4.3
node version: v10.19.0
coc.nvim version: 0.0.78-030aef2f6d
term: xterm-256color
platform: linux

## Output channel: clangd log
I[10:09:10.793] clangd version 9.0.1-6+build1 
I[10:09:10.793] Working directory: /home/jgm/github/devjgm/
I[10:09:10.793] argv[0]: /usr/bin/clangd-9
I[10:09:10.793] argv[1]: --clang-tidy
I[10:09:10.793] Starting LSP over stdin/stdout
I[10:09:10.793] <-- initialize(0)
I[10:09:10.793] --> reply:initialize(0) 0 ms
I[10:09:10.796] <-- initialized
I[10:09:10.796] unhandled notification initialized
I[10:09:10.800] <-- textDocument/didOpen
I[10:09:10.837] Enqueueing 0 commands for indexing
I[10:09:10.838] --> textDocument/clangd.fileStatus
I[10:09:10.838] Updating file /home/jgm/github/devjgm/ with command 
/usr/bin/clang -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -fstack-protector -Wall -Wthread-safety -Wself-assign -fno-omit-frame-pointer -std=c++0x -DGRPC_BAZEL_BUILD -no-canonical-prefixes -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined -D__DATE__=redacted -D__TIMESTAMP__=redacted -D__TIME__=redacted -DCURL_STATICLIB -isystem google/cloud/storage -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/google/cloud/storage -isystem external/boringssl/src/include -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/boringssl/src/include -isystem external/com_github_curl_curl/include -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_github_curl_curl/include -isystem external/zlib -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/zlib -isystem external/com_github_google_crc32c/include -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_github_google_crc32c/include -isystem external/com_google_googletest/googlemock -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_google_googletest/googlemock -isystem external/com_google_googletest/googlemock/include -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_google_googletest/googlemock/include -isystem external/com_google_googletest/googletest -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_google_googletest/googletest -isystem external/com_google_googletest/googletest/include -isystem bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_google_googletest/googletest/include -iquote . -iquote bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin -iquote external/boringssl -iquote bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/boringssl -iquote external/com_github_curl_curl -iquote bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_github_curl_curl -iquote external/zlib -iquote bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/zlib -iquote external/com_github_google_crc32c -iquote bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_github_google_crc32c -iquote external/com_google_googletest -iquote bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_google_googletest -iquote external/bazel_tools -iquote bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/bazel_tools -I /usr/local/include -I /usr/lib/llvm-8/lib/clang/8.0.1/include -I /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -I /usr/include -I /usr/lib/llvm-8/lib/clang/8.0.1/share -I /usr/include/c++/9 -I /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/9 -I /usr/include/c++/9/backward -I /usr/include/clang/8.0.1/include -I /usr/lib/clang/8.0.1/include -x c++ -c google/cloud/storage/examples/ -fsyntax-only -resource-dir=/usr/lib/llvm-9/lib/clang/9.0.1
I[10:09:12.434] --> textDocument/publishDiagnostics
I[10:09:12.437] --> textDocument/clangd.fileStatus
I[10:09:24.185] <-- textDocument/documentHighlight(1)
I[10:09:24.189] --> reply:textDocument/documentHighlight(1) 4 ms
I[10:09:24.189] --> textDocument/clangd.fileStatus

and coc-clangd 0.3.4.

I have gy mapped to nmap <silent> gy <Plug>(coc-type-definition)

And in a C++ file, when the cursor is on a symbol, and I type gy, I get the error:

[coc.nvim] Type definition provider not found for current document

The behavior I would expect is that I'd see the type information for the symbol under the cursor. This behavior works in clangd + YCM. Is it expected to work with coc-clangd as well?

How can I set .clang-format globally?

I'm struggling with this problem for hours.

As far as I know, clangd doesn't have -style option unlike clang-format and there's no way to set my custom format in my coc.nvim + coc-clang environment (I found -fallback-style option but it is not customizable because it is a kind of presets).

So, is there any way to set a global formating option like vim-clang-format?

Unable to locate coc-clangd

My clangd executable is available under /usr/bin, but coc-clangd is unable to locate the executable, telling me that it is not in the PATH. It is similar to #32 but is slightly different because in my case clangd is in one of the standard binary locations. I suspect the issue comes from the choice of shell (I use fish and my bashrc is empty) and that something uses bash exclusively without reading the proper PATH; however I am not sure because I use fish as login shell and PATH should therefore theoretically be available to all subsequent commands.

If that is the case and there is no other way around it, my workaround in mind is to somehow let bash exec fish then exec bash to get the PATH definitions from fish.

The log from :CocList output is empty.

System information
/usr/bin/clangd: 10.0.0
coc-clangd version: (it does not show in CocInfo, got it from CocUpdate) 0.4.10
node: 14.4.0
nvim: 0.4.3
coc.nvim: 0.0.78-2407993395
shell: fish 3.1.2 (login shell), bash 5.0.17-1
uname -mrs: Linux 5.7.2-zen1-1-zen x86_64

Code completion doesn't respect allCommitCharacters

Here's the documentation from lsp spec:

	 * The list of all possible characters that commit a completion. This field can be used
	 * if clients don't support individual commit characters per completion item. See
	 * `ClientCapabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.commitCharactersSupport`.
	 * If a server provides both `allCommitCharacters` and commit characters on an individual
	 * completion item the ones on the completion item win.
	 * @since 3.2.0
	allCommitCharacters?: string[];

clangd started sending this out in its completionProvider field recently, but it seems like CoC doesn't fall back to allCommitCharacters when completionItem doesn't have individual commit characters.

This results in only being able to commit a completion with hitting enter.

clangd for c++ wrong tips


OS: win10
gcc version 7.3.0 (x86_64-posix-sjlj-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project)
clangd version 7.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_700/final)






clangd: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.27' not found

I tired :CocCommand clangd.install to get clangd rather than using apt-get. It installed, but could not run because of the following error:

## Output channel: clangd

[Error  - 2:27:16 PM] /mnt/harmonix_vol2/soporifix_vol3/user/home/john/.config/coc/extensions/coc-clangd-data/install/10rc3/clangd_10rc3/bin/clangd exited with code: 1
/mnt/harmonix_vol2/soporifix_vol3/user/home/john/.config/coc/extensions/coc-clangd-data/install/10rc3/clangd_10rc3/bin/clangd: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by /mnt/harmonix_vol2/    soporifix_vol3/user/home/john/.config/coc/extensions/coc-clangd-data/install/10rc3/clangd_10rc3/bin/clangd)

Completion list overflows when there are items with long name

Screenshot from 2020-03-09 08-35-10

The right hand side carries important information like type and source of the completion item. Even if there's a single suggestion with a long text, it becomes impossible to see it.

I believe long items(mostly due to signatures) should be trimmed down.

diagnostics floats are really noisy

Currently I see:
[clang(Semantic Issue) ovl_no_viable_function_in_call] [E] No matching function for call to 'foo'

The diagnostic text is the most important but it starts on column 59, and is the first thing to get truncated/wrapped.

A big contributor is clang/clangd which use long strings for the code. I think they have some value but display needs to be done carefully.

Another contributor is the (Semantic Issue) category, which I'm not sure is pulling its weight.

I'd like to try making the source/code styled differently, placed at the end of the diagnostic, and dropping the [E] in upstream coc.

Down-rank/hide identifier-based completion items

Currently identifier-based completion items are always ranked above language server-based ones. This leads to a bad experience most of the time, for example the item I am looking for is at 18th place:
Screenshot from 2020-02-26 11-06-58

Signature help is not useful when documentation is long

Since this is the first issue in the repo, let me clarify why I(and possibly others) will file bugs in here:

This extension might not be the right place to fix most of those issues, it might even be the case that these are not issues but just people having different taste, but we are rather trying to keep track of annoying/suboptimal behaviours we face.

This one is about signature help floating window, when the documentation is too long for a signature, the signature itself gets lost. Even though there is a scrollbar, at least I have no idea how to scroll it. It might make sense to always put the signature first, and then put documentation below it.

Here's a screenshot:
Screenshot from 2020-02-19 14-20-38

using coc-clangd behind a firewall

I am trying to use coc-clangd at work where we have a firewall, preventing access to external resources (like github). There is however a way to have a local mirror of github repos. This is where i have copies of coc.nvim and clangd/coc-clangd:

Installing this extension, however, doesnt work out of the box:

First method
:CocInstall http://companymirror/github/clangd/coc-clangd.git results in is not supported, coc.nvim support only
Second method:
Plug 'clangd/coc-clangd', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'} results in an error:

warning package.json: License should be a valid SPDX license expression
warning [email protected]: License should be a valid SPDX license expression
[1/5] Validating package.json...
warning [email protected]: License should be a valid SPDX license expression
warning [email protected]: The engine "coc" appears to be invalid.
[2/5] Resolving packages...
[3/5] Fetching packages...
error An unexpected error occurred: " self signed certificate in certificate chain".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/home/user/.vim/plugged/coc-clangd/yarn-error.log".
info Visit for documentation about this command.


  /usr/local/node-v12.18.0-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/share/yarn/bin/yarn.js install --frozen-lockfile
Yarn version:
Node version:
  linux x64
  Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
      at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (_tls_wrap.js:1506:34)
      at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:315:20)
      at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:948:8)
      at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:706:12)

System information
Clangd version: 10.0.0
clangd extension version (from :CocInfo):
Operating system: CentOS 7.3

Source clangd timeout

I am trying Coc for the first time so I am sure I am just doing something stupid, so I apologize if that is indeed the case.

To describe my enviroment. I am using CMake to create my compilation database, and because it's build in a build folder I copy it to the root of the project. I also have 2 subprojects in the root folder, core and gui.

Now for the actual issue, all diagnostics seem to work fine, code navigation work fine as well. But whenever autocompletetion is expected to pop up nothing happens. Instead if you don't do anything for 5 seconds an error message appears at the bottom saying source clangd timeout after 5000ms. I don't have any other information to provide as I couldn't find any logs emmited by the plugin.

Clangd formatting issue?

I notice that clang has formatting feature, but I don't know how to set it up. Is there any docs for this?
best regards
Peiyun Jin

Completion after commit characters is not immediate

When you trigger a completion via a commit character instead of hitting enter (for example parentheses or dot) completion text gets inserted after updatetime delay or as soon as you hit any other character.

Setting index chache to alternative folder

When i run nvim with coc-clangd a ./clangd/ is created in my project. It looks like to contain some index cache, i want those files in another location for example /tmp/clangd is that possible?

Code actions don't trigger reliably

(coc-codeaction) sends the whole line, which doesn't work with clangd - it needs finer-grained location, like vscode provides.

(coc-codeaction-selected) works properly but only in visual/select mode I think.

Ideally we'd just change coc-codeaction to send {begin=cursor, end=cursor} - servers that want to promote this to "whole line" can easily do so, and that's what vscode does.

But if maintainers aren't happy with that we can probably do something clangd-specific or add a new binding.

coc.nvim can't find included header (msys2/mingw)

I am on Windows, and I am developing an ARM MCU project, so it's a cross-platform project, and it's makefile-based. I try to use msys2/mingw to create my vim IDE. I succeeded installing coc.nvim and coc-clangd and all their requirements, and I use compiledb to generate compile_commands.json for my project. But it seems coc.nvim cannot find header I include in my source code. For example, I include the header main.h in main.c , and coc.nvim complained main.h file not found [clangd:], also, for struct defined in header, coc.nvim complained 'unknown type name XXX [clangd:]'. Is there anyone here could help me debug this problem?
Here is the part of compile_commands.json related to main.c

  "directory": "/c/Users/XXXX/Desktop/XXXX_project",
  "arguments": [
  "file": "Src/main.c"

This is no completion when filetype=cuda


vim version: VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 8020717
node version: v14.2.0
coc.nvim version: 0.0.78-42353685a1
term: dumb
platform: linux

coc-clangd version


Describe the bug

Completion doesn't show in .cu file.


  1. create compile_flags.txt
  1. open and there's no completion
  2. :set filetype=cpp
  3. completion appears and it can complete cuda syntax normally

Do I need a compile_commands.json for getting basic autocompletion?

Just trying to get autocompletion for C but can't make it work. So far I've taken the following steps:

  • In my init.vim I have Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}, save file, reload and :PlugInstall
  • Then :CocInstall coc-clangd and :CocCommand clangd.install
  • Run :chechhealth, everything under health#coc#check is OK and green.
  • Open a C source file, but can't get any completion suggestion at all. I tried restarting Neovim and nothing.
    I didn't generate a compile_commands.json, not sure how to do that. My "project" is basically a bunch of loose files (I'm learning C) but do I really need a compile_commands.json for getting basic autocompletion?

commit characters don't trigger additionaledits

normally clangd inserts missing includes via additionaledits attached to code completion items, this doesn't seem to be triggered when you commit the completion with any other key than enter though.

:CocCommand clangd.install

I'm following the "Quick Start" guide and have run into problems on the :CocCommand clangd.install step. The guide claims coc-clangd will try to find clangd in my $PATH. I know that clangd is not in my $PATH, but I see no output from :CocInstall coc-clangd that it looked and failed to find it. I only see a single line with a green check that it installed into .config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-clangd.

When I run :CocCommand clangd.install to have it fetch the latest release, it returns [coc.nvim] Command: clangd.install not found.

Clangd not found in coc-clangd but found in $PATH

Coc-clangd doesn't detect my clangd binary installed with homebrew at /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/10.0.0_3/bin/clangd that I symlinked to ~/.local/bin/clangd and I added ~/.local/bin/ to my $PATH. I can run clangd from inside neovim as :!clangd without a problem but coc-clangd can't detect it without hardcoding the path in coc-settings.json with "clangd.path": "/usr/local/opt/llvm/10.0.0_3/bin/clangd". If I symlink the binary to /usr/local/bin instead it just works.

I would like to avoid hardcoding the path to coc-settings.json since it wouldn't be portable to my Linux computer. So my question is: where does coc-clangd search for clangd and why is it not using my $PATH?

doxygen documentation is shown in hover window with escaped punctiation

I don't know if this is a coc issue or a coc-clangd issue, but when I get hover information about a symbol, the documentation is shown with escaped punctuation making it quite hard to read. See screenshot.

## versions

vim version: NVIM v0.5.0-dev
node version: v14.1.0
coc.nvim version: 0.0.78-57637bb44c
term: screen-256color
platform: linux

## Output channel: clangd log

I[14:23:11.272] clangd version 9.0.1-8+hrt1hrt9.1

Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 2 28 43 PM

Allow "automatic 'yes'" for for 'compile_commands.json' changed prompt

This feature is handy, but my project is currently set to watch my sources and automatically re-compile (working on a WASM project and it reloads in the browser) and also regenerate 'compile_commands.json' (to keep it up to date in case files were added / removed), and this causes this prompt to come up whenever I save. I could perhaps make the toolchain account for this case better, but maybe there could be an option to opt into 'always yes' automatically? I think the prompt still makes sense to have by default.

Referring to this prompt:

How to confirm that compile_commands.json and/or compile_flags.txt work?

Let's assume that we have a directory structure:


and a .cpp file in src. I create a compile_commands.json with cmake and store in src. When I start vim I get no feedback whether the compile_commands.json is used or not.

In order to understand its behaviour I take the valid compile_commands.json I have created, let's assume that looks like:

  { "directory": "/home/user/llvm/build",
    "command": "/usr/bin/clang++ -Irelative -DSOMEDEF=\"With spaces, quotes and \\-es.\" -c -o file.o",
    "file": "" },

and I invalidate it by adding random characters:

  { "directory": "/home/user/llvm/build",
    "command": "/usr/bin/clang++ -Irelative -DSOMEDEF=\"With spaces, quotes and \\-es.\" -c -o file.o",
    "file": "" },

I restart vim or I do CocRestart and I get no feedback that something is wrong. Moreover, CocOpenLog or :CocCommand workspace.showOutput does not show anything. I have also updated my .vimrc with:

let $NVIM_COC_LOG_LEVEL = 'debug'

Trying "clangd.trace.server": "verbose" in coc-settings returns that this property is not allowed

Same with compile_flags.txt. No response that it is loaded correctly or that contains errors when I add invalid flags on purpose.

  • What if both compile_commands.json and compile_flags.txt are on the same directory. Which one is used?
  • What if compile_commands.json is on src directory and compile_flags.txt in foo2? Since it starts searching the parent directories I assume it will find compile_commands.json first and stop searching any more.
  • What if compile_commands.json is on src directory and compile_flags.txt in foo2 but compile_commands is invalid? Is it skipped and the compile_flags.txt in foo2 is used?

I try to understand what happens in such scenarios but I have no feedback or log messages to help me on that.

Header extension .h interpreted as C

Is there a way to configure coc-clangd (or clangd) so that the header extension ".h" is interpreted as a C++ header by default, or is the language (C/C++) determined exclusively by the file extension in clangd and coc-clangd? I was at least unable to find a way to force the language to C++, but it could be that I am missing something. According to the CppCoreGuidelines: "The specific names .h and .cpp are not required (just recommended as a default) and other names are in widespread use. Examples are .hh, .C, and .cxx. Use such names equivalently". Since people often cannot choose the header extensions for the projects they are working on, I am guessing that there must be a way to configure this on the language server side?

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