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lethalsdk-unity-project's Issues

v1.2.5 of LE broke

It seems like LethalExpansion v1.2.5 is broken. I've tried uninstalling all mods and running only LethalExpansion (with Bepinex ofc) and am always getting the below error. When I revert to 1.2.4 it works.


Clock doesn't disappear when entering dungeon

I added a custom moon a while back, in which everything works perfectly fine right, except for the fact the clock doesn't disappear when you enter the dungeon. Any idea what could be causing this?
If it helps, it is a custom dungeon.

Several issues

-Manticoils break and fly in a stationary position forever, I saw that is a common issue and it happens in my moon too, do you know why?


-When the night comes the light continues being the same, how can I make it dark?

-I can't get the ladder to work, I have placed the objects with the defaulteco material and added them to the script, what could I be missing?

By the way, many thanks for create all of this, it's an amazing project! <3

Unable to create AssetBundle


Hello! I love your mod btw and want to eventually be able to make a map. I was testing the SDK through Unity and have been trying to create a new scrap item. I believe I did everything correct but also I do not have much Unity experience. When I try to export the assetbundle I am met with an error. I've tried manually installing bepinex and lethalexpansion to see if that would fix the issue as opposed to using Thunderstore but no matter where I try to import the bundle to I still receive this error. If you could help guide me whatsoever it would be greatly appreciated!

Build AssetBundles "Moving file failed"

Just updated to 1.3
When I click on Build AssetBundles, it works like normal up to this point:

Moving Temp/unitystream.unity3d to E:/Modding/Lethal Company/LethalSDK_Project/Assets/AssetBundles/christmasvillage.lem: The system cannot find the file specified.

I put my .lem in and it worked fine, but this error causes me to force quit Unity.
Edit: I can click Cancel and it allows me to just break out of it.

As a sidenote: When updating the SDK, is it as simple as just extracting the new files over the old ones and replacing them?

Map desyncing with others

for some reason, when i use this mod, my map desyncs with others and i experience a completely different seed than the others in the game.

everyone else has the same map seed / see the same map except me. I disabled just this mod and im not having this issue anymore so idk whats up.



Hi, I'm in the process of making my first moon, but I've noticed the lack of information for the names of the entities and other things (what is the puffer, what is the sand spider, what are the different "Level Ambience Clips", etc...) , would it be possible to have some form of documentation for those sort of things, like a wiki?

Console Spammed

Hi i would like to know what is causing this message to log on the console? It keeps getting spammed filling the console and lagging the game. image-4.png
I don't think it is from lethal company because it only happens on moons created with this

Nothing Happens

Followed the written tutorial as close as possible, once I go to the "LethalSDK" tab and build it.
Only for nothing to be in the folder. it makes the "AssetBundles" folder, loads something, but produces nothing.
For more context, I'm only adding 1 scrap, everything is set up as such too.

Issue regarding navigation paths

Are all these "off mesh links" required to be set up manually? I can't imagine the workload involved, as I'm about to create a Minecraft map.

Can we get a Player reference prefab?

Was wondering if we can get a player Arms prefab to help us place items in the hands easier?
Atm we have to guess the coordinates which means alot of going back and fixing it?

Exported Moons With Pink Doors and Invisible SupplyDrop.

Hey. There is this issue i am having that every .lem that i put into the Modules folder after using the AssetBundle Builder.
All of them leave me with pink textures on the Doors and missing SupplyDrop and invisible Prefabs.
My custom prefrabs/textures that i used on a map i was working on showed up fine and worked as intended.

Game Modules Folder

AssetBundles Output Folder

In Unity everything looks fine for all maps

Pink Textures

Invisible SupplyDrop with collision

Thanks for your attention. I’m looking forward to your reply.

Can't pick up items

For some reason I'm unable to pick up any of the custom scrap. It is possible to scan them and the grab icon shows up when I look at them but nothing happens when I press E. How could I fix this? There aren't any guides to follow, or at least none that I can find, and the instructions on github doesn't help.

Audio-related issues

I am trying to implement a new feature using the 'SDK-1.3.17,' where a sound effect is triggered by clicking the mouse when holding an item. However, I am not quite clear about the triggering conditions and the sound output settings. If not configured, the sound effect triggers immediately when the spaceship lands. This issue is also troubling me when working on the background music for MOONS; the music is audible everywhere, even after adjusting the maximum propagation distance.



I hope to get the URL for tutorial videos (if available)

Maybe an option to add weapons?

With the addition of the Shotgun, was wondering if it's at all possible to have the option to use it as a "Template" sorta to add new guns.
Personally I'd love to add a raygun just for the fun of it.

That and maybe a template for melee weapons?

(Also as to not spam issues tickets, I noticed the "Two hand animations" doesnt actually use two hands still)

Snow footprints and footprint sounds

How do we get snow footprints to show up, or is that feature still in development?

Also what would the correct method be to get different materials to register different footstep sounds?

AssetBundle corrupting LethalExpansion

Hello, I was able to generate my assetbundle- but now when I load it into the game and start a server the entire LethalExpansion mod gets disabled. No new moons, no extra scrap items, etc. I am sure that it is my additional scrap item mod that is breaking LethalExpansion yet I don't know why as the only difference I see is the lack of the printout in the command prompt when creating the items and adding the moons.

^^ This is what it looks like with my personal trophy.lem assetbundle.

^^ This is what it looks like without my trophy.lem assetbundle.

I'll include the files below. Thanks in advance- I'm new to this and trying to get the hang of it.

Scrap value not aligning with Min and Max values.

Hi, I've been toying around with this and have been trying to add a metronome scrap as a test, but it seems like the value doesn't match up with the 'Min Value' and 'Max Value' I've set in the Unity editor. The Min value is set to 60 and the Max is set to 85, meaning the value should be within this range. But as you can see in the screenshots, it does not stay within the 60-85 value.

How can I make sure that the scrap's value will stay between these two numbers, is there something I can do on my end or is this a bug?


Screenshot 2023-12-11 183845
Screenshot 2023-12-11 184124
Screenshot 2023-12-11 184238

Unable to read tooltip Mod Settings


The mod is working fine for me, but I have one problem. When viewing mod settings, if I hover the lower options with the mouse, the tooltip gets hidden so I can't see the network sync / mod required text.

I only have this problem with the last 5 options. I will add screens to make the problem more clear.

Thanks in advance, and really enjoy the mod btw

Tooltip 1
Tooltip 2

Weather is always Dust Clouds

Hello! For some reason my weather even when the "Overwrite weather" option is checked, is always dust clouds. I have tried replacing every weather option with "None", I also tried having only "None" in the weather array. I then lastly tried the overwrite weather option but I still only get dust clouds.

Quicksand is invisible on terrain

Quicksand is indistinguishable from normal terrain on a stormy custom moon. Would it be possible to darken these quicksand spots and maybe include a setting in the Unity Editor to adjust what color they are.

Config/Data is not synced with certain players

The network config sync doesn't work with certain players leaving them to have the wrong map data and unable to effectively play the game. Other players get synced and work fine. Even when it is the only mod enabled the sync continues to not happen.


The moons do not load for me at all. When I launch the game, I see the mod settings but in the terminal both the moons aren't there. Is this an issue on my end? I downloaded both this mod and the lethalSDK mod straight off of thunderstore. and when I run it, only the vanilla moons are in the terminal.

Possible to have Scrap animated?

I created my own scrap. My cubodile mascot (square crocodile)

I first tested the item with it spawning in with it scannable and its own squeak pickup and drop sound effect.
Then I added a sound file that plays, similar to toy robot or chattering teeth, which works.
Now when I added an animation to the cubodile scrap item it completely disappears.
Doesn't load at all into the level.

So is there a specific script or prefab setup I need to animate the object?
I want it to rock back and forth slightly and also a little squishing (kinda rubber hose animation like)


I found a way to animate it and it to appear in the game correctly!
For what I did
I created an empty game object, then applied network object and a box collider to that.
Then the 3d model of the scrap as a child to that empty object.
Then applied my animation to the 3d model of cubo
quick video on what I did
Also quick demo of item in action

Suggestion: Change the Mesh Filter to something else

Was wondering if you can change the MeshFilter from only excepting raw meshes to allowing the whole model package?
Asking because as it stands, I'd like to be able to add an armature for dynamic bones so my item can wobble (As I've seen someone do it with a glizzy) i apologies if my terminology is wrong, I'm still very new to Unity and dont know the names yet.
Of course if adding an Armature is possible atm I'd love to know!

Dumb issue, but the folder location just isn't there

The file location in the instructions of where I'm supposed to put the asset bundle just simply isn't there, I tried making all of the folders myself but that still didn't work, is there some other prerequisite that I need that isn't listed in the requirements or am I simply looking in the wrong place? (steamapps/common/Lethal Company)

Scrap Pickup/Drop Sound help

Noticed this setting a while ago and figured you could add custom sounds for when you pick up and drop the scrap, however when I add my sound to this field, nothing happens?


Very Confusing

Firstly, kudos on the SDK and Unity Project – impressive work!

Yet, diving into the Unity instructions can be perplexing. I suggest simplifying the initial setup; just extract and add it to Unity Hub.

When duplicating the TemplateMod in the Mods folder, rename it for your new mod. Clear guidance is needed here: Do you keep the old template folder? Yes or No? Inside Unity or Windows Explorer?

Modifying the ModManifest is straightforward, ensuring the Mod Name and Folder match. However, creating custom moons from the SceneBuilder scene seems unclear, especially with different boxes in the manifest for moon selection.

The AssetBundle Builder process needs clearer explanation, avoiding jargon like “WTF DOES THIS MEAN?” Maybe a video tutorial would help. Additionally, specifying the correct location for ThunderStore users is crucial.

Addressing the issue of moons not showing up and the importance of the .lem extension in Unity, a comprehensive tutorial with visuals could be immensely beneficial. Photos hint at the necessity of adding the MAIN prefab – a video tutorial might make this step clearer.

In essence, your project is fantastic, but an improved, step-by-step Unity tutorial with video support would greatly enhance user experience.

Photos show MAIN prefab has to be added also... like... bro xD VIDEO LMAO

Cannot change where the ship lands in a custom moon

I for the life of me cannot change where the ship lands in a custom moon. No matter what I change, lock position script, navmesh etc, it always lands on the same spot.

How do you actually decide where it lands?

Custom scrap spawns but not scanning.

So i somehow managed to figure out myself how to add scrap (took way to many attempts due to lack of instructions for new users). Im finding my scrap on the map now but when i hit RMB it does not scans. Other working ok (i think). And i set global spawn rate to 100 for all my scraps but i found only one of them, my bad? Thank you very much!!!

Project carry over


I was seeing if there was a way to carry over my current file project to the new update. First time modding and using unity so wasn't sure how to carry a current project file I'm working on to the latest LethalSDK update.

Custom Dungeons

Custom dungeons would be a good addition as a next major feature. The ability to make your own dungeons or use already modded dungeons (such as the SCPFoundationDungeon mod) on custom moons.

Weather Effects

Any reason why weather effects show in the dungeon areas? Like when it's raining it is visually seen and heard when in the mansion or other area. I've been trying to troubleshoot if for a few days now.

Really exciting but I'm itchin for that youtube tutorial

I've figured out a few things but there's not a lot of chatter at all yet about creating new maps. I can't figure out how to get any assets from the game to load alongside this stuff. I am a bonehead novice but this seems super cool

Two Handed Animation

I think I've found the reason why this setting doesn't work. I tried a bunch of stuff in the item properties in the Unity Explorer mod and it seems that Item.grabAnim has to be set to "HoldLung" for it to work. When I apply it to one of my items the hand positions are the same as on vanilla items, such as large axle and v-type engine. Hopefully this is the issue and can be fixed easily
Skärmbild 2024-01-09 000738

Config option to change the Moon order in the Terminal

Adding a config option to change the order of moons would be very helpful. Especially for modpacks. For example putting modded mons within the list of easier moons. So it is clearer to a player that the modded moon is an easy moon.

Few Questions

Hey HolographicWings. Great work on this so far. Unity project is well put together and it didn't take me long at all to figure out how most of it fits together.

Few queries though:

1 - I'd like to understand a little more about your asset bundling process. Are you cycling through the whole project, or specific folders? I just want to make sure I don't accidentally bundle 3rd party tools / unused assets.

2 - Any idea what's causing this error while bundling?
Two properties with the same reference name (_DoubleSidedEnable) using different types
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildAssetBundles (string,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)
LethalSDK.Editor.Lethal_AssetBundleBuilderWindow:BuildAssetBundles ()

3 - What exactly are Outdoor Nodes? This is the one item I haven't been able to identify.

4 - I have the itemshipinstancer in it's template project default position. However in game, it is spawning somewhere else and I have no idea where. I hear it somewhere in the distance, possibly very high on the Y axis. Any insights you can provide on this?

And also one suggestion:
For future users, please make it more clear that the audio reverb presets are also responsible for changing weather and effects. Took me a good while to figure out that those triggers were what I needed to be using.

Error when using AssetBundle Builder

I followed your writen tutorial as close as I could but I keep getting this error when I try to use the AssetBundle Builder.
After this error pops up Unity crashes. When I open the project again and try to use the AssetBundle Builder it doesn't work.
I hope you make a video tutorial soon. Or at least a visual tutorial.

[Worker0] Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 292057776131B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: String
Allocation happened at: Line:530 in C:\build\output\unity\unity\Runtime\Core\Containers\StringStorageDefault.h
Memory overview

[ ALLOC_TEMP_TLS ] used: 17307B | peak: 0B | reserved: 56950784B
[ ALLOC_MEMORYPROFILER ] used: 660664B | peak: 1099152B | reserved: 2097152B
[ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 182111912B | peak: 0B | reserved: 218116096B
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 0B
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 0B
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES (JobTemp) ] used: 216302B | peak: 0B | reserved: 4194304B
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC (Background) ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 6291456B
[ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 24613872B | peak: 0B | reserved: 50331648B
[ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 17188504B | peak: 0B | reserved: 117444608B
[ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 1640080B | peak: 0B | reserved: 8388608B
[ ALLOC_PROFILER ] used: 629344B | peak: 630384B | reserved: 16777216B
[ ALLOC_PROFILER_EDITOR ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 0B

UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Can you allow Soft Bones?

Noticed when I added Soft Bones to add Jiggle to my Scrap Item, it wasnt working.
Learned that the mod whitelists certain components meaning anything outside of the whitelist, will be disabled in game.

Can you use Unity terrain?

I am working on a planet and wanted to use Unity Terrain. It first worked but when i tried sculpting the terrain, it crashed in the game. Is this something fixable or do I have to find a different solution?

The LogOutput doesn't really say anything:
[Info : Unity Log] In terminal menu: True
[Info : Unity Log] Calling stop animation function StopUsing server rpc for player: 0
[Info : Unity Log] STOPPING SPECIAL ANIMATION ON LOCAL CLIENT; player who was using: kinderverslinder
[Info : Unity Log] Quit terminal; inTerminalMenu true?: {playerScript.inTerminalMenu}
[Info : Unity Log] Level id: 9
[Info : Unity Log] Lever animation: setting bool to True
[Info : Unity Log] Sent lever animation RPC on this client
[Info : Unity Log] STOPPING SPECIAL ANIMATION ON LOCAL CLIENT; player who was using: kinderverslinder
[Info : Unity Log] Loading scene
[Info : Unity Log] Scene that began loading: InitSceneLaunchOptions
[Info : Unity Log] LOADING GAME!!!!!
[Info : Unity Log] Waiting for all players to load!
[Info :LethalExpansion] Game started.
[Warning: Unity Log] There can be only one active Event System.
[Info :LethalExpansion] Loading scene: InitSceneLaunchOptions

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