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3d-registration-with-maximal-cliques's Issues

Three questions regarding the code

Thank you for your excellent work! I have three questions regarding the code.

Firstly, in the code located at this link:

wijk += pow(Graph(i, a) * Graph(i, b) * Graph(a, b), 1.0 / 3); //wij + wik
, it appears that the edge weights are being added rather than multiplied as described in the associated paper. If this is the case, I am curious to know the reason for this change.

Secondly, in the code located at this link:

OTSU = OTSU_thresh(cluster_coefficients);
, it seems that a histogram is used to organize the scores, and the metric
sb = (double)n1 * (double)n2 * pow(m1 - m2, 2);
is used to choose the threshold. Is this metric related to any statistical theory? Have you considered using the median instead?

Thirdly, in the code located at this link:

while (1)
if (f * max(OTSU, total_factor) > cluster_factor[49].score)
f -= 0.05;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < Graph.rows(); i++)
if (Match_inlier[i] && cluster_factor_bac[i].score > f * max(OTSU, total_factor))
, I am unsure about the purpose of lines 664-673. Is it possible that the final value of f * max(OTSU, total_factor) is very similar to cluster_factor[49].score? Would it be possible to use cluster_factor[49].score directly instead? Additionally, this section of code appears to only retain the top 50 vertices, which may result in a very sparse compatibility graph. Could you please provide some insight into the reasoning behind this design choice?

About U3M dataset

Could you please provide the download link of the U3M dataset?
This dataset does not seem to be commonly used, why not experiment on the modelNet dataset?


Dear authors,

Thank you for the open source.
We are using it to register two large point clouds, each about 1 million points.
The demo program is changed to load two custom point clouds from files.
Here is the log.

[pcl::VoxelGrid::applyFilter] Leaf size is too small for the input dataset. Integer indices would overflow.[pcl::VoxelGrid::applyFilter] Leaf size is too small for the input dataset. Integer indices would overflow.Computing FPFH feature...
Feature matching...
Start registration.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

How do we fix it?


论文中提到了在3DMatch/3DLoMatch上的SOTA结果 RR 95.7% / 78.9%


RE < 15 and TE < 30?

          The results of GeoTrans in Table 3 are same as the results in their original paper,  and GeoTrans uses RMSE < 0.2m and computes scene average recall. Your registration recall are computed by pair avearge recall and use RE < 15 and TE < 30?

Originally posted by @Pterosaur-Yao in #6 (comment)

error: conversion from ‘boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>’ to non-scalar type ‘pcl::PointIndicesPtr’ {aka ‘std::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>’} requested

Hi @zhangxy0517,

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your work. I am trying to compile MAC for testing it but I am getting the following error:

[ 14%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/main.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/desc_dec.cpp.o
In file included from /usr/include/boost/preprocessor/control/if.hpp:18,
                 from /usr/include/boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp:18,
                 from /usr/include/boost/preprocessor/comma_if.hpp:15,
                 from /usr/include/boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/params.hpp:49,
                 from /usr/include/boost/mpl/aux_/na_spec.hpp:26,
                 from /usr/include/boost/mpl/not.hpp:20,
                 from /usr/include/boost/mpl/assert.hpp:17,
                 from /usr/include/pcl-1.13/pcl/point_struct_traits.h:40,
                 from /usr/include/pcl-1.13/pcl/type_traits.h:40,
                 from /usr/include/pcl-1.13/pcl/memory.h:46,
                 from /usr/include/pcl-1.13/pcl/impl/point_types.hpp:41,
                 from /usr/include/pcl-1.13/pcl/point_types.h:354,
                 from /home/ttsesm/Development/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/desc_dec.cpp:6:
/usr/include/pcl-1.13/pcl/registration/transforms.h:42:1: note: ‘#pragma message: This header is deprecated. Please include pcl/common/transforms.h directly. (It will be removed in PCL 1.15)’
   42 | PCL_DEPRECATED_HEADER(1, 15, "Please include pcl/common/transforms.h directly.")
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/ttsesm/Development/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/desc_dec.cpp: In function ‘void SHOT_compute(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >, float, std::vector<std::vector<float> >&, std::vector<LRF>&)’:
/home/ttsesm/Development/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/desc_dec.cpp:25:43: error: conversion from ‘boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>’ to non-scalar type ‘pcl::PointIndicesPtr’ {aka ‘std::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>’} requested
   25 |         pcl::PointIndicesPtr Idx = boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>();
      |                                           ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/ttsesm/Development/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/desc_dec.cpp: In function ‘void FPFH_descriptor(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr&, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&, float, std::vector<std::vector<float> >&)’:
/home/ttsesm/Development/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/desc_dec.cpp:704:39: error: conversion from ‘boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>’ to non-scalar type ‘pcl::PointIndicesPtr’ {aka ‘std::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>’} requested
  704 |     pcl::PointIndicesPtr Idx = boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>();
      |                                       ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/build.make:90: CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/desc_dec.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:83: CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:91: all] Error 2

Any idea what could be the cause, I have installed the latest pcl version, i.e. pcl-1.13.1-1, I am using Arch linux.

mac端 c++版本 运行问题


  1)编译c++版本,环境:mac m1, 修改main.cpp中的路径,以及部分boost的随机取数。
  2)clion编译器、或者指令集编译   --demo




按照代码来看,在完成MAC粗匹配后得到一个预测矩阵tmp_best,以及做完ICP精配准(SVD or WSVD)后得到best_est


double new_re, new_te;
evaluation_est(best_est, GTmat, RE_thresh, TE_thresh, new_re, new_te);
if (**new_re < RE && new_te < TE**)
	RE = new_re;
	TE = new_te;
	cout << "est_trans updated!!!" << endl;
	cout << "RE=" << RE << " " << "TE=" << TE << endl;
	cout << best_est << endl;
else {
	best_est = tmp_best;
	cout << "RE=" << RE << " " << "TE=" << TE << endl;
	cout << best_est << endl;



Python test usage on custom point clouds

Hi @zhangxy0517,

Can you elaborate a bit how I can use the MAC on custom point clouds using the python implementation. Let's say I have pcd1.ply and pcd2.ply. If I understand correctly I need to first run the MAC binary that I have compiled to create the correspondence files and then feed these into the script? Is that correct?

I think it would be nice if you could provide a step by step example given two pcds.




Problems with reproduction of registration results FPFH+MAC from the paper

Dear Mr. Zhang,
Thank you for the excellent paper, the very interesting approach and the fact that you have open sourced your implementation!

I am struggling to reproduce the results on KITTI with FPFH features that you have reported in the paper and hope you can help me find the parameters you have used. In the paper, you mention that FPFH+MAC has a recall of 99.46%. You do not further discuss whether you have done finegrain matching, so I will presume that you did not. As of today, I only manage to obtain a recall rate of ~76% so I think I must be doing something wrong.
To begin with, I am running this on Linux and am certain that I have the correct versions of the dependencies (PCL = 1.10.1, igraph = 0.9.9).

As you have already discussed in the following issue , I have adapted the registration code in the following manner:

// in my own calling class
PointCloudPtr src_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
PointCloudPtr des_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
PointCloudPtr new_src_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
PointCloudPtr new_des_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

// populate pointcloud ...
float src_resolution = MeshResolution_mr_compute(src_cloud);
float des_resolution = MeshResolution_mr_compute(des_cloud);
float resolution = (src_resolution + des_resolution) / 2;

double downsample = 0.3;
Voxel_grid_downsample(src_cloud, new_src_cloud, downsample);
Voxel_grid_downsample(des_cloud, new_des_cloud, downsample);

std::vector<std::vector<float>> src_feature, des_feature;
FPFH_descriptor(new_src_cloud, downsample * 5, src_feature);
FPFH_descriptor(new_des_cloud, downsample * 5, des_feature);

std::vector<Corre_3DMatch> raw_correspondence, correspondence;
feature_matching(new_src_cloud, new_des_cloud, src_feature, des_feature, raw_correspondence);

// randomly downsample correspondences
boost_rand(5000, 0, (int)raw_correspondence.size() - 1, 5000, rand_idx);
for(int i = 0; i< 5000; i++){       

registration(src_cloud, des_cloud, correspondence, ov_lable, folderPath, resolution, 0.95); 
// adapt the code to return the transform and compare with ground truth

I have searched all mentions of KITTI in the code and set the values in the registration() function used by the demo code similarly:

line 1041

string descriptor = "fpfh";
string name = "KITTI";

line 1240

igraph_maximal_cliques(&g, &cliques, 4, 0);

line 1280

inlier_thresh = 0.6;

As a concrete example of log output on failure, I want to show the result of KITTI run 08, registration pair 168 - 177:

5000 correspondences, took 721 ms
graph construction: 2.26546
coefficient computation: 0.212927
0.912101->min(0.912101 1.43598 2.47595)
clique computation: 0.248005
clique selection: 0.0180683
hypothesis generation & evaluation: 0.111791
3890 : 130873
total time 4130.55 (ms)
TE: 10.8942, RE: 0.954748

Thanks a lot for your help, I look forward to hearing from you!

Wrong registration results. What can I do?

Thank you for open sourcing the program.
I am using it to register two point clouds as attached.
We also provide the reference result obtained by hand in cloudcompare.

The result from MAC is like below

 -0.830348  -0.548407 -0.0988551    2.30432
  0.556168  -0.826622 -0.0858629    17.6757
 -0.034628  -0.126276   0.991391  -0.354262
         0          0          0          1

whereas the reference solution is

   -0.2292    0.9671    0.1106 5.904616
   -0.9731   -0.2250   -0.0486 -1.646853
   -0.0221   -0.1188    0.9927 -0.220632

What can I do to get good results?

Note with this program's demo sample data, I see the registration result is also wrong, though the resulting pose is exactly as written in the readme.

About U3M dataset

thanks for brilliant work!!

when i run "U3M" dataset, terminal shows these error message which i've never seen on other dataset :

(base) kuan@DESKTOP-S32DOQL:/mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/Release$ ./MAC --output_path /mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/output --input_path /mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/dataset/U3M --dataset_name U3M --descriptor fpfh --start_index 0 --no_logs false
Check your args setting:
output_path: /mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/output
input_path: /mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/dataset/U3M
dataset_name: U3M
descriptor: fpfh
start_index: 0
no_logs: 1
/mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/dataset/U3M/ /mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/dataset/U3M/
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

it means my input path is wrong or the src[] and des[] space doesn't enough?

sincerely waiting for your reply!
thank you!!

calculate the optimal 6-DoF rigid transformation

Thank you for your excellent work! I have a question about the optimal 6-DoF rigid transformation. After obtaining a set of 6-DoF pose hypotheses, how to calculate the optimal 6-DoF rigid transformation, and the s(c_i) in equation(6) refer to which?

And in my opinion, the correspondence is only calculated by the initial feature match and not updated after, is the initial correspondence affecting the MAC method performance?

Linux version compiling error

thanks for your great contribution!!

here's a question , when i run linux version (igraph version=0.9.9,cmake version=3.25.2) it shows this message :

(base) kuan@DESKTOP-S32DOQL:/mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/Release$ make
[ 14%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/PCR.cpp.o
/mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/PCR.cpp: In function ‘void print_graph(igraph_t*)’:
/mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/PCR.cpp:506:25: error: cannot convert ‘igraph_vector_t*’ to ‘igraph_vector_int_t*’
506 | igraph_get_edgelist(g, &el, 0);
| ^~~
| |
| igraph_vector_t*
In file included from /usr/local/include/igraph/igraph.h:69,
from /mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/Eva.h:34,
from /mnt/d/Desktop/research/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques/Linux/PCR.cpp:16:
/usr/local/include/igraph/igraph_conversion.h:69:94: note: initializing argument 2 of ‘igraph_error_t igraph_get_edgelist(const igraph_t*, igraph_vector_int_t*, igraph_bool_t)’
69 | IGRAPH_EXPORT igraph_error_t igraph_get_edgelist(const igraph_t *graph, igraph_vector_int_t *res, igraph_bool_t bycol);
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/build.make:118: CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/PCR.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:83: CMakeFiles/MAC.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:91: all] Error 2

i would like to figure out this error.
sincerely waiting your reply,thank you!!


pcl::PointCloud<pcl::SHOT352>::Ptr Feature_source(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::SHOT352>);
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::SHOT352>::Ptr Feature_target(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::SHOT352>);

void feature_matching(PointCloudPtr& cloud_source, PointCloudPtr& cloud_target,
vector<vector>& feature_source, vector<vector>& feature_targe, vector<Corre_3DMatch>& Corres)
{ int i, j;
pcl::PointCloudpcl::FPFHSignature33::Ptr Feature_source(new pcl::PointCloudpcl::FPFHSignature33);
pcl::PointCloudpcl::FPFHSignature33::Ptr Feature_target(new pcl::PointCloudpcl::FPFHSignature33);
for (i = 0; i < feature_source.size(); i++)
for (j = 0; j < 33; j++)
if (j < feature_source[i].size()) Feature_source->points[i].histogram[j] = feature_source[i][j];
for (i = 0; i < feature_target.size(); i++)
for (j = 0; j < 33; j++)
if (j < feature_target[i].size()) Feature_target->points[i].histogram[j] = feature_target[i][j];
pcl::KdTreeFLANNpcl::FPFHSignature33 kdtree;
for (i = 0; i < Feature_source->points.size(); i++)
kdtree.nearestKSearch(Feature_source->points[i], 1, Idx, Dist);
Corre_3DMatch temp;
temp.src_index = i;
temp.des_index = Idx[0];
temp.src = cloud_source->points[i];
temp.des = cloud_target->points[Idx[0]];
temp.score = 1 - sqrt(Dist[0]);



Out of memory when testing 3DMatch Dataset with FPFH descriptors.

Sorry to bother you! But when I test it on the 3DMacth Dataset with FPFH descriptors, the code is always out of memory in a computer with 48GB RAM at the following loop:
macs = graph.maximal_cliques(min=3) ... clique_weight = np.zeros(len(macs), dtype=float) for ind in range(len(macs)): mac = list(macs[ind]) if len(mac) >= 3: for i in range(len(mac)): for j in range(i + 1, len(mac)): clique_weight[ind] = clique_weight[ind] + SCG[mac[i], mac[j]]
What is the problem? Any hyperparameters need to be adjusted? By the way, we also find that the FCGF descriptors lead to a quite long time cost? Is it normal? FYI, all the correspondences are generated based in the code from SC2-PCR or PointDSC, and following the parameter setups in both your an their papers.

Dataset Query

I appreciate your good work. I have a query regarding the Python demo data.
Can you please let me know from which dataset are the scans used for the Python demo? Is it a3dloc dataset?


error report in python version

Hi, I found that in some pairs of source and target point clouds, there exists an error.
Looking forward to your reply!
(pugeo) siyuren_21@ss420f:~/data1/siyuren_21/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques-main$ /home/siyuren_21/anaconda3/envs/pugeo/bin/python /home/siyuren_21/data1/siyuren_21/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques-main/ Graph construction: 12.66ms Search maximal cliques: 1973.51ms Total: 41546 After filtered: 4838 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/siyuren_21/data1/siyuren_21/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques-main/", line 344, in <module> pred_trans,pred_trans1,spend_time=test(src_path,tgt_path) File "/home/siyuren_21/data1/siyuren_21/3D-Registration-with-Maximal-Cliques-main/", line 283, in test batch_A = src_pts[list(macs[group[i][0]])][None] IndexError: list index out of range

Graph Construction部分十分耗时

作者好!我在linux环境下运行demo的时候发现Graph Construction的部分耗时十分严重,但根据代码中用双loop的方式推算耗时时间是十分合理的。我看到作者的readme文件中Graph Construction的部分只用4s左右就完成了,想知道这部分该如何优化呢?

Start registration.
graph construction: 515.753
coefficient computation: 3.88628
0.41525->min(0.41525 0.793482 1.66802)
clique computation: 0.442331
clique selection: 0.258489
hypothesis generation & evaluation: 5.12024
9716 : 521558
14 156.331
3.31526 3.29734 3.60479 3.54041 4.66473 5.57952 4.89386 5.40509 4.51781 4.51414 4.81748 5.44499 5.49566 4.15561
0.978359 -0.12634 0.163867 0.836844
0.136967 0.989035 -0.0552166 0.161963
-0.155095 0.076466 0.984936 0.106522
0 0 0 1





python调用c++版本mac出现segmentation falut



请问一下,我直接用./MAC --demo运行效果不错,这么运行的时候会读取[email protected]等文件么?请教一下对比是怎么运行的?


您好,我将代码修改为一个ros订阅配准节点,多帧进行配准,运行会很卡,运行到FPFH_descriptor函数的时候,执行fpfh.compute (*fpfhs); 会报段错误,请问可能是什么原因?



Parameter Conversion Errors: when Running C++ Code with igraph, PCL on Windows

Hello, thanks for your valuable work!

I'm currently working with the PCL version 1.11.1 and Boost version 1.7.4 and igraph 0.10.1 on a Windows environment while running the C++ code provided by the author on GitHub. I'm encountering compatibility issues and require assistance to resolve them. If this is a version issue or something else. Any insights would be greatly helpful to me.

Here are the specific errors I'm encountering while running the code:

Error E0167:
Description: Incompatibility between arguments of type "igraph_vector_t *" and type "igraph_vector_int_t *"
Project: Author's Code
File: [PCR.cpp]
Line: [509]  igraph_get_edgelist(g, &el, 0);

Error E0312:
Description: No user-defined conversion from "boost::shared_ptr[pcl::PointIndices](javascript:void(0))" to "pcl::PointIndicesPtr" exists
Severity: Error
Code: E0312
Project: Trial
File: desc_dec.cpp
Line: 706  pcl::PointIndicesPtr Idx = boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointIndices>();

Error C2664:
Description: Cannot convert parameter 2 from "igraph_vector_t *" to "igraph_vector_int_t *"
Function: igraph_get_edgelist(const igraph_t *, igraph_vector_int_t *, igraph_bool_t)
Project: Author's Code
File: [PCR.cpp]
Line: [509]  igraph_get_edgelist(g, &el, 0);

Error C2664:
Description: Cannot convert parameter 2 from "igraph_vector_ptr_t *" to "igraph_vector_int_list_t *"
Function: igraph_maximal_cliques(const igraph_t *, igraph_vector_int_list_t *, igraph_integer_t, igraph_integer_t)
File: [registration.cpp]
Line: [757and 1238]  igraph_maximal_cliques(&g, &cliques, 3, 0); //3dlomatch 4 3dmatch; 3 Kitti  4 

I would like to request your assistance in understanding and resolving these issues while running the code provided by the author. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.

Best regards
Error detail

Different results on Python and C++

Thank you for your excellent job.
When I tested the python version code on the custom dataset, it worked well, but I couldn't achieve the same effect on the C++ version. I only changed the downsampling rate. Is there any missing parameter that I need to modify?



How to modify parameters when use lidar pointcloud

Thank you for your excellent work! I tried to use this algorithm for lidar point cloud of 16 scans. While I can not get correct transform. Should I modify some parameters for that. The picture is the transform result.



您好,我在配准两帧激光点云雷达的时候,当角度小于90度时候都能配准,当两帧点云旋转相差180度时候,运行程序 ,计算完graph construction, 程序结束,貌似是 Graph.norm() == 0), 请问一下您测试的时候这种情况可以通过吗,或者该如何修改代码,目前我的correspondence设置是500个,downsample=0.7
registration(src_cloud, des_cloud, correspondence, ov_lable, folderPath, resolution, 0.99); //FPFH 0.95 or 0.9

Evaluation metrics in performance boosting experiments

Thank you for your excellent work. I have a question about the evaluation metrics in Table 3. "Performance boosting for deep-learned methods when combined with MAC.". The RR of GeoTrans and CoFiNet are computed by RMSE < 0.2, and how about your results of GeoTrans+MAC, it seems like computed by RE < 15 and TE < 30?


Hi !
Thanks for your great contributions!

The current version of the README seems a bit unclear. I have trouble when I want to reproduce the SOTA results you have claimed, which are generated when combined with Geotransformer. Do you have any plans to update the README with some detailed instructions to reproduce the SOTA results? I think it would be helpful for many people who are interested in your work.

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