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Authoring and Editing Content


The code highlighting used throughout the tutorials is colorized by an external site. The colorized results are stored in Redis locally. So to work with this site effectively, you'll want to have Redis installed. The first time you generate the site it'll be slow as the fragments are being cached, but future generate processes should be quite fast.


bundle exec rake preview

Generates the content and then lauches a Sinatra web application.

In your browser visit localhost:4000 or execute open http://localhost:4000 to lauch the browser.

Note: This project contains a lot of content so the initial generation will delay the initial startup of the webservice for a few seconds. Saved changes to the content will cause Jekyll to re-generate all of the content causing a delay before it is displayed in the browser. Ensure any caching is disabled.

Custom Page Attributes

Sidebar - Table of Contents

You can automatically enable a Table of Contents for long pieces of content. This sidebar will place all h2 elements (generated from ## markdown) as linkable references.

An example:

layout: page
title: Object Oriented Javascript
sidebar: true

Custom Tags

{% terminal %} CODE {% endterminal %}

Generates the text inside of a OSX styled terminal window.

Lines that are commands are prefaced with a $. Lines without are treated as output.

{% terminal %} $ ruby -v ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-darwin11.4.0] {% endterminal %}

{% irb %} CODE {% endirb %}

Generates the text inside of a OSX styled IRB window

Lines that are commands are prefaced with a $. Linesk without are treated as output.

{% irb %} $ 1 + 1 2 {% endirb %}

{% page_url filename-of-content %}

The page_url tag allows you to link to content without regard to knowing the relative or absolute path to the content item from the current item that you are editing.

### Great Javascript Tutorials

{% page_url 1-javascript-in-the-page %}
{% page_url 2-javascript-basics.markdown %}
{% page_url 3-dom-basics.html %}
  • The resulting link will use the title of the linked document
  • The extension of the file is ignored

{% section path/to/content.markdown path/to/image-to-display.png Title of Section %}

This tag will generate a special section layout which will embed the specified markdown content file in the page with an image and a special title.




Unless otherwise noted, all materials licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Creative Commons License

curriculum's People


agsiegert avatar andrewglass1 avatar biglovisa avatar cupakromer avatar fhemberger avatar fluxusfrequency avatar gjastrab avatar gmassanek avatar imathis avatar jcasimir avatar jmejia avatar joshcheek avatar kytrinyx avatar markmcspadden avatar mattyoho avatar mikedao avatar mikesea avatar mrgilman avatar ngauthier avatar novohispano avatar rwarbelow avatar stevekinney avatar steveklabnik avatar susannahcompton avatar thewatts avatar thoraxe avatar unpublishedworks avatar verdi327 avatar wengzilla avatar worace avatar


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curriculum's Issues

Rails 3.2.2 and attr_accessible

The awesome changes to 3.2.2 and the requirement of an attr_accessible necessitates revisions to all the Rails tutorials and sample code.

Notes from a user about JSBlogger:


I'm working on the JsBlogger tutorial and I'm coming into a problem. I just finished the section on displaying tags but when I try to create a new article with new tags it says: "Can't mass-assign protected attributes: tag" and it says its the result of this code:

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :body, :tag_list
has_many :comments
has_many :taggings
has_many :tags, :through => :taggings

def tag_list
return self.tags.join(", ")

def tag_list=(tags_string)
tag_names = tags_string.split(",").collect{|s| s.strip}
tag_names.each do |tag_name|
tag = Tag.find_or_create_by_name(tag_name) => tag)

I added the :tag_list to attr_accessible because it was saying it couldn't mass assign that as well. If you need any more information, let me know.

JSBlogger Instructions

Write a short couple paragraphs about setting up JSBlogger

  • Checkout from github
  • Create a branch
  • Start server
  • Start console
  • Have command prompt in project directory available
  • Instructions for going back for a new example (git checkout master, git checkout -b new_branch)

Proof it, try it, then replace all the tag markers in the source text with a link to the instructions.

Store the whole thing under /topics

Event Manager - Form Letter Error

So I made it through the Event Manager tutorial. It was awesome. Thank you so much for sharing.

I only came across one other minor error: In Iteration 5, Step 1, there is some example code for using the gsub method:

custom_letter = letter.gsub("#first_name","#{line[:first_name]}")
custom_letter = custom_letter.gsub("#last_name", "#{line[:first_name]}")

But I believe on the second line :first_name should actually be :last_name

That's all I found! Thanks again!


RubyMine -> SublimeText

We should really just kill the RubyMine references, ST is basically better to introduce people to, and what we've been doing for a while.

stuff that can be removed or generalized

I'm working on generalizing the curriculum for ongoing use. What are good candidates for removal?

  • refs to
  • refs to individual participants, such as "Steve will give lightening talk next week"
  • refs to milestone dates, such as "Homework for 2/10" or "March 12: Object design, source control, reading group"


Typo: "and that a recipe"

"These changes will mean changing the same code in two places, and that a recipe for regression bugs."

Should read: "... and that's a recipe..."

outdated user note

On the SalesEngine page:

"As this project is very complex, consider the requirements fluid until 11:59PM, Monday, March 26th."

Is this project now considered specced out enough to remove this user note? If not, what's a reasonable date to replace it?

Option to hide feedback tab

The feedback tab, while useful, distracts me from reading especially on my iPhone. It also blocks the words a little bit. Create an option to hide the feedback bar or move it to the bottom of the page.

Haml: Filters

Talk about markdown filters and such in the haml lesson

JSAttend Typo

Then, try calling inspect on the line object again:

def print_names
@file.each do |line|
puts inspect
#puts line[2] + " " + line[3]

Should the "puts inspect" be "puts line.inspect"?

Blogger screen.css inaccessible from current link

The screen.css link in the Blogger project is not accessible:


This is not a CSS project, so to make it a bit more fun we’ve prepared a CSS file you can drop in. It should match up with all the example HTML in the tutorial.

Download the file from and place it in your app/assets/stylesheets/ folder. It will be automatically picked up by your project.

The link fetches the appropriate css. Perhaps this file wasn't migrated when the project was renamed from jsblogger? The file does exist on the master branch at public/assets/blogger/screen.css.

use of redirect_to

After Creation

I was unable to use the path given: redirect_to article_path(@comment.article).

Routing Error

No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"articles"}

I was able to successfully complete this step using:

redirect_to articles_path(@comment.article) instead.

jQuery Tutorials

The jQuery tutorials just got dumped in the SOURCE directory in their original textile. They need markup revision to markdown and a ton of technical/English editing.

Formatting of .opinion and .note blocks

Currently the source text has .note and .opinion DIVs. The markdown engine is not processing the text inside the DIV, meaning it gets no P tags and no italics, PRE, etc.

Screen Styles

If you have a UL inside a UL, then the interior UL get's a large bottom margin. For example, search for "Do they map convenience" on: /routes/router.html


add a note about finish returning to the caller frame

Sass deprecation issues

When deploying, I get this:

 DEPRECATION WARNING on line 107 of /tmp/build_st1qztm6vxt4/sass/base/_layout.scss:
       Using @extend within directives (e.g. @media) is deprecated.
       It will be an error in Sass 3.2.
       This will only work once @extend is supported natively in the browser.

Also on lines

 DEPRECATION WARNING on line 124 of /tmp/build_st1qztm6vxt4/sass/base/_layout.scss:
       DEPRECATION WARNING on line 155 of /tmp/build_st1qztm6vxt4/sass/base/_layout.scss:
       DEPRECATION WARNING on line 57 of /tmp/build_st1qztm6vxt4/sass/partials/_navigation.scss:


Most people use SCSS because it's also valid CSS3... @jcasimir unless you have serious objections, I think we should switch over.

JSattend confusing pseudocode

Iteration 3: Outputting Cleaned Data, Step 1:
I'm really confused by the pseudocode in the comment:

def output_data
 output ="event_attendees_clean.csv", "w")
 @file.each do |line|
   # if this is the first line
   #   output the headers
   output << line

I think it's not worth it checking in each iteration if that's the first line over and over again.
The easiest way to add the header is to configure that in the option hash:

@file =, {:headers => true, :return_headers => true, :header_converters => :symbol})

Should I rework that in form of a Pull Request?

tag_list need updated

In the Tagging > An Interface for Tagging section the code for tag_list return object references instead of strings. When you edit an article it lists the object id's in the tags field.

def tag_list
    return self.tags.join(", ")

This is probably not the best way to do this, but I ended up with:

def tag_list
    #return self.tags.join(", ")
    new_tags = []
        self.tags.each do |tag|
            new_tags <<
    return new_tags.join(", ")

CSS is off in application.html.haml [was: JSBlogger notes from Jim]

@jimweirich is working with JSBlogger this week and had these revision suggestions:

  • Migration methods are now up/down, not self.up/self.down
  • Routing table shown using older format
  • No need for h() method anymore (in general)
  • attaches the new comment to the in-memory version of the article, goofing up the display. I changed it to =>
  • In the tagging section, @ruby, technology@ didn't render correctly (actually, there were a lot of mis-renders involving markdown)
  • Because the TagsController was generated with method names, the error is missing template, not undefined action.
  • Paperclip migration: change AND self.down?, should be change or up/down, (2) and drop the self.
  • Sass information is out of date: (1) don't need to install, comes with rails, (2) don't put in public/stylesheet/styles.sass, put in app/assets/stylesheets/styles.css.sass, (3) sass example uses deprecated syntax (e.g. ! and = for variables)
  • application.html.haml seems a bit off, doesn't work well with the provided CSS; particularly the #container/#content stuff.
  • Comment: Seems strange that our first introduction to validations is the password confirmation. (see email from Jeff)
  • When adding an admin user, the url should be /bloggers/new, not /users/new
  • Typo: BloggerSessios => BloggerSessions
  • Blogger.all.size should be Blogger.count

spelling error

"We’ve come full circle: now it’s ignorant of the background work and caching going on behind the seens. "

Should be 'scenes'

Event Manager - method call

I am a complete noobie to Ruby (and GitHub for that matter). So if this comment is of no value, or if this issue is solely the result of my ignorance, please forgive me.

I just began working through Event Manager tutorial, and am at the "Iteration: 0" section. I found that running the following code:

# Dependencies
require "csv"

# Class Definition
class EventManager
    def initialize
        puts "EventManager Initialized."
        filename = "event_attendees.csv"
        @file =

# Script
manager =

Gives me the following error:

 /home/justin/Documents/Code/event_manager/event_manager.rb:9:in `open': wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) (ArgumentError)
     from /home/justin/Documents/Code/event_manager/event_manager.rb:9:in `initialize'
     from /home/justin/Documents/Code/event_manager/event_manager.rb:14:in `new'
     from /home/justin/Documents/Code/event_manager/event_manager.rb:14
 EventManager Initialized.

But when I add the optional argument mode = 'rb' to like this:

# Dependencies
require "csv"

# Class Definition
class EventManager
    def initialize
        puts "EventManager Initialized."
        filename = "event_attendees.csv"
        @file =, mode = 'rb')

# Script
manager =

Then I get no errors:

 EventManager Initialized.

I had to stare for awhile at the method specification and tried the mode argument on a whim (I have the vague sense it has something to do with encoding). Would it be useful to include mode = 'rb' in the example code?


ps - is this an overkill description?

EventManager line 283

The code example, which we are instructed to paste into our existing code, uses a variable "number" which had not been initialized at that point in the tutorial.

Blogger - error in Iteration 0?

Hello, I started working though the Blogger tutorial and have stumbled a bit in the Creating the Template portion of Iteration 0. Essentially, when I create index.html.erb in app/views/articles with the example code:

<h1>All Articles</h1>

  <% @articles.each do |article| %>
      <%= article.title %>
  <% end %>

I get the following error in my browser:

ExecJS::RuntimeError in Articles#index

Showing C:/Users/General/My Documents/Code/blogger/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb where line #6 raised:

  (in C:/Users/General/My Documents/Code/blogger/app/assets/javascripts/
Extracted source (around line #6):

3: <head>
4:   <title>Blogger</title>
5:   <%= stylesheet_link_tag    "application", :media => "all" %>
6:   <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
7:   <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
8: </head>
9: <body>
Rails.root: C:/Users/General/My Documents/Code/blogger

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:6:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__710993880_42455376'


Show session dump

Show env dump




Everything has gone smoothly up until this point. Hopefully I'm not overlooking something?


Turn a String into a Ruby Date

The code in the third bullet under "Step 2: Requirements Always Change" reads
date = Date.strptime("11/12/08", "%m/%d/%Y")
I believe it should read
Without the correct year, the day of the week will also not be correct.

Use of html_safe

In the tutorial there is a section creating a tag helper.

def tag_links(tags)
links = tags.collect{|tag| link_to, tag_path(tag)}
return links.join(", ")

Since I'm new I didn't understand why my html was being escaped in the view. I needed to use .html_safe. I'm not entirely sure why, but it seems to work. Maybe a note should be added about this?

def tag_links(tags)
links = tags.collect{|tag| link_to, tag_path(tag)}
return links.join(", ").html_safe

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