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bmrcportal's Issues

Enrich data results by "forgiving" periods at end of cataloguing terms?

When browsing topics, organizations, and possibly other terms, terms that are identical except for a trailing period are considered unique terms. Can the system ignore this variance in cataloguing practice to "see" them as one term for purposes of counting hits and displaying the lists? Example:
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago. (1)
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago (2)

Ideally these would be combined and show (3) hits; my preference would be to display without the period.
Alternatively, we might consider cleaning up the data to remove periods from entries.

"View all" modal: selected terms

To demonstrate the issue, start with an empty search. Then select topic headings from the sidebar to limit number of results. Example, choose these 2 terms:
Chicago (Ill.)--Race relations (8)
African Americans--Civil rights (8)
Then choose "View more topics" and again choose "View all related topics". More topics appear, but the list does not include all of the topics already listed in the sidebar. For the modal to be complete with the understood meaning that this list is ALL the relevant topics, it would have to include everything from the sidebar as well as new topics in addition to those that didn't fit in the sidebar list.

Listing of Descriptive Summary elements takes up a lot of lines

The element name is on one line, with the content value on the next one. Since there may be several elements included here, it can end up taking up a lot of space.
One solution would be to arrange it with the element name, colon, content value all on one line.

Title: Richard Durham Papers
Dates: 1939-1999


Curated topics

To demonstrate the issue, choose a facet from the Browse bar menu. From this page, viewing, for example, All Organizations , click on the link for the Featured Topic from the Sidebar, in this case "Black Nurses."
Nothing happens. There is now a dummy of the Featured Topic page so it should go to that page. This content should populate dynamically from the Topic of the week content that is stored (where?) and is tagged for a given week (?). [I'm not sure how this page is populated, or whether we in fact create 52 pages! To be displayed on their respective dates.]

capitalization consistency

Some label attributes are entered with capitalization in the EAD, and some aren't. If the attribute value is being used in the display it appears that it should be capitalized.
Example in Overview information is "creator."
Example in Inventory is "box" and "folder".

Bad source data?: Section and subsections not properly nested

Guide to the ACLU Illinois Division, UChicago, is the example.

The SECTION is called "INFORMATION ON USE" which has 8 subsections. Only the first two pertain to use: Access and Citation. Oddly, the actual use element in EAD Conditions Governing Use, does not appear at all here.

Not in the right hierarchical position: Processing Information note, Historical Note, Scope Note (which is actually a note on the Arrangement), Related Resources, Subject Headings, Terms added by the BMRC Team.

Finding aid TOC in LH sidebar are jumbled from one to the next

The TOC now follows the order as stumbled upon in each finding aid. Unfortunately, there is little to no consistency in the order of things in the EAD data as submitted.

Set a preferred order, and re-order as needed to make it as consistent as we can. [LL needs to determine a "best practice" order of things.]

Wording changes

Example collection is:

TOC: I don't think we need the word "note" in the LH sidebar for all the TOC headings. The phrase without the word "note" is perfectly understandable.

"CONTROLLED ACCESS HEADINGS" is arcane library-speak. Let's think of something better and implement. I've seen simply "Indexed Terms" which is accurate and short. We can't really use "Subjects" or "Topics" because this section always includes much more than that. UNLESS we would want to split them up as in this example on Explore Chicago Collections:

Finding aid viewer: sticky sidebar

Guide to the ACLU Illinois Division, UChicago, is the example. ACLU Illinois
Scrolling down or clicking a link in the nav sidebar that goes below the sidebar length takes me to a page location that does not offer a way to get back except for scrolling.

Possible common solutions: 1. the LH sidebar TOC follows you as you scroll down 2. sections have a "back to the top" anchor link at the side (usually RH)

Breadcrumbs do not lead back to SERP from Finding Aid page

To demonstrate the issue, do an empty search, then select facet term(s). From this SERP, choose a collection to view the finding aid. From here the breadcrumbs lead only to the "Collections Portal" index page or to the BMRC main page.
The browser "back" button does go back to the SERP.

Sidebar term clickability

The sidebar facet does not allow you to click the same term several times -- if it is already selected, it appears as a non-clickable term in the LH sidebar.
While the terms above the results are obviously the selected terms -- they are highlighted in green -- these terms in the sidebar appear in only a slightly different color. Perhaps they could be italic or in a color that is more highly contrasting with the color of text for terms that are available to be selected.

descriptive summary headings

The Aaron H. Payne papers from UIC is the example.
Basic metadata includes Title, Identifier, Repository, Language, Size, Dates, and creator (sic - should be capitalized for consistency). Headings appear above metadata values, which are slightly indented.

ISSUE: visibility and contrast -- 1. should the headings be in a different color, as are the capitalized section headings? 2. should the heading and data value be side by side vs. vertically placed? (space saver)

Curated topic images

Clicking from Index page to Featured Curated Topic, currently "Black Nurses." The image next to the Scope note for the topic is broken - no image appears. Size should be thumbnail, and match the image in the left sidebar (larger sized).

Fix lack of spacing and make line breaks between subject terms in finding aid (controlaccess tag)

To demonstrate the problem, go to an example finding aid: and scroll down to the control access or subject heading section. On the line beginning with "African Americans" several of the terms are on one line in a run-on manner with no space or line in-between. They are linked, which is the expected appearance and behavior.
[Could be a data or front end issue.]

Fix sort buttons on "View All <facet>" overlay

To demonstrate the issue, start from an empty search (/search/), click "View more Archives" in the sidebar, and click "View all Archives". None of the sort buttons have an effect, and relevance is not the default.

Hide "Subject Headings" in Indexed Terms list--it appears as an item in the bulleted list and is linked.

The change to create a heading for all indexed terms has created an anomaly in the bulleted list. Some EAD code already includes a heading, "Subject Headings" which appears as an item in the unordered list. It is a clickable link, which returns results of some kind in a SERP when clicked; it becomes the search query

So far I have found this in finding aids from the Harsh and UChicago.

Code in a sample UOC file (Bob Richards Productions) is as follows:

        <head>Subject Headings</head>
        <persname>Brown, Ray
        <persname>Eldridge, Roy, 1911-1989
        <persname>Richards, Bob</persname>
        <subject>University of Chicago. Chicago Jazz Archive</subject>

Data for <physdesc> and <extent> displays label twice

In the EAD the data is encoded as follows:
[<physdesc label="Size">]
[ <extent>]156 linear feet (146 boxes, 1 oversize folder) [</extent>]
[ </physdesc>]

The display shows up as follows:


156 linear feet (146 boxes, 1 oversize folder)

It's unclear why the label would display twice from this data unless child elements repeat labels entered as attributes.

Nav links to FA Sections are included in Back button behavior

To replicate the issue, go to any finding aid. Use the LH navigation section links several times. Now hit the Browser back button. Each click reverses the path through the page navigation links. A bit tedious, but don't know if anything can be done about it.

Possible solution: a "Back to Search Results" link or button.

Index page "Browse by" links on small screens

On the Index page, when the window is re-sized smaller, the green button-style background on the words "Browse by" change to a full horizontal color bar background, with white text, on two lines.
On a larger sized window, the menu text is dark blue on a white background, and looks more clickable, and is on one line.

Explore visual separation of elements

There are several instances where there may need to be more of a visual separation. The "cost" of this in terms of clarity vs. clutter and in terms of window space would need to be considered and balanced.

  1. On the SERP, the facets sidebar could separate the facet lists. Perhaps the header labels could be slightly larger?
  2. On the SERP, is the separation between collection results satisfactory?
  3. On the SERP sidebar, should "View more [facet]" look different than a term? (These are clickable text with very different functions but identical appearance.)
  4. On the SERP, after clicking "View more [facet]," should "View all relevant [facet]" look different than the "View less [facet]" text?
  5. Consider the visual display of elements on the home page using various devices and screen sizes and decide about vertical spacing. Is it open enough, takes up right amount of vertical space, etc.? [I know this is usually already on the list, but just to make sure we decide explicitly about this.]

Increase link visibility and clickability

View a finding aid, and scroll down the page to the list of access terms. These should be clickable -- comparing the color to the body text black, there is not a strong contrast, especially in smaller font sizes, or with screen display zoomed out.


Overview metadata: use standardized terms or use what the archives/repo uses?

Aaron H. Payne papers is the example. ISSUE: what things are called may diverge wildly from repo to repo.

Should headings conform to BMRC-specified standards?

  1. should "Repository" be replaced with "Archives" behind the scenes?
  2. is "Creator" understandable, or should it be called something else, or omitted?

pagination: should we add a "Previous page" button?

The results line looks good, one can click on pages by number, current page is greyed out. "Next page" button is available. But having clicked on it, you can't choose to go back a page using a button.
The browser back button or clicking on the lower number in the page buttons will do it though.
So--is it needed?

"View all" places returns fewer results than expected after a search

To demonstrate the problem, start with a search on "Chicago State" (with quotes). In the Places facet section click on "View more places," then click on "View all places." When the modal window appears, click on A-Z to sort alphabetically. The place "Englewood (Chicago, Ill.)" shows only (1) hit. However, if an empty search is done and the same steps are followed to "View all places" there are (8) hits.

Fix order of Browse by facets on Index Page to match sidebar order

Note the order of facets on the Index page in the Browse by menu:
Topics | People | Places | Organizations | Decades | Archives
The order of facets from a Browse page to view all items in a facet is in the above order as well.

Note the order of facets on the LH Sidebar on SERP - this is the preferred order.
Topics | People | Organizations | Places | Decades | Archives

Just add a the

I think instead of ABOUT BMRC it should say about the BMRC

deprecated EAD elements in EAD3

We don't need to worry about these too much, as they weren't oft-used in any case:
<extptr>, <extref>, <linkgrp>

If there is code addressing or styling/transforming these tags, unless needed, comment out code addressing the use and display of these tags. Especially if this code is causing any anomalies in display or other function.

Non-clickable indexed terms

Subject headings lists include topics, names of people, and names of organizations. It is desirable for ALL of these to be clickable; however, only the topics are.

Curated topics on mobile

Featured topic display is stacked on mobile: makes the image and heading seem to appear twice for no apparent reason

fix the styling of abstract elements in the descriptive overview

Coding the <abstract> tag as a nested sub-element of Descriptive Overview is causing it to be styled in a way that is not visually consistent or logical.

Even if the data doesn't put "Abstract" on the same level as "Descriptive Overview" they should appear as if they are. Large all caps, reddish color, different font styling. As a side benefit, if Abstract is placed as a major content item after the Overview content, the "Language of Materials" will move up and be displayed within the overview elements, which is logically where it belongs.

Initial basic metadata - heading and nav link?

Aaron H. Payne papers (UIC) is the example. ISSUE: Should this initial chunk of info have a section heading, i.e. "OVERVIEW" so that it looks and behaves like the other sections? It would then have a nav link in the LH sidebar -- this could actually be useful as a sort of "back to the top" link if one was lost in the weeds of a long inventory. :)

SERP archive links

to demonstrate the issue, choose Browse by Archives from the home page. At the bottom of each SERP snippet, your chosen archive will be listed. If clicked, nothing happens, even though it appears as a link.

This link should go somewhere! It could link to the repository's archives/special collections page or a page on the portal or BMRC site with information about member institutions (if applicable). May be best to duplicate the link destination that is planned for the "Archive Info" box that will appear on the sidebar of finding aids.

Mobile display: Viewing all relevant topics

Very narrow white band appears with no content preview blocks. Maybe modal window could be wider? The "X" to close that modal is below the text. Should show in RH corner, not part of content

Inventory / container list display

The example is from Archives West
After a descriptive sentence or three for Subgroup 1, there is a table format.
Above the table columns are the labels "Container(s)" | "Description | Dates
Below those labels with a horizontal line is "Series 1: Label" (bolded) with the Dates for the series and a brief description of the Series beneath (not bolded). Doesn't necessarily need to be indented.
Below that is another horizontal line, with different color heading in the leftmost column "Box/Folder". The number of folders is on a line below the title of the materials grouping. I don't think that's entirely necessary.


Current featured curated topic page content

From the Index page, click on the left feature box to go to the current curated topic page; now Black Nurses.
On each of these pages (as part of the page content template) I think there should be a one-line explanation of what the heck the Curated Topics list is, near the link to go explore more topics.
Image next to the Topic scope and content note is broken. If we use a larger image on the sidebar, this can be a thumbnail size of that image.

Abstract should be its own section, not nested within Descriptive Overview

This is no doubt how it appears in the data, BUT... I believe that coding the <abstract> tag as nested is causing it to be styled in a way that is not visually consistent or logical.

Even if the data doesn't put "Abstract" on the same level as "Descriptive Overview" they should appear as if they are. Large all caps, reddish color, different font styling. As a side benefit, if Abstract is placed as a major content item, not as a sub-item, the "Language of Materials" will go up and be displayed within the overview elements, which is logically where it belongs.

Inventory lists don't need to use the labels "Title" or "Note"

Checking out the Durham collection there is an issue about the inventory lists. To save space, let's not label the titles of folders or the descriptive notes that are added. These are probably in the XML, but the information is understandable without the label. (The cut and paste does't really show the amount of space taken up in the display.)

Box 1 Folder 8 Title
U.G. Dailey and Daniel Hale Williams, 8/8/48
Script for "The Heart of Geo. Cotton," The S

Shuffle sort does not allow repeated shuffles

To demonstrate the issue, first do an empty search using the search box. The display defaults to an A-Z sort, which is correctly highlighted, since relevance has no meaning where there are no terms. Click on "Shuffle" to get randomly re-sorted results listing. Click again on Shuffle to get a new random sort, and nothing happens.

This same limitation holds for viewing a Browse by [facet] page. Only one Shuffle is effective. Spec is to allow for a new Shuffle every time it is clicked.

If exists, display label for "origination" element

Element content is displayed but the label included in the element tag is not displayed. The user doesn't know why the information is displayed.
To view the issue, go to []
Under date range, a name is displayed without a label. The code indicates a label of "creator" as an attribute to the tag "origination". Label should be displayed before the information, with leading capital letter.

Explore more curated topics link - add another page location

From the Index page, click on the Featured Topic highlight from the row in the middle of the page, in this case, it is "Black Nurses." The left sidebar has a link to "Explore all curated topics" underneath the image and heading of the current featured topic. This is good, but since it is falling so low on the page, this link should also appear after the link to "View search results for this topic" to increase visibility.

Display of INVENTORY section, with headings

Example is the ACLU Illinois (Uchicago) collection.

Above the "Series I" as well as the Subseries sections, it's not necessary to put the heading "Title". For reference, here's how it appears on the UChicago site:
Subseries 1: Administration and Finance
Box 1 Folder 1-2 Access Reports, 1971-1978
Box 1 Folder 3 ACLU Executive Director's Conference, June 12-15, 1975

Label for "Series I: Administration" should stand out more, and definitely would not be less noticeable than the scope and content note for the series below. It's good that the Label for the Series note is different than the label for the Overview scope and content note though.

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