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active-auras's Issues

PC to PC Aura not Applying

Just checked aura application following the fix for #110. Confirmed that auras from NPC to NPC and NPC to PC are transferring properly.

When testing PC to PC aura transfer I see the below error persisting:

Creature Type not working

The creature type check is not working, no errors are shown and no effects appear on other actors. Only Aura and DAE + Dependencies activated as modules

The selected actor is the aura bearer, with the Elf type check. Both actors are on range and have Elf as Type/Race but no aura appear.

Also, if possible, could the check be made with possibility of using wild cards, for example %Genasi as the value on the aura would search for any actors with Genasi at the end regardless if using "Fire Genasi, Wind Genasi" or even homebrewed races/types

Type pic

Errors when adding active aura

Currently, the application of effects seems to be somewhat buggy.

E.g.: When I drag'n'drop the premade aura "Aura of Protection" to a token's character sheet, I see it as a passive effect on the token, but it has no effect at all - neither on the token itself nor on other tokens moving into the area of effect. Even more, if a token moves into the aoe, I get the following error message:


I actually have to do some editing within the active effect and save the changes. After this the aura works correct.

Variable Aura Values Not Changing On Aura Recipients

If an actor has an aura that provides a bonus that relies on a stat (lets say Aura of Protection granting a [email protected] bonus to, the value of the aura for other actors that doesn't update for recipients of the aura.

Paladin has a +2 CHA modifier, and Aura of Protection grants themselves and others a +2 bonus to saves. If the paladin levels up and ups their Charisma to a +3 modifier, they appropriately get a +3 bonus to their saves. However, anyone else who walks into range of the aura (even if the aura is reapplied by walking out of range and back in) will still only get a +2 bonus, even if the aura is refreshed on them by them walking out of and back into range.

Problem with token magic fx

The "token magic fx" effect is activated on the token from which the effect starts, even if it is disabled on itself.
It is also activated if "ignore self" is checked

Macros with DAE variables not executing

Hi there, I'm trying to have a macro fire when a token enters an aura, applying an effect to that token. I'm doing this in the same way I'd set up a normal DAE macro execution effect, with an attribute key of macro.execute, change mode of custom, and effect value of MacroName @target. However whenever a token enters the aura, I get a warning message saying "No macro + found".

If I'm not mistaken this line is the issue:
It seems to be geared specifically for adding variable values to other attributes, but breaks down when used for macro execution. Is there another way I should be trying to do this?

Undefined Error when moving a token.

Errors are thrown only on client browsers (Firefox/Chrome) Not on the Standalone Client. GM is on Standalone, Player 2 and 3 are on Chrome and Firefox respectively.
Only Active Auras is enabled. 5e 1.2.2


Active Auras for NPCs

Hi there,
currently - if my tests are correct - the setting "Aura targets" selects if the token is Friendly or Hostile.
This unfortunately has the effect, that the aura effects are only usable for PCs, but not for NPCs, becaue a group of monsters all have their tokens set to Hostile, although they consider each other as Allies. Maybe the setting should not only check the target's flag but also the flag of the token with the aura, with the following result:

Aura targets set to Allies: Aura is active for tokens with the same flag as the caster (caster + target friendly or caster + target hostile)

Aura targets set to Enemy: Aura is active for tokens with opposite flag as the caster (caster friendly + target hostile or caster hostile + target friendly)

[feature] take elevation into consideration for aura application

Check the delta in elevation when determining if a token is in range to be affected by the aura. Would also need to check for range updates on elevation changing as well. I imagine that this would need to be an option per effect, as there probably are cases where this is not desirable.

Suggestion: exclude self toggle

There are many effects throughout several game systems that have an aura that only effects creatures other then one generating it so having the option to set the aura to only effect other tokens would be helpful.

A bit further on that note it would be nice to have some kind of system that allows you to exclude or include tokens based on actor variables ex. An aura that only effects actors that are above half HP or vice versa.

Feature Request: Auras targeting specific alignment creatures and maybe include Saving Throw to apply

Grateful for the module and continuous support!

Already answered on Discord, but I am opening this issue for you to better track the request.

It would be really helpful to include a way to target specific alignment creatures in addition to the enemies/allies/all options for more "fancy" auras to be implemented !

As a secondary feature, a saving throw for the aura to take effect or not against specific tokens.

(The idea behind this request is to implement a magical item in my campaign, that grants the effects of a Bless spell to good-aligned creatures in a 15ft radius around the user and to evil-aligned creatures the effects of the Bane spell if they fail their saving throw)


Two Paladin Problem

Currently on 0.1.52

I have two Paladins with Aura of Protection; Paladin A with +5 bonus and B with +3 bonus. When they are within each other's aura, Paladin A has +5, but Paladin B has +3+5.

Tip: I'm using Token Tooltip Alt with a display for to see the result of the Auras.

Paladin A keeps his +5 Active Effect (still referencing [email protected]) and B's +3 Active Effect is ignored, where as Paladin B keeps her +3 Active Effect (still referencing [email protected]), but also gets A's +5 Active Effect.

From what I can tell, it seems problematic to remove B's original Active Effect. Some solutions I've thought of:

  1. Do the math to apply a +2 Active Effect to B.
  2. Disable B's Active Effect and enable it when she's out of A's aura (not sure if something else would enable it automagically).
  3. Keep track of B's Active Effect elsewhere and reapply when she's out of A's aura.

Token Magic Conflict w/ DAE?

Token Magic Issue w_DAE


I attempted to use Token Magic w/ DAE and I found that the aura effects get replicated multiple times within DAE. I'm not sure why this is and whether this is an issue w/ the Token Magic or DAE modules. Appreciate your assistance troubleshooting this.


Toggling an Aura tmfx while within range will add but not remove

(Follow up to discord chat, I know it's easier to track issues here).

I've setup a paladin to always apply Aura buff/debuffs, but to selectively allow glowing effects to toggle. I've noticed that toggling the glow effect on will make nearby (10') enemies/allies glow, but toggling it back off will not stop the glowing effect. This leads to the following issues:

  1. Moving away while glow toggled off, leaves tokens glowing indefinitely
  2. Turning the glow back on, THEN backing away removes the glow


[Bug] no effect icon and no effect on allies

a really cool addition to the game!
With the new update it stopped working for me as I wrote on Discord. Just wanted to put in her for you to see.

suggestion: Let us use webm files for the auras not only the effects from token magic. That would be awsome. Just like animated spell templates.

"Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined"

I'm getting this error with a macro execute effect, and the macro does not execute:


Rolling back to version 1.35 fixes this issue. The macro is:

function check_sight_obscured(reciever){
    return Math.max(0,,

let reciever = canvas.tokens.get(args[1]);
console.log(args, typeof(args[1]));
switch (args[0]) {
    case 'on': {
        game.cub.addCondition('Obscured', reciever, {warn:false});
    case 'off': {
        game.cub.removeCondition('Obscured', reciever, {warn:false});
        reciever.unsetFlag('perfect-vision','sightLimit', reciever);

[SUGGESTION] Checkbox to disable aura if token is hidden

I have the habit of having the enemies hidden in the map that are exploring the characters and make them visible when they enter in action, but when this happens and the characters pass near an invisible token, the aura applies them immediately and they realize that there is something strange. It is especially clear when used together with Token Magic FX.

If at the time of setting up the aura there was a checkbox to allow this case, it would be very helpful.

Aura settings not showing

Hey! I have the issue of the settings for the aura not showing up. The premade auras are working, but i cant fiddle with the settings myself, nor can create my own auras without being able to access the settings

Minor : previous spell created loose aura.type when going to a

Some previous spells i have created who where working, have lost aura.type when going to a recent version (from earlier to at least 0.1.45). Sorry i have not catch the when properly regarding the version. On the aura, the checkbox was still ther and checked.


Workaround found :
i have to unchecked / check again "is effect aura ?", save the spell and import it to the character again in order to work properly


Best regards

Errors being thrown on each token movement

Errors are being spammed on console:

Reproduction is easy and consistent:

  • create new 5e test world
  • add a player account
  • activate modules Active-Auras 0.1.48, DAE 0.2.52, and libwrapper (all to the latest version)
  • create new a scene
  • create an actor and place it on the created scene. Give it ownership to the player account
  • leave the GM connected and open another window/client logging in with the player account
  • move the token either from the GM or player window
  • check the Player console

Of course the stacktrace differs slightly when is initiated gmside or playerside, but the faulty line is the same.
Attaching preconfigured test world.

Aura of Protection demo needs minimum of +1 CHA applied

Just testing the module and I added the feature to an actor with 9 Charisma, this means [email protected] applies -1 CHA to anyone within the aura when should be +1 minimum

I tried modifying the effect value to +{@abilities.cha.mod,1}kh which seems to work but doesn't look pretty in the chat window.

With Charisma of 9:

With a Charisma of 14

Possible incompatibility with BetterRolls5e

There seem to be some incompatibilities with BetterRolls5e. I haven't had a chance to thoroughly test them so I'm not sure if this is on your end or RedReign's. I tested this with the Aura of Devotion demo in the Readme. The Aura seems to behave as indented for tokens other then the carrier, but for the token carrying the aura when a roll is made I receive this error. It seems to behave fine when BetterRolls is disabled.

Add options for visible aura

For some specific active auras it would be to see the actual aura that is created. I just want the auras to be lightly shaded so I can see their extent without modifying the token.

Timed Auras

Not sure if this is clearly not supported, or not supported yet, but I was wondering if timed auras are known to not work or are not meant to. I took the example aura as a good control, confirmed it was working, then made it a self-cast with a timer of one (1) minute. When used, it applied the aura, however, on allies it appeared as undefined, and furthermore, removing it from the caster (originator) of the aura, it continued to be cast unto allies around it, even when time was advanced (recipients also got a separate timer for the aura when applied to them, though the aura correctly was removed when outside of 10 feet).

Are timed auras not possible due to how this works, or is this an issue on my end? Additionally, are auras known to only update after new tokens are placed in terms of the charisma mod when using the Aura of Protection example. Changes do not reflect in real-time, but I can see why that is the case, giving the nature of the module if so. Just thought to tack that one instead of making a separate post altogether.

Thank you in advance, this module is still really impressive.

Updating Aura Values Between Two Similar Auras

Hi there!

My group just swapped over to Foundry and we've been using Active Auras and DAE to do some of our class features, namely the paladins Aura of Protection. The Aura has been working as expected when we apply it to one of our paladins, but our game has two paladins and we've been noticing some issues in how their auras interact with each other.

Assuming that both paladins are using the premade Aura of Protection (DAE) included in the compendium, and
PaladinA = +2CHA
PaladinB = +3CHA

Issue1: Actors are only being affected by the first aura that they come into contact with, rather than the strongest. PaladinA is never affected by PaladinB's aura, and any actors that are affected by PaladinA's aura maintain the weaker aura if PaladinB steps into range.

Issue 2: Aura values don't update when passing from one aura to another with the same name. If Druid is sitting in PaladinB's aura and enjoying a +3 bonus, but then moves into PaladinB's aura, he maintains the +3 bonus despite not being within range of the original aura.

Active Auras on templetes are activating only 1 effect.

I was trying to make "Darkness" spell using Active Auras. The problem is - when I use a macro to put the spell effect on a template only first effet is activated. So in my case I'm adding "Blilnd" and "Invisibility". Only "Blind" works. However If I remove blind, "Invisibility" works fine.

The second issue is an effect with macro trigger. Can't make it trigger no matter what. As soon as I'm adding a macro to an effect, that effect is no longer being applied to a template.

Aura only working if other PC moves in range, not PC with aura moving.

I am trying to setup an aura on a shield that adds fire resistance to allies within 5ft.

I have the aura setup like this:

When the actor with the shield moves toward allies I the following in the debug log:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: is undefined RemoveActiveEffects aura.js:694 MainAura aura.js:432 <anonymous> aura.js:221 _call foundry.js:2496 callAll foundry.js:2456 _handleUpdateEmbeddedEntity foundry.js:30047 _handleUpdateEmbeddedEntity foundry.js:34301 updateEmbeddedEntity foundry.js:30015 update foundry.js:11475 animateToken foundry_imports.js:64 moveTokens foundry_imports.js:35 moveTokens foundry_imports.js:32 onTokenDragLeftDrop main.js:171 _onDragLeftDrop main.js:56 callback foundry.js:36392 _handleDragDrop foundry.js:36767 _handleMouseUp foundry.js:36737 emit index.js:181 dispatchEvent InteractionManager.ts:1106 processPointerUp InteractionManager.ts:1459 recursiveFindHit TreeSearch.ts:173 recursiveFindHit TreeSearch.ts:113 recursiveFindHit TreeSearch.ts:113 recursiveFindHit TreeSearch.ts:113 findHit TreeSearch.ts:200 processInteractive InteractionManager.ts:1177 onPointerComplete InteractionManager.ts:1341 onPointerUp InteractionManager.ts:1409 aura.js:694:17

If I instead move the allied actor toward the character with the shield the aura works properly.

@token arg does not update and gets "stuck" after 0.1.30

I noticed this issue after updating. I can consistently replicate it in the following environment:
-Foundry 0.7.9
-DnD 5e 1.2.4

Modules active:
-Active Auras 0.1.33
-DAE 0.2.39
-The Furnace 2.6 (I need this to add args to DAE effects).

The macro I'm testing this with is:


The effect is an item with an aura effect set up to be always active. And the DAE effect is macro.execute CUSTOM test @token

The testing procedure is simple. I move a token into the aura as a GM, and I check the console. I get the logs I'd expect. However, if I move another token into the aura, args[1] returns the id of the token I moved earlier! Same issue when I move a third token. This gets fixed if I refresh the page, but the moment I move a token into an aura. args[1] gets stuck again.

I have tested it with other AA versions, and rolling back to 0.1.30 gets rid of this issue. I hope you find this bug report useful!

Aura not effecting correct tiles when using a large size token to emit aura

Use of a large token doesn't apply the aura evenly around the token.

In the image below, the same aura is applied to each token, 10 ft radius. For the large token I have marked in purple the squares that give another token in that square the aura's effect.


Only tested on large and medium as of writing this.

Feature: disable aura when defeated

how auras work differently from active effects (always being active in another entity)
It would be nice to have an option to disable when killed (same as disable when hidden)

Mod not working?

Tried out the mod with your new instructions but I seem to be unable to get it to work. Video of what I tried.

Added an active effect to an existing feature and gave it an aura of 10 feet. For the effect I chose the token magic glow aura. When the feature is added to a character sheet the glow effect is applied correctly. But the aura doesn't seem to transfer the effect to surrounding tokens?

Or perhaps I am misinterpreting the instructions again. Sorry again for the trouble.

Mods Active:
TidyUI, TidySheet, Active Auras, DAE, Token Magic FX.

Cheers ๐Ÿ‘

Aura coordenates

the radius of the aura is doing a strange calculation.
my aura has a 5 radius. (in Large creature)
It was supposed to take only tokens within the radius of the large creature.
but when it is on the left and at the top, it acts right (not catching) but if it is on the right or below, the effect catches the token.

Aura of Protection + DAE SRD Bless = 21d4 bonus

On two separate occasions, with the Paladin class, using Aura of Protection (Active Auras) and having DAE SRD Bless, the buff has resolved to 21d4 on saves. Something must be concatenating incorrectly?

I'm not saying it's your module(s), but something is up!

Screen Shot 2021-03-20 at 2 49 09 PM

4x application of aura

Following the YouTube guide to setting up ActiveAuras with Devotion Aura. I ran into a weird issue where several of the players had multiple instances of the +4 bonus, such that a roll of 3 was getting us > 30. It was also granting the "Frightened" immunity and I could see 4 instances of that appearing on the character sheet.

I ended up disabling the module to get around it. The player receiving the bonus was on the other side of a wall from the person granting the aura, if that helps at all.

Using: Active-Auras Version 0.1.35, Foundry version 0.7.9, 5e version 1.2.3

Bug? Params in macro.execute

I don't know if this is a DAE or an Active Auras bug. The only module I updated was DAE, but the problem only occurs for Active Auras as far as I can tell.

It no longer seems to be possible to pass params to the executed macro.

If I use CreateBonfireEffect as Effect Value everything works fine.
If I use CreateBonfireEffect @token I get the following error message.



Request: Auras for (fixed) template locations, not actors

I am trying to implement an aura for the 5e Silence spell. Silence is a ranged 20 foot sphere, with effects: "Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there." So the silence aura is not based on a specific actor having the DAE, but a location/template. Not sure if doing this is even possible.

I did try creating it as a non-transfer effect on the silence spell, but as expected essentially all it does is put the aura onto any targeted actors at cast time. Then those actors have the 20-foot aura fixed to them, and as they move around the aura moves with them, which is definitely not how the spell is intended to work. (If no actors are targeted, then the caster gains concentration, but no targets are affected and no one gets the aura, even if they later move into the template area.)

If multiple nearby creatures are targeted, all sorts of weird things happen. Moving other creatures into range will cause double sets of the aura affect to appear. And (similar to #85) those applied aura affects won't come off until you separate everyone outside the aura radius of everyone else with the effect, including all the initial targeted/aura sources. Plus some of the initial targets get multiple copies of some of the effects, but not all, and not the same ones on different actors.

I guess a workaround would be to create a fake actor, drop them where you want the effect to be, and then target them with the spell, but that's obviously not the ideal workflow for this.

[Suggestion] Mantain a changelog

Please mantain a or at least add changes to

I often check what is contained in each update of modules to evaluate if it's safe to update or it's better to wait a few days but with active auras I often have to resort to checking the release name or commit comments or even version code compare. While feasable it's far from being an optimal experience and requires some degree of skill in using github. Moreover commits have comments like "fix" or "duplicate fix and hidden fix v2" that aren't as immediate as a human readable, well formed changelog.

New features are also more easily referenced and documented in a changelog/readme file

Token magic fx glow is not sticking to aura range.

what seems to happen is if you use a token and bring it close to a char with the auras and then take it away sometimes it will still keep the glowing effect from the tokenmagic fx macro even tho you are outside of the auras range. the effect of the active effects isnt present but the token glow is still happening.

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